Monday, August 28, 2017

why mass messages work for online game and the type of girl


most girls online are FREAKS

single moms are LSE FREAKS

you can personalize the message if you can. but average time its 12 half hour messaging ...
I messaged 30 yesterday got 3 messages back and only 1 stayed in contact.

girls get overwhelemed with a lot of guys messaging..

best thing is to be in a large city where theres abundance.

also its a numbers game. girl has to look at your profile anyways?

that same girl who didn't respond may have certainly gone for you inperson.

so never take online game personal.

online is more for like a bar front and also feeding the girls validation and neediness management.

what I am looking for is a girl who wants a LTR that way I feed her my game connection to what she wants and looking for.

my thing is  MLTR

I dont do the whole polyamory or weird shit of lies and deceit.

you have to be mentally strong if you decide that route.

brain can only process emotions and help you with empathy part of your game. empathy is relating to her and also reading her mind that way you can calibrate PNP.

my game is based on comfort that's why... I cant run too much attraction game cause its too much work and at same time..its non congruent to me.

so compatibility is also a factor with this online game thing.

mass messaging works cause its like a marketing net... and theres so many yet you want to reach as many as you can ,.... I think that it related to business where you take a week off from mass marketing and then come back at it againwith another type of message.

gives you consistency and also congruency and gives off positive vibe of
" I dont care if you dont respond but I will try again unless you answer"
its not apushy thing its a persistence thing. masculine act.

I rather do that than to procrastinate incongruently.
making each and every girl personable message I think can work unless your pool is closed. but in big city and large population , your reach needs to be to cast a wide net.

once she responds first then you know that you can then game accordingly ..its no longer a numbers game at this point.
take everything as a shit test until phone game

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