Friday, September 29, 2017

daygame eye contact submissive girl Gabe

I opened her I was in my car and eye contact with cold stare and she noticed me and lowered her eyes as submission. I then got near and she did it again.
I went and park my car near her and opened her ...
I nuber closed and I didn't react to her shit tests.

I text her she didn't respond.
waited next day
texted her again
she responded at 10pm when she was lonely.

word!  I have a lead .

lets review supernatural from Julian foxx and also todd's daygame

my structure is similar to franco seduction.

this is really good that I can open girls

glenn p has these excersizes that makes you open girls and such in your head and view positive reaction. and rehearse in your head. over and over..and over,, everyday.

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