Monday, June 14, 2010

When Can You Verbally and Physically Escalate?

One of the biggest problems I notice with students in the field for night game is that they have no idea when it’s socially acceptable to escalate the interaction.

Like most of my game my answer to this “common sense game.” But for it to be common sense you have understand one key thing–

Women do not want to be seen as sluts!

They don’t want to be seen as sluts by their friends, coworkers, the bartender, etc.

Knowing this, the common sense thing to do is to not escalate when her friends can see or hear you. But I’ll take it a step further and really break it down.

Verbal Escalation

Verbal escalation is basically anything you say to escalate the interaction. It can be qualification questions, comfort stories, compliments, games like strawberry fields, or directly talking about sex.

You can’t really talk about these things in front of a girl’s friends because she’s gonna know they’re listening to what she says and judging her.

But as soon as her friends can no longer hear what you’re saying you can start escalating verbally. Obviously it takes some calibration as far as what to say and when but that’s not something I can teach you in writing.

But it’s a safe bet that as soon as you’re out of earshot of her friends you can start qualifying her and build off of that into comfort and sexual topics.

Physical Escalation

Kissing, playing with her hair, hand on her thigh, etc.

You’re usually safe to do this stuff once her friends can no longer see you. No one watching = No one thinking she’s a slut.

I usually don’t kiss girls I have one night stands with until we’ve let the venue and are either walking down the street or in a taxi.

Pretty simple but I’m always surprised at the number of guys who try to make out with girls in front of her friends and then get pissed at her or themselves because they got turned down for the kiss.

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