Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Submissive and NEEDY behavior unconciously - MY SOLUTION

I found Ive been submissive and unconciously needy meaning seeking rapport for validation not really sex.

the solution is to love yourself more and this problem goes away.

meaning truthfully honestly seek what from 1-10 you are?
and would you fuck yourself.?

when you focus more on yourself you can build that self love and create that distance that gives her a chance to move forward and invest , Todd calls is social capital. JEffy calls it investing in his online text game.

when I become selfish and self love ...and most imporantly work on myself... I lose that feeling of wanting to impress a girl...

this is also connected to emotional control and awareness of your own behaviour .

you have to have more emotional control than her.
control the horse bfore the horse controls you.

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