Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Be psychopathic and win

so I found that psychoapath night from bbc and neational geographic on psychopaths have been most educational , I also saw ted bundys contact video with an old man and it was interesting.

so sheep doesn't mean victim , it means normal.  you act normal on outside but on inside you are wolf

whatever you do you have to" focus on the cutting" and learn to "limit your variables." .qupte from the book sorted good psychopath.

so wolf comes out as cunning and persuasive.

so one of the girls wants to 'talk" and I really don't want to engage .

I am student of psychology and admire a lot of factors.

I learned not to overgame and not to invest when the other person isn't investing .

I am also practicing low neurotiscm and tryibng to be stoic.

im reading sroted by andy mcnabb and kevin Dutton. it reads like a pamphlet.

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