Thursday, April 30, 2015

High LEVEL of Seduction does exist...what most dating coaches wont admit

Ive been dealing with severe emotional turmoil and pain...
all this in a good way..
Ive becoming aware of my successes.
Seriously when you become really good at your craft like seduction in practice..ofcourse.
You tend to get comofrtable.

Thats OK...but not for ME.

I realize that I reached a high level that few people realize... I actually living it.

This is more of a reality check.

I adjuted few thing inside of me.

adjusting my beliefs...and understanding the emotional pain...and dealing with it.
Use of masculine and what it takes to succeed in Life...does apply to women and everything in Life.

"Spend more time becoming than looking.."
someone mentioned this.. and for some people it goes in one ear and out the other..

not me.

More hotter the woman.. the more drama..the more shit tests...that you will face..
also try not to act surprised when you realize your dreams are coming true infront of your face ...with not just " cute"
but VERY attractive women begging you to come  to you can fuck the shit out of her.
yet they say it such subtle and indirect way...

Mystery was right in that sense..I believe indirect works but in subtle powerful way...
its elegance..
people take it too logical and verbatim...and over do and think this..

remember women like men have needs..they talk they eat. they shit, they get sick
they come from fucked up homes..fucked up relationships with their parents...
etc etc...

plus women NEED  men to validate them..

THERE is the POWER we as men have over ANY woman..
yes , she can go out and get attention for free...even fuck any random guy

I respoect Paul Janka..for this cause when I met him...he was light years ahead of all this.

there is a double standard and unspoken existance....and secret society..per se'

This is ofcourse for YOU to know and NOT to share with anyone...not even a fkng woman.

Its unspoken...all her actions is unspoken.... women are the experts at indirect and subtle..
its up to you to catch it and decide to do with it..

ways of dealing is simple...


Am I going in for the kill? she arroused and past "point of no return"
in the seduction before the sex?

Do I know her? this is imporatnt cause you need to deal with her after sex...know your role.
you are the MAN....dont be fucking pussy needy after sex,,,be chill cool calm collect...
let her run "priest mirror" let her confess her shit..
you stand back and see where you are at...-credit Robert Greene.

NEXT LEVEL seduction does exist and has a price....

I spent too many years in this shite know..success..major failures...breakdowns.
and embarrasments..learning experiences lived carnally..

I does make you stronger with awareness...its not like unconcious...or aloof..

you know and learn and use that POWER...
you decide what YOU do..whenever the FUCK you WANT. - credit dr wayne dyer

I dont argue or explain myself...or even unconciously seek rapport make people understand me...
I dont do that makes you too fucking weak...-credit dr wayne dyer /robert grene.

this sedcution is about conquering...letting the woman know where is the POWER..she is interested in strongest MALE...
if she is too low self esteem...she will be intimidated..
that is where you calibrate if you really just want to bang her. -credit FRANCO seduction.

You have to have control over yourself...before you can control over the seduction process..
enjoy it ...embrace it ...

dont sell yourself too easy..

USE your EGO to boost you build your SELF ESTEEM.....then forget the fuck about long as you dictate what you want..and she submissively acts like a woman...and decides to play along..

they will.....they love that manly power they know...they smell is like they smell fear or anxiety from chumps..

it makes them want to fuck you , its like an aphrdisiatic

they call it


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