Monday, July 13, 2009

intuition and expanding sixth sense

Its basically trusting in yourself whats best and making a move.... usually you do nothing and the woman goes crazy by herself

but also when it comes to calling or texting or saying something.. its fieldwork or experience to decide when and what....

Jeffy actually talks about it in jeffy show...

jd fuentes talks about it....

david D's likie peripheal vision and instinct

I will look into it but I alos know JK ellis uses a persuasion technique to get into another persons position and therfore know his weakness.

Friday, July 10, 2009

El Gallo peliador or Alpha of Rooster

people try to find the analogy of alpha and beta

and I myself am working on it...

the BEst is the fighting rooster

He is alpha , and he is a fighter and focus on his goal ...

has the hens chasing him...

and he displays alpha and beauty traits and stands out among the other roosters

with a flick of his wing and style finnesse

attracts in his walk and his finnese style....

a true fighter

everyone admires him....

thats how we must be

focused to win our opponent in LIFE and block it and throw a punch back to move things forward...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Entropy's Vids online

Here is the link

This guy knows PU very simple yet effective....

TOp and learn

seduction artist and pua's ...technical vs finnesse and julian foxx now rule

Dude Ive talked to julian foxx before by gmail chat and he is smart guy..

what most impressed me other than the contraversial mystery challenge

was his female psycology product with vin di carlo...

This guy is a must to learn from...definately finnesse style of game...

Im not a fan of style or the game..honestly cause guys see it as a business and alot of guys get into it and talk about it and dont get laid...

the forbidden truth by brad P is a must read

I accept the fact of learning with someone or even paying to learn from an experienced person...why? cause you value it and they value you...its genuine help and since theres investment by both parties its better than just free advice from someone that doesnt know or understand or even slept with women...


I work with the BEST but it was up to me to make the desciscion at each moment to make a move and be assertive...

in this post you will understand why its important from the get go...

learning game is tough road.... but once you know how it works , and what works for you.... you dont need are tools and you become a walking seduction artist not a pickup artist....

my personal style is once I lay 15 girls and have more intuition of rhythm.. Im going to go for more advanced stuff..
maybe BRAD P's material or threesomes and other stuff
but for now Im focused on survival and fitness and keep gaming

game doesnt stop..players change but it never stops

Its maintaining the wicked jumpshot thats getting me laid....

that being said I decided to post julian's rule on approaching....

The Now rule by julian foxx

The 3 second rule... Its been around for years,
and for many guys it's an important part of their game.

In case you're not familiar, the 3 second rule is a widely taught pickup concept that says you must approach a woman within three seconds of seeing her.

If you don't approach within the 3 seconds, then you shouldn't approach at all. You've lost the momentum. When I first learned about it, I thought it was fantastic. In fact, theoretically it's perfect.

But practical application has yielded an ugly discovery... As I've worked with more and more clients over the last four years, I've had quite a few who practiced this technique.

But eventually I noticed a pattern among some of them that was down right destructive. They were actually using the 3 second rule as a crutch! Because the rule states that you shouldn't approach if you hesitate beyond 3 seconds, it was giving guys an out.

You see, the idea behind it is sound; If I hesitate, I don't get to approach. The problem is most of us are scared to death of approaching, and we'll use any excuse we can to get out of it. And following the 3 second rule gives us an escape hatch. Think about it... All you have to do is wait 3 seconds, and then you're home free! You don't have to approach anymore, in fact, technically you're NOT ALLOWED TO.

Sounds a little crazy right? But truth is stranger than fiction, and I made the discovery only after diagnosing the problem in a number of clients. When it comes down to real life, the 3 second rule is flawed. And you shouldn't be waiting 3 seconds anyway... In fact, you shouldn't be waiting at all.

Which is why I'd like to replace the 3 second rule with:

The "Now" Rule.

Pretty self explanatory right? Yep, waiting isn't allowed anymore.

And I don't care if you don't have any idea what to say. There is another critical difference between The Now Rule and The 3 second rule...If you hesitate and don't approach her when you first see her, guess what? Yeah, it's still now.

So you still have to approach her. There is no out. Sorry. What you might discover in doing this is that the sooner you approach, the less agony you're going to feel. And perhaps more importantly, she is likely to be far more receptive. Women like it when men don't hesitate.

So essentially, if you don't follow The Now Rule, and you delay... your punishment is that you STILL have to approach... But this time you've lost momentum, and perhaps she has sensed your lack of commitment.

So now you're working at a disadvantage. But you still have to work. Ya dig? This subtle advance in your thinking will train you to start approaching sooner. Because you'll realize very quickly that it is far more rewarding and significantly less painful to approach now.

Enjoy, Julian

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jeffy Show RSD notes reviewd

I love his game and he helped me be funny and confident ..that draws her in...

Im going to get his new book nine ball

He is emotional guy like me..went through alot of shit like me...

this means alot to finally get better..jeffy is awesome

DVD 1: steroids for the soul

I am a giver of value.
I am social cool and a good guy.
I am energetic fit and healthy.
I am loyal and honest.
I am ambitious and productive. I constantly take steps to better myself.
I am a winner, persistent and flexible when it comes to my goals.
I am playful and fun and I bring this out in others.
I am an inspiration.
I am confident and assertive.
I am intellectual.
I am generous and forgiving.
I am a student of life and ultimately just a guy.
"Follow those who seek the truth, run from those who say they have found it"
It starts with being in the moment.
"Life is what happens when we are busy making other plans." john Lennon
You can only process so much.
Be selective about what you focus on.
Your attention must be a laser to the goal.
Keeping focus external.
Only focus on what is relevant.

Become independent of the body.
Social Pressure=the anterior cingulate cortex, an area for error processing, the same thing
that makes you pull a burnt hand away
Building a tolerance-repeated rejection kills the fear
retrain bad experiences into skill drills for improving pressure coping mechanisms
ongoing endeavor
very easy to fall back into negative thinking
wake up and ask yourself
"what am i happy for in my life right now"
"what am i thankful for in my life right now"
"what am i dedicated to in my life right now"
"who loves me"
"who do i love"
Chodes diss self help and then complain about inner game
We chose how we react to things.
One guy chodes about, while the other sacks up and goes.
View everything as a challenge, game, or learning experience.
The ability tho assign empowering meanings separate success from failure.
-ZERO FACTOR WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"I don't need my car to be the shit, I AM THE SHIT"
Game is "an expression of your internal state, conveyed by the rhythms you use to direct
the energy of the interaction."
Three parts of game: Internal Value, External Nuts and Bolts, Intuitive
Understanding of the social Matrix
Characteristics of state and how to control it.
Having love for the game.
Clearly defining your values
Right here right now.
Overcoming physical and emotional challenges.
Assigning empowering meanings.
Role of looks and money.
No attachment to outcome, but always moving towards it.
“Stop criticizing yourself!, but be intelligent about your growth and go for it.”

DVD 2: WE are going in

“If they have to say “What” to you opener, you are probably sunk.”

Vocal projection man was a drunk that was smelly, he was rediculously loud, he could
pull and chicks when asked how, he said that at a young age he had an ear infection and
could not hear so he went to speech therapy and learned to inunciate.
Warm up by having you and your friend yell loud belligerent nonsense to get in that mode.
truism: you talk loud, you get laid
Assume success
“Believe that you are going to succeed 100% or you are going to Fail”
What you expect to be true will. Pygmalion Effect: teachers were told certain chilren
were smart and they ended up being that.
Do not HOPE it will work, you must KNOW.
Step up like a bomb going off. BOOM! Become a force of nature. Step with that
hard internt. You will not be denied. Keep talking, jack hammering away at their reality
Plowing: If you do not get the result that you want, do not give up, but don!t be pushy, just
assert your frame, agree to disagree. “Give them a chance to give you a chance.”
The best are psychotic and delusional.
Skinny indian dude with white shirt and tight ass pants, doing magical dance moves. He is
being openly mocked, but doesn!t care. He gets laid like shit. No doubt, no fear, no failure.
When you have apparent value, girls will test if it is a front. Shit tests are a godd sign.
The most important thing is to remain unreactive, don!t flinch.
A sub-set of social pressure. After a while you will not flinch at all
It is very tempting to brag about your accomplishments, especially if you are extroardinarily
The value of Brevity: less is more. The less you say the better. Brevity:concise and
exact use of words in writing or speech--90-10 rule thatyou should be talking 90% of
the time, talk about many different topics, keeping concise and short on each. Helps
game alot.
THE CHODE CRYSTAL Definition: when the guys go out and form a little crystal of doom,
one guy is in state and all of the other dudes bunch around him and form a crystal, DO NOT
DO IT it is massively negative social proof, if you see youself chode crystaling, smash the
chode crystal and shatter it to the winds.
Sometimes it is ok to send a wingman in first, to warm the group up and them enter, but
don!t try to jide your intentions by doing this. This girl knows this is a pickup, don!t wimp out.
Look for the hook, but don!t step on his game. Enter during a pause. good opener “
what the fuck is this? are you bitches hitting on my boyfriend? He is always like this”
then end the joke there. or “Hey have you seen sara” “no, hey girls mee my friend--”
NEVER CONTRADICT YOUR WING--you don!t want it to look like you are lying to pick
up chicks
Most importantly: IT!S YOUR PARTY--you are not trying to weasel your way into
their!s you are bringing them into yours.
Have low expectations of your friends---don!t depend on them for your happiness
“We don!t define other people with our judgements, our judgements define us” Wayne
DONT GET PLAYED!========Supplication
If a chick askes if you will buy them something, say that you normally have a rule
about that, but you will after they make out with you, if it is any good. Ask them how good
they are on a scale of one to ten, if they say eleven, say “Dumbass, what did you fail
math?” after they say a number say “Alright let!s see.” after the makeout say “That sucked,
this time with feeling. ” After that if it was good buy her what she asked for, if it was bad
Simpler is if someone asks for something, even a guy, say “Are you going to make out
with me” they will normally say no after that say “That!s okay” as if you didn!t really care, and
just continue.
If a girl wants something say “Tell you what, i will give you XYZ if you make an
animal noise for me.” “i want you to make the noise like a pig” after she says it say “No I
want you to make the noise like real” “Imagine you are the animal here with me!” then give it
to her
Four Levels of Fashion:
1. lame-ass------you cannot define it but you know it when you see it no-one can make fun of it “generic”
3. super cool-------you are standing out to the point where if someone wanted to they could
make fun of you--dustinctive
4. Prepostourous--------------peacocking “fucking rediculous”--have one or two interesting
things---everyone should try this because it gets attention--if in a bad state you will get
blown out and teased--if you are incongruent, they won!t take you seriously
you should be thinking:
-cool, social, fun, give value, go, smile, cool, fu, cool, loud, give value, go...........
-don!t be a linger or hover chode----------arrow to the target
don!t look for the perfect opening go staight in and bust in like the koolaid man “
-no flinching
-imagine them like little children--try to see their inner child
-Master the command “Look!”
You have to be able to command the attention where you want it “Look! right here
ps: learn to love that word
Douchbag opener:
“I ama a duchebag, do you like douchbags? Wanna be my new best friend?”
This is where you just go up and introduce yourself, no pretense giving an SOI right
off the bat. There are obvoisly various degrees of this. If you don!t believe this
100% you are done. Forces her to flip a yes/ no switch right off the bat based on
your demenor, and you appearance.
This is where you go up under a pretense. The classic is the opinion opener.
1.The Magic Tap
Literaly a tap with two fingers, the firmer the better. (tap tap)
Get their attention. “Hey Guys”
3. False Time Constraint
Make it seem like you are out of time. “Real Quick”
4. The Opinion
Favorite opener: the friend zone “If a guy is in the “Friend Zone” with a girl is there
any way he can get out of that?”
5. Response
“Well I think that blaah blahh blah”
6. Follow
“My buddy really likes this girl and I am like “Dude yo are in the friend zone man, fuck
nothing can escape, not even light it is like a black hole, you are Done.””
Overly Elaborate Opener
Make it a weird long complicated thing that the girl won!t get then answer with “Oh
you are still cool” and follow up. EX. “How do you feel about the global warmong of
the thermo-nucularisation in eastern Europe” make it like a joke and not really serious
about the answer.
Going Dummy:
The “I am stupid as fuck, wanna be friends.” Opener OR Give her the card from a
taco shop and say “Hey, you should work there, I cook the XYZ You come inand
you get a special XYZ with a special sauce. HA You are cool, though what!s
Wicked stupid and retarded, lick them, BAM!!,
-Vocal projection
-Assuming success
-Congruence tests “YOUR MOM”
-Qualifying yourself
-Get used to making a fool of yourself in public
-Knock yourself out of your comfort zone
Secrets of kareoke and gaming:
1. Vocal Projection
2. Rhythm--the norms of body language, projection, topics,
c loseness in the group--mimic it so you can
then change their rhythm. They will follow your lead.
3.Expression. Because all game comes from within, you must
express your personality in all of the game. DON!T BE A ROBOT!
Put your personality on the line.
4.Congruence--will they believe the words that you are saying?
Without congruence you can be smooth as fuck
and you will hear things like ”I don!t trust/ believe you.”


Take your Passion and Make it Happen
“There is a time and a place for everything?”
Routines are useful during:
When attention begins to drift, or when friends come
Favorite routines:
it is set up with SOI...IOD
ex. “You are the nicest girl I have met.....or you are a total weirdo”
Future Adventure Projection
“I want to take you on a romantic date, to Burger King. We would have the best
table right up front.” elaborate with you guys ending up on the beach writing your
names in the sand with our feet. Either that or I can screw you in the bathroom right
now. It!s your choice.
Side comment on how to
speak like that without getting
blown out:
Do not pause and dwell on it
keep moving--shifting sands
Any time the girl says something that could be interpreted in some bizzare way as
meaning she wants you flip it on her.
Elastic Snapbac
You say things like “You suck” or “I hate you” or a backturn. It!s breaking rapport, to
be used when you are losing her attention.
ONLY used at a high point. Basicaly waking away when they get attached to you for
like 3 minutes.
When you take away your attention. EX. “The Pretend Text-
Message” act like you have a text when she is laughing. or Just Start
Looking Around Do it like you are looking for someone.
Become a man of stories “Stories are a showcase of your personality.” They DON!T
even have to be that cool. THEY DON!T HAVE TO BE FUNNY THEY CAN JUST BE
QUIRKY. Just tell her random crap that you have done that day. “Have you seen XYZ it
was soo XYZ” if she andswers yes say “What was you favorite scene” if not say “Let me
explain it” say the most retarded specific shit like “he smokes weed” or “He kills dudes” or
“He angs the chick froms XYZ” and make it sound very varied.
You have to make things sexual from the get go.
Adopt a flirtaious tone
Start the physical escalations early on in the interaction.
This must be done from the get go.
The friend zone is a black hole, nothing escapes.
All tactics merely serve to get their attention. All sexual attraction is built by
subcommunication. These 5 channels are:
is it dominant, the tonality, the pauses that you use, the speed
Body Language
Owning The Interaction
Being the right man for her
this is basicaly finding out what she wants to hear
from a sexy man, and telling her stories
and highlighting that part of your personality.
Transfering into “Rapport Mode”
At some point you actually have to make a connection with the person you are
talking to otherwise it is all just empty non-sense. You do this very soon, from right
off the bat to 10 minutes in. Be aware of being a comedian. Shift after and IOI
-Playing with her hair, ect.
-Gazing intently
-Touching you
-Laughing at you jokes even when they are not funny.
~Trust Your Feelings~
On When To Shift
A club is a very disassociated environment. It is like nothing is real. They don!t even
see you as a person. You have to become a real person to them. You have to crystalize
yourself into a real person. How to do this
1.Qualify on the close
Say “Can I get you number, this is crazy, tomorrow you probably aren!t
even going to remember me” Make her say “No, I will remeber you”
Find out if you guys have anything in common. THIS IS GOLD. This can turn a
bland conversation into the set of GOD. Like common interests, towns, hobbies,
people. Make it real. Never say “Me Too.”
3.Filling In The Canvas
Filling In The Canvas of your life. Elaborate on your life as much as possible. Talk
about what you wanted to be when you were a kid, and how I got where you are
today. Talk about places you have moved.
4. Photo Routine
Have some pictures stored and bring them up if it happens to arise in conversation.
Don!t show it off.
5. Venue Changing
The more you change venues the better. It forms an illusion that you have known
someone longer than you actually have. Always be dropping hints beforehand.
Dont ask, say “Sko” not “Let!s go.” OVERSELL THE SHIT OUT OF WHERE
YOU ARE GOING. Don!t do too much convincing.
“A person!s name is, to that personn, the sweetest, most important sound in any language.”
Dale Carnegie
Most of the time this does not happen, Relax!
80% of the time you see a guy with a girl it is not their boyfriend.
How to handle them if they do cockblock?
Cut them Off and Talk Over Them
Laugh!, and Dismiss them from your reality!
Big trick: Say you are introducing them to your friends, grab a random person, and leave
them together.
Total Eclipse of the Chode:
“Once upon a time he was falling in love,
now he is just a fucking dode. Nothing he can do,
total eclipse of the chooode”
and literaly sread your wings and soar,
as you do this push the other guy away.
There is nothing he can do.
Things to learn from Ozzie:
~Bang the chodes~
Actualy run up and grind on them,
or act like you are raping them,
always works
~Chode Parachute~
Climb up on someone and literaly drop in on the chode!
~Chode Throw~
say “You are a fag, get the fuck out of here!”
and throw him away!
Psyco Openers
Walk up to a girl and be like “Go tiger, Go Tiger” Having fun? Having fun?” Hey look at my
ass you want to touch it ! You like, yeah, you wanna touch it” Grab their hand put it on you
ass”It!s good, huh, it!s good.””Let me touch yours, grabs their ass and asy it!s good, is not
fluffy, i like this, you work out, Yes?”
It can be done if you believe it.
Pick up a girl and start banging them on your dick!
-Stories as a showcase
-”The Friendzone”
-5 Variables
-Shifting Gears and crstalisation
-Dealing with cockblocks
-Ozzie and the power of state


Dealing with groups vs. Loners
A girl alone is there to get laid, point blank period!
You must engage everyone in the group. Think of it like juggling.
Spread eye contact between all of them.
Wingman are great for this.
If you just focus on the target, then the others will become cockblocks.
Introduce other people in the venue to one another.
Open one group with an opinion opener,
then go to tell your “friends” that tthey said that ,
and introduce the two.
Boom, it occupies some of the group.
~Sacrificing the virgin~
Blow out one girl in front of another .
~ You Can Never Eliminate Flakes~
When to call: THE VERY NEXT DAY
In your mind they want to hear from you. You don!t want the magic
to fade.
SHORT AND SWEET “Hey What!s up, it me hey so i am kinda going
in and out, so yeah try to get ahold of me. Okay, Cool, Bye” Don!t
say name. I you aren!t called back use the “Weeping Air Supply
Callback Technique”
Weeping Air Supply Callback Technique:
With weepy music it backbroung say in a crying tone: “Hey XYZie
this is is (You)ie. When are you gonna call me back? You said you
would remember me! Call me back. I have no friends! I am a total
chode. You are my only chance for love! AH Ha Ha No seriouly you
areing a fucking brat you should really call me back. And check it I
will even sing for you.” Then crank up the music. Sing along with the
music and hold one note for like 20 seconds. And end with “Bi-atch.”
What to do on the first call:
Do not go for setting up a meetup. Just establish yourself in their life.
1st call: “Hey what!s going on, bllah blaah blaab?” Then tell a little story of
what!s happening to you that day. Get them laughing than be like, “So
what are youdoing today?, yea, great, cool” and then cut it off. and tell her
you have to go do something, but can you call her back. Then call her
back a couple days later.
Two stories to use:
“Toss my salad”
I was at lunch today, and well there was an elderly gentleman at one of
the tables. This guy is freaking out. He is like caling the waitor over.
Apparently there was a problem with his salad. It was not tossed enough.
So he is like “I told you I wanted them to toss my salad. (Which means
rimming) Toss my salad, blaah blah bla.” So me and some other people
start laughing. And the waiter gets a smirk. So the man is like “You think
this is funny? Get me the Managar.” So the managar comes out and the
man is like “THis is absurd, I told them to toss my salad, my salad has ot
been tossed. I Do not see what the big problem is why can!t you just get
someone to come out from back there and toss my salad” I am not sure if
he meant to do this, but the managar is like: “I am sorry, we are going to
rectify this immediatly.” hat was like the highlight of my day.
2nd call: Same thing, quick little story to pump the buying temperature.
Then push with the meetup. Be like “Okay so you are meeting me at XYZ
at XYZ o!clock”. Plow, don!t take no for an answer, just repeat it “Irrelevant,
cancel, this is better, is it a good friend well the they!l understand. So what
are you doing after that, cut the shit, fuck that” BELIEVE it! BE
Text Messaging
Make it over the top, utter nonsense, Don!t give a fuck,
Your House
It doesn!t ave to be super clean, just don!t make it like a frat house!
Have ti be reletivly adult, but the one thing. You bathroom should be
-Ultimate Secret of Pickup-
Toilet Paper!
Certain will trigger LMR and one of these is condams. Don!t have
them laying around.
LMR Freakout
Don!t flip when she gives LMR, agree and esculate, it just means
more time. Be Cool With It.
When you get LMR, just freeze her out and hop up and away. Don!t
be harsh. Don!t have any anger. Be supersweet and supercool. Just do
something else and try again later. Don!t be a value taker.
the most important thing that you need
“Without Dicipline, we can solve nothing. With only some dicipline, we can
only sove some problems. With total dicipline, we can solve all problems.”
M. Scott Peck.
Dicipline=====having a game plan and sticking to the script, this
means following up on your numbers, sticking in the game and seeing the
big picture
The ability to delay gratification is the key to maturity. It makes
the difference between being proactive and just floating along.
Problems are not going to go away of their own accord just
because you went to some seminar and heard some chode with
a psudo-mullet talk.
Always ask yourself
“What Would Tyler Do?”
-When you are with a girl, Sets Open You are: COOL, FUN, SOCIAL.
You get a get out of Jail free card on trust.
-TARGET IMPLICITY: Both you and your girl must attract them. It must be
Implicitly understood what is going on before exraction.
Tell them what lie to tell their friends
or tell it for them
You must provide a united front. You ust love your wing. Dual inner game.
-In set you are two people in set, but when pulling, you are one
mechanical unit.
-When you have a girl with you, she can accurately tell you what that other
girl is thinking.
-Girl AMOGS she can bust on the dudes in ways that you can never even
dream of.
-Hierarcy and ground rules
One of them is always top dog, you have to follow them. DO NOT
Cultivate a “Us vs. Him” Mentality
where the girls are actually
conspiring against you
Agood way to do this is have her make them trade
clothes and see if you notice.
Do not notice
Elaborate routines become commonplace--don!t use them.
-Dealing with groups
-phone game
-end game
-discipline and intent
-threesomes and tandem hunting
DVD 5:
When all is said and done
“I read and I forget. I see and I remember. I Do andI understand”
A method has no soul.
You, as the player, must bring soul to the method.
They are tools, not an exact blueprint.
“Aim for consistancy, not perfection.”
Get a flashlight. If someone loses something, it helps, and to get through a
crowd just hold it up over one ear and say “Move” like a bouncer.
“Develop Your Field Intuition”
Spidey-sense must be grown
“When you get more experiance,
you start to pick up on those little things.”
You have your whole life to get good.
#1 thing:
Not being a basement dwelling D&D cave troll.
Women Are Everywhere!!!!!!
BE CHALLENGING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As we grow up we are firest ruled by our emotions, then by
social rules and values, and finaly our code.
Utimately you want to live by your code.
But to truely live by it and be free, we must first confront our
“Shadow self” in the darkest corners of our mind.
We condemn most in others most that which we most fear
Be brutally honest with yourself and stay vigilant.
Listen to your friends.
There are two ways to get an amazing woman:
Become an amazing manipulator, or an amazing man.
~”With Great Power Comes Great Responsabiity”~
Ancillary Skills Add Value:
1. Avoid becoming obsessd with pickup at the exclusion of all else.
2. “Being Passionate About something is highly attractive”
-Gives you perspective.
-Learn what constitute value in other cultures.
-Helps sharpen your overall field intuition
-Make it cool
-Stand up
-Nutrition-Quality Control
-Very Romantic
You have to deal with it!
“Circumstances do not make a man, they reveal him.”
James Allen
Your Identity is Fluid!
“After Enlightenment, the laundry”
-Bringing soul to the method
-Internal Value
-Ancillary Skils
-stepping up and being a man
“Life is what you make of it”
“Make the myths”
I am proud of my desires as a man
I move through the world without apology.
I was made to satisfy women.
I don"t need any particular woman.
Women are abundant.
I do not dwell on the past....The past cannot be relived...Good ot Bad
Rejection is a great thing the more I get rejected the more I will get laid.
There are no mistakes and no failures---just experiance and growth.
Every Rejection is a brick in my palace
I control how I interact with people, the choice is mine.

The Verbal Attraction Series

The Verbal Attraction Series
by Ryan RSD

Cut the Chodeversation, Anatomy of a Spike Do you ever feel yourself slipping into "Chodeversation"? Like "what's your name...where you from?...oh cool, I grew up near there myself...yeah but then I went to school in..." Yuk times! Let's talk about making it fun... lets talk about unpredictability and spiking...

Also if you haven't already checked out Tim's blog - do so now. Specifically "The Pounding of Passion" as it outlines step by step a very cool verbal attraction technique.

Talking to me is like walking on ice – no one can predict where I’m going…or anticipate where to step next. Why?…because I say what I want, when I want – free and unbounded by social convention. I bring the truth. What is the truth? Well, the truth varies… but as a guy talking to an attractive girl…let’s not kid ourselves

Too often do I see guys slipping into “chodeversation”… going interview style, or talking to the girl to simply keep the interaction going, rather than acting through intent and leading the interaction. Saying what’s really on your mind and bringing SPIKES.

How do you spike? Well, simply put - a spike occurs when you introduce a sexual frame in a seemingly random way at an escalated energy level. Got it? That's right... increase the energy level (get excited), change the subject, and make it sexual. 3 steps to a spike

So common example...
Girl: Right so I really wanna open a shelter for puppies with eating disorders so that they can...
Guy: Wait wait wait! I just noticed this dress you're wearing...turn around let me have a look at you! :-)

Now, interestingly enough - spikes usually come from a place of truth. So when this gorgeous girl starts rambling on about deforestation in Arizona and you feel your thoughts start wandering in a naughty direction, that's your spike material right there.

So then, let's take a look at an example I had lastnight…

The girl I'm chatting to asks a lame question - I know where things are headed. I can either go down that dark and dull road, or instead I can make it fun and bring the spikes. Here's how I played it...

Ryan: oh cool, yeah that’s an interesting dress you’re wearing…(or whatever random thing I was saying)
Girl: Thanks, where are you from?

So then, this could go downhill very quickly. In a past life I would have said something like “oh I grew up in DC but then lived in England for a while and bla bla...” Boooooorrrriiiiiiiinnnggg…

Then I learned “Game”…so it became “Guess!”…LAAAAAAAAMMMEEEE

Let’s get to the fucking point already!

Ryan: oh cool, yeah that’s an interesting dress you’re wearing…(or whatever random thing I was saying)

Girl: Thanks, where are you from?

Ryan: Yeah I am single. :-)


I’m not here to waste time…I don’t need to go through the pleasantries, as it’s been put elsewhere, “I drive diagonally across the lanes”. Let’s get down to business, shall we…

And the dance begins…

Girl: Haha what!? No I asked where are you from!

Think you know what’s coming next?

Ryan: Christ, you’re too cute, what am I gonna do with you…?

Girl: (who is this man!?!?)

Ryan: Ok that’s it, it’s decided…I’m keeping you. (hug and kiss)

Guys, this is how you go beyond talking to a girl…how you CREATE AN EXPERIENCE.

I’ve had enough chodeversations to know they’re not fun. So when I feel the conversation sliding in that direction, I put a stop to it right then and there…to do this I change the subject and get down to the truth of the matter.

What is the truth?

Well it can vary but usually if I’m approaching a girl it’s because I think she’s hot…duh! And if I think she’s hot than a whole slew of other ideas come to mind And once my thoughts go there, you can be damn sure I’m not gonna slide into “oh cool…so where are you from?”

Now, obviously there is a time and place for getting to know each other…but only AFTER you’ve set a sexual frame for the relationship - and one tool you can use to set that sexual frame is... that's right, SPIKING

See guys, we’re not bound by convention. We have no obligation to stick to threads, take things slow…or even MAKE SENSE for that matter. We do what we want, when we want. We say what we want, when we want! So cut the BS-filler-speak, keep it unpredictable, and bring out what’s really on our minds. Make it fun!

Ryan (RSD)

Real Comfort...In An Instant

Real Comfort...In An Instant
by Ryan RSD

Do you ever get down when a girl is literally ALL OVER YOU in the club, but then wont answer your calls the next day? When her friends literally have to drag her away from you, but then you can't get her to meet up with you to save your life? The missing piece my friends is COMFORT.

And guess what...Everything you've read on the subject is WRONG. To this day, I have yet to find someone who effectively addresses comfort. We read all these guides like "Rapport Questions to Ask" and good topics to talk about to build comfort...its all a load of shite.

There is this misconception that Comfort is the result of time spent with the girl. That time spent with a girl = comfort. This is totally incorrect. Often Comfort is a byproduct of time spent with the girl, but there is absolutely no direct correlation. In truth, Comfort is a product of understanding.

How do girls explain Comfort? Connection?

"We just clicked"
"It felt like we just knew eachother"
"He just got me"

These are not time based, these are moment-based. Comfort happens in shared moments.

It's when you pause for a moment, stop thinking about what to say next, stop thinking about putting your dick in, stop thinking about everything. Just pause, look into her eyes and empathize with her. I promise you, no matter how beautiful or rich or anything she is, she is going through something. She's troubled by something, excited by something, timid about something. Pause for a moment and just realize that she has these things shes dealing with, she's going through, and while you may not know what she's going through, you do know that she's going through it.

Look at her with all your emotional generosity, and communicate to her "sweetheart, I honestly don't know what it is you're going through, but I do know you're going through it, and I want to be there to tell you it's going to be ok" Communicate it in such a way that even if she walks away a minute later, she does so feeling a little bit more at ease about her situation.

And even further, try to UNDERSTAND what it is she's going through.

A little while ago I met a girl who had just moved to the city. She had few friends, no place to live, and was basically completely overwhelmed. To top it off, this small town girl had wandered into the biggest meat-market bar in the city and had tonnes of guys trying every trick imaginable to blow their load in her. They all saw her as nothing more than the cute, easy to talk to brunette. I was one of these guys - until I paused and looked at her. In an instant I felt an overwhelming sense of sympathy for this girl. She wasn't some slut looking to get laid on a Thursday night - she was in a new place and wanted to make friends. She wasn't some powerful hottie who rejected guys for validation - she was just a sweet, small town girl, lost in the city, and in completely over her head.

I paused and looked her in the eyes, just a look of affection. All night she had put on this care-free exterior, confident, absorbing all the male attention. I slowly and lovingly pulled her in to me and gave her a warm hug. I looked her in the eyes again and asked "are you ok - really?" She looked at me with timid expression and said "really?". I nodded. "Well, i'm a little nervous, I still havnt found a job, I've still got nowhere to live, I'm running out of money, and even little things like doing my laundry are stacking up." I hugged her again, communicating nothing more than acceptance and empathy. "Sweetheart, I know it can be really daunting starting from scratch in a new city, but believe me, it's worth it, and once you get through this you'll be really glad you did." In an instant her demeanor changed, she became nothing more than a sweet girl, new in town, and unsure of herself, but completely open to me. I genuinely felt for this girl - she was really going through something and I wanted to do something nice for her. "I'll tell you what... tomorrow we'll sit down together and go through Craigslist and find you a place to live, and once we've got that taken care of the rest will fall into place".

From then on, the other guys seemed to dissolve away - like they were invisible (do you really think that after that she'd go home with the guy who asked if her nails were real then spent the next 4 hours asking her favorite movies and music, "fractionating" attraction periodically??). She spent the night, and I kept my word. I feel good helping others, and her and I are still friends.

The saying is "the self always shines through". This is true - girls see your heart, not your words. The thing is, there is no need to fake it. Just be an emotionally affectionate person. Be giving with your sympathy and genuine with your empathy.

If Comfort is something you struggle with, I suggest you watch the movie Maria Full of Grace. Think about how you would interact with her - if you could communicate with her what would you express? Would you race to get your dick in? Or would you honestly just give her the little bit of emotional support that would mean the world to her? (for those that haven't seen it, it's about a girl who moves to America with little money, not speaking English, knowing no one, and in a totally fucked situation).

These days my phone rings a lot - girls like to talk to me. They call me about how they're nervous about an upcoming exam. How they're excited about a new job. How they feel guilty about sleeping with a guy.

Adulthood can be a pretty lonely place - often all we need is just a little bit of compassion, a small amount of understanding - if even just for an instant. Where we share ourselves with someone, put ourselves out there completely open and on the line, and the other person gently tells us "hey, I see you, and it's ok". Just to be accepted and not judged. To be reassured but not patronized.

When you can give this to those you interact with, not only will you notice your calls start being returned, you'll also find the overwhelming joy of sharing compassionate moments with beautiful people.


Ryan (RSD)

Making her miss you,being uneedy, white noise and moving things forward

I have to admit that the more Im getting mature and understanding how game works the more I see myself improving...

Its funny cause I miss Doc Holliday and I feel Im gaming similar style to his and early stages..

Sinn said once "all material I used and got success with a girl I use"
some other guy also said " whatever a girl did to you , do it back on women"

both of these are related...

I hooke d up with attroany woman and I feel she gamed me...and used game on me...plausible denialbilty etc...

she is logical cause of her line of work but when I use comfort connection game I feel that it switches her circuts AND her nurturiong side of her comes out....

I credit swinggcat for my base in game..when Im in doubt he seems like the guy to really look for advice in his products...

I also noticed something I came up with in terms of calibrating your actions for best results....

with comfort connection game and addiction

Making HER miss you...

in attraction phase Ive been getting that I came off too player type and not serious ...
but what you want to convey is non needy yet proactive and making her act upon the opportunity....

so in text is very light and flirty...not asking her out...

next thing when you are with her calibrate hot and cold and good feelings

Good feelings making her enjoy the moment not by money but the subcommunication of each release and build trust and comfort mixed with takeways and funny.

then when you guys arent together dont call her too much nor text her alot..


needy is when you :

-call or text more than she does
-needy suplicate try hard is deadly combo to kill attraction
-when set isnt going well, spilling your feelings and emotionss before her
-saying you are wrong and dlv wihtout necessary
-showing you are unworthy of her
-acting as if she is out of your league and therefore you need to buy or game her
conveys "try hard" she accepts that frame and you are done beofre you open your mouth..

-acting like you have to do all the work and game her, wrong beliefs that men game women and women dont game...wrong...


-Spilling your feelings for her

- Pouting

-act like you are hurt or rejected and upset when she disaproves somthing


-you accept things and move toward postive side moving forward regardless..she is enjoying the ride of being with you

-DOnt agree to everything she says show disgreement and laugh and move to next topic..

-calibrate nice with bad..soft spot in the middle

you start focusing on other stuff other than her..

fuji once told me that go out more and meet more girls

entropy told me build connection with all of them

I feel that since Im seeign one girl I have tendency of being needy or chase

which when girls do that to me is good in the beginning but later is unattractive.
clingy and needy..then you start spilling your feelings for her and its creepy and weird.... example 1st thing with my ex and end of interaction with HBminesotahired gun I went too needy and weird...SUPPLICATING FOR HER APPROVAL

the best is to remmebr how you fucked up and not do it again and STOP

STOP before you fuck it up more....

more you try more you dig in deeper....

be busy and be cool and light...

when the time is right they will come.....

I believe that you must elicit subcommunicate but never verbalize

attorney woman told me " If you were going to verbalize sex, I would have ended it right there"

I came off attractive unneedy, the prize to win over,



I had issues with moving here and living with family and my game
she helped me and understood me..

communicate eventhough the results arent up to you
avoid doging and plow smart or show youre clear
when someone doesnt like something you do its their problem not yours they either do it out of control and power but if you keep strong communication
you still conveyed responsibility...important congruent
goal oriented
being sure and driven


pick up the positive things that help you and not the negative that doesnt help you...the negative is WHITE NOISE

a WOMAN wants enjoy seduction want to game wants to hunt down like a cat, lady tiger

you convey that you are that guy girls chase never say it you convey it

same rules of non needy apply here...

why ?!

cause in the past I messed up when the girl would back off I runn after her and worked harder...she lost attraction and too easy and eager...YUCK!!!!

you control the relationship and you have to care less

just focus in the interaction

Saturday, July 4, 2009

lay 5 first day in miami .... dealing with complex women and frame testing

im going to post this but im malking bbq as im currently detained at miiami dade family detention center aka home :)

its not even funny

i had first florida lay and spent time

i felt i was gamed

I also wanted to go out but couldnt

I need to hang on d lo

game is getting sharper and i suggest check out captain jacks lattest LR

his LRs helped me and I respect him dearly he is pne of the persons that helped me get here....

that being said check back as I post
"LR 5 complex and messy yet sandro get gamed"

I was gaming a hired gun she did AI way before and we bantered at the end she tried to keep ti goign ran atndard daygame and qualification and got BF objection twice.. In daygame after the 2nd time that comes off too needy... I walked away and with pride..could have gamed better but Im not attached to the outcome...emotionally...
plus dealing with BF that live in.,,, are too messy unless she puts in the effort.

In my game i make them work for me..eventhough I got the " im a woman and youre the man.. youre suppose to call me and tell me blah blah..."

I play the high maintance woman ...that may come off gay but it works for me..yes it compensates for my non good looks and I cant escalate aggressive cause Im a big guy....

social intelligence and knowledge how attraction works are key elements of game...

is what I use....

I use basic psycology and keep it simple

make her miss rare and unavailable..

do opposite of needy and she will feel the need to reach out...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I moved to miami and my brother is an asshole

I went to miami on greyhound never ever go .. i missed the bus in one of the stops and waited till 345 am. but had a blackthicky call me saying i left my stuff.
she sounded so sexy so i try to reward her and I ran game...

I wasw coming too invested and needy then I backed off and she started texting back...

I sent her a pic and ran cocky funny and got her to send me a pic...

said ver nice person is better.

we exchanged logistics she is 20 yrs old.

lets see where it goes..

the rotation is taking a life of its own... :)

attorney woman shut me down 2 times and its too much for me

I spoke to my friend ex roomie and he said in 5 months fax her your diploma and a pic of your ass.

I'm spoke to thicky vikchick and monica green eyes

s&m chick is stalking me in the website online its weird...the comfort connection game is powerful

lay 3 losing her cause she is having problems and I made a mistake of not taking proper care of her after sex... so I look like an asshole eventhough she knows I like her...