Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I spoke to the natural and He is a master! the rotation expert just gets me hyped... I feel a good thing coming and I spoke to K doggy dog...

Im planning to talk to ENtropy soon...but I feel like Cool vibe kindah like Natural Tim....boy I feeel great!

Focus on studying,the gym,kickboxing,and really stepping up and be more mature and responsible with myself...

another thing is to never educate to a woman dont explain that you are doing to beeter yourself or etc..its try hard and unattractive.. like hypnotica said once : YOU ARE ATTRACTIVE... YOU ARE SEXUAL you dont go sexual, you just fkin are!

future is kindah so -s o

but also noticed that the less you incvest, the more attractive you cool and give value but dont be easy or too dont have to respond and make her miss you....therefore she works for you...
use mixed signals, verbally cool and action dismissive or just busy.

NOTE: I said I was moving out.

next thing would be leaving for a couple of weeks.

ALSO STOP GIVNG EXCUSES OR EXPLANATIONS she doesnt explain herself therefore you dont qualify yourself or come off needy or desperate or rapport seeking its SOCIAL AWKWARDNESS! YUCK..remmber that.....

I was very undessicive ...should have lead more

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