Tuesday, April 5, 2011

health wealth relationships review update

I felt that eventhough friends have told me my game was good but I needed to work on my career and my weight I always worried about my skills wandering away.

I spoke to Mark awhile back and told me its like a muscle and that its important qualities that dealing with career and health,....independence and aggression you get by living outside of your parents home.

So I feel I have enough material to look over if I wanted to get back into the GAME.

I have to work on my weight and creating  a lifestyle to control it for once and forall...life is too short to get in shape when Im sick or dying.

also my career, withou it I feel Im living dead person.

so I will go out at times but it will be limited.

maybe stripper game.

still  I think its things like lifestyle and independence  in my head and in reality that hold me back.

yes I can get laid  but I think that it will shift my focus from my main goals  or like brain tracy says  my FROG.

Im working on figuring out better ways to deal with situation, I am a dreamer so I have to control that driftness and get into reality and take action.

as well as excersize part.

I had skimmed mystery's book and saw maslows thoery and health wealth relationships part.

and game isnt all success.

its necessary health : good body reflects how you love yourself
                    wealth: reflects how you take care of yourself provider

I thin I had an illusion with my friend and that time I just followed what he told me and I nevr worried about money school or living expenses or anything like that.

I got laid.

still he has health and wealth to cover his lifestyle.

he covers his lifestyle and then plays the game like a fucking hobby, shoot fish in a bucket.
his language is finnesse, he uses alot of wording rephrasing

positive EUPHEMISMS and positive reenforcers to the behaviour


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