Monday, November 29, 2010

How to make her chase and not be predictable-by scott patterson and dean cortez

Today we have a special Christmas treat. You'll want to read
this if you're a guy who is a little bit *older*, but still has
interest in knowing how to attract younger women.

The following article is brought to you by Dean Cortez...a guy
who is widely known for his system for getting younger women:


In this email, you're going to learn a subtle, yet effective
technique to get women to chase you.

To be honest, this is a technique that works NO MATTER how old
you are!

So even if you're a younger guy, you'll definitely want read
closely because there's a lot of great info here...

How To Make Younger Women Chase You

by Dean Cortez:
Author of the "Date Younger Women" System


Does he REALLY like me... or is he just playing games, like he
does with ALL his girls?

This is what should be running through her head while you tease
and flirt with her. It makes her want to keep playing the game.

Whenever she's with a guy like this, she'll want to look her best,
and act her sexiest, in order to get the confirmation she craves.

The key is to NEVER give her total confirmation.

When a woman is attracted to you, she desperately wants to know
if the feeling is mutual!

You can work women into a frenzy this NEVER letting the
girl know that she's "won."

For this reason, you must never tell her how long you've wanted
to ask her out, admit how attracted you are to her, or tell her
how you think the two of you would be "great together."

If these sound like winning romantic gestures, turn off your
television, because you've been watching too many Hollywood

Only in the movies can the dork or the shy guy win over the
hottest girl in school in the end because he makes some grand,
romantic declaration.

In reality, it's more likely that she'll regard this as weakness
on your part. (Remember, emotional STRENGTH is one of the big
keys to attraction.)

Nine times out of ten, your "confession" isn't going to prompt
her to confess her own attraction to you. It will only take you
down a notch in her eyes. You are no longer an original; you are
just another guy who can't control his emotions or his libido.

Play it cool and act like nothing fazes you.

You're a train moving full-steam ahead.

The choice is hers:

She can climb onboard and take an exciting ride, or you can roll
without her to the next stop. Either way, you're an independent
guy, doing your own thing.

It will become clear whether she is interested in you on a sexual

You won't be shooting in the dark, worrying that she'll freak out
if you try to touch her.

When you follow the correct progression of steps, escalating from
conversation to physical touching, you'll never have to wonder
whether she "likes you as a friend" or whether she's interested
in more.

You'll know how to read her signals, and your tactics will be
gently leading her down the path to "yes"...instead of giving her
reasons to say "oh, look at the time...I should be getting home

Evaporate the physical boundaries between you by making body
contact with her. The best times to do so are when you're both

Reach over and give her a knee a light touch. High-five her and
interlace your fingers with her, then disengage.

What you're doing is acclimating her to your touch, so that it
becomes something she is comfortable with. This way, later in the
night when you hold her hand, kiss her for the first time, or
initiate the foreplay that leads to sex, she's already "warmed
up" to your touch.

Guys will often fail to escalate because they don't want to be
seen as too aggressive. (It's just an excuse, really, for not
wanting to risk rejection--and they're not confident that she
will agree to the escalation, because they haven't laid the
right groundwork.)

If you've laid the groundwork, made her physically comfortable
with you, and built up her attraction by framing yourself as a
hard-to-get "prize," she'll be receptive when you take things to
the next level. But it's on you to lead her there.

(Again this is something covered in the following site):


I remember one time having a girl sleep over at my house, in my
bed, and I didn't "try anything" because I didn't want to screw
it up. We lay there together and talked for hours, then she
drifted off to sleep while I laid next to her all night with a

I figured there was no hurry, and that if I acted like a
gentleman she'd trust me and we'd have sex next time.

Unfortunately, there was no "next time." She never called me
again. By not escalating with her, she viewed me as a Wuss, and
she may have even felt a little bit insulted.

She's an intelligent, sexually experienced adult.

She knew what was supposed to follow when she willingly climbed
into my bed and laid down next to me. But I failed to lead her
down that path.

The key is to BUILD UP to intimacy and sex with a progression of
steps. Perhaps the biggest mistake that guys make is trying to
seduce women before the groundwork has been laid.

You don't ask a girl out on a date before you've spent time
chatting with her and getting her interested in you. Likewise,
you shouldn't go for a kiss when you haven't even laid a finger
on her all night.

You build up to the first kiss by making contact with her
throughout the evening: touching her leg while you tell a story;
giving her a brief hand massage; brushing her hair back from her
eyes; placing your hand on the small of her back as you guide her
through a door...etc.

(The small of her back is actually a GREAT spot to make contact
with. It's an erogenous zone that is dense with nerve endings.)

If there is a mutual attraction, let her be the one to express
her feelings to YOU, and when she does, play it even more cool.
If she says something that implies she likes you and wants to
date you, give a vague response that strings her along.

HER: "So what you do you think...y'know, about you and me?"

YOU: "I've enjoyed spending time with you. Let's just take it
slow and see where it pressure, no expectations."

(The more you seem like you don't really give a shit either way,
the more DESPERATELY she'll want you to validate her feelings!)

But don't give her that validation. Keep her wondering: will she
ever be able to have you all for herself, or will you be with
another girl tomorrow when she's waiting for your phone call?

She'll want to keep earning points with you, to get the
confirmation that she desires. In the meantime, you are the one
holding the cards.

And if you're ready for an IN-DEPTH education on everything from
overcoming fear, approaching younger women... to getting numbers
and dates AND taking things with them to a "physical level", then
you MUST get your hands on a copy of this:


It's JAM PACKED with over 11+ full hours of digitally recorded
concepts, strategies, and specific techniques to ensure you get A
NY younger woman you want... and more.

I get emails all the time from guys who are listening to the
program two, three, and even five or MORE times because there's
just so much information packed into it.

You'll not only hear me teaching my personal techniques and
secrets, but you'll ALSO learn from some of the WORLD'S BEST
with women... and getting them to reveal THEIR secrets as well.

~Dean Cortez

Sunday, November 28, 2010

DHV ex stripper qualifier and Update on Stripper game- El Topo and Bonsai insight

DHV pre selection:

I usually throw in a dhv qualifier when I know she is interested aka Attraction.

Then depends how i usually calibrate a DHV story pre-selection from Mystery. stripper ex. and link how Im looking more than looks about woman.

I'm past typical Bullshit of men think just because they have a gorgeous hot woman (look down to calibrate like Mehow does) and dont look at who she is, just to feel validated, I mean Im so passed that, I used to have an ex stripper and things didnt work out between us (throw in Sinns DHV fo girl who traveled and came to apt after gone for a week) and I couldnt deal with her anymore, she always wanted to go to art school and when she got a chance we decided to break up. But to me looks arent important more is personality about how genuine , what do you go tgoing more than your looks?"

I used to use a smaller version of this, maybe 3 or 4 sentences and stack to a qualifer of what going more than your looks, modified with a dhv preselector.

But you can use a break rapport or challenging prizing frame on yourself, and tell her short

"you are very pretty, but pretty isnt enough, I mean I ghad a stripper ex GF and she was hot but it was too much , i mean she got carried away w her freinds usuing drugs ,that I had to break up,we are friends now. so for me Im at a point where Im looking more than a pretty face."
What do you have going more than your looks?"

then when she responds let her talk and nod your head like adam teaches at his bootcamps. and like Doc holliday taught us when you are building ccomfort, always touch her hands or caress her,its really somesort of anchoring or SRT stuff,but avoid from going into friends zone.


With strippers I think preselection DHVs dont really work.
Eltopo was telling me this and I negated cause Bonsai uses DHV preselection.
But I say like julian Foxx:
"who wants to be with someone who was with a stripper before, not even a stripper"

same in hooker ,if you had a hooker ex GF, other hookers dont want to have a guy who dated a Hooker? No!!
I found is through mehow teasing challenging of her being a flake and you telling her that Im just wasting my time, you are probably a flake... then iinfornt of her you do this, semi-rake and coquette...thentransition into deep comfort with SRT routine and make love to her as you would a GF. the principle of go first comes in BadBoy explains.she feels what you feel.

then you debrief...
this i will look further on how some guys do that.

That is how I did it.

but Bonsai or LS teaches basic stuff...basic routines..when you get better you drop that stuff.
but they force instructors to use routines to facilitate teaching material.

Its OK but Im at a point where that isnt useful to me, maybe as an idea.

NEXT is type of woman you game with these type of game.

Mode one is something Im looking into more with Hyper and other guys who close fast cause Im already good with dates.So its mext level up for me to learn.

Franoc talks abit about why we have to go indirect amd what type of woman we screen into our life.

GAME You give out = you get back is what type of women you attract with your GAME

So partially Id say this is true.
cause I use Shafts and Topo's frames when I started to get good and it clicked.
you can shape your woman, but you have to have some sort of rapport commonality that is why social venues or social cirlce game people say its easier cause you dont have to game hard as cold approach.

So Bonsai teaches is Deep comfort game..its good but for more adventuress-good girls, I disagree with pre selection DHV stripper on a stripper cause sshe can pick up you are lying or incongruent.I rather use the routines which tell her Im insider but not verbalize that I DATED A STRIPPER, I thin this is better.

Franco game on strippers is for SEX.PERIOD.
He views it as materialista game aka Golddigger game.

El Topo hasnt really explained properly on this but I hope more practice I can then work with him if need be.
I thin Frames and some 08' fast pulls,etc etc that is what Im looking for to work with him.He basically talks bout not bragging to her but yet challenging her how she hasnt had good sex or how men see her as a piece of meat rather than a person. he reframes things but I have to ask him towards what direction he wants to take things, also he modeled california pimp. which is great example for fast lays.

Johnny soporno has a GF who is porn actress he formed her into it and he keeps her, he has her to a point of brainwashing her and put his marking on her behind. he uses some sort of pavlov stuff on her.

Justin wayne I might talk to him again.
sixty sucks so far is a clone of sinn IMO

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Holy Grail of pick-up Holy how to fuck a girl within 30 minutes

Sunday, March 21, 2010
LR: bathroom pull


I walk a couple of blocks and get to the next club. As I get in there... I just walk around... see if there are any cool people to talk to... saw a girl at the bar with a glass in her hand... she's not going anywhere... I decided to wait a little before I open to make sure I don't get any interrupts... I get EC from her... now I know she is attracted... but instead of opening her... I opener a girl who happened to be close to me that is holding a camera then it becomes a 2 set... cause some other girl walks up to her... then before I knew it the girl who I wanted to open walks up too... she was friends with the girl who had just walked up...

so here I am surrounded by 3 girls... start to small talk with them... nothing too crazy... I had calibrated my from the warm up sets...then camera girl wants to take pictures of me so I go to the back of the bar with the other girls and and get some pictures taken then she takes pictures of the other girls too...

All through this I know my target is attracted to me so right now... I am ready to go create some social proof and demonstrate some alpha qualities. She is about to go downstairs and watch her friends band play... and she thinks I am going to follow her... but I let her go by herself... and look for more sets to open... the club is still pretty empty it is still early... but before I know it the girl comes back... and thats when I start gaming her a little more... We were standing really close to each other... I didn't need any routines... I pretty much just asked some questions and got to know her... she was already attracted so she didn't need much game... then I got bumped by some guy as he was walking by and I used that as an excuse to go sit down...

We sat down pretty close to each other... we kept on talking... she told me she was an artist... showed me an art work she did on her business card then... I showed her some of my music... I also found out logistics about her... she had a roommate... lived in an area not to far from the city... she was good for a pull... I also asked her what was the craziest thing you've ever done... she said nothing too crazy I am a good girl... I said... "yeah yeah yeah... you're a good girl to the people you supposed to be a good girl too... " giving the nothing that... she could be a bad girl with me...

My goal was to get her to leave the club with me without me having to wait till the end of the night... cause I was not in the mood to stay out that late... so I started building sexual tension... this was what made the BATHROOM PULL happen...

By now she was ready to be kissed... so I looked at her lips... gave her the impression that I wanted to kiss her... and said... I can't stop starring at your lips... and leaned a tiny bit closer... she leaned in to kiss me... BUT I pulled away and said... NOT YET!!!! and kept on talking about whatever we were talking about...

Then after 2 minutes I looked at her again... and said I want to kiss you so bad!!! And she leaned in again for the kiss... I pulled away... but this time I was still with in kissing distance from her... and started touching the back of her neck and hair... she was getting turned on... so she went in for the kiss again... nope it didn't happen I turned away... but I started smelling her neck...she was getting horny now... and she went for the kiss 3 times in a ROW... I just steered away from her lips but I escalated by biting her neck and I did a little to her ear too... now... she was getting all hot and bothered... but she wasn't ready yet to go to the bathroom... WHY?

Because I hadn't escalated that far with her yet... see KINO escalation is not the only way to escalate... the community talks about it a lot... but the REAL underrated and probably even more important form of escalation is MENTAL escalation... After today I learned that: if you escalate in her mind without any objections... she will do it back to you in kino...

THAT is exactly what happened when she tried to KISS me 6 TIMES!!!! I escalated in her mind first... I gave her the imagery of us kissing. by doing the "i can't stop starring at your lips" and then "I want to kiss you so bad"

I have coached quite a few workshops with Glenn and I haven't seen guys escalating in girls minds... this is something I am going to make sure it happens for future workshops... escalating in girls' mind's can really speed up your game... and make pulls happen faster...

So...that is why she wasn't ready to fuck me in the bathroom... I did a few more things...

Right there when she tried to kiss me the last few times in a row we were at a peak of sexual tension... Now here I did something called fractionation...

According to wiki
fractionation: take person in and out of state thus intensifying it

I pretty much took her out of state... by going back into normal conversation... so I had this girl all hot and bothered and I broke her she would come back to it later but only at a much more intensified level...

By now I was already going for a bathroom pull... so I knew I needed to get some compliance from her... so I decided to move her around the club... by saying "come on let's go watch the band!!!!"

and I led the way... a few steps ahead and she followed me... on the way I saw a girl I was going on a day2 with the next day and decided to talk to her a bit... while the other girl was watching... after I felt she she saw enough... I said... "come on let's check out the back room" more little hoops, more compliance...

I went in the back room I sat down on the comfortable couches... started talking with the guys from the band she went to see... she was standing for a while but when she sat down next to me... it was a pretty good sign...

so what I did here next... was the same thing I did while we were sitting down before... but by escalating further in her mind...

She was still trying to go in for the kiss... but I denied it every time and escalated elsewhere instead... I had my hand up of her thigh but I knew better not to touch her pussy... before doing some MENTAL ESCALATION... so I started escalating... I waited for her to try and kiss me again... I denied it... and at the same time and said " have you ever had sex in a bathroom before?" she said "no" ...I said "okay" then backed off a little... started talking about something else.... stroked her hair... she held my hand... I held it back... then I put her hand on my leg... and " mmmm I want you " ... she said " I like you" I used this to go aggressive... I said "what do you like about me?" she said "everything" ... I said "do you like my cock?" she said "everything" I said "but you haven't even seen it yet..." she said..."but it's part of you"... I said "yeah how do you know you like it though?" all this while biting her neck and turning her on... this was escalation!!!! Still no kissing her though... she said I do...

I kept going... "would you put your hand around it?'" she said "yes"... I said "would you spit on it?" she said "yes" would put it in your mouth?" she said "yes" ... I said "would you put it inside you?" she said "yes"... I said "do you want me to be inside you" she said "yes"... I said " I want to make you wet" ... by now... I just moving from having my hand or her thighs to just brushing past her pussy... it was lightly... but then with a little more pressure... I said " I wanna fuck you hard" She said " I want you to fuck me hard" I said " What position..." She said "Every position" I said... "Have you ever fucked with your panties pulled to the side?" She said "No" I said " I want to fuck you with your panties pulled to the side and your clothes still on"... THEN SHE WAS LIKE...



I was like "okay : )"

So she pretty much led the way to the bathroom... went to an open one downstairs but... I wasn't sure if those locked or not... so I said... there is a really cool one upstairs!!! And and she's like... "ohh you know???" I said "yeah come on..." and she followed me upstairs by now the place was crowded... we waited till one girl got out.. and I went inside... she followed... closed the door... locked it... and what's the first thing she wants to do??? MAKE OUT! Okay she could make out with me now... no she did... I wiped out my COCK... she sucked it... took off my wallet... go a condom... gave it to her... she wrapped in on... ***I throw my wallet on the floor!*** I pulled her panties to the side... she does some crazy yoga stretch I put my cock in... but I don't have enough leverage so I have to sit down... MEANWHILE people start banging on the door!!!!! We just hear... BAMMM BAMMM BAAAM.... we just ignore it and I put both toilet seats down... I sit and she gets on top... she is loving it and moaning... she rides me so hard that her legs somehow hit the part the toilet flushes... and the top cover falls down and we hear something else break... but then we GET distracted more LOUD ASS KNOCKS ON THE DOOR... BAAAAAMMMM BAAAAMMM BAAAAAMMM... voices that say..."OPEN UP!!! OOOPEN... but we just keep doing... I fuck her from behind now... and she is moaning SOOOO LOUD... that I think people outside just give up trying to get us out... we didn't stay long after that... "I suggested we just go to her place and fuck there" so I
zip up and she pulls her panties up and we finally open the bathroom door... to find only 2 people waiting... WTF? anyway we get out of the club... I ask how far her place is and what train we would have to take... and how long are we going to have to wait for the train... she gets where I am going with this and says should we take a cab : )... GREAT!

She paid for the CAB : )... i said I would get her lunch or something. But I wanted her to get the cab to get her invest more... also establish that I am the prize...

Anyway got to her place... WANNA TAKE OUT A CONDOM... and I CAN'T FIND MY WALLET... SHIT!!! She has a condom... so we fuck for a while then... I START TO GET REALLY WORRIED I LEFT MY WALLET IN THE BATHROOM BACK AT THE PLACE... so I try to call up the VENUE... and nothing...
By now I start getting ready to leave and I give her my number... and she is like what do I put you in my phone as... and that's when we realized we didn't exchange names yet!!! WTF! It all happened so fast!!! So we had a nice to meet you moment... Then I get her to call her friends... they don't answer... I call the girl I was talking with... she says she is out already but she will see me tomorrow...

So I end up going back to the club... to see if I left my WALLET with my credit card in there...

WHEN I GET THERE... The BOUNCER LOOKS AT ME... and acts as if he had just seen some supernatural force !!!! He's like all surprised and says,,, YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! "Hi I lost my wallet in here"


I'm like "y-eeah.."


I was like "dude... im sorry... "

they were saying this half serious and the other half was just in amazement and I could see their were like "respect!!!"

then he says to the other bouncer..."DON"T LET HIM GO ANYWHERE!" and he goes inside.

BY now everyone in line knew that I fucked a girl in the bathroom and EVERYONE was looking at me... every girl in line was pretty much eye fucking me... and every guy was like... you're the SHIT... but I was just hoping I would get my wallet cause I had my credit card in it... and honestly I didn't know if the bouncers were gonna call the cops of what... so they made me wait 30 minutes... i get to see the bouncer run some lame ass game on some girl... I also spoke to him and I told him... that I didn't flood the bathroom... he said that my wallet was in the toilet... I told him that I left it on the floor and it must have been the guys who were banging on the door that put my wallet in the toilet...

but then out comes the other bouncer... with another guy... they are like "this is the guy"... but then he gives me wallet... I check my credit card is in there... all good... i guess they dried my wallet too... it looked fine to me... they are like... all looking at me and shaking their heads... but they were like alright man... you can go... the one bouncer was like on my side already... he was like "he just left it on the floor". so everything was pretty cool...

but like I said it was a FUCKING CRAZY NIGHT!!!!
Posted by hyper at 11:12 PM 5 comments:
Irving said...
dude that's freaking insane. I want to train with you and Brad P so bad.

March 23, 2010 1:01 PM
hyper said...
Awesome. Lets get your game to the next level!

March 23, 2010 5:09 PM
Irving said...
I'm graduating at the end of this year, and have had a long and horrible dry spell ever since the start of 2007.

March 23, 2010 8:25 PM
hyper said...
Fuck that dude you deserve better. you need to talk to drew right now. He he will determine what is the next best step for you to take to get your game to the next level there are many ways we can help but we gotta figure out which one is the best for you.

here is his contact info (it is also available on the main website)

Phone: +1 (702) 516-8879

March 23, 2010 10:42 PM
Gooze said...
Hey Hyper, that was some sick shit!I'll be in the Chicago workshop in July. Looking forward to your fashion post. Cheers!

March 30, 2010 6:25 AM

Mode one persona and insight of origins

NOTE: Mode one is mostly geared towards casual flings.

Talk Dirty To Me ... Starring John Leslie as "Jack"

I receive a lot of questions about how the idea for my "Mode One" book first came about. There were a number of different factors that influenced my ever-changing attitudes and beliefs towards interacting with women, but if I had to single out one of the Top 2, Top 3 outside influences that inspired the development of what is now referred to as Mode One Behavior, it would definitely be the behavior of John Leslie's character of the cocky, ultra-straightforward, incorrigible womanizer named simply "Jack" in the adult-film classic Talk Dirty To Me, Talk Dirty To Me, Part II, and Nothing To Hide.

If you read this particular webpage of mine, you will see just how much influence the bold, unconventional, highly self-assured, and provocatively straightforward behavior of Leslie's "Jack" had on me as a teenager.

I even had a manager of an adult video store in Van Nuys, CA tell me that message board and blog discussions of my Mode One book resulted in a significant increase in requests for VHS and DVD copies of the above mentioned films (see related article).

The thing I tell guys about that opening verbal seduction scene in Talk Dirty To Me is that it's not Jack's X-rated candor that distinguishes his behavior as "Mode One." It is more so how totally unfazed Jack is by the female physician's harsh, subjective criticisms and insults about his moral character and perceived lack of appropriate verbal etiquette and manners.

Some of the fellas from have uploaded a portion of that opening scene from Talk Dirty To Me to such video sites as YouTube and vSocial.



I don't know if you know the actor John leslie but his old porn movies are really good and shows how one can be upfront, straightforward and unapolgetic/unphazed with women regarding his desires and intentions.

I've had some correspondence with Alan Roger Currie (Modeone) and he recommended some old school adult and erotic films with assertive and masculine male characters. He gave me these links:

John Holmes, his views on "game:"

John Leslie in “Talk Dirty to Me” I and II. Some good "game" scenes:

Modeone's backstory:

Interview regarding "Talk dirty to me" and old school adult films with Modeone:

And here is Modeone's funclubbing test:

He also recommend a book called "PIMP: The Story of My Life" by Iceberg Slim.


John leslie's behaviour is of one true sexual man.

How he reframes that response from the doctor scene is golden:
"You have some mouth..."
"It ain't my mouth I was talking about".

Another mode one dude:
Thorndaddy - How to fuck a womans brain out

an interesting post from modeone at the board

That is so not true. I've never been against building rapport with a woman. There is a HUGE difference between building rapport, and engaging in "small talk."

I can converse with a woman for a full hour, and be "building rapport." I can converse with a woman for only 15-20 minutes, and be engaging in "small talk." Small talk has very little to do with HOW LONG you talk to a woman, and more to do with WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT.

"Small talk" = Any conversation that is neither directly or indirectly related to your main purpose for talking to that woman (e.g., you want to date her, you want to have [casual] sex with her, you want to share her company in the near future, etc).

This is where I'm different from most men: The vast majority of Mode Two guys will talk and talk and talk to a woman .... and THEN ... towards the END of the conversation .... will find a way to express their romantic and/or sexual interests to a woman.

What I do is JUST THE OPPOSITE. I start out my conversations stating my interests .... and then I let the conversation flow from there.

Example of "Small Talk":

Me: "I'm Alan ... and you are?"
Woman: "Linda..."
Me: "Great to meet you Linda."
Woman: "Likewise."
Me: "So ... uhm ... do you come to this bookstore often?"
Woman: "At least once or twice per month."
Me: "Cool. So do you like fiction ... or non-fiction better?"
Woman: "I probably would say I like both."
Me: "Cool. I like Stephen Covey and many other self-help type authors."
Woman: "Great. I read those types of books from time-to-time."
Me: "What are some of your other favorite book topics and subjects?"
Woman: "Health & Fitness, biographies, New Age Spirituality, and romance novels."
Me: "Romance novels huh? Hmmm."
Woman (smiles): "Why the 'hmmm'...."
Me: "So you like to read romantic stuff huh?"
Woman: "Oh yes."
Me: "Hey ... speaking of romance ... you want to go out on a date sometime?"
Woman (smiles warmly): "I'm sorry Alan .... I'm flattered by the invitation ... but I just recently got engaged. Sorry."
Me: "No problem. Well ... nice meeting you and talking to you anyway."

Now realistically, I've seen men engage in "small talk" for a much longer time than that example ... but you get my point.

Example of "Building Rapport" via Mode One Behavior:

Me: "So ... what weekend in the next three-to-five weeks would you like to share my company one-on-one .... two weekends from now? three weekends from now?"
Woman: "Excuse me? I beg your pardon?"
Me: "You're excused. (pause) So .... you want to share my company two weeks from now ... three weeks from now ...?"
Woman: "I don't even know you!"
Me: "I'm Alan...."
Woman: "I'm Linda. Your approach is ... uhm ... very different. Very unconventional."
Me: "As it should be. (pause) So .... I say, you and I get together ... my place, your place, or somewhere neutral .... in about 2-3 weeks."
Woman: "And just why should I share your company?"
Me: "Because I'm going to provide you with some of the most high quality male companionship possible. I'm attracted to you. And the fact that you haven't ended this conversation yet lets me know you're attracted to me ... or at least, intrigued."
Woman: "Again ... you're different. But I have many male friends who provide me with great male companionship."
Me: "You said the key word. Male FRIENDS. I'm not looking to become your next 'platonic' friend. At some point in the upcoming weeks, you and I are going to have sex ... and we're both going to enjoy it immensely."
Woman (startled): "Oh my GOD! You are SO FORWARD. I can't believe you just said that. You just met me!! How can you be so sure that I would have sex with you when you just met me???"
[Note: No need to answer that. The fact that this woman is STILL TALKING TO ME lets me know she's interested, or at least, curious and/or intrigued]
Me: "So ... next weekend? Two weekends from now? What works better ...."
Woman: "Well, truthfully ... I already have a boyfriend."
Me: "Okay. Take care ...."
Woman: "No ... wait. Actually, the truth is, he bores me to death. I'm about to break up with him."
Me (writes number down): "Okay. When you officially break up with him ... give me a call. We'll hook up. I think you already know that my company will be far from boring...."
Woman (giggles): "Yes Alan ... you seem like a character. (writes down number) Here is my work number. But I'll probably call you before you call me."
Me: "Cool...."

Now. That conversation was "longer" than the "small talk," wasn't it? But it wasn't 'small talk.' I let this woman know from the word GO that I wanted to share her company one-on-one. I didn't waste time asking her about her favorite books. Why? Because if she doesn't want to kiss me, date me, or give me some pussy .... I COULD GIVE A FUCK WHAT BOOKS SHE READS.

Bottom line: Akaisoras, you've never read where I said building rapport with a woman is a "bad" thing. Never. It's all about HOW YOU GO ABOUT ACHIEVING THIS OBJECTIVE. Again, "small talk" is not the same thing as "building rapport."

Mode One Structure and Radical Honesty

This is hands down the most extreme case of meeting women out there, and I don't recommend it for everyone. It's not for the faint of heart. Fuck, I'M not this extreme. However, you could try... whatever happens, you'd gain massive amounts of confidence. Props for having brass balls and being courageous. Approaching as direct and honest as possible makes all other approaches seem easy. You can RELAX! It's the fastest learning tool and fear destroyer.

Actually... I DID behave like such with a couple women on the phone. That's probably why I don't have phone anxiety anymore. And I flirt like a mofo. ;D I wonder what would happen should I do this once or twice in my lifetime in person...

Here's the hidden article from the "Mode One Backstory" I posted earlier.

In place of the first scripted bulk of the document, I decided to include part of the scene that was mentioned. It makes much more sense than reading the script.

Scene from Talk Dirty to Me
Now what's funny about this scene is, when I first saw it, I didn't think a guy could pull this off in real-life. Neither did my brother, and many of my close male friends. They were like, "That stuff only happens in the movies ..."

Not true. Soon, I began imitating the behavior of "Jack." Not so much his exact words, but more so his attitude, his body language, and his overall confident demeanor. Sure enough, I soon started having my own seduction experiences that were very close in nature to Jack's in this movie.

There was almost a "pattern" to it:

1) I would approach a woman...
2) I'd tell her my [sexual] interests in a self-assured, provocatively straightforward manner
3) More often than not, the woman harshly criticizes me for being "too forward," "crass," or something like that
4) Similar to Jack in the movie, I remain cool, calm, and collected in response to her criticisms
5) Eventually, I end up seducing that woman ... either that day, or a few days later.

::cocky smirk & a wink::

Alan, author of "Mode One: Let The Women Know What You're REALLY Thinking"

Here's more of "Jack" displaying Radical Honesty... which, btw, is another book I should really check out. By Brad Blanton: This one's a bit more romantic and less vulgar... and then vulgar again! ;P A bit cheezy, but then again, pretty intense. You can just feel the tension.

No one's ever really honest anymore! And that's what sets people like you and me apart from the pack. David X calls "Honesty" your greatest weapon. It's what's between your ears. One of the things he says is how... to be a man, you've gotta be able to look someone in the eyes and tell'em the truth. Another great saying: the more you tell the truth, the less you have to remember. It's much easier to free flow when you're not makin' shit up!

The basis of David X's teachings is Honesty, Trust, and Respect. Mode One and David X are two perspectives of the exact same thing: fuck what anyone else thinks, and be honest to yourself. Or in other words: know what you want, and don't be afraid to go after it. That's what a REAL man does. It's not just about women. It's an attitude for life, your health and well-being. Peace of mind. Come from the heart!

(And/or your crotch! ;P)


The backstory behind the “Mode One” philosophy

Surely, I could not attempt to ‘brag’ on the sheer number of women that I’ve had some sort of sexual interaction with, because I can name many men (Entertainment celebrities, professional athletes, adult film stars, et al) who have a list of former lovers that far exceed my own.

Similarly, when it comes to the raw “kinkiness” (or “freakiness”) of many of my sexual escapades, I’m sure there are many men whose stories could outnumber mine, or be described as more “wild.”

But if there is one area where I’ve raised the eyebrows among both my male friends and acquaintances, as well as my female friends and associates, has been in the area of verbal seduction, and the subsequently “quick” sexual interactions that took place following the seduction.

Prior to my Senior Year in high school, I had no idea there was even anything such as “verbal seduction” techniques. The first time I developed a clue about it was the Summer prior to my Senior Year, when I was visiting a friend of mine. He played this adult film (porno) in the VCR entitled, “Talk Dirty To Me,” which starred John Leslie as a slacker womanizer named “Jack.”

I had always been under the impression that you had to be ‘physical’ with a woman (kiss her, caress her, massage her, or something involving touching her) in order to get her sexually aroused. I had no idea that you could just talk to a woman and get her juices flowing.

In what, to this very day, I would describe as the hottest verbal seduction scene that I’ve ever seen in any film (PG-13, R, XXX, etc), Jack’s friend “Lenny” (Richard Pacheco) injures himself, and has to visit the doctor. While waiting for Lenny, Jack begins flirting with the seemingly prim, proper, and prudish female physician (Cris Cassidy). After a few moments of verbally flirting on the couch, he rises and comes right up to her desk and begins ‘talking dirty’ to her.

“I bet a lot of men would pay big bucks to get in your pants … wouldn’t they? (pause) I wouldn’t pay you shit… (pause) But I’d fuck the hell out of you…”

He goes on and on and on. You gradually begin sensing that some of his erotic verbiage is beginning to have an affect on her, but she tries her best to remain self-composed. She begins harshly criticizing everything he’s saying, and criticizes his moral character, but he remains ultra-confident, calm, cool, and collected. It’s as though none of her criticisms faze him in the least.

Finally, she gets up from her seat and declares, “I’m gonna call the police!!” Jack says, “Fuck the police …. (unzips his pants) look at this … (pulls his erect cock out and begins stroking it; The female physician begins licking her lips) You like it??”

Sure enough, within minutes, she’s on her knees sucking his dick. Now, after just criticizing him a few minutes prior, she can’t wait for him to fuck her.

At the time I watched this, I was amazed. I think the most specific aspect of his verbal seduction that amazed me the most was his calm, cool, collected responses to her harsh criticisms. It’s just the average man’s normal tendency to become defensive and/or apologetic when an attractive woman begins expressing a barrage of harsh, subjective criticisms of his behavior and moral character. But he remained totally calm, composed, and indifferent in response to anything negative she said.

At the time, my friend Marlon and my brother said, “don’t take notes too quickly … after all, this is just a movie. I don’t think you could ever get away with talking like that to a girl you just met in real life…”

Over the next few years, I ended up proving that their statement was not true. Matter of fact, it was FAR from the truth.

The backstory behind the “Mode One” philosophy

I actually didn’t coin the term, “Mode One” until Fall of 1990, but even before then, I had experienced my share of ‘Mode One’ styled verbal seductions. If you saw the movie, “Dangerous Liaisons,” there was a scene in which Marquise de Merteuil (Glenn Close) challenges Vicomte de Valmont (John Malkovich) to seduce the young, naïve Cécile de Volanges (Uma Thurman). Merteuil doesn’t really think Valmont will be successful, but he is.

The next morning over breakfast, when Cécile acknowledges that Valmont did indeed seduce her, Merteuil is ultra-curious as to why he was successful in doing so. She asks Cécile what made her give in. “It’s as though he had a response to everything I said…” And then Madame de Rosemonde (Mildred Natwick) says the line of significance. “Once you render a woman speechless, you will always be in a great position to seduce her.”

Here’s my primary principle for a successful “Mode One” styled verbal seduction: Never argue with, apologize for, or try to defend yourself against, harsh, subjective/opinionated criticisms. Just listen to them, accept them, and then throw them out of your mind. They mean nothing. Absolutely nothing. If you get into a debate or argument about your behavior (good or bad, appropriate or inappropriate), you decrease your chances of rendering a woman speechless.

This one principle is at least 50% of the effectiveness of Mode One Behavior, both in general, and specifically when it comes to [verbal] seduction.

The other concept I learned through my Mode One experiences and seductions? No woman can directly, or ‘intellectually,’ prevent you from causing her to become sexually aroused. Any woman can prevent you from having sex with them, but they cannot prevent you from getting their pussies wet. A woman’s pussy getting wet is not an ‘intellectual’ decision. It’s a hormonal reaction to a man’s looks, demeanor, behavior, and/or words. Among other reasons, GOD would never allow the desire to have sex to be totally intellectual. That would conceivably, and potentially, prevent the reproduction of the human race.

So beginning with the mid-to-late 80s, I became a self-proclaimed “Master” of verbal seduction. So much so, that I had a few male acquaintances dub me “Da Legend,” and female acquaintances nickname me “the unofficial King of Verbal Seduction.”

Just like a prideful recording artist would produce his “Greatest Hits,” I will now take time to lightheartedly ‘brag’ about some past “quick seduction” episodes ….

Yours Truly’s Greatest and/or Quickest “Mode One” Seductions

There are many women I’ve seduced into having some form of sex within weeks, months, or years after I first made their acquaintance, but for this specific list, I will only highlight some of the women that I was successful in seducing within the very same day that I made their acquaintance. Beginning with roughly 1985, there have probably been at least 15-20 women that I’ve seduced into an erotic interaction within the same day that I met them (resulting in either intercourse, oral sex, or at minimum, the woman stroked/jacked off my dick). I will only highlight my personal “Top Five”; Those women that I a) seduced into having some form of sex within at least 2 hours after I first met them, and b) overcame some degree of ‘resistance’ and/or subjective criticism in order to seduce them (in a rough ‘chronological’ order):

[note: some words and comments may be slightly paraphrased and/or modified due to inaccurate memory]

Same Day Legendary Verbal Seduction #1:

“Where’s my Butter Pecan Frusen Glädjé??” (Summer, 1986)

This was my last Summer in Bloomington in the 80s, before heading back up to Da Region, and this was the experience / seduction that made my own blood brother a believer in the effectiveness of Mode One Behavior. There was this very attractive Blonde (she would tell me later that she was a Nurse at Bloomington Hospital) that got of a car in the parking space right next to the one my brother and I pulled up to. She had on a black mini-skirt, with a “V” that stopped right above the crack of her ass.

My brother was like, “Damn!! She is sexxxy as hell!!! I wish I could fuck a woman like that tonight…” I was like, “I bet I could … if I wanted to.” Prior to this night, I had told Steve a handful of my “straight-to-the-point” verbal seduction experiences, but he was always skeptical that I was exaggerating. Initially, I had no intentions of trying to seduce this woman, but after going into the 24 hour Krogers grocery store at roughly 2am, and not finding my favorite flavored ice cream (Butter Pecan Frusen Glädjé), I was pissed. And when I get pissed, my level of boldness and straightforwardness increases two to three times.

I saw her standing alone in the isle where shampoo and hair supplies is sold. I walked up to her and just stared at her, not immediately saying a word. She looked at me, smiled, and said, “I am so undecided!! I don’t know which product to buy!!” I looked at her with an expression of “I can give a fuck about what you need to buy.” The first comment out of my mouth was “you look damn good in that mini-skirt…” She was like, “Thank you.” I went on to tell her that looking at her in that outfit was getting my dick hard. That blew her away. “Oh my God! You are soooo forward!” Duh. Uhm … yeah. First she lightheartedly criticized my comments and behavior, but then she slowly became more obliging.

After inviting me to touch her ass (I reached in her skirt and palmed that soft ass of hers), she “dared” me to show her my erection. She must’ve not known who she was dealing with. I immediately unzipped my pants and showed her my hard dick. The next thing I know, we were kissing, and she was stroking my dick with her right hand. I gently pushed her shoulders downward so that she took the cue to get on her knees. She began sucking my dick … right there in the store.

Minutes later, a grocery store stocking boy caught us in the act. That prompted her to make the comment, “wait for me in my car.” I went to her car, which was unlocked, but before getting in it, I winked at my brother, who was still in the car. He gave me a look of, “what took you so long? what’s going on?” I just smirked, and gave him a gesture that said, “hold on a minute.”

Soon, she came and joined me in her car, and we talked for about 3-5 minutes, before she lowered her head and started sucking my dick again. She could give head VERY GOOD. I looked over at my brother, and I could tell he was in disbelief. We continued to be more and more “interactive,” and right before my orgasm, my brother got out of his car, and approached hers. He knocked on the window, and it was good that I was cumming at that point. Because his presence kind of threw off her enthusiasm.

I earned his fascination and belief. It was a great experience. To this day, I can’t remember her name.

Same Day Legendary Verbal Seduction #2:

“Let me ask you a question . . .” (Spring, 1989)

Probably my 2nd most “memorable” same-day verbal seduction was when I was working in Downtown Chicago in Spring of ’89. I was working for First Chicago Bank, and I was on my lunch hour.

I saw this Latin/Puerto-Rican woman wearing this very sexy, form-fitting dress, walking down State St. Most of the construction workers that saw her were whistling at her, and cat calling her. She was walking with a little extra provocative shake to her hips … obviously well-schooled on how to be somewhat of a “dick tease.”

I decided to postpone getting my food in order to make this woman’s acquaintance. I walked straight up to her as she was at the nearest intersection, waiting for the green light to cross the street. I said, “My name is Alan … (pause) … do you fuck as good as you walk??” She was out of her mind with shock over that question. “Excuse me?!?!” she said. I calmly replied, “You’re excused.” She shook her head in disbelief as she crossed the street.

“Do you talk like this to ALL women?!?” she asked. “If I feel like it…” I replied. “I’m a respectable lady, and men don’t just talk to respectable ladies like that!!!” she said. I didn’t say anything but “so … you still didn’t answer my question.” She increasingly became frustrated. She began harshly criticizing my ultra-candid comments and overall behavior. She said that I was “immoral” and “rude.” I didn’t really care about her criticisms. For every criticism she offered, I just calmly replied, “Does this mean that we’re not going to hook up and fuck??”

Finally, after she saw that I wasn’t going to become defensive and/or apologetic, she slowly but surely lightened up. Then, finally, she answered my question. “I guess I would say that I fuck better than I walk … for sure …” No sooner than she said that, I looked at my watch and saw that I only had about 20-25 minutes remaining for my lunch. I hadn’t even eaten yet. I was like “I gotta go … it was nice meeting you…” She looked shocked. She was like, “That’s it?!? After all this sex talk, you’re just going to walk away?” I was like, “well write down your number … I’ll give you a call this weekend.” But her demeanor was more so like “Fuck this weekend. You’ve got me horny NOW.”

Sure enough, she was like “My car is just in the next block … can I give you a ride somewhere??” I was like, “what the hell…” She got in the car, wrote down her number, and then took off driving. She started to take me to this food place on Wacker Dr., but then she took it upon herself to look for a secluded alley, or somewhere private, so that we can fuck. She was like, “you got me so horny…” I was like, “You want me to fuck you, don’t you…” She gave me a smirk like “hell yeah I want you to fuck me…”

We didn’t end up fucking, primarily because I didn’t have a condom, and I didn’t trust myself for time. But she did end up enthusiastically sucking my hard dick. I came all in her mouth, and then said “I’ll call you this weekend.” Unfortunately, we never saw each other again after that. (We did talk on the phone once or twice, but never hooked up).

Same Day Legendary Verbal Seduction #3:

“May I help you find what you’re looking for?” (Summer, 1993)

I returned to Bloomington, Indiana in May of 1992, and ended up earning my Bachelor’s Degree in Economics in December of ’92. I stayed in Bloomington while I pursued entrance into Graduate School, and once I got accepted into the I.U. MBA program, I knew I would be down there a while longer.

Most of the time I was down there, I worked part-time in a telemarketing job. After working since I returned to Bloomington, I got burned out from telemarketing. I wanted another job for the Summer of ’93 before entering into the MBA Program. So I went to the Poplars Building on East 7th Street looking for work.

While looking for a particular office to pick up an application, this attractive young sistah stopped me, and asked me did I need help. She was medium height, brown-skinned, and had a small waist, and a nice, round, athletic ass. When I told her what office I was looking for, she informed me that the people who worked in that office were all out to lunch, and they would be back in roughly 40-45 minutes or so. She offered to let me wait in her office, or come back later. Of course, I took her invitation to wait in her office.

After about 5 minutes or so of “small talk,” I boldly asked her if she had ever fucked in her office. She blushed and was speechless for a few moments. She gulped and said “I don’t believe you just asked me that question…” I said, “Well … believe it.” She gave me a few lighthearted criticisms for being so forward, but then she went on to tell me that she and her ex-boyfriend had fucked in the office bathroom at least once.

“What position did he fuck you in?” I asked. “Doggie-style” she replied. She was wearing these tight, white, “leggings” styled slacks. I asked her “do you love doggie style?” She said, “Yes … that’s actually my favorite position.” She should have never told me that.

After a few more minutes of provocative conversation, I asked her to stand up over near the typewriter, so that I could get a good look at her ass. She was like, “You are sooo naughty…” I just smirked.

Next thing you know, we were kissing and I was caressing that nice ass of hers. “My boss will be back in about 15-20 minutes!!!” she said. “Her office is right next door!!” she said. I was like, “So.” Seconds later, I slid down her leggings, bent her over on the table that held the typewriter, and began fucking her doggie-style. At times, she was moaning so loud that I had to put my hand over her mouth. I loved watching my pelvic area bounce off of that nice round ass of hers.

I finally came after about maybe 20 minutes or so. I took off my condom and shot my load all over her ass. Lucky I finished when I did. About 5-6 minutes after I finished, her boss came to the doorway and told her that she needed her to type up something. I was like “whew! … we almost got caught.


Same Day Legendary Verbal Seduction #4:

“So you like the Bruthas huh . . .” (Summer, 1997)

It was the first Friday evening in August of 1997, and membership in the L.A. Fitness Health Club on Wilshire Blvd. was at about 40%. Attendance by members was usually at it’s lowest on Friday evenings, Saturday evenings, and Sunday mornings. I usually worked out on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, but sometimes, I would change my routine to Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

About ten minutes into my break, I’m approached by a young, attractive Blonde female, approximately 21 or 22 years of age, named Trish. Trish was about 5’5”, with a figure that was probably 34-25-37. She was Caucasian, but she had a butt like a black woman.

“Do you know how to get started on the stepper??” she asked me. “Do I look like I work here?” I replied in a smart alecky tone. “Well aren’t you a smart ass!” said Trish, with a smile. “I can be…” I said. I walk over to the stepper, but before I can get started helping Trish, another female, this one a brunette, approaches Trish and I. This turned out to be Trish’s UCLA college roommate, Ashley. Ashley was slightly on the ‘chubby’ side … maybe 15-20 lbs. overweight … but still had a nice figure. Similar to Trish, she had an ass that was shaped somewhat like the average thick Black woman.

“Is he going to show us how to do it?” asked Ashley to Trish. I couldn’t help but interrupt that comment. “Trust me … in due time, I’ll educate both of you two on how to please me….” Both Trish and Ashley were momentarily speechless. They couldn’t believe their ears. “I beg your pardon??” said Ashley. “Please … don’t beg. I might lose respect for you if you beg too much.” I replied, in an ever-so-cocky manner. The two college roommates just looked at each other with an “Oh My God…” expression.

“Don’t act like you two are blushing…” I said. “I bet you two would turn me out…” I added. “Turn you out?? What do you mean by that?” asked Trish. “You know, show me new tricks…” “You are so bad!!!” laughed Ashley. I ended up engaging in some minor small talk, before I began asking them questions. “So … I bet Black guys always tell you both that you have asses like Black women….” I said, taking on a more calm, seductive demeanor. The two women looked at each other and chuckled. “I guess…” says Ashley. “I know I have a nice, big butt…” laughed Trish. “And yes … many of the Black guys at UCLA love my ass…” finished Trish. I was now beginning to smirk, and get really comfortable.

I told Ashley to turn around. “Why do you want me to turn around?” asked Ashley. “So I can see your ass …” said Alan. Ashley looks at Trish, and then they both look around in the club to see who may be paying attention. Finally, after a few moments of reluctance, Ashley turned her back to me, so that I could get a really good look at her ass. “Nice…” I said. I gave Ashley a playful slap on the ass. Trish, not to be outdone, turned her back to me. “What do you think of mine…” I stared at her curvaceous ass, and then I took BOTH of my hands, and caressed it. “It’s okay…” I said facetiously. Trish turns around and playfully slaps me on the shoulder. I left them alone to work out while I went upstairs to take a shower.

About 20-30 minutes later, I came out of the men’s locker room and returned downstairs. I looked around for Trish and Ashley, but I didn’t see them initially. No sooner than I walked out towards the parking garage, Trish and Ashley approached me. “What are you about to do?” asks Ashley. “Go home … you?” I replied. The two girls looked at each other with mischievous expressions. The two women still have on their tight workout outfits, and I began caressing Trish’s ass again. “Who said you could feel on my ass…” asks Trish playfully. I don’t say anything. I just continued to caress her ass. I grabbed both of their hands, and led them to a secluded area of the parking garage.

I then lean Trish against a car, and pressed myself against her soft, round ass. Trish felt my hard dick through my sweat pants pressing against her ass. “You like that don’t you … I know you feel me….” I said. Her friend Ashley moved closer to me, and I brought her close to me so that I could tongue kiss her. While I’m standing there kissing Ashley, I continued to press my hard dick against Trish’s soft ass.

Finally, after about four or five minutes, Ashley then leads all of us her Honda Accord. All of us end up getting in the backseat of the car, with myself conveniently in the middle. I took turns kissing them both. Even though it’s sort of cramped in the back, Ashley leans down and begins sucking my dick. Trish held on to my dick while Ashley sucked it enthusiastically. Trish sort of jacked me off while Ashley continued sucking it. I had wanted to fuck Trish, but she informed me that ‘Mother Nature’ was visiting. Oh well.

After a while, Trish had me so excited, that I was ready to shoot my load of cum. I then directed Ashley to return to the backseat (she had gone up to the front seat), so that they both can kiss and lick on my dick while I cum. Again, it becomes somewhat cramped, but they both alternate licking, kissing, and sucking on my hard dick. Finally, I shot my load on both of their faces while hollering out an orgasmic moan.

A nice “workout,” if I say so myself.

Same Day Legendary Verbal Seduction #5:

“Blow me off now, … but you’ll pay for it later …” (Summer, 2000)

Since roughly 1995, 1996, the number of ‘same-day’ seductions diminished compared to the late 80s and early 90s. Most of the women I’ve met, and subsequently seduced, I usually didn’t end up having sex with them until the next day, the following weekend, if not later. Or if I had sex with them within the very first time we were alone, I had already had at least one or two phone conversations with them prior to us being alone for the first time.

When I was thinking of my last memorable “ultra-quick” seduction, it would have to be during my last Summer in Los Angeles, before returning to Gary, Indiana to assist my parents. It was a little before Midnight, and I was at the Kinko’s near my apartment (about a block away). I was doing some things on the computer when an attractive sistah, about late 20s or early 30s, asked me for some assistance regarding some computer software programs. I was like, “Do I look like I fuckin’ work here?” She was startled by my harsh response, and was like “Wow. Sorry I asked.” I decided to keep fucking with her head by saying, “you need to be sorry. you shouldn’t even be in here if you don’t know how to use computers…” She was just speechless. She didn’t know how to react to my seemingly ‘asshole’ behavior. Then, just before she rose from her seat to go seek help from one of the Kinko’s workers, I tapped her and said, “I’m just fucking with you … how may I help you…”

“Do you know a lot about computers?” she asked. I said, “I pretty much only know about two things … hardware and software.” While talking to her, I couldn’t help but look at how seductively she was dressed. A male friend once said to me, the top four ways you can get a feel for a woman’s sense of sexuality is by looking into her eyes, listening to the way she talks, observing the way she walks, and paying attention to the type of clothes she wears. She had on these cute, short denim shorts, with this summer sweater that enhanced her handful-sized tits. Her face wasn’t the most gorgeous I’ve seen, particularly by L.A. standards, but she was a 9 out of 10 from the neck on down.

After about 10-15 minutes of computer-oriented conversation, I said, “I bet men try to get in your panties on a regular basis…” As anticipated, she was like, “Excuse me?!?” I, of course, had my patented response for that reply. “You’re excused…” She said, “why are you worried about how many men try to ‘get in my panties’??” I said “because I’m going to fuck you…” She just looked at me. And I returned the stare right into her eyes. She was like, “well, I have a boyfriend, so you can go back to what you were doing … I think I’m fine now.”

I debated momentarily between choosing to be more persistent, or just leaving the situation ‘as is,’ and the latter decision won out. I told her, “you know where I’ll be if you need anymore help” and then proceeded to leave her alone. Truthfully, at this point, I thought my chances of seducing her were slim and none. But then, to my surprise (or speaking egotistically, it wasn’t much of a surprise), she made a comment to me right as she was preparing to leave. She was like “you are a piece of work.” I didn’t even turn around. I pretended to ignore her, and kept doing what I was doing. Obviously, she didn’t like being ignored, so she came right up to where I was sitting. “I’m going to have to tell my girlfriends about you.” I still didn’t say anything. Finally, she was like “Oh, now you’re gonna just ignore me?” Duh! Hell yeah.

She acted like she was walking off, and said “fine. handle your business.” About 10 minutes later, I was done with what I had to do, and went to pay for my services. Guess who was still in there, even though it was obvious that she was finished doing her work?? HER. (Her name was Sharon, but I didn’t know that until later). I guess me making that attempt to ignore her really caused her a high degree of egotistical frustration, because now it seemed as though the tables had turned. Now SHE was the ‘aggressor.’

“So did I piss you off or something?” she asked. I just smirked and headed towards the door. She continued with “Well, actually, I really don’t have a boyfriend … but you know, there’s a lot of crazy guys in L.A. … you never know.” How did she know I wasn’t ‘crazy’ now?? Because I ignored her? Finally, I took her out of her agony and spoke my first words to her in a while. “Where’s your car?” I asked. “Right outside …” she replied. “Let’s go…” I confidently said. “Well, I still don’t even KNOW YOU….” she said. I gave her a look like, “Yeah, right.” We both headed to her car.

When we got in her car, we exchanged names, and engaged in 2-3 minutes of small talk. Then I asked her my original question again. “How many guys try to fuck you when you wear that cute little outfit you have on?” This time, she was less antagonistic, and more obliging. “Well, you know … men will always be men.” I started caressing her thighs, and she didn’t stop me. Then I said, “you’re getting my dick hard….” She looked at me, and said “Oh really…”

I unzipped my pants, and pulled out my hard dick. At first, she avoided looking at it, but I said I wasn’t getting out of her car until she stared at it. After feigning resistance, she finally stared at me stroking my dick. She asked, “does that feel good…” I said it did. I said, “why don’t you take over…” and at first, she resisted. Then I leaned towards her, and started kissing her, and during the kiss, she took it upon herself to start stroking my dick. After about 10 minutes more of making out, I was like, “I live right up the street on Hollywood Boulevard … let’s go to my place.” My roommate Wayne wasn’t going to be home until another hour or so, so I had the place to myself.

We got to my place, and I got her out of her clothes as quickly as possible. She began sucking my dick as I finger-fucked her, and she was “okay” at giving head, but it felt pretty good. Then, I started fucking her good fashion. Started out in missionary position, then let her ride me, then did doggie style. Finally, it was back to missionary position before climaxing. I sucked all on those nice nipples she had, and I made her cum first. “Cum all over this dick … cum all over this dick …” I said. Then, thinking back to our exchange in Kinko’s, I couldn’t resist but to make her apologize.

Say, “I’m sorry for giving you a hard time in Kinko’s…” I demanded. When a man has a dick in a woman’s pussy, and is using it right, he can get a woman to say damn near anything. She repeated what I told her to say at least 3 or 4 times. I was pleased. She came …. and I came.

Apology accepted.


Initially, I was encouraged to include some of my memorable “Mode One seductions” into my book; But my brother, along with a few female friends, thought that would be too risqué. So this was for you to enjoy. . .


“The Author”

-------------------------------------------------------------------------M O D E O N E



What exactly is "FunClubbing?" Anytime you're interacting with a member of the opposite sex, and you're 'pretending' to have nothing more than a 'platonic' interest in them, when in actuality, you're suppressing some degree of romantic desire and/or sexual lust, this would be representative of "FunClubbing."

The term was borrowed from a friend and fraternity brother of mine when I was a Freshman attending Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. Frustrated in response to feeling as though he was being treated by a female acquaintance as a "platonic boyfriend," he told me, "Never allow yourself to enter into a woman's 'Fun Club.' You will end up giving her the same amount of attention and companionship as a potential boyfriend, only you're not getting any sex!!:"

Men are primarily the 'guilty' ones when it comes to FunClubbing behavior, but women are occasionally guilty of this type of behavior just as well. There are many men and women who think they have good, solid, healthy "platonic" friendships with members of the opposite sex, but in reality, many of those so-called 'platonic' friends are FunClubbing with you.

What about you? Are you FunClubbing with a member of the opposite sex?? Not sure?? This lighthearted "test" will help you determine if you're guilty of this behavior, and just how guilty you are.


Answer the following eight (8) questions as HONESTLY as possible; This is the only way that you can accurately determine if you are "FunClubbing" with someone of the opposite sex, or if you're truly that person's good, PLATONIC friend:

1) How frequently do you entertain the thought of being physical and/or sexual with your current 'platonic' male or female 'friend'??

a) All of the time; can't stop thinking about it;

b) Probably at least 3-5 times per month;

c) Occasionally … maybe three or four times per year at most;

d) Never. That's like thinking about being intimate with my brother or sister. Those thoughts would be almost incestuous.

2) When you haven't seen this friend in a while, and they hug you and/or kiss you on the cheek, it makes you feel . . .

a) very excited … sometimes even sexually aroused;

b) very 'warm & fuzzy' inside;

c) just generally happy … I enjoy it in a general way;

d) indifferent; it's like being hugged and kissed by my aunt or uncle, or brother or sister.

3) When you and your friend have detailed discussions about sex and physical romance, does it make you feel . . .

a) excited! my favorite sort of conversation with this person!

b) real close to this person. I feel like we are developing an emotional 'bond' of sorts;

c) very comfortable. I enjoy talking about dating & sex-related issues with this person

d) somewhat uncomfortable; As long as the conversation doesn't really get "X-rated," I'm cool. Otherwise, it makes me feel awkward.

4) If you and your 'platonic friend' were to hang out socially (e.g., at a nightclub, bar/restaurant, etc.), and you saw them flirting with a member of your gender, would it make you feel . . .

a) Very, very jealous & pissed off; I honestly wouldn't like it;

b) Somewhat uncomfortable; I would tend to be envious that I'm not receiving the same sort of 'flirtatious' attention;

c) a little bit 'strange,' but for the most part, I'm cool with it as long as it didn't last TOO long;

d) indifferent; Could care less; They could flirt with how many members of my gender as they wish.

5) If your 'platonic friend' asked you to introduce them to your 'good-looking' best friend, and you knew your 'platonic friend' had intentions of having casual sex with one of your best friends, would you feel . . .

a) pissed off?

b) jealous?

c) a wee bit awkward?

d) indifferent or enthusiastic?

6) If you invited your 'platonic friend' over to your place to watch a rented movie video with you, and they asked you could they bring their new 'love interest' with them, would this make you feel . . .

a) Very pissed off. I wouldn't let them come over;

b) Somewhat 'jealous.' I would expect it to be just my friend and myself;

c) A wee bit uncomfortable. I would've expected it to be just us two;

d) I wouldn't have that big of a problem with it. After all, we're just watching a movie.

7) Let's say you stayed the night over your platonic friend's place after a night of partying and getting drunk; You wake up early in the morning to use the bathroom, and as you pass their bedroom, you notice that their bedroom door is cracked open. You decide to get 'nosy' and look in, and you see your platonic friend watching a pornographic video tape while masturbating. Do you . . .

a) Watch for about 5 minutes, then immediately enter the room, and attempt to have oral sex and/or intercourse with my friend!!

b) Watch for about 15 minutes or longer, and then stand at the door and masturbate myself while watching them masturbate.

c) Watch for about 5 minutes out of curiosity, but then continue on my way to the bathroom, and back to bed.

d) Within 10-30 seconds after examining what's going on, I immediately walk away; That would be like watching my brother or sister masturbate. Ewwww!!

8) You find out that your platonic friend has just become engaged to be married. When he or she first tells you, you feel . . .

a) Absolutely sick. Not the news I wanted to hear at all;

b) Uncomfortable, and possibly envious/jealous of the person they're about to marry;

c) I'm generally happy for them, but I know it's going to change our interactions dramatically;

d) Excited!!! That is great news!!! I am totally happy for them, and I can't wait to attend the wedding!!


Now, look at all of your HONEST responses. Use a different test for each 'platonic friend' you have that you suspect you may be FunClubbing with.

Give all "a" answers one (1) point;

Give all "b" answers three (3) points;

Give all "c" answers six (6) points;

Give all "d" answers eight (8) points;

Tally it up.

Are you guilty of FunClubbing with this particular male or female 'platonic' friend??

8 - 16 points: You are FunClubbing IN THE WORST WAY. You need to either a) tell this person STRAIGHT-UP that you have romantic and/or sexual feelings for them, and/or b) leave this person alone totally for an indefinite period of time.

17 - 36 points: You are FunClubbing. Plain and simple. You need to seriously re-evaluate why you are interacting with this person, and where this so-called "friendship" is headed. In the long-run, you're going to end up feeling hurt, angry, frustrated, and/or bitter. You need to be honest with yourself, and eventually, your 'friend.'

37 - 50 points: You are not FunClubbing … BUT … you might be on the verge of it sometime in the future. You need to really examine how you REALLY feel about this "platonic" friend of yours.

51 - 64 points: You are truly this person's "platonic" friend. You have nothing to worry about. You two will more-than-likely be good friends for a long, long time.

Hope you enjoyed this test, and I hope it prevents you from entering into the "Fun Club" zone!

Alan C.
Author, "Mode One: Let The Women Know What You're REALLY Thinking"

Friday, November 26, 2010

Tribute to Megatron who was in Brad's 30/30 club-playboy mansion LR

I think Brad P's 30/30 is Awesome. I finished most of the program. Got into an LTR around month 10 so didn't do much with the last two months.

But I wish I'd gotten into when I first started gaming in May 08. Instead of wasting time with other systems. If you follow the 30/30 as laid out you will get great results. It can seem a little "slow" at first but, stick with it, you'll find in the end you've developed a great foundation of inner/outer game and by years in will have pretty solid game.

This is a repost from Brad's 30/30 Club board. It was posted up by Jake P. one of his head coaches. I thought it was pretty inspiring so I'm reposting it her with Jake's permission. The bolded parts are Jake's emphasis from the original report.

This past weekend was the culmination of my existance... The Playboy Mansion Kandyland Party, a mystical evening set in lovely Beverly hills and filled with more joy that any young lad can dream of when he dreams of joyousness like this. Here's the story.

Brad, myself, and four Chicago friends meet in the penthouse of a popular Hollywood hotel to discuss the events of the evening. The plan is to take the limo to the Playboy Mansion where we will explore the glory that so many have talked about before.... the glory that fills men's hearts with glee across the globe... the glory that the playboy mansion promises to all who enter. That glory is boobs and vaginas... naked.

Our limo glides through the gates and slows to a hault in front of a mansion uplit in purple. The limo door opens and we're happily greeted by four 8's dressed in classy lingerie. After the necessary arrangements have been made, we're lead to the massive party tent through a forest filled with bright colors, M&M's, and Oompa Loompas around every corner.

When we arrive at the extravagant party tent, we're lead to our private cabana where we're greeted by our server Andrea. Andrea's a solid 10 brunette with the most fabulous ass this side of the mississippi. She's wearing black lingerie and greets us with a happy smile before showing us what's in-store for us. The girls have bought us gifts to start out the night (how thoughtful!) that we never opened because right next to them sat a delicious-looking menu with tonights beverage choices. Grey Goose, Patron, and Cristal were brought to the table, and up until this point in the evening I was 40% sure I wouldn't be drinking. However, since Cristal was coming to the table, I decided pretty much immediately that drinking was a great option for the night.

After the beverages have been arranged, our Chicago friends split apart from Brad and I and we decided to get to the task at hand. We take a couple pregame pictures, then walk about 4 steps and open our first group of girls. The girls are wearing next to nothing. One girl has bottoms on and only two cupcakes fastened through some form of black magic to her large breasts, another has only bottoms on and on her nipples are two sticky 3" stars. THe other two women are both wearing some nice lingerie. We talk for a few minutes and three of the women go somewhere and we're left with only one of the girls wearing lingerie. Brad attracts the girl then brings her back to the cabana to hang out with us, knowing that at some point in time her friends would be back.

I decide to stroll around a bit but first stop back at the cabana where i'm greeted by our cabana attendant's "friend," a 5'8" brunette wearing a very cute white see through loose dress. She's about a 7.5 in the body but definitely a 10 in the face, i'd give her an 8 overall (most would say she's a 9 I think). She asks me my name and I run Brad Pitt and smart/hot/rich. She's instantly attracted and we immediately go into some comfort stuff about where i'm from and what i'm doing there. Dirty old man routine when she asks my age. More kino. Logistics are great and this girl's not only hot, she's SUPER cool. I'm excited to continue gaming her.

I look over to my right and Brad's girl's girls have come into our cabana and Brad's now in the middle of the two large-breasted girls, one with the cupcake nipples and the other with the star nipples. They're both fighting for his attention, and the one with the stars on her nipples is winning. Brad stands up, and off they go.

I run a little more game on my girl until I realize that i'm at the Playboy Mansion and I still haven't even left the tent! My girl's helping out her friend (our cabana attendant) and so got to go get something, but she's not going anywhere. I might as well head out. I decide to hit the grotto and see what's what. I exit the cabana and walk about 5 steps where i'm greeted by a 5'8"ish cute brunette wearing a pink bikini and a yellow pearlish necklace and yellow eyeshadow. She's super hot, a definite 10.

We chat a bit and she's somehow convinced that i'm in a movie that she's seen. "I know you're in a movie, why don't you just tell me which one!" she says. "I don't know what you're talking about" I tell her. Obviously this amps up her curiosity and she's hooked so we head back to the cabana to chat. When we get there, I run some minimal game on her that basically consists of me witholding information from her and then working on some kino. In the middle of all of this, my girl (the friend of the cabana attendant) comes back to the cabana and is immediately jealous of the girl next to me. This is where it gets interesting. At this point in time, i've already established some comfort with my girl and I like her. She's extremely hot, smart, and witty and we're bantering back and forth doing things like licking each other's faces to play around. It's SUPER fun to me and i'm very attracted to her.

Brad shows back up with his star-nippled girl and immediately whispers in my ear that he just got a handjob in the bushy area by the zoo animals and came all over Hef's lawn. NIIICE!!! I'm like "Wtf!? WHERE?!!!" He immediately points diagonally across the party tent and tells me that I can walk through the exit there and follow the path through the zoo animals to a trail through some tall bushes where there's a bench to sit on. I introduce Brad to the girl who thinks i'm in a movie and then tell my girl "Hey, I want to explore, let's go for a walk" as I grab her arm and drag her off. We head to the exact place where Brad directed me to go, stopping at the Macaw's to take a couple pictures, then at the Monkeys to makeout. At this point in time we had only kissed a bit in the cabana, but not madeout yet so this was a necessary part of the escalation. When we get to the bushes with the bench the bench is occupied by another couple. FUCKER! I decide to keep walking and we stop just short of the end of the trail (and the back sloping lawn of the mansion) where we start to makeout again. I feel her breasts on the outside of her dress, then just a tad bit between her legs before grabbing her hand and directing it to touch me. She continues and I loosed my pants up and she goes in with her hand. We continue making out for another 10 seconds maybe, then are "caught" when another couple walks by us, then another. Damn it! We decide to abort mission, I zip up, and we head back to the cabana.

Back at the cabana Brad's been getting some "work" in. At this point in time, the star girl is gone (he ignored her until she went away) and now he's heavy into kino and teasing with the girl who thinks i'm a movie star. I'm hanging out with my girl some more and the 4 students are working on some girls.

Snoop comes on. The place ERUPTS and people scramble to the dance floor screaming. My girl wants to go watch and i'm down, but getting a little bit bored of her for the minute. Conveniently we "happen to get split up" in the crowd and I find my way back to a Brad who's now about 10 feet tall with his girl on his shoulders. We watch snoop for a bit and Brad informs me that his girl's friend wants to find somebody's shoulders to sit on. She shows up and she's stacked. Natural DD's begging to get some air. She instantly begs me to get on my shoulders, I look at Brad, and he tells me that maybe she should do something for us before she can get on my shoulders. She gets the idea and quickly flashes us. Oh yes, they're nice... really really nice... and really really big. But "That's not good enough" so she has to flash us again, this time giving us a good eyefull. I'm happy and Brad's happy so I'm about to let her get on my shoulders but not before I run a modified Blender routine on her.

I slowly whisper in her ear "Okay, I might be able to let you up on my shoulders here, but you have to promise not to think dirty thoughts about me and not to try to makeout with me when you get off. AND... you have to promise not to get so horny that you get wet. I don't want a big wet spot on the back of my neck. If I check and you're wet when you get off, then you're in big big trouble. " She gets up on my shoulders and we watch SNOOP give a great performance.

With Snoop still playing we head back to the cabana and continue to game the girls. Again my original brunette girl (attendant's friend) is right on top of me and we're on. At this point in the night, Brad and I have pretty much anchored the girls that we're most likely to sleep with for the night so we work with our Chicago friends a bit on the women they're gaming. The cabana is a madhouse filled up with all the pussy that can possibly fit, and the guys are a bit detached from the girls. When I recommend to one of the guys that he go and lay down across 5 hotties to tease them he's a little shaky, so I just go to the middle of them, turn around, shake my ass, and plant myself right down on top of them, laying across them right after.

When I lay down across the group, they go apeshit (not in a good way). They're pissed and pissy and want me off, so I get off of them. When I talk to the Chicago guys about this they tell me that the girls have been pissy to them too. WTF? I talk to Brad and we decide that we need room for more girls anyway, so Brad has the guys point out the ones they don't like and Brad and I herd them out of the cabana like the boring cattle they are. We literally just say "Hey, do we know you guys? No? Okay you gotta go." We open our arms out wide and just push them out.

Here's where i've got to make a point to anyone reading this. Here's the deal. Brad and I and anyone we're out with are fun motherfuckers when we go out. Girls LOVE us! We tease them, kino them, and fill them with positive emotions all night wherever we go. That means that when girls are in pissy moods are aren't up to hang with our energy level then it's time for them to go. Yes, that means hot playboy mansion chicks too. I see guys making this mistake all of the time. They have some girls with them or around them who have super bad energy and are just basically shitheadish all night long, but the girls are hot so the guys put up with it and even sometimes make extra accomodations for it. Why put up with this? Because they're hot? Who gives a shit? A confident guy or group of guys with true abundance mentality who are giving fun, positive emotions and kino to women all night long (and thereby raising everyone's states around) can reasonably assume that girls who try to throw a negative wrench in things are not cool enough to be hanging out with and should leave.

So guys listen up! If you're in the middle of learning pickup then this might be a tough thing to understand (so don't go bitterly tossing girls to the side all night long because your sarge doesn't work out the best), but if you're nearing the the clearing in pickup and you're a starting believe or you do believe that you're a confident, positive, fun guy who knows how to tease girls and have fun with being single and meeting people, then it's time to pull the blanket off of your head and look at your life accordingly. It sometimes won't matter how awesome you are, some girls are just going to be rude and pour out negative energy almost no matter what. Does that make sense? Believe and accept that you're a high value man, make decisions accordingly, and you'll find a sense of self-assuredness you've never felt. It happened to me this night at the Playboy Mansion. I felt like my all of my goals from when I originally got into the game had been not only accomplished, but blown completely out of the water. What a great feeling!

Now back to the story. The Chicago guys continue to game and are doing well and getting lots of attraction and makeouts. The night at this point is a blur of bottle after bottle of Cristal and girl after lingerie-clad girl running in and out of the cabana. Brad and I have our choices set in stone and the party is coming to a close. When it's time to head back to the hotel for the after party Brad and I get the dissappointing news that we've missed and limo with the guys and will now have to take one of the busses back to the hotel. Fuck!

We wait.... then wait.... then wait more, before I started to get into damage control mode. About an hour and 15 minutes into waiting for our bus, Brad and his girl are doing great but my girl has already gotten pissy and is now getting angry and wants to leave. She would tell me later that I never got upset and that I kept my cool, but at this point in the night I was drunk and ready to go so waiting around while my girl got progressively angrier and angrier wasn't making me happy. In addition, Brad's girl is now talking about "getting her friend to meet up with us" (importing a cockblocker) which makes my girl even more upset. We finally make it on the bus after over an hour and a half of waiting around and we make it to the hotel. Brad's girl is super smart, so smart in fact that she's in the process of outgaming my girl so that she can get her friend (the potential imported cockblocker) laid. We all decide to get a cab and when it comes, I try and drag my girl into the back of the cab. She won't go, so I sloppily try and muscle her in. Bad idea. She's still mad and jumps in the front seat. Things are getting nasty.

With my angry girl in the front seat and Brad on easy street, I start shutting down. I'm half-drunk, exhausted, and tired of dealing with my girl's bullshit and to add to it i've got no food in me and it's 4am. This is now a bad situation because i'm falling asleep/passing out. In fact, that's just what I do... I fall asleep.

But wait, this is a double LR isn't it? Oh yeah.... this is the point in the story where i'm saved gloriously by the number one pickup artist in the world, Brad P., who hasn't drank a drop throughout the night and is still awake and gaming. He somehow gets rid of my girl and we head to get his girl's friend at the hotel. When we get there and she goes into the hotel he wakes me up and gives me a pep-talk.

Brad: "Wake the fuck up dude! What are you doing?"

Me: "I'm tired and having trouble staying with it."

Brad: "Are you drunk?"

Me: "Yeah probably."

Brad: "My girl's getting her friend upstairs, yours left, and you need to wake the fuck up so we can take care of this. Do you need something? Can we stop at a gas station and get you a water or something?"

Me: "Red Bull, gimme a Red Bull and it'll wake me up. I'll be fine. I'm just so tired."

Brad: "Cool man, we'll stop at a gas station and get you one, but don't fuck this up."

Me: "Okay man, i'm cool. We'll get it done."

The girls come down and luckily my new girl is hotter than the one i've been gaming all night! SCORE! She's also been drinking also and Brad's girl woke her up to bring her with us, so we're both about in the same boat. We stop at the gas station and get me a Red Bull, then we're off to Brad's place.

On the ride home, I begin escalation of my girl. I basically start by putting my arm around her right when she gets in the car and we both just lay in the back seat until we hit the house. When we get to the house, we all roll in to Brad's room because i've got bad logistics (new place, no sheets on the bed yet cause it was my first night there, no furniture, etc.). After a quick "Hey, so this is the place" Brad and his girl hit the bathroom and I pretty much just turn to my girl and start making out with her. Afterall, it's late and it's pretty obvious what's going on here.

In the end, this was a great night that culminated in everyone having a great night! Brad and I both got SNL's and handjobs and we winged each other very well.

I'm going to lay off of the game discussion for this LR so that I can talk about what makes a Brad a guru and what makes him number 1. You with me here? Okay. So i've been a professional PUA for over a year now and my game's very solid. I get results time after time right in front of students eyes. For those who haven't read yet, checkout the attraction forums reviews at:

That said, I've spent more time with Brad than probably any other person (females not included) in the past 6 months. What continues to amaze me about Brad is the level on which he's gaming, and exactly how far above everyone else on the planet he is. I'll give you guys this night's results from the Playboy Mansion as an example. My results were: I got a handjob and number from one girl (an 8), and got laid by a solid 9 who most would say is a 10. I also warmed up Brad's girl while he was getting his handjob. I'd call that an assist on my part. In addition to this i'm gaming my regular girl and am active with 3 others right now. I'm writing this on Friday of the week after all of this happened and since then i've been sleeping with my girl from that night quite a bit. The other girl (the one who got angry) has been sick this week or i'd already have closed her as well. I suspect I will very soon. These results are no slouch at all I think. I'm proud of them, even though they're arguably sloppy for a pro.

Now let's look at Brad's results from the night. Brad got a handjob from a hot girl with huge tits, got her number, then ignored her until she went away because he knew the scumbag factor would allow him to game her later. He then warm-opened the girl who thought I was in a movie and got a lay from her as a result. He also got an assist by getting me laid by his girl's friend. While watching Snoop with his SNL girl on his shoulders, I had her friend on my shoulders after she showed me her gigantic tits. Brad's already been to lunch with the girl that was on my shoulders even though her and his SNL have been talking on the phone and both know that he's seeing both. In addition to all of this, he's gaming his current women on the side and has added another girl from the Thursday before. That's a total of 4 new girls between two nights of going out. That means he has the ability to establish a rotation of hot girls in a matter of two nights of gaming while still winging with me and having an amazingly fun weekend. This was relaxing for us! Enough said.

All in all this night was without a doubt the most enjoyable night of my entire life. Above it may sound different, but it really was a great night of partying that culminated in some prolonged good times for both Brad and I. You guys in 30/30 are learning from the best! Brad's truly #1. Thanks Brad for a great night out. I hope I can repay the favor by throwing you some hotties from time to time