Thursday, January 29, 2015

Why sometimes Black and white thoughts are STUPID and unapplicable in seduction RE Blackdragon "Why I Don't Do One Night Stands"

I recently posted in Black dragon post Why I Don't Do One Night Stands...

He put up a fucking graph and shit and overthinking the FUCK

The real problem is a lot of guys follow Blackdragon  really believe everthing he writes...
I have to DISAGREE and post.

I really lost repect when he commented on robin Williams suicide related to his "wife financial problems SORELY" in one of his posts...

he is not a physican to even comment about suicide and depression...
its deeper level.....

its like saying your car broke down because you are a bad person or your wife furststates you...
or Love is blind ray Charles is blind and Love is ray Charles.." ??


This really messes up guys and impairs them to extreme , this is modern MYSTERY METhodhod v2 of mental masturbation.

how many approaches or attempts and SNLs has he had to comment. on that..?

REALLY man?!

I responded to his post:

I understand your point. BUT.. I think its too black and white.
seduction itself is neither..yes you want NOT waste your time..thats called Screening. credit Franco seduction*
I think that when you get in MLTR that sometimes your attraction game takes a toll abit..I like bwing in MLTR and at same time if I feel like game and even night game is pretty much talk talk talk while night game is more for me subtle and fun ..and mostly more non verbals and its exciting…
when I go at night to have fun,Im not thinking about investing.its just hving fun..since I cant drink I have water…
Good post. just my different take. -CS

then after further reading.. I posted:

“”the next morning after the sex they have nothing. Then they have to start all over again.””
I think its depending on the girl.same girls at club bar are dressed up but might be looking for different things at their phase in Life.
I feel you are putting too much uncesarry pressure on guys instead of simply stating the obvious .

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