Thursday, July 10, 2014

Swinggcats beliefs section of his program is BEST reference

His foundations program stuff by far stands test of time.
When I encounter abit of insecurity cause Im human, or too sensitive to others peoples a pproval or vunerable...
this puts me back in saddle of getting up and keep moving forward.

consistency and persistency -50 cent

I had a HB 9 deal with really hot...really hot.. I came through that and other shit whch blocks your creativity negative low down emotions and you need to reframe and habit of reframing to your purpose and move forward.

this consistant action leads to success in many areas of life.

dont be an asshole to other guys, its unecesary.

its their issue if they want to live their life stuck to mediocrety.

BE cool..relax and enjoy Life

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