Sunday, December 30, 2012

SAT:Daygame sticking points review and a Cocktease who I Next'd calls me....

I went yestreday to do daygame and I felt abit nervous for unknown reason and my body was again fooling me or warning me same as previous performance anxiety I had in my profession at one time...I did get a lot of smiles from girls as I walked by , it was mostly by hired guns. I couldnt calibrate whether it was friednly customer service EXCUSE #1 I should have assumed Attraction and ran comfort at least to warm was calibrating social norms and driven vibe for me to talk to her in a romantic interest way. I usally go direct all the time..

 Then after I left the mall had a cocktease I met online and we had sexual texts before but we never could meet up so I NEXTd her....She is a FREAK and attention seeking cocktease  in Franco's classification
call me within minutes to say "Hi how are you were you here at the mall right now?" then she described what I looked like and she was all excited.LOL
 like she saw a Beatle ;) but she's a cock tease..anyways. we spoke and she was at work and we vibed abit by phone game she was gaming me ....then she said this
"You are soo mean...." "You are mean..."
I couldnt intrepret as a tease or flirt or an attempt to banter to get me to qualify myself
then she said
"I was there by a kiosk sitting down and you walked by and I smiled at you and you just walked are mean."

I then ran escalation and investment strategedy verbally without beingf sexual to see if she was really down to meet me or she was a cocktease....she was like "Sooner than you think..." so I ended  the phone call as it was snowing and I had to go to a store..I mean logistics wise she just got to work and me giving her validation by phone would KILL my sexual attraction so I let space and her thoughts do the work usually.

I will get  end of the year consult with FRANCO from francoseduction  it will be more like reviewing my new structure  cause now I'm getting into active game and I don't want to make the mistake of taking over my life and affecting my studies again.I feel commited to my work and my important EXAMS coming up but when I go out like this daygame or nightgame I invest too much of my time into thinking it into doing it consistent to get good and sarge...while it will bite me in back of my ass again.

.I also met a good girl at work she has her career and  very attractive works in same place but other section ...she is attracted to me...we saw each other again in hall way and her eyes shined and we had great chemistry ...Ive always self sabotage myself in my success so even daygame and in my strict diet I'm learning discipline..discipline body thought and emotions...I crave food at night and Im learning to control my own emotions.Using Logic over my own emotions and developing a self discipline pattern and strong frame.

I had a good start this past year working with Franco and his coaching helped me alot, I think by myself it isnt enough, I honestly think Id crash and burn. Its always awesome to get advice from someone so experienced and  trustworthy source like Franco. I relate to being a Man and transforming into someone be honest I dont work with other dating coaches cause it isnt congruent to my style and my goals. plus most guys are young guys who are PUAs  have a sad empty lifestyle lack relationships lack certain fundamental things like a pass by rockstar who has his moments but when all the flash is gone they fall emotionally Flat on drugs or depression ...Nah this 2013 is all about ME !! :)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Screening out Girls who are cock tease and Friday I go out

So I started implementing what Paul Janka uses to take girls off his list,I believe in retreading but it doesnt always Im a big proponent that fresh girl is better than and old lazy girl, thats my Frame. which is congruent to my Inner Game.If you keep trying you can see now you overinvest and Girls like overinvesting guys for their validation but gives them power to reject you and shut you down with your own neediness like a hammer to your can try as practice but its practicing basketball with a deflated ball.

I screened out 3 girls and well its maybe winter mood or their frame of power wanting to prolong talking vs letting me lead or lack of reciprocation then NEXT!....

if you are as you are  and love yourself you in the first place dont let yourself be in that position,plus it comes off seeking validation once a girl loses momentum in text response or meetup response.

Off reading romance novels, womens reaction like this isnt towards someone they love or have lust over...

they like to invest also or like they say Cat string theory..or swinggcatt says let her please you and nutrue you away. undermined pimpin once you have her invested she feeels emotionally happy like she won you over...Adam lyons does this well in his game, I think he is brilliant :)

I considereing doing online game as my success were very good and now like society has changed the game has changed cliches have changed a player or pimpin transforms into a creature adapts to its enviroment.
Im considering getting help in this area from someone more experienced.

i go out on friday 8-9pm and places like jacksons is dead hoops is dead....I see it affect my state..this also is this diet Im in so far in one week Ive lost 6 lbs wihtout excersize and my sugar went from high as fuck to this stuff works...
I drive around and go to store open hired guns as practice to get my social skills
go outside cold as fuck
Text a girl now text 2 girls at same time... around the 1030ish -11pm girl says he wanna meet up if not Im calling it a night.

I realize that weather affect girls moods and behaviours..for me Im busy guy and have a timeclock wake up early and EAT THAT FROG like brain tracy says..
I figure that not alot of girls will go out NOT even on weekend and stay home and chill...they dont worry about a guy or meeting a guy they chill and hibernate like animals.

thats a mindfuck for me coming from miami or Nyc where anytime anyday even weather doesnt stop.
I remember a club promotor told me "people here in winter dont like to go out"
and where I am people are more "Vanilla".

SO HERE THE GIRLS WHO ARE OUT WILL WANT TO MEET A GUY cause they are investing in going out aside of the cold winter and all.
In NYC chicks would go to bars on football game nights to meet guys.another MINDFUCK!
Cool we are getting somewhere here for a game plan. ;)

OK Cool
so i figured that few good girls with friends go out and good girls will be daygame. which I can run direct or eye contact and  Hi.

FRiday breakdown I drove by Bertspub building and noticed alot of cars outside, there is a bar there too inside and restaurants but figured no parking EXCUSE #1...ok I see some HB 8s out dressed pretty trendy for winter, nice bodies I FOUND FRIDAY PLACE TO GO YAY!
next is check the scene but No, indeed its the place for Friday to hang out.
EXCUSE #2 not dressed to go out. you have to have a Look before you go out. women look at details.
and I wasnt ready MISTAKE!!!! #1
then I got in my head and HESITATED Mistake #2
I realized it and said Ok baby steps Its ok I know where to go and fuckit. here it is.
I dorve back and the road was bad...bad bad that cops closed part of the freeway that took me longer and expensive gas to drive same time texting 2 freaks to meet up one is  I cant now,,the other one was pushing it..which I have to post here few texts to help me model good text game of yes ladder and investment. I ususally dont text alot in my good years in fucking chicks, I think I might overdo the texts, I can get pussy elicit responses and shit like that but pushing for the meet up is different game itself.I think BradP and even aron smith has good understanding of this type of game. for me  its been plausible deniablility to work for me. or not talk about sex toward meetup. I know it builds ASD which leads to LMR.

That said,I did meet someone I like and might consider GFbut Im still in the works on that cause its social circle slow burn game on a Good girl. there is attraction and at same time chemistry.effortless chemistry.
which brings me a good point that I need to lead to somewhere....

I learned from Enropy the art of his Chemistry Game. I think he does it unconcious but when I learned it he explained it well and once I got a habit of doing it without being too rapport made great sense how easily and deep and good the person feels emotionally.

I think self discipline in men as logicl as we are makes us more intuitve in detective in reckognizing other emotions and how easily someone says YES in that emotions while in low state emotions you either rapport to change rhythm to happy fun state or you just let go and give space for that person to come out of that low headspace.

Theres girls who will act according to their own value and i think Captain Jack came up with this that i learned from Sinn   physical LSE = physical compliments are Ok
High sexual SE =run mystery method dont compliment on her looks but try to get her to invest in herself emotionally while assuming high value traits by you not complementing on her genetic looks.

FRIDAY need to improve

-good location more people better
   follow female psycology on why they are there and what they want to get out of it before you appraoch and be that guy!!!!

-dont care just go there No THINKING MORE DOING TAKING ACTION..boom ! you are there :)

once their no game just have fun, be talkative and cool relax at same time Smile like enjoying your own company and enjoying  yourself being yourself by yourself this equals confidence.

-drink water and tip bartender good put lemon on your water be cool and tip VS being there or excuse not going to nightgame place due to diet or lifestyle that you cant drink.

-Dress well before you leave, take your time and iron that shirt,comb your hair, listen to good music , listen that life is short and its what you make of it, go have fun and who doesnt exist when you are infield. only after to review your findings and results and detect ADJUSTMENTS.

write every excuse before you go out VS excuse once you get their.

adjust your game=calibrate answers and mood=dont talki blindly - lead where you want to lead verbally into positive REFRAME. credit RYAN RSD*****

-dead place =head space : look outside first before you get can return if other places close.later in the night if a girl wants to go home.

Life is an adventure  at any minute you decide something to happen ..IT WILL HAPPEN !!!!

Things happen for a reason if you make THAT POSSIBLE FOR YOURSELF :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Inner Game congruence new model of game start of 2013

my Best game came from my 2009 posts if you want to get the BEST out of this Id suggest reading the LRs and my mindset during that time I improved within 3 weeks almost to mastery level that I wanted to even consider coaching cause I was that good and consistent. I admire guys like Entropy at the time with Doc Holiday and especially Saffron. I then got improvement better with Inner game stuff in June 2010 due to new insights thanks to Mr.M and Braddocks inner game posts and their LS series on how to be an alpha male and 9 and 10 game, that along with Sinn's SNL material and CJ's framing stuff all came into one.
The most important thing is to get your shit straight first balance your life and results will go along with your state and inner believe of what you deserve. Ive been considering taking a 1on 1 with someone yet I havent considered who yet. I took time off due to school and career. in 2011 all I did was stripper game thanks to Mystery's old way of hired gun game ;Sinns stuff on it I think he gave a talk a long time ago and Julian Foxx and most influential Bonsai thanh who coached me before he left to europe
.My style of game changed but i ahd no direction what I wanted. I think my biggest influence was Jeffy  in this talk in transformations. Im older now and I know what I want and I want to "fuck nore chicks" essentially as they come along in my life ofcourse. But sincerely I want a Good Girl as Franco calls it.
So as a high status male Ive sticked with Franco's way of seduction, Natural Tim RSD is awesomely great in his transformations which gives great future projectiosn as Jeffy does and great awesome direct game calibrated fot Nightgame only,
I think it removes alot of nerdy talk and Negs from the game and its tactical way makes it work in every aspect
RSD Ryan was most influential on my attraction game verbal attraction RSDMastermind12 and Brad Branson RSD Mastermind 13 on persistance on closing and leading.
My rapport comfort connection game came from Doc holidayEntropy and BadBoy Dan from Croatia;

Sexual escalation comes from BradPs audio underground section and Sinn's SNLseminar and his LR book highly recommended for you to buy..Saffronpua's tactical move also is great in his LR and lost MP3 of his double same night sex in vegas.
Franco;s Email coaching is highly recomended I know that at this level I can improve only if I self rely on improving fast and learning more thatn reading PUA. credit BradP on this...but this was my past and Im now here ready to hit full on improvements in my Life. I came up with these diagrams due to the fact that Im insecure so when this was my guide all routines and framing and stuff come natural..believe me or not  I think routines are good. I recomednde any Brad Ps or mehows or Cajuns or captain Jacks material,
I think I wasnt ready for it mand I wasnt emotionally mature and scared of sucess. It was in June 2009 where I was with a natural who gave me a space to game one week just online go rejected 1,500 times and after I just got good and had a rotation and easily manipulate into wanting a chick to do for me. Read the LRs 2009 i wil ltry to make a pdf book since my stuff was stolen i lost all of my notes and Saffron  notes too.the only thing I could recovered was this outline he gave me after we reviewed active pasive attraction and went out.So far I think he is one of the best ive ever seen in nightgame and his Lays like Entropy were flawless. Thouse guys were my heroes but now its time I become my own hero like Rob Judge says. 
Daygame nobody beats awaken and now defunct Doc Holliday.
I use behavioral management and some stuff on qualification investment Im retreading to improve on all levels.
This is My Model

Good to hear your honest thoughts -- I want to encourage you to keep a journal of your sets, so that you can keep track of your progress. Next time we will need to talk more about AMOGing and inner game. Please do your homework and:

1) Talk in front of the mirror for at least 5 minutes a day and tell stories about your day. It sounds stupid, but it's going to start you on the path to good habits and the ability to keep on plowing

2) Make a list of 5 specific reasons why you're awesome -- seriously awesome -- what makes you different than most guys in a positive way. I'm sure your good looking friend may be taller and better looking, but you're probably smarter and possibly a nicer person. Think about specific stories and integrate that into your daily mirror talk.

Here are the general themes of our 1-on-1:

Right now you're the nice social guy, and not the strong, dominant guy. You need to have a combination of a strong frame, remain unaffective, and the ability to plow through the face of opposition.

Plowing means persistence, but it doesn't mean talking blindly. Be aware of the girls reactions and be confident to call out her shit.

For the most part don't go direct -- stick to cocky funny, high attraction openers.

Basic outline -- open --> cold read --> DHV story --> tease --> Role playing --> Comfort

Good set at the open bar place, where you were dominant and borught the girl in. Don't half ass your opener -- you need to be always projecting confidence and dominance. Pull her in and be confident (but NOT overly sexual or aggressive -- remain unaffected)

Openers to use: Quality Assurance needs to be better run, "I had to come over and meet you",

As to the night you went out, you are way too much in your own head. You should ALWAYS be moving when you're out. Don't ever go into "Spectator" mode and watch others game. The night is about YOU, not about other people. When you stand around and watch others, it HURTS your game, because you're destroying your own state. Watching others WILL NOT MAKE YOU BETTER.

Anyway, enjoy your trip, make sure you do your homework, and reach out to me when you get back. Let me know if you have any other questions.


FR White girls HURRAH ! what a mess

I usually go out by myself and I open direct most of the time ive been too busy to game .i realize that I need a stack I don’t have a stack and I vibe too much it doesn’t go anywhere. I would like to see if a 30 day challenge thing would help me or do a daygame at malls here.

in daygame I open direct and get a girl to tell me to me give her my number and when I say to me to get hers to text it to hers she says no and insists me giving it to her first and that she will call me and she never does even though she works at a gas station and flirts big time a lot with me and saw her afterward and acted like I never asked her for it and kept it real unreactive like a shit test and so I don’t know what this means eventhough she still flirts.i think after holidays will reopen her and Anyways

I think Im good with deep comfort I think I over do it cause im naturally too friendly but at times I go the other direction of being too sexual and come off too strong. I tried to use behavior management as frame control on girls cause I work a lot with kids who misbehave so in this  thing I come off friendly and have good rapport and control their behavior at times possible. Still I feel I can go polar opposites of too friendly nice guy too deep too soon or guy that is apathetic and feels that women need to open me and I start staring at them sexually,
I need to game man to keep my social life away from work,I had a married girl from work stare at me a lot and stalk me and subcommunicate she wanted something but I cant risk my career for BSwoman
so I rather find other social means to game girls outside of work I just need focus.

I feel like im starting over after the loss of my all my ebooks convo demolitions and awesome mp3s I had on active passive and great stuff with saffron doc holiday and my  notes from building comfort and the closing notes are all gone, I also plan hopefully to do online in jan 2013 as a bonus round .

I followed the dating solution book I had and joined toastmasters here recently but I come off uncalibrated. cause I notice peoples facial expressions from what I try to improv on a topic but I don’t make any sense.what you suggest to ask them for help in this area without coming off pua weird?lol

Id say my biggest sticking point is I’m confused, I want to do something consistent I like how you taught me direct back in the day but I lack a stack and I used to have a tendency to be needy or aggressive as you know but now Im like a pussy to be honest. I just like you to review this FR and see what you think I can work on, things are looking better for me here at school, I know mickey had a thing he copied from sinn on knowing when to let go when you text or call a girl when to let go and when to persist, im guessing due to the holidays and especially here girls stay home and don’t go out and even with winter get depressed according to my physician,so anyways.
when  review this  say what would I do Different?
FR :Field report

Friday night HOOPS BAR aka twenty one in Yakima,WA :

I went out just to enjoy myself and just relax.I usually am sexually aggressive and look at girls into their eyes and push and push to a “close” my female friend says that is sign of desperation and to stop it,

I have a good female friend Monique but she lives in California and I talk to her on the phone, she thinks Im handsome and cute and that I try too hard and she always is saying” be yourself you are too openly nice make them come to you, you have to sit back relax not give a shit and make them ask you to dance make them work for you, You don’t have to do anything!”

Ok her voice resegnates in my head sometimes Mark so Friday I went to a bar-club I was the best dressed and most handsome there.Made friends with the door man and some waitresses and especially the bartender, they knowi so they were friendly. bars open until 2am this was like 11:00pm

a woman Casey white kindah busty 6ft tall fat blonde I was sitting down at one point and she came to talk to me but then since my female friend Monique always tells me in my head when I ask her for advice “sit back and relax and let the girls come to you”attitude.

So this fat girl casey opens me with “hows your night going?” very aggressively friendly and I noticed she was either horny or I don’t honestly its been awhile since ive gone out I was talking to her cool and chill straight vibe comfort blah blah Im  here for school and there was a pause cause the conversation wasn’t really going anywhere …..this was 3 minutes in then when I tried to engage her into investing by doing a slight takeaway look at the screen of tv infront of me to indicate that Im getting bored and getting her to talk more and invest into the conversation to get her to talk more then she stood up said "have a nice night" and walked away.I was left clueless why she left and later on I tried to reopen her but she ignored me.again blindspot

I was standing there and watching a group of girls dance with one guy and all cute, I tried to catch a girls eyes nothing..then tried to screen the room,,nothing,,,then I tried standing there in spectator mode high fiving other guys just to keep away from my head.

then as I was about to leave a really short and cute mexican girl I forgot her name I approached her direct interest “I couldn’t help noticed you you look so bored and I think so you are kindah cute wanted to come talk to you, Hi Im Sandrospua ”that I saw her sitting down and wanted to come talk to her, she bought me a drink without me asking her and I was being myself, nice funny cool and charming, I did cold read like daygame and her talk about herself and about how I love a good personality she said “me too” to everything I said...then she asked me if I was gay like 2 times and I said no...

she giggled alot and I think we had something going I used sexual eye contact and my low smile to look even more handsome...i felt sexual tension she then out of the blue wanted to go dance to the dance floor she got up and grabbed my hand and took me like grindin on the dance we did for a bit but I dont know how to dance grindin' I was going to be aggressive sexual like grabing her ass and try to make out with her but I pulled back and HESITATED since I don’t know what to do and felt insecure..I didn’t want to be the dancing fat guy clown who doesn’t know how to dance, this was in my head going at that time instantly then when the music was lacking I told her I needed to go to the bathroom, I went to bathroom tried to put myself together and said to myself “fuck go for the close don’t waste time! Timebridge to her place or yours or whatever…just close”then I come out the bathroom all psyched up,

she also came out and then when we sat down she was different and kindah pissed or not interested,

I put my hand on her leg and she removed it, I smiled acted not a big deal and tried to plowed I guess I didn’t read her properlyor I was confused cause it was on,,,

I said “whats the agenda for later” credit Sinn* and she looked away then I said “whats best way to get together anytime soon?” aka getting her number and then shelooked at me and said "the truth is never"

I said: "oh I like the truth, thats important to me" and I smiled drank my drink and stood up and we both said at the same time "enjoy your night". I smiled it off and walked off like I was the coolest piece of ass she will ever get tonight thinking that she might change her mind seeing my non reactive response I was cool about the whole thing and went back and stood and stood looking at the dancefloor, then she leaves by herself and then Im like fuck this place hmm…I don’t know what I can do now ?

But was clulesss and was abit shy to open and not come off too try hard,that is MY BIGGEST FEAR IS FEAR THE THE GIRL IM GAMING SENSE THAT IM A TRY HARD.

Most girls there were with their boyfriends or in groups but I was trying to use my eye contact to gauge interest to cause appraoch invitation but no avail... now im guessing excuses go to my head and I left.


I forgot to tell you that I have a fuckbuddy who I met in daygame supermarket here when I moved here in September after we spoke , I lost your notes to that consultation aswell,

she has been cool and like more of a friend and on and off sex, she is nerdy and abit socially awkward cause she is a town girl and ADD type but not a party chick she is likes video games and watching movies but she isn’t the one for me we aren’t compatible really ,

I still have to game other girls but Ive been thinking using her as a pivot.she has a nice body cause she is skinny 5’4 115lbs 27 yrs old but she is FWB.

My night started with going somewhere for fun since I was bored in the town where I live and the city where I am ….people are more into bars and dress casually which impairs me to peacock or stand out. I like to dress nice and figured try to go clubbing and just see what I can do without reading pickup well I don’t have anything to read gosh I miss thouse practical pickup podcasts 07-08

Also I feel I don’t want to make mistake of burning myself out in same village. credit BadBoy*2012*
So I went elsewhere to go have fun and sarge is smarter idea to warm up and practice. There are no clubs in here either 3hr drive to seattle which I haven’t been there yet or this place other town which ive been before by myself but didnt open anyone cause I was afraid to dance…shit I don’t know whether to dance or not to dance but please keep reading.

So its started to snowing and my FWB had been a great “assistant” to taking pictures of me, (for my dating profile) I want to do online cause when we spoke in nyc when I lived with a natural roommate in 2009 I had great success closing girls and starting a rotation , that was my last month I lived in NYC after me and my best friend parted ways,I cant count on him anymore cause he is now married.

Anyways since I was recently buglarised by raided my apart ment and took all my ebooks and passport social security laptop everything….I needed now to try to take pics for online

Another thing is I managed to call few offices in seattle for auditions for modeling since I sent them my pic and I got a call to audition for a gig you know mark since Im half bolivian and half brasilean and tan, Im better looking than average brow…only my weight holds me back. But in mind I think Im better looking than I actually maybe am. I feel Im a model. Or as a ”DHV”lol..i think sometimes this makes me feel arrogant and cocky but I love myself now just confused how to put all this to work.

So FWB behaved well in helping me with “photshoot” and I used” frames” to persuade her get her into photography whole day with me for my dating profile but she thinks its for a modeling gig on the side cause Im better looking than average guy here and since she doesn’t have a job I played pretend that she is my personal assistant. FWB and so she isn’t jealous and I tried to 3some FFM her on craigslist but most I found was guys w GFs wanting a 3some with my girl; I had one attempt and at last minute the woman came over and Alison freaked out and the woman got scared and rude so after that experience that Alison isn’t the type for that and she isn’t bi either.. I decided to focus on improving myself and put that shit put it on hold …anyways so we had an awesome day of photography and that spiked up my emotional state abit ,eventhough I have shitty pics but anyways I agreed to have Alison play as my assistant then invited her to go out with me that night to be my pivot.

So we drove 2 hrs to clubBEVEL,in her car cause I don’t have snow tires, dam snow! not a lot of people but I walk in nice dressed and with “my assistant “ the manager at one point asks me who I am or where Im from due to the high status walk and talk and simple yet classy look to go to the club. V neck shirt black and my jeans and leather jacket which is mimic a suit jacket.see pic attached

I DHVd myself with everybody inside even the DJ,, all for social proof, planned.

So this was a ballsy attempt to see if I can use a pivot,I was in a high emotional state cause I felt like I was good looking guy at the place.

FWB seem to hate the club scene but she has never been in one and well I took her there cause to celerbrate the photshoot we did and show her what a club is.,FWB all the time was herself,not talking to anybody and lurking sitting down the whole time, this in part good ?.she is naturally abit socially awkward. Some girls came to talk to her but she would try to sing to songs or stare at the music videos on the wall and I tredi to get her excited, I never had a pivot I was all experiementing

I got a 7up and got her water to disguise we are drinking luckily clubs here are cheap with then as I sat down and read the room.

I was bscially trying to play the alpha guy players who don’t have to do much for the girls cause Monique keep telling me on the phone that “you should be the strong guy cause you are too nice and open and giving and that is bad cause there needs to be a balance and the girl has to invest or give in to you”….im like how the fuck I do that woman?

.anyways i sat down and was just singin along with the music and conversations here and there with FWB just to create the “Us party vibe”

to make a girl laugh to spike her buying temperature asain playboy credit*.i tried to do that with FWB so she wont seem uncomfortable and I get social proofed.


So I see a lonely fat attractive girl white tall really cute on her phone texting and sitting by herself .

I go over there all relaxed and comfident and open “I saw you were bored and wanted to join you” I smiled…I extend my hand “Im Sandrospua” …silence eventhough background music is club going, she is attracted “hi Im amanday” I sit down next to her and we stare at each other and she blushes, “I figured youre sexy girl by yourself“ she says:”Im waiting for some friends cause she is getting divorced and Im separated now with a 2 yr old baby boy……do you really think Im sexy”

I say to her with an elegant smile “Yes I do” I put my hand on her thigh leg then remove it.

I get close to her and she blushes even more,,,I dontknow what the fuck blush means or what to do when a woman blushes but she was smiling and I tried to getmy face close to hers and try to kiss her without building any momentum but I hesitated then I pulled back and she asked why are you here in town and told her im a ..............she kindah felt she didn’t deserve me and then

I thinkI made a mistake of that time going into deep rapport with “its so hard to be a single mother I know cause I have sisters you have to be strong cause your baby I know is your world”…….

I dhvd that im from ……………..and a model and Im celebrating cause I had an awesome day, she blushed and then I said Im here with my personal assistant cause we wanted to celebrate went well today to bring her along. I don’t know if this was ok or whatever but I felt it killed the sexual vibe then she saw from a distance that

FWB seemed kindah introvert and not expressing facially her enjoying the club …..

Now as Im writing this I said this cause I thought I was connecting with her deep but we are in the club and she is sexually attracted all is needed was logistics to go isolate and penetrate. No more gaming? Or am I moving too fast? I remember saffron said to me something about pull back and ask her or qualify her sexually to make her chase you or something like that but I didn’t remember what the fuck it was or what to do just confused ….

That lowered abit her BT or sexual state and then we cheers with our drinks and we talk about her drink and my drink her drink looked cool and they both had red bull…we both started talking about red bull and how with alcohol does magical…I kept eye contact staring sexually like mickey rourke and she was blushing and horny…. She said I think you should try my drink and I did I drank a little and joked about the cuties….then I ejected saying that I had to go to make sure FWB is ok and I will go get a drink like hers….I think THIS was another mistake here was to eject from the set cause I tried to do a takeaway or “break rapport at a high point to make her chase you”like puas say or maybe im doing it wrong or at this point was unecesary….AGH! told her Im going to go get a drink…I went and got a drink for me and I sat down with FWB and thick white girl had gone to bathroom and she then walked by me next minute but I guess she was AI to invite her to sit with me , but I hesitated and didn’t know how to game next since I thought close man just close!!! Go fuck her in motel now!! In my head…then next moment since I didn’t open her she opens some random 2guys infront of me and starts dancing for 45 mins and grabing on dancefloor and then her friends show up and sit at the other end of the room. She doesn’t look at me at all and I didn’t know whether to reopen her

I think she is creating jeaolusy or she is basically upset I didn’t re opne her as I told her I would and she went straight to open 2 random chodes , who did good job at dancing. Cause I cant dance for

I went to DJ and tell my name to play and FWB wanted to hear lady…this is just befriendly social proof.

I would shake around as if dancing but stay seated and banging my head,to be honest  I cant dance cause Im self conscious of my weight and I might be overdoing the dancing or being laughed at or start sweating a lot.

So a Filipino lesbian girl opens me with her 2 friends who were black hair dyed kindah goth I guess with blue eyes and chubby both white girls had tattoos on their chest. AWW Im in love..sinn would say .lololol

Filipino comes as Im seated and approaches me with her neck to smell and she says what you think this is?

I say calvin klien she says no Armani bitch! I laugh and hi five and say “cool cool” then notice the 2 girls next to the Lesbian leasbina says “im a lesbian” she is very talkative like she took a

And I do the mystery method asking the lesbian “please introducing me to your friends it s poilite thing to do ..” Hi and intro FWB as my personal assistant, they were abit in Awe….when I said personal assistant cause they are local town girls.

So the lesbian girl says look at my 2 friends and signals to her friends and then signals with her hand a backwards peace sign like a pussy and licks her tongue in between like licking pussy and then says to me “these 2 friends of mine don’t wanna dance cause they says she doesn’t thinkthey have a good body”… I was seated and I touched the girl on her tattoo on her chestby her boobs with sexual eye contact like sliding my finger…”you both are sexy girls I like to see you both dance ” and I winked at her, they laughed and there was a silence so they left to dance with each other so lesbian kept running sets and opening everyone.the two girls were dancing by themselves looking around.

Then 2 young guys we will call them young sharks come in and they tactically try to dance one by one by themselves and they wing to open girls on dancefloor,most dances they had was brief and girl leave them to hang with other girls.

I said to myself to stop cause Im now being in spectator mode..them Monique l’s voice in my head says go have fun and leave..who cares? They have to come to you!

So I figured after that the two girl set were actually attracted to me both, maybe threesome but since I didn’t open them or dancewith them then I was clueless when I just wanted to be the prize let them come to you…? I cant dance and I have bad tendency of trying to talk in the dancefloor which now I think its stupid thing I do sometimes.and I don’t want to seem tryhard self conscious talking sticking point noticed here***

I noticed AmandaY dancing close body to the chode guy She isn’t good looking as me but he is in shape average,.its like she dismissed me….still I cant dance but cant be entertainer either…cause when I was in set with her I knew it was on and no more gaming was needed to close her…just the stupid PUA of “break rapport ” kicked in my head and ruined my chances. Anyways no more thinking in the field just action so I see a hot blonde walks in w a drunk friend and she is dancing by herself drunk, the 2 guys young sharks she her and its funny how they coordinate and team up,,,but she is too drunk few seconds dancing then they eject cause they cant get rapport with her on dancefloor she is drunk,

I see the tall friend next to me standing and I pull out a chair and make her sit down,she sits down next to me she is an HB 8, 5’10 blonde good body and seems abit serious but she opened up,,,HB TALL

We talk and she asks first what I do or what Im doing at the club I said Im celebrating and I introduced Alison as my personal assistant cause Im from ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and just celebrating had a good day as a model.

She looked at me up and down and surprised she couldn’t tell or had a confused look on her face…then Lesbian opens her and sits infornt of us and opens with a comment of her stripper shoe HBTall had on,,then as lesbian Filipino leaves she kindah upset but funny says “WHY ARENT YOU DANCING? GO DANCE WITH MY 2 FRIENDS!! AND SHE DOES THAT THING WITH THE TONGUE IN BETWEEN HER FINGERS AGAIN” I was clueless what to do

So HB Tall she asked me I look different ,I said Im she goes to school to be a  scientist to work for police and she hasn’t been gone out clubbing since April and that wanted to hang out with her friend. We talked a bout  and I said cool..and I figured she was bored and wanted to dance but at same time look after her friend…

Then her friend came to the set and I use BT spiking to be cool with the friend, like when I deal with kids I treat when I sedate them lol “hey high five! Come here lets go” I grab her hands like we are handholding to the bar and I bought her a 7up and HBTALL a beer…. credit Brad bransson RSD mastermind #13*
 I figure to lock in or be social but I remember in my head..oh shit I think I just fucked up my chances to bang HBTALL like a typical loser buying her drinks FUCK!…

I go and we build great chemistry of fun w hb drunbk but her attention span is all over the place like Tyler durdens post on shiney objects…..then we come back and as I had social proof myself as I had drunk girl all over me wanting to grab my hand and I noticed AMANDAY saw this and she went to her friends and stopped dancing with 2 chodes…I think jealousy worked .te 2 mexican chodes were leering the club and left by themselves.

Then I run or try to run game on HB TALL but I keep leaning in to talk loud I really didn’t know what the fuck to talk about and it seems Im investing more in convo than she is, she tells me that she has a 3 yr old boy at home and single mother and I run the same crap routine for deep comfort about how tough it is to be a single mother blah cause I didn’t not know WHAT TO SAY!?….which really lowered her energy and I wanted to kick myself and after that when I went silent its like the set was dead and I was done…….i was banging my head with the music like having fun but like seeing in her face….silence killed the set with awkward moment of silence and no topic to talk about

Then she asked me that why  FWB seemed uncomfortable or not enjoying herself… Alison seemed with closed bodylanguage cause she isn’t used to being social or talking with people, she is a nerd type.

I responded to HB tall “she is tired but really is enjoying herself she s just here cause I hired her to be my personal assistant and she wanted to celebrate but she is cool like that”.. then HBTALL stares away when 1am came at that time 2 black guys came in and stood near the bar like to pickup the chicks to go home and fuck….all Alpha and then just sat down vip without paying and shit then stood up all ghetto

It caught HBTall’s attention and I noticed her body signaling her friend to open thouse black guys to talk cause the drunk girl was talking to every one all drunk and sloppy basically signally so she can leave from being with me sitting next to me… I noticed it and then I went to restroom and FWB  told me the HBTAll tried to talk to Alsions but since lcub is so loud alsion couldn’t hear her.

When I came back from a clueless piss cause I wasn’t understadnign HBTalls subcommunication to close her or game her …….. she left to talk with black guys standing by the bar

Fucking confirms that all local chicks go to this club to get laid,fuckin balck guys showed up as the club was abou to close too.shit what can I learn from this?

As I came back from the restroom told FWB lets leave, lets go….

Outside where the 2 young sharks talking to one of the2 girls tattoo girls smoking, I don’t smoke and I kindah started screening out girls who smoke but shit not sure if it matters really if im going to get laid or just another fucking excuse not to close.

So fwb is my chauffeur as well since her car had snow tires and mine does not. Plus she is good driver wanting to drive, So one of the young sharks tries to open FWB as she leaves the club toward my car and I make eye contact with the guy and he silences…..then I say to them2 sharks “you are my heroes”….

I don’t know why I did that or said that but I think that I was upset or angry at myself inside due to outcome dependence and not closing any girls and realizing im fucking going clueless here and not the approach machine after the boston bootcamp 2008 where I did amazing shit now I was fucking lame….

So he says what you say man? I say to him “you are my heroes ……….picking up the leftovers”

And FWB laughs hard and embarrasses the 2 yougn sharks and the tattoo smoker tittti is still smoking didn’t hear that cause she is talking to the other shark as they both smoke probably figuring out logistics

Im back and READY to ROLL!

this end of year Ive accomplished several great things.

1- get my career in track

2-Learned from experience and dedication and full engagement in the art of what I do in my career.

3- Managed to get something going for myself and be REALISTICALLY  independent

I started working on my health and plan to go at it full throttle along with my career stuff next 90 days

gotten great feedback from the people I admire and look up to.
Its always great to mastermind your weakness and faults and then quickly implement it,I always found that its the only way to improve FAST. I look back in 2009 LRs and say that if it wasnt living with someone who help me be consistent and just go for it without fear then Id be stuck to this day.

My next goal is to really push myself in MultiTasking my lifestyle
Thats my Goal.

Fuck it , like a friend said once Ben Saffronpua ".......fuck more chicks".

look forward to 2013 like LL Cool J and "knock it out"

Best Sandrospua