Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Paul Janka gets called out as great person to learn from by jdog

The PDF on closing is legit. Janka is really thorough in explaining exactly what he does. I've never read anything else like it from a pickup guru. Pretty much all the other gurus look like total n00b virgins when you look at them in comparison to Janka.

Seriously, you wanna get good at game:

- Get in shape
- Get your fashion and grooming straight
- Get your inner game straight (Don't use pickup gurus as a source for this)
- Study Janka and 60 YoC*
- Approach

That's all you need to get good. Really. It's not a popular message because it involves effort instead of a magic bullet, but, that's how you get good.

(*If you're a total noob, also read the David D ebooks Double Your Dating and Attractin is Not a Choice. Still very good for basic mindset shifts. Also study David Shade for mindest/sexuality, and Hypnotica is good as well. Everyone else is garbage,.)


Everyone else is garbage

..yea that's a horrible overstatement, lol

60 and Janka are dope and in my top 5, but Rob Judge, Chase Amante, Mark Manson, and Assanova are surely not garbage

I'd stay away from David Deangelo and Hypnotica...

and scrap the david shade and go with Sex God Method

Yes that was absolutely an overstatement but it was one with purpose.

The point is what I highlighted is all you need to get started. People get bogged down by reading too many authors and that ends up preventing them from taking action.

"The truth is simple. If it were complicated, everone would understand it.
- Hale Dwoskin

(Who said that at the beginning of a 20 CD set It's a true statement though.)

Pickup is really pretty simple.

Yes others have some good/insightful things to say. But, keeping it simple.... until you've gotten consistent results..... is the best way to go instead of studying more and more and more.

I had one question for the book though.

What happens if you live with mom?

Like for us age 18 - 24 (I'm 21 btw.)


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