Thursday, March 14, 2019

narcisst videos of reviews and stories of personal experiences

I think is something very inghtful
I modeled a lot of it automatically after repretition but did it tooo much too extreme
but it works.

the process does work if you model it but I am using more as a  Good Psychopath.

narcisst does it for ego

paychopath doesn't do it for  EGO

so apparently this makes it a big difference almost like a hamburger analogy

to buy you can buy at mcdonalds

to dine you can by at steakhouse or REd Robin

to make it yours , you can make it your own pleasure..... ala psychopath !!!

brain washing techniques and lovebombing and mirroring and screening and gaslightning.

they work and you just listen to videos and take out whats negative and use what works well but more for bait.

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