Thursday, November 14, 2013

Flashes of greatness part 2 -LR RAW Uncut 2009 and few notes of advice to a friend.

I have to say that this 2009 was Experimenting and pushing my comfort: Pardon my grammar skills. I closed on thursday night on my date... :) met up with her instantly was confusing me where she was and when I saw her I slapped her in the ass assume rapport teassed her. not alot of kino. She kissed me kind of right off and I stopped and said too soon. I take it way and stop. her BT actual BT she was like its hot I would talk and make her laugh and confuse her (I was kind of nervous) took her to wine bar lead and I thought what we talked dude. I didnt kiss her there. (different from what I was doing ) the intereaction was subtle sexually but it was like she initate it and I would just look at her and smile.( another thing we talked about Id overescalate or run the train) I paid for the drink and one mini burger slicers we shared or whatever and I told her she had to pay for dessert she said OK we were walking but I didnt want to kill momentum so I had initally timebridged in the beginning about apt and the view of other buildings its nice to watch. we took a cab to the corner store and she padi for an ice cream and said I lets eat this here and I will walk you to you train station cause I have to get up early tomorrow.and she said NO i dont do that and I said what Im asking you to share icecream and you are out the door and laugh.. we got up there and the roomie was watching laker game so ...he used that excuse the other day so he could pull his girl in his room... so I said my friend is watching the game and I want to show you the view..she got in my room and I sat on the bed and I told her to take of her shoes and whatever then no sexual touching just taking turns feeding each other on pint of ice cream with the spoons (male female dynamic- latin thing i dont know) she kept saying I cant beleiev Im doing this and I would kiss her everytime she said that and she want it more I stop and act like the typical hard to get girl would freeze out with eating ice cream and telling her "there is no sex tonight Im tired " she would say I never said anything about sex, I dont do that ..then at one point it way hot I couldnt touch her tits to licking a pierced one and she wouldnt let me touch her down there and she had her clothes on but I I took off my pants tried EL Topo Kung fu penis from what mickey taught us waay back (I had an idea but never tried it since I had read the hype and im just playing SOLID like we spoke on the phone) and she tottally disarmed KFP and said "You do that to yourself " and If I insisted I knew it was needy. I stopped and said you are right, went AFC on purpose to fuck with her head "lets take thing slow and if we like each other later on then maybe we will get together some other time" got up and pulled my pants.but right before I had my hands grabbing her ass and i knew she was arroused. and she said no dont stop! Ohh shit! I knew I had something here I never ever imagine would happen since I did deep confort she opened up and said she's been hurt and could fuck other people etc etc .I went into nonjudgmental frame but not sexual explicit. I did kind of on th ephone with her but ran it again realting to what she said. and we were talking about tats and showed me her tat of S&M and that she like to be submissive slaped and tied up... WOW! I kisse her after that and told her that I think thats was cool and Im not going to judge her for it,,,and that it turned me on.after that we fucked ( half viagra and a red bull) and left her at train station to brokylnn at 3am... the problem is I didnt define the relationship cause I was in soo deep and she told me she wanted a BF. I said that lets see where this goes... she was on top of me during the convo I was locked in the bed .lol. I met her 2 days ago breifly and talked on the phone ran comfort but very funny and I ende the convo I saw her up 8:45 and 10 were havng this convo. closed her and the ice cream melted................... NOTE 9 and 10 game by braddok..use high sexual esteemt and low self esteem CaptainJAck... qualify and compliment only by what she qualifies herself and unique and cold read before you do it it sets their frame... use my dhv modifed stripeer myserty and qualify hard with this in the middle of comfort then go for make out,,,dont it lightly on the leg when she is telling something really deep about herself...dont talk about about her passions and how her personality came about...don't neg...tease a little once in comfort.. DONT GO SEXUAL UNTIL YOU GOT HER BACK IN YOUR PLACE...if you do go sexual then blame her for making you sexual and make it a light chill slow things down and feel like you are cool and like its the TWO of you (Natural Tim bubble of "You and I")... use social proof but dont focus on badboys "SHhh" kiss close.If she is foreign and subtle sexual subcommunication NONVERBAL -eye contact and eliciting her arrousal(Looyd all around the world. BRAD Punderground talk on arousal) is stronger effect is NONVERBAL on women than blabering before a makeout,,,,,like in the movies and sweepingoff the feet effect....she is a fine woman. but if you are too mervous then MY BEST ADVICE is GO TO A STRIP CLUB and but have a redbull and talk to the girls and do eye contact and dont buy a dance...beofre the date do this and your confidence will show that you are around theses hot woman all the time...FOOLS your brain I call it Dennis Rodman GAME. :P

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