Monday, March 18, 2019

games people play eric berne

modeling a high level psychopath

you lead by making specific questions without verbalize the matrix


you pace reality

anything else happen?

treat them like children.

assuming knows that the roles are defined they break the roles of the rules
 you don't need to explain that

you put them in the corner in leading into the right direction

whats the purpose why you are doing

*when you verbalize the matrix you become the victim and you help them to make sccapeoar game

when you lose your cool and verbalize the matrix yoou become the victim

I quit talking about the verbalize matrix when they mention it

if she gives me bullshit the corporation ends there , you end it there.

what is the process?

use the pschoypathic he use the contrl the person

 "I understand....can you get me cocal cola can you get me the lemon "

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