Thursday, December 9, 2010

Eliciting IOIs or forcing IOIs best posts - I use
“Stealth” Day Game…

One of the things I’ve mastered is getting women to give me IOI’s or “Approach Invitations” during the daytime.

This makes day-game approaches VERY easy.

In the video above, I show you how to trigger IOI’s during the day (on the street) so that you’ve got attraction, curiosity, and intrigue building inside the woman, before you even say your first word.



-Rich (Gambler)

Hey guys this is my first post for the blog and I wasn’t too sure what would be most useful to you, but I hope it is a help to some of you as the subject I am going to talk about has really helped my game massively and in my opinion is something that really pushed me to the next level.

There is a way to start an interaction off on a good foot without even being verbal. This is called forcing IOI’s (indication of interest), forcing IOI’s is literally what it sounds like. You are forcing the target to respond in a positive way before you even approach. By using this technique the set is pre warmed before you approach.

There are different ways of forcing IOI’s, the one I personally prefer is acting as if you are looking for something or someone and placing yourself in her peripheral vision so she notices you. Lock eye contact and do a cheeky smile. The key for me to this is making it look like it happened naturally and you weren’t staring. I t has to be subtle and smooth. If you are caught staring it will come across needy which is not good as a needy man doesn’t have choice in his life.

You don’t have to do the cheeky smile when you have locked eye contact you can do something bolder if you want like a wink, point, wave or nod. Like anything I think you need to practice and try different ways of achieving this as different ways may work better for you.

You know if you have forced the IOI if they lock eye contact, smile or return the gesture. Once the IOI has been forced all you need do then is approach.

Anyway guys this was a quick tip so hope it helps :-) . Please leave replies as to what topics you guys would like me to blog about next time. Thanx




I hear PUAs talking about looking for IOIs etc. to determine interest, but I generally only see them talking about passively looking for IOIs, rather than actively eliciting them (much easier, and reliable given that it will be a response to a particular stimulus).

My particular idea though isn't this in general (I'm sure that much isn't original), but my idea is to try and briefly create jealousy in the target, and read their facial expression (more likely to be a microexpression than a macroexpression) to determine whether jealousy was indeed created (thus, the target is interested in you).

An example to clarify exactly what I mean (untested):

...Plenty of conversation beforehand (at this point now, the PUA wants to determine attraction )...

PUA: You off out anywhere else tonight or just hanging around here?

Target: I like it here but I'm not too fussed really, what about you?

PUA: Pretty much the same really. Though I met some girl yesterday who's meant to be taking me to some party soon.

* PUA reads for microexpressions to determine whether target displays jealousy (if so, perceived as IOI)

This technique also, as I can imagine many would have already seen, inherently involves pre-selection /DHV

What do you guys think of this one?


Though everybody, unless trained in deception/microexpression recognition - has some kind of deception leakage; you know, that very split second JUST after you've asked an question or made a statement that to them is of some importance


in an interrogation, a possible tactic could be to do something similar, analogous to what I've suggested in PUA terms:

* Interrogation: man hiding dodgy finances*

Interrogator: *Asks man bunch of question about finances*

Interrogator: Okay, I'm satisfied in regards to finances, let's talk something else.

* Man likely to produce a microexpression of relief to the trained eye*

* Interrogator asks a very simple, non-scary question, with easy answer*

Interrogator: I'd like to delve much deeper into your finances now.

* Man should display microexpression of horror, complete surprise as guard was let down *

I think tactics like this could be very productive, I've not personally tested it myself, but I'd like to train myself a bit more with microexpressions first.

Perhaps you are right though, in regards to my statement above not working on socially aware girls. I mean, I'd bet they produce some kind of microexpression, but the threshold of expertise/luck to notice it is probably very high.

The statement itself is probably insufficient, in retrospect, and I bet a more intense QUESTION (questions hit home harder than statements) to the same effect could be more successful in triggering a noticeable response (to someone who knows a bit about body language /facial expressions).

Originally Posted by believe82

have you been watching a lot of lie to me recently? I feel like looking for these micro expressions is a good idea though, especially with HB 9 and 10's who hide a lot of macro expressions but i think it takes a lot of training and time to be able to read micro expressions accurately.


(Yes. )

Although, what directly inspired me for this was when I was talking to a girl I know the other night, my mates were moving onto a bar down the road when I was chatting with her. I said "ah, looks like I'm off down now, see you later" (by the way, I don't want to overtly game/close this one due to friendship network etc., so don't be critiquing that ). She displayed a brief negative expression at this - as I was on my way I deliberated this a bit, and wondered whether this could be artificially exploited in future ..

I've done some training software and been quite successful with the microexpression recognition on that, but real-life (especially given that you're engaged in the actual interaction yourself) must be a little harder

London2012: I really have little success with any technique right now, probably not the best person to declare this a successful or not :P

generally speaking, you gain IOI's by not showing any IOI's of your own, and getting emotional reactions from your target, like making her laugh, or making her curious, or snubbing her while have a great convo with her peer group, once you get IOI's you then proceed to get INTIMATE, and not gun for the kiss, unless shes a party girl.

Also note as the sarge progresses the IOI's get stronger ,at least the way I do it.

heres how I do it, for the first 5 minutes I neg , I open non sexual, I use humor, merge groups if possible, you do this by runnin an opinion opener , then you bust on the girls or the group and say wait a minute Idk, I'm gonna need another opinion ,c'mon and take the group with you to open another ,

once you do this, you want to be in a lock in position, in some way you have to make it look like the girls and the whole group in general is trying to talk to you, so after about 5 minutes , I bait the target with a palmread, just bring it up in a non trying to impress you way, sometimes they hide enthusiam , if the case just ask for their hand after you mention your into palmreading, and glance at it and go whoa , thats interesting, and they usually go what etc...

now you baited them to sit down with you, here you run a palmread, palmread is really the qualifying ,Connection phase in your seduction, in reality you can get intimate and create chemistry fast and she will be up for it, under the guise of it's palmread.

I made the mistake in some sarges this week in trying to launch a serious conversation without a interesting pretext(like a palmread or the cube etc.) it kicked me in the ass , so dont make that same mistake, if you need to know what to say during the palmread ,let me know.

seduction really is making a girl want to sit down and talk to you,(attraction) and when connected with her when she does,(chemistry/connection) bam instant new girlfriend.

let me know if you need help.
Phase 2: Forcing the IOI

When you see the girl you want, and have built up social proof by drawing people in to your positive vibe, getting girls looking at you, with no investment on your part, (it’s not like you’re doing backflips to get attention), all you have to do is select your girl and IMMEDIATELY force an IOI from her, this could be by pointing at her, sticking your tongue out, anything that clearly acknowledges her from all of the other girls dancing close to you. This is important as all of the attention that you have gained is extended to her. Next, with the big smile you have from enjoying your dance floor experience, you hold out your hand for her to take, and all of that attention is now working in your favour to put pressure on the girl to dance with you (rather than pressure to avoid being seen dancing with a low value guy), then spin her in to you, ready for the next step.

Juggler - Forcing IOIs

October 27, 2008 by Adonis

An intriguing idea for manipulating girls into giving you IOIs.

For guys, like me who are impatient by nature and don’t like to waste time by waiting for IOIs.

You can figure out what IOIs you want and then ‘trick’ or command them from girls.

For instance, these are some of the IOIs you force:

* Body posture - Tell her to sit with the proper posture. Legs crossed towards you, hands lowered, etc.. Let her know it is rude otherwise.

* Kino - Tell her to put a hand on your arm and feel the energy coursing through that special nerve. Tell her to stroke your hand. Give her a shoulder rub upon meeting her and then expect her to reciprocate.

* Use conversational hooks and play upon her curiosity to get her asking you questions.

* Get her to elicit your values.

* Have her accepting your commands: Start small and then build up.

There are many more. Practically any IOIs you can think up can be forced. Then in most instances you can close off them because she will act congruently with her behavior even though it was not her idea. But if you have problems you can do as RIO suggests and reference back to them if she tries to back away from her attraction to you. But in my experience, if you force IOIs properly you will be successful in closing.


You can force an IOI in many ways. I've read Gambler's book, "The Natural Art of Seduction: Success with women" and it's really good. You can buy it at [link]

However, what I read in the enticing book was that you can actually force an IOI by several means IN NIGHT GAME:

1) Poking your tounge out at the women when she looks at you.

2) Point at her and laugh when she glances at you.

3) Give a cheeky smile whens he looks at you.

She has options she could respond to you by:

1) She could smile and look away embarrassed.

2) She can look at you with disgust.

3) She can smile and say hi

4) She could curl her upper lips as to say, "What the hell is wrong with this guy?"

With girls at work I would tease them buy going up to them and say:

ME: [Girl's name], You're doing a great job! I'm so proud of you! Keep up the good work! *SMILE*

HER: Oh, I will!

This is a IOI, because when she smiles or laughs this indicatates this is on. I would usually keep up the conversation or eject. Depending on whether it's busy or she's busy with customers.

However, if a girl hasn't gave you an IOI by looking at you or smiled at you. Try this FORCING IOI routine and see where it goes. If she gives you an GO SIGNAL then it's GAME.
I would think that it would be much like seducing a stripper. In both cases the woman is going to come into the situation with a frame of reference that you need to reject. You need to break out of the role that she has mentally placed you in. Both types of women are going to objectify you. You need to shake them up and throw them off their games. With the psychotherapist it will be extra hard because she is programmed to not let you steer the conversation to anything about her. Furthermore, anything that you say about yourself and your feelings will allow her to analyse you. If you avoid her questions, or attempt to re-frame the questions, she will think you are avoiding issues because of psychological reasons. I don't have an answer for you, but these are some of the things you need to think about. In some ways, I think your best bet would be to non-verbally attempt to slowly escalate kino. Also, when you are talking about completely un-sexual or romantic things, try to force some ioi's. If she responds positively, you might wait until the conversation is completely non-sexual and then drop a very direct opener on her. It would catch her off guard and hopefully bypass her professional safeguards. If you can rattle her cage, you are going to have to act fast at that point. You will need to distract her, but hitting her with a bunch of related but non-commitment type questions. For instance, the whole, "I hate these funky psychology chairs, we should meet over coffee. You do like coffee don't you?" When she answers yes, she is saying she likes coffee, but also she is mentally agreeing to coffee. You reinforce that by saying something like, "Good, we'll meet next week at..." After that, you immediately move into another question that is even further away from the topic. After that, I would extract myself from the meeting as soon as possible. When you meet her again, you are going to have a hell of a battle.

Any way you approach this, it is going to be a very tough pick-up. It may not be impossible, but it is not for amateurs
btw im knew to these on the level u guys r on. So can explain wot u mean by this:

"I think your best bet would be to non-verbally attempt to slowly escalate kino. Also, when you are talking about completely un-sexual or romantic things, try to force some ioi's."

i dont feel i want to go right for a home run so early but would like like to bring an element of flirting to the session where she is associating my session with the flirting/sex thoughts and so sow a seed that way.

The reason I said that I think you should hit her with a direct opener is because you are going to want to short circuit her defences. Once you have forced some ioi's (more on that in a moment) and maybe built some kino, she will subconsciously let her guard down. When she does that, you hit her her between the eyes with a completely unexpected, direct opener. At this point she likes you subconsciously, and now you force her to answer a question which she was not prepared to answer, but you have hopefully built enough attraction to bias her answer in your favour.

Forcing IOI's:

Forcing Indicators of Interest (IOI's) is the technique of using body language to communicate interest or sexual desire, and then reading the response. Your example of licking your lips and her blush is a perfect example. When you did that, she blushed. Unless you did it super creepy-like, the blush means that she was thinking about you sexually. Other things you can do include looking at her lips, letting your eyes wander across her body, looking her in the eyes and then doing a quick little wink and smile.

Another thing you can do is mirroring. Psychologists are particularly aware of this because they use the technique themselves. Let you body loosely mirror hers. In every case, try to make your mirror slightly more open and friendly than hers. After she has started mirroring you, look her in the eyes and then open your body in a slightly intimate and very open position and hopefully she will follow. If she does, reward her by forcing a strong IOI, something like taking, then stopping mid sentence for a second or two and then smiling.

If you are serious about this woman, I think you are going to need to discuss getting a new therapist with her as soon as you get her to step out of bounds a little bit. She could lose her license and her professional reputation is she gets into a serious relationship with you while you are still a client. You don't want to force her to have to make that decision. So build the attraction and try to get her to step outside of the boundaries just a bit. Then you can subtle hint that you want to change therapists so that you and she can hook up.

And today I actually got opened by a girl. I forced the IOI but instead of getting an IOI back I got a verbal greeting! I suppose that’s the ultimate form of IOI lol. I had to run errands during my lunch so I didn’t really do much but introduce myself and leave, her name was Patty. I wasn’t really upset about it, because I mean wtf why should I be upset if I walk away from a girl? That’s a scarcity mentality. Plus, there’s a good chance I’ll see her walking around once during the first few weeks of class, and if not, there’s going to be TONS of hotties in her place. TONS. I can’t wait. It will be the first start of a major semester after I discovered the community. Should be lots of fun!

ps: I learned about the Coach thing from watching one of AFC Adam’s bootcamp lectures. I texted my ex-gf and asked her about it, because she’s a designer handbag aficionado (she has like 15 designer purses) and she said it was true. That Coach is the most counterfeited and that’s why girls who really know purses avoid Coach. Louie Vuitton is the second most easily counterfeited. Adam just said that it’s ghetto he didn’t say why. By the way, my ex wouldn’t stop texting me about it. So now you know! Don’t know what to talk about? See if she has a designer purse.

Due to the reason I’m in Miami, it has been really difficult to find someone I can chat up long enough to go for the close (>15 seconds or so). And they are all hired guns. However I haven’t seen many I’ve wanted to talk to.

There is an Au Bon Pain downstairs with a really cute Hispanic girl named Fernanda. When I first saw her I noticed this blingy white watch she had on with a lot of sparkling stones that looked like diamonds though I doubt they were real. She was taking my order and I said “Wow that’s a blingy watch you got on there girl,” and she lauged and said “Thank you,” and smiled the prettiest smile. I asked her her name and she told me. I said “Wow I’ve never heard of that before. I know Fernando of course but not Fernanda. Nice to meet you, I’m Alex.” and I grabbed her hand. I couldn’t talk to her further because there were loads of people behind me in line. While I was walking down to Bon Pain I noticed this girl with pimples all over her face, but a sexy body. I forced the IOI with her but barely got a response. Then I said “Hello.” She said hello back but we were going off in two different directions. Honestly I wasn’t very interested in her so I didn’t pursue it further.

Towards the end of the day I went down to get coffee from Au Bon Pain again and found HB Acne in line. I was behind her and said “We keep bumping into each other.” She gave a bit of a smile but no words. As I did this her mom turned around to look at me out of the corner of her eye and then smiled at her. I noticed she had an iPhone and I pulled mine out but before I could brush her shoulder to get her attention to show her she had gone to the other side of the coffee bar to wait. She obviously was not interested and probably was young anyway. Maybe even too young, I was just being outgoing and sociable. I gave her a name because she turned into an approach rejection as well as being someone I talked to right in front of her mom. Something I usually would be too scared to do.

As I was walking back to the elevators to go back upstairs I walked past a girl I call HB Candy Stripes who I went to force the IOI with and she gave me a dirty look. I just kept walking.

Towards the end of the day I met someone who was extremely nice, and who I was very sexually attracted to although she is the girlfriend of someone close. She was extremely attentive to everyone here, and I thought that was amazing given that she doesn’t know anyone here really and has never met me. It was through kino that was initiated by her that I felt her really kind nurturing energy and realized this is definitely a quality I am looking for in a woman.

I have a pretty definitive list of qualities I want in a woman, and it’s funny. The more women I chat up and not only get to know but also see nice women inside of these amazingly beautiful exteriors, the more refined is that image of what I’m looking for in a woman. I am discovering qualities that a lot of younger women simply do not have. I can’t really put my finger on exactly what it is. This woman’s incredibly caring, nurturing quality is definitely going to be added to my list.

Subject: Reverse LJBFing?


I've been tinkering with this new strategy mostly out of pure social curiosity rather than having the intent to lay in mind. I've got 2 girls in my social circle that are pretty hot, but I'm not interested in laying them (I don't do girls in my primary social circle, makes for less drama). I've never gamed them in any way and there was basically 0 attraction built until a couple of weeks ago.

Maybe I was just being egotistical here, but I just wanted to see if I could make them attracted after being so firmly locked into a LJBF zone with them. My PU personality is markedly different than my standard, hanging out with the gang mentality. I've had mixed results with this. If dating or any type of relationship conversation comes up, what I would do is find a way to say something about the type of women I'm interested in and make sure that it relates to the target (If she has blue eyes, I'll say something along the lines of me thinking blue eyes are super sexy).

Then immediately follow up with a neg. If the target has blonde hair for example, I'll say something along the lines of "I just can't stand blondes though, I'm a brunette man all the way". I'll then find that the girl in question will want to qualify herself to me. She might say something along the lines of "I'm not a natural blonde" or "I used to dye my hair black". Then I'll give a look like I'm picturing that and I'll smile, give a little kino and say something to the effect of "I just can't picture you with that color hair".

I've done this in a very indirect way that doesn't overtly telegraph interest, and I'll only do something like that maybe twice over a period of time and just sit back and observe. Afterwards I got some IOI's in the couple weeks following, but it was definitely mixed signals. One girl I can tell is mildly interested in me now but nothing major (Which isn't a bad thing, seeing if attraction could be built was my only goal). And the other one will totally scream attraction through sub-communication sometimes, and other times it is distinctly easy to tell she is feeling nothing of that nature at all. I'm positive I haven't read the situation wrong.

Does anyone else have experience with things of this nature? I have a pretty good idea of why everything had the effect it did, but I can't claim to understand how girl number 2 can actually be feeling strong attraction at some points, and absolutely none at others....considering I haven't attempted to escalate and only fired one or two bullets at her weeks ago.


Posted: 12 Aug 2010 04:23 PM

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First login: February, 21, 2008 08:03 PM

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Subject: Re: Reverse LJBFing?


I think girls, like us, have different moods and sometimes they just aren't in the flirting and/or mood to feel attraction, but you can yank them out of that state usually.

It's probably not a sure sign of anything on her part. I think as guys the most important thing to do is assume attraction. Naturals do this when they are gaming girls - they will ignore social feedback and just plow through stuff. When I first learned M3 it put me in a highly reactive frame of mind. I had to see IOI's from a girl to go into state or feel that I should push forward.

The thing is that people live in the emotions of the moment. You fired those bullets weeks ago, so they are long since dead emotionally. That's not to say she isn't attracted to you. She probably sees you as having value, just by the fact that you would say something like that. If you want to see her pour out IOI's you would have to spike her emotions again.



"How do you write women so well?"

"I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability"

-As Good as it Gets


Posted: 16 Aug 2010 04:53 AM




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First login: September, 10, 2006 01:04 PM

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Subject: Re: Reverse LJBFing?


You have some really good points. Perhaps I'm just over analyzing, I find myself doing that often. These are non-targets so I'll just cool it with them and file the information away for future reference. I'm glad you brought up the assuming attraction point. I've never really internalized that. That's something I should definitely work on. Usually I'm always trying to "build it" and never make a real solid move until I get one IOI. This works great for me, but I want to get better....not just stay where I am.


Posted: 17 Aug 2010 12:46 AM

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Post de facto Copyright “Da ” w/rights assigned to Learn The Skills Corp & (FS). Explicit permission & full agreement to the copyright notice on FS required for reproduction.

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First login: September, 10, 2010 04:20 AM

Total Messages 45

Subject: Re: Reverse LJBFing?


Make sure you are reading the IOI's properly. It's possible that they're not directed towards you, maybe one of the other guys in the group. Thats one reason she could be sort of hot and cold.

Otherwise it could be that you are the one eliciting IOI's and positive behavior. Try to think about what type of frame and mood YOU are in when she (they?) is giving you IOI's. If I had to guess, this is the factor that's making a difference in your situation.


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