Thursday, April 7, 2011

Defination of a HUSTLER and formula for action

Defininition of a Hustler

By The Hustler

So, some of you regular readers (and there are a surprisingly amount of you) may have read this post from a few days ago. A gentleman who calls himself BaldChemist seemed to have a hard time understanding what I talk about here. He seems to think that I am obsessed with money and that being a Hustler is nothing to aspire to. He is wrong, in my opinion, on both points.

I think the issue may be a cultural one more than one based on intelligence or ignorance. I deal with many people in my day to day life that come from a great many countries. We also have readers from all over the world. I want them to understand exactly what we are talking about when we define what a Hustler is.

I am about to explain what a Hustler is to me.

I get around online and see others who claim to be Hustlers. Whether they want to call themselves “Hustla’s” or some other derivative of the term, I don’t really care. The sentiment is the same. They see themselves as something more. They are more than a worker, they are more than a trick, they are more than a pimp, they are more than a gangster… They are a Hustler.

I will start by telling you what a Hustler is NOT. A Hustler is not a thief, a crook, a swindler, a liar or a con artist. A Hustler may possess these skills. A Hustler may have even been one of these things in the past. But unless you drop the life of the criminal – you are a criminal. A Hustler is not a criminal.

So here is where I lay down my definition of what makes someone a Hustler. I will not be doing something cute like…

“H is for Honor”

…because, frankly, I am just not that guy.

A Hustler is someone who is or has been hungry. Personally I was hungry in the literal sense. I have gone without food for days. I have gone without a home. I have been broken down to nothing but pocket change found on the street. Now, not everyone has to be literally hungry for food. You could be hungry for money, hungry for fame, hungry for respect, hungry for knowledge or hungry for self improvement. Whatever it is that you were or are hungry for, it has to be a hunger that burns in your gut like acid. It has to make you spit fire. It has to be the single voice that rattles around in your brain when you are all alone.

Being hungry like I was makes you understand what real hunger is. You can think of nothing else. Every step you take is in the direction of the only thing that will satisfy that hunger. You will go through, around, under or over anything that gets in your way. When you haven’t eaten in days, no is not an option. When trying to understand the depth of this hunger – think about the crackhead girls who will do anything for a fix. That is the type of fixation that will keep you motivated.

A Hustler needs that hunger. Being a Hustler without hunger is like sitting in a car without gas. It might be comfortable and you might look good doing it – but you aren’t going anywhere.

A Hustler works a Hustle. I started writing this by defining all the things that could make up a Hustle. The post got incredibly long, very quickly. Here is the condensed version:

A Hustle is an activity that Hustlers devise to generate income or define their place in their community. A Hustle doesn’t have to generate income, but for most Hustlers, it must. It can be a job, a temporary project or a new business venture. A Hustle is the vehicle you take to reach your goals.

That is the basic idea.

So now we know that a Hustler needs – motivation (Hunger) and a Hustle (Plan of Action).

What next? What else does it take to make you a Hustler versus a guy with an idea and motivation?

A Hustler’s state of mind. A Hustler cannot be refused. He or She has honed their mind and skills to razor sharpness. There cannot be a doubt that what a Hustler tells you has not been completely thought out and absolutely verifiable. Sometimes this comes with experience, but not all of us have that kind of time.

I built my game when I was young. I had no experience. I had no skills other than the ability to talk other kids out of their lunch money. These were survival skills. I had to do this or I wouldn’t eat. I lived with strangers who really didn’t care about my welfare.

But where others found obstacles, I found opportunity. I don’t know how much of that is genetic and how much is conditioned. I do know that it is obvious when you meet someone with game and obvious when you see someone without. We can smell our own. We used to say “Game recognize game” back in the day. That is still true. And once you get on your game, like minded people will flock to you. But you need to develop that Hustler state of mind.

I can’t tell you how to develop a Hustler’s state of mind, but I can put you on the path. The next time you hear the word “No” ask “Why”. It doesn’t matter if someone else told you no, or if you said it to yourself.

Ask for a raise at work. If they say no, ask why. Do you need more skills? Do you need to create more sales? Do you have an attitude problem? By asking why, you are defining the obstacle. Once the obstacle is identified, a plan can be enacted.

Ask yourself if you can afford to buy your own home. No? Why? Is it because you don’t make enough money? Is it because you don’t know how to buy a home? Both can be overcome with the right plan.

Without a “No” there is no “Yes”. And that is the Hustler’s state of mind.

So this is what a Hustler is to me.

Motivation + Plan + Focus = Hustler.

Keep Hustling

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