Saturday, January 5, 2013

Losing weight..planing online game strategy..and reviewing sticking points from last week.Fuckbuddy is messing with my state

Im losing weight and pushing myself and thinking theres no fear and just following and trusting my intuition and self dependdeance has given me growth, personal inner game growth,its like florishing

I remember and do stuff I learned that worked and feel confident doing

Rusellbrand, he is my hero i will model him more cause he combines sexual energy and attraction from his verbal  aka active attraction with his charisma and vibe...he isnt handsome or goodlooking but his image and the way he makes women feel around him with his BT spiking up and down and comfort then up and down and comfort its like his biolar gives him momentum plus he genuinely gives off a cool guy vibe by not being serious,....THATS THE TYPE OF GUY YOU HAVE TO PROJECT WITH WOMEN !!!!

I reviewed sticking point from last week and reviewd few things about myself and my self esteem
Dr  RObert anthony self esteem book audiobook when it concludes is fascinating and its like shaping the way you are supposed to feel about yourself....I will post more on his thoughts mainly for me to review daily from now on but combine this with deepak chopras detachment and with PUA material deailing with emotions good emotions..and investment..and you have natural game.

Im dressing well on purpose before I go out. I treat myself good to build good emotional momentum on myself
60 years of challenge has great stuff on opening yourself..ITS THE BEST MATERIAL ON APPROACHING AND INNER GAME SOCIAL ANXIETY

I combined this with Naural Tim's RSD inner game notes to model his thought process and net theory the fuck of what Im looking for in Life FOR ME.

so this falls clearly congruent with my chart and feeling this way clearly amde a difference amoung the people around me these past days..CLEAR DIFFERENCE YOUR STATE PREDICTS YOURS RESULTS

Badboy is another guy to follow he has great stuff on emotions but he probablyhas tricks that he doesnt share.


I will evaluate what works online and some side projects Im doing. I realized that my fuck buddy when she came back I came 2 time straight and she came over 4. I fucked her so good her pussy was sore and burning..but her negative self image vibe and her social anxiety messes with my state..
So Im following FRanco's RULE for FuckBuddies and harem managment.while being emotionally detached.
this is something RAW that I elarned from bradokcs  alpha male series with MrM and accidentally  listening to Dr robert anthonys audiobook which applies to you as  a HIGH SELF ESTEEM PERSON all around and not just GAME.

Im off to run errands GYM, Daygame and some structure stuff...

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