Monday, November 20, 2017

advanced seduction 101 : she if she has an EGO go for it

so advanced seduction is mainly having an objective

feeding her  EGO make her feel great and special.
like a drug  love bombing.
 and then                                                 1

remove yourself when she isn't around. 0

when you feed her ego .

she feels she is stimulated and in power. there is no defense if you feed her  EGO.

then once hooked you remove some ... and then remove make her get more of what she had at first.

its like a high '

a drug effect

act the one who is always there for you, a friend, this is to get your guard down.

you begin to open up and befriend them
see them in a different light.

structured scripted acts of kindness.

LOAN with high interest .
3 times the amount.

justification if you don't deliver.
to degrade you belittle you.

they feel justified

impression management. it gains favor in your eyes... positive things when you think about them..

like  NLP anchors positive emotions - feelings to that person.

ONCE you are in...

as soon you feel you have her hooked, you pull back and make her beg for you ... P-N-P
kind caring sweet person disappears .

they use sympathy role ... they put themselves in a distress role .
this is someone trying to create a role .cant you please help me. they want to draw you in with sympathy. (we are perpetrator) damsel in distress ..... pity play....
to see if you are empathic
without fully assessing ...

she needs to help you to be strong .

what is your goal with this woman? knowing how to PUMP AND DUMP use of screening

hey ,

love mgtow 101 now known as MEN 101

I agree with miggy and I am a total follower and fan.

this is all inner game talk

on the outside I will play everything and anything to comfuse the girl in between lover provider edge
PN cycle with drug addiction to the brain style game along with perfect courtier for the girl to discharge herself to me and her transference.

vin di carlo addcition  mp3s  ;female psycology audio ;  and saffron double  LR audio *

as well as psychopath game.

till the close.

once the close to the sex...

I decide to prolong the fucking  and  start intermittent reinforcement. PN cycle of addiction.

but more than likely its a  pump and dump. secret of pump and dump is lift her high enough and fool her and then let her drop off on her own without verbalizing anything or giving any closure.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

why game is more effective to model a narcisstic psycopath than regular guy game

cause they have great ways to captivate the person.

the only thing I like is that I genuine love the woman and plan to be with her and treat her nice..
I don't treat her with emotional abuse like the narcissist.

the psychopath deals great with any shit tests cause it doesn't affect him emotionally so that comes off on a non verbal appearance that he is strong emotionally to the woman and that the woman cant break him down.
there fore he is a challenge.
on healthy women that are high self esteem ...they become emotional more involved
on low self esteem women, they don't react to their bullshit attempts and also comply to putting them down as low self esteem women feel like they don't deserve anything good.

psycopaths and narcisttics serve like a source of mirror who offer an outlet of the persons view of the that they have control and the only source of that pleasure or emotional druglike experience.

the reason I know is that as a pua and student of seduction. I have been with a woman who is like this and the powerful emotions are amazing...

its the withdrawl that cause pain..

but as a pua and student of the Venusian arts... this is something that is called frame control or self discipline that the pua most recover from oneitis withdrawl at a faster pace than AFC or someone who has no clue of what transpired.

this stuff is powerful.

you can read stuff but when you experienced this, you can see what captivated you and what was that really hurt you.

parts that hurt me was parts that I don't remember yet now afterwards I do remember like PTSD

if I was emotionally detached like a pimp or master pua . then this wouldn't affect me or even a psychopath.  or a  BDSM true MASTER. who doesn't feel pity or empathy.
he does what he does without any sexual pleasure...this is similar what pimps call  ICE COLD

the thing is they use  EV of advanced intuition, they pursue, they can play romantic charmer.
actual rejection doesn't exist cause they keep going and usually women or men fall for it.

it is when the victim from the emotional abuse disrupts the relationship

for a seducer, our goal is to love and pleasure.
not to hurt.

but theres a lot to learn from them ...its their short term goal that messes their success and sabotages themselves.

for us a pua and master seduction of the arts.... its of a long term  and not hurt the person... if you can do that.
then theres no more to learn other than relationship management and continuous happiness

that is long term gratification .... vs short term gratification

takeaway -withdrawl - N from PNP - the 0 from 101 , narcissist disapear is all the same and EFFECTIVE

To punish you. It's called a silent treatment. It is one of their favorite punishments because it requires no energy and it is so effective. No one likes being ignored. Especially if you don't understand what it is that you did wrong or you think that you did wrong in order to deserve this. In actuality you probably didn't do anything out of the ordinary and they just took something you said or did as a personal criticism because everything is about them. So they decided to punish you. 

Saturday, November 4, 2017

grey rock method is best for female psycopaths , shit tests and manipulation from female crazy

The Gray Rock method of dealing with psychopaths

Editor’s note: At the request of readers, the Lovefraud member “Skylar” has contributed the following article.
When dealing with malignant narcissists, psychopaths, sociopaths, borderlines, drama queens, stalkers and other emotional vampires, it’s commonly advised that no response is the best response to unwanted attention. This is often true and No Contact (the avoidance of all communication) should be used whenever possible.
There are some situations however, when No Contact is not feasible, as in when you share child custody with a psychopath. As another example, if you are being stalked by an ex, a restraining order can infuriate the unwanted suitor, and refusing to respond to him or her is seen as an insult. They might become convinced that they can MAKE you respond and in that way satiate their need for power over you.
Furthermore, many of us have tried to end a relationship with a psychopath several times, only to take them back, each time. They turned on the pity ploy and the charm, and because we didn’t understand that this is what a psychopath does, we fell for their promises to change. They know all of our emotional hooks. For them, it’s easy and fun to lure us back by appealing to our emotions. But a psychopath can’t change. In fact, when you leave a psychopath, he becomes determined to punish you even more severely for thinking you could be autonomous.
Even if we don’t take them back, the most dangerous time for a person is when they first break up with a psychopath. The psychopath feels rage at being discarded. Losing control or power over a person is not just a narcissistic injury for them; they feel profoundly empty when their partner leaves them even if they had intended to kill their partner. The reason is because they have lost control. Psychopaths need to feel in control at all times.
For all these situations, we have Gray Rock.

What it is:Ӭ
So, how do we escape this parasitical leech without triggering his vindictive rage? Gray Rock is primarily a way of encouraging a psychopath, a stalker or other emotionally unbalanced person, to lose interest in you. It differs from No Contact in that you don’t overtly try to avoid contact with these emotional vampires. Instead, you allow contact but only give boring, monotonous responses so that the parasite must go elsewhere for his supply of drama. When contact with you is consistently unsatisfying for the psychopath, his mind is re-trained to expect boredom rather than drama. Psychopaths are addicted to drama and they can’t stand to be bored. With time, he will find a new person to provide drama and he will find himself drawn to you less and less often. Eventually, they just slither away to greener pastures. Gray Rock is a way of training the psychopath to view you as an unsatisfying pursuit you bore him and he can’t stand boredom.

What it’s for:
Making a psychopath go away of his own volition is one application of Gray Rock. One might say that Gray Rock is a way of breaking up with a psychopath by using the old, “It’s not you, it’s me.” excuse, except that you act it out instead of saying it and the psychopath comes to that conclusion on his own.
Another reason to use Gray Rock is to avoid becoming a target in the first place. If you find yourself in the company of one or more narcissistic personalities perhaps you work with them or they are members of your family it’s important to avoid triggering their ENVY.

By using Gray Rock, you fade into the background. It’s possible they won’t even remember having met you. If you have already inadvertently attracted their attention and they have already begun to focus in on you, you can still use Gray Rock. Tell them you are boring. Describe a boring life. Talk about the most mundane household chores you accomplished that day in detail. Some people are naturally lacking in dramatic flair. Find those people and try to hang around them when the psychopath is nearby.
If you must continue a relationship with a psychopath, Gray Rock can serve you as well. Parents sharing joint custody with a psychopathic ex-spouse can use Gray Rock when the ex-spouse tries to trigger their emotions. I acknowledge that any threat to the well-being of our children is overwhelmingly anxiety provoking. Here is where Gray Rock can be applied selectively to draw attention away from what really matters to you. In general, show no emotion to the offending behaviors or words. The psychopath will try different tactics to see which ones get a reaction. With Selective Gray Rock, you choose to respond to the tactic which matters least to you. This will focus the psychopath’s attention on that issue. Remember, the psychopath has no values, so he doesn’t understand what is valuable to us unless we show him. Selective Gray Rock shows him a decoy. When protecting our children, we can take a lesson from nature: Bird parents who have fledglings are known to feign a broken wing when a predator is in the vicinity. They fake a vulnerability to detract the cat’s attention from their real vulnerability, their babies. In this example, Selective Gray Rock fades all emotions into the background except the ones you want the predator to see.

Why it works:”¨        A psychopath is easily bored. He or she needs constant stimulation to ward off boredom. It isn’t the type of boredom that normal people experience; it’s more like the French word, ennui, which refers to an oppressive boredom or listlessness. Drama is a psychopath’s remedy for boredom. For drama, they need an audience and some players. Once the drama begins, they feel complete and alive again. They are empowered when pulling the strings that elicit our emotions. Any kind of emotions will do, as long as it is a response to their actions.
A psychopath is an addict. He is addicted to power. His power is acquired by gaining access to our emotions. He is keenly aware of this and needs to constantly test to make sure we are still under his control. He needs to know that we are still eager to do his bidding, make him happy and avoid his wrath. He needs to create drama so he can experience the power of manipulating our emotions. As with any addiction, it is exhilarating to the psychopath when he gets his supply of emotional responses. The more times he experiences a reward for his dramatic behavior, the more addicted he becomes. Conversely, when the reward stops coming, he becomes agitated. He experiences oppressive boredom and he will counter it by creating more drama. If we stay the course and show no emotions, the psychopath will eventually decide that his toy is broken. It doesn’t squirt emotions when he squeezes it anymore! Most likely, he will slither away to find a new toy.

The Gray Rock technique does come with a caveat: psychopaths are dangerous people, if you are in a relationship with one that has already decided to kill you, it will be difficult to change his mind. He may already be poisoning you or sabotaging your vehicle. Take all necessary precautions. In this case, Gray Rock can only hope to buy time until you can make your escape.

How it works:Ӭ
Psychopaths are attracted to shiny, pretty things that move fast and to bright lights. These things, signal excitement and relieve the psychopath’s ever-present ennui. Your emotional responses are his food of choice, but they aren’t the only things he wants.
He envies everything pretty, shiny and sparkly that you have and he wants whatever you value. You must hide anything that he will notice and envy. If you happen to be very good looking, you need to change that during this time. Use makeup to add bags under your eyes. If you aren’t married to the psychopath, any money or assets he covets should disappear “in a bad investment decision” (consult with your attorney on this). Your shiny sports car has to go, get a beater. If you have a sparkling reputation, anticipate that he will or has already begun to slander you; therefore, don’t allow yourself to be put into any compromising position or pushed into erratic behavior. The reason he wants to take these things from you, is not necessarily because he wants them for himself, it’s because he wants to see the emotions on your face when you lose them. He wants the power trip associated with being the one who took them from you. By preemptively removing these things from his vision and not reacting with emotion at the losses, you continue to train him with the idea that you are the most boring person on earth, someone he would never want to be.

Origin of Gray Rock:Ӭ
In 2009, I left my psychopathic partner after 25 years, but I didn’t understand what was wrong with him. I sat in a sushi bar, lost in confusion, when a tall, athletic man introduced himself. To my own surprise, I instinctively poured out my story to him. This complete stranger listened to my story and then he explained to me that I was dealing with a malignant narcissist. He advised me, “Be boring.” He told me that his girlfriend would come home each night, begin drinking and become abusive. They were both professionals who traveled in the same professional circles. He knew that she would stalk him if he broke up with her and he didn’t want to risk the slander and drama which could leak out and damage his professional reputation.
His solution was to be so boring that she would simply leave him. He declined to go out on evenings and weekends. He showed no emotional reaction about anything, no interest in anything and responded with no drama. When she asked if he wanted to go out for dinner, his reply was, “I don’t know.” After a few months of no drama, she simply moved out.

Why is it called Gray Rock?
I chose the words Gray Rock because I needed an object for us to channel when we are in an emotionally charged situation. You don’t just practice Gray Rock, you BECOME a Gray Rock. There are gray rocks and pebbles everywhere you go, but you never notice them. None of them attract your attention. You don’t remember any specific rock you saw today because they blend with the scenery. That is the type of boring that you want to channel when you are dealing with a psychopath. Your boring persona will camouflage you and the psychopath won’t even notice you were there. The stranger in the sushi bar showed great insight when he advised me to “be boring.” He struck at the heart of the psychopath’s motivation: to avoid boredom.
In nature, there are many plants and creatures that show us how to survive in a world of predators. Among others, birds feign injury to protect their babies and mice play dead until the cat loses interest. Both of these tactics can be useful and they can be channeled when applicable. Yet, it’s difficult to calculate each and every move that a psychopath will make and to determine the best course of action each time. Instead of trying to out-think him, channel the gray rock. This simple, humble object in nature has all the wisdom it needs to avoid being noticed, it’s boring.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

structuring a plan of action to bring in the fish

you have to have a plan to bring in the fish.


daygame  meaning casual

like a pimp you have to be ready to game anywhere

all outlets of incoming girls is all game.

how to get women to chase - THE REAL DEAL

so my success to get them to chase has been a secret

its not a product nor a sales pitch.

it came from Saffron's double lay audio report

he explains how he pulls back to get them to chase in terms of lay report.
I think without this answer, it would've been hard to figure it out.

another reference its mark's entropy comfort connection game.
he explains how he had me just have girls as friends like a male girlfriend ..
and then once I got that down. he had me after that step for me to make a statement of intent .
and pull back...

he explains go with her but just a little..... "yeah we can go there.."
and then once they are seduction location...make it positive and that nothing phases you...
its like managing LMR before LMR comes into play go in and she says pull back and then try again. you spike her  BT and then ask again.

this is exactly how mark taught me to pull and manage.

in his words he told me "yeah just make them chase you...make them want it more"
literally building sexual tension like vin di carlos explains in one of his small pdf secrets of sexual

"sexual tension is game, the rest is details (credibility comfort and logistics) "

"presence of controlled arousal state ,in the absence of overt sexual intent. "
meaning microloop theory..non verbal sexual and yet verbal is light funny yet standoffish not so into her without verbalizing.

"instead of reaction  horny to a girl like most guys, I decide to when to get aroused by a woman."

vin talks about  "state control"  " is vital in seduction but in life... stay calm and generally happy and more spiritual terms it is sometimes called "staying grounded" centered or having peace of mind"

he talks about pulling back

"intrigue, intrigue is about lack of overvalidating a girl and getting her attention by being ambigugous and holding back "

sexual tension is about we enter a sexual state and yet we don't verbalize our desire.

he talks about calibrating  sexual tension like  LMR with push pull

"after some basic rapport is established turn on your arousal state,if she clams up or gets uncomfortable then snap out of it and switch back to credibility fast. "

this ebook is great...cause sexual tension is what can get her to chase when you pull back without verbalizing anything sexual.

I used also vin di carlos  7 ways to get her addicted.

and some NLP patterns  natural woman pattern and some sexual frames..from captain jack and sinn.

something that has really helped me was Franco's explanation of PNP or push pull.

I added my emotional intutition by applying my own emotional eating and reverse it on women with escalation and attention...
this is part of the addiction process that goes in the brain ...and you pull back like a withdrawl of pleasure.

the thing with this is that  I made mistake of giving in ...meaning you with a woman can never give of yourself 100% cause it is like she solved you and like example of vin di carlo ,.

having the treasure chest and then having the gold coins, they lose interest.

this unfortunately to be the challenge never ending process of challenge and what I call  P-N

so applying this science is great but also like my friend Adrian states and also the pimp game
is to make DEMANDS.

you always make compliance tests and requests ...this creates anticipation and also has her invest into you .

its her fantasy to fufill for her to want more and this is exciting to women.

so there is the 100% alcohol proof of making a woman chase you.

you are whom you surround yourself with - support of friends who are part of your neediness management

you should always have a support system.

I read francos neediness management article.great read.

and I would like to add, that you need a group of really trustworthy friends.

support group. you need clarity when you are clouded in situations in life.

a group who are street smart in life and in seduction.

my is my friend Adrian  , my friend Brian.
Franco from francoseduction has been important source of experience and the manual has been great reference regarding seduction and relationships.

I will say that sometimes female friends will sabotage you from coming out of your comfort zone.

like my friend Adrian says "you have to be crazier than the crazy chicks"

female advice can be empathetic. and empathy in matters for a guy is useless.

we as guys seek answers and solutions...if we don't , we feel stuck in a box.

thanks to the pimp game...the pimp game teaches us to keep a strong assertive a dominant image.
so being too rapport seeking works against milds down any attraction of horniness.

so take this as approachable yet not be an open book.
give space for her to come to you.

whenever you are stuck you can rely on your friends..and help each other out on experience and this is almost a mastermind.

you cant be like everyone else or do what everyone does... I don't like my game to be mediocre..
I dislike to beg or supplicate any bitch or chase.

at first its attraction game to move forward by pace and lead. to calibrate rather coming on rash. after sex and attraction you can always move forward by just making demands like a pimp.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

mirror the psychopath in terms of structure and consistency in being a SERIAL DATER

definitely plan once things get rolling for me to implement few things,

online pics on the professional side.

then hire guys to send on my behalf.

online game is more about polarize game todd game / jefffy game.....

out goal as a pickup arts /student in the seduction arts is to have sex.

the pimp is for own the girl.

my goal has been to own the girl and her mind...have her .

my current stable is 3 girls.

I need to build one near where I live is my missison

dealing with female SERIAL DATER psychopath, lesson is "mirror their sucessful part of game"

worked with FRANCO from franco seduction with coaching... he helped me with this situation.
I've never dealt with a psychopath , there are a lot of blogs of stories of women complaining about men who are narcisstic and psychopath...theres even a youtube video of how not to date single moms cause they are narcissitic.

when actually , theres a feeling of almost love and affection from a female psychopath.
she is like a siren from the odeyseos.

but I will write more about this.

franco who has a lot of experience actually helped me... I had 2 girls straight who showed this pattern of fat  rate PNP

what did work to attract them was my style of PN cycle that replicates drug addcition.

I just felt a high dose of that attention and extreme "love".

and so when they disappear

they disappear without any regard to your emotions or the relationship.
you cant also chase her cause these girls like a challenge..they love attention but attention isn't enough...

its challenge of the chase , its like mystery explained at string theory.

once you are involved , you encompass a lot of emotional storm from her attention.

its a good feeling but at same time like how  Franco explains it. a lot of guys don't have that hardcore frame control in their insides, they follow their gut instinct and or horniness.

for this , its alright but you can find yourself stuck somewhere  and looking for a way out or an emotional turmoil of what to do ..... cause you feel addicted..

I read its called intermittent reinforcement.

I will have a consult with franco. and he will describe to me more regarding the aftermath.

my friend Adrian the player , really broke it down..
I'm glad to have  a team of knowledge players to help me in this situation.

also advice from pimpin has helped me create strong inner core.
this can work on women, only without the neediness part and more the frame they have ..of  non emotional portion can help you create a frame that cant e broken down from their purpose.

saffron told me "dont be social guy, be awesome masculine guy"

I remember when I started doing a lot of social guy things and being liked... and being gay best friend shes fucking.

that's fun but it doesn't stick to masculine polarity.

saffron who I was coached 2008  said something light years of the pua industry.
he gave me great advice. ofcourse social guy thing is a great opener for groups...but it is alike everyone else.

also  wy be like every other guy?

you have to be more masculine, cause todays world that's what is lacking ,

masculinity that lacks in todays world.

I'm learning from the pimp game that its not about beating or eign violent, its about being

cold when she acts inappropriate and yet not reactive . disarm shit before becomes a problem.

anyways, girls with this sort of game of social guy, you end up being the guy who takes girls on dates  off tinder..

and that's not good, paul janka and guys like mickey who engrained date is transition to same night sex.

after tat its about sex and your needs.

masculinity is well described by rosebud bitterdose on a youtube channel.
selfish and  conceit, connect but don't empathize.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

pimp iceberg slim.

its a good book ,
from smiling social guy to icecold  emotionless pimp which brought him success.
the chapters 9 and 14 were the best.
last 2 chapters were about his downfall.
he lived life and if he didn't do drugs he would've been better off.
its a good book
my friend recommended naked soul of iceberg slim

ROSEBUDD 27 laws of pimpin. - I will seek more info on mr rosebudd

Rosebudd Bitterdose, (with two "d's" for a double dose of this pimpin') is a legendary pimp hailing from Vallejo, CA. I haven't read his book, but as Jeffy explained, 'Budd devised these rules after a "pimp court," didn't rule in his favor. Another mack had knocked Rosebudd for one of his hoes and Rosebudd took issue to how the sh*t went down. The result was a "sit down," with fellow macks to work out the disagreement. Ya boy Rex is posting Rosebudd's 27 Rules of Pimpin' from the book, Rosebudd, the American Pimp by John D*ckson, along with Jeffy's commentary on how these rules are applicable to pick up.

27) Learn How to Pimp a Ho After She Has Chose and Come Back

That’s the one problem you have when you get the kind of hos that stay. You start to like them, even love them. When they get out of pocket, you tend to take it personal. Try to remember this above all. No matter how much of a motherf*cker you are, no matter how long you had the ho and she never got out of pocket, no matter how much Game you and the ho kicked, when she does get out of pocket, remember a b*tch is always going to be a b*tch, as a b*tch is a b*tch, is a b*tch. That means get over it and pimp, son.

26) When a Ho Leaves Your Ass, Don’t Try to Figure It Out

All women are fickle. Hos are no different. Women function on 99.9% emotions. B*tches leave for the dumbest reasons, or no reason at all. Least of all the reasons you think it is. And I’ll tell you something else, if you know why she left, you weren’t pimping. If a real pimp spots a problem, he’s obligated to solve it. That’s why when a ho leaves, you don’t supposed to know why.

25) Big Game Starts with Small Moves

Most guys want to be a Giant in the pimping immediately. They don’t realize that you have to do a lot of little things before that can occur.

24) Invest in Your Overall Game Plan If You Want to be a Master Pimp

You can’t expect to be a Master Pimp without investing. Buying jewelry, clothes, the most fly cars, fabulous homes and apartments and all of the toys you can imagine, is a good start.

23) A Pimp Has Got to be Ready to Catch at All Times

You’ll never know where the next ho is coming from. It might be at the carwash or in the supermarket, or at the movies. She truly can come from anywhere.

22) All Pimps Don’t Have the Same Principles

I had to find that out the hard way. You must have a hard set of principles to live by. Any Master of Pimpology had his own perspective on the Game and a set of rules on how to play it.

21) Don’t Take for Granted the Sacred Knowledge You Have is Common

B*tches don’t know sh*t about this, until you tell them. And they damn sure don’t know sh*t about your style, until you bring it to their ass.

20) Don’t Get Stuck in a Conversation, be a Speed Shifter

Sometimes you think this certain conversation will catch the b*tch, but it doesn’t click. Or, you can see the ho wants you to get down on her a different way. You must be able to spot if she is reacting properly to your conversation and if she isn’t, change it. I was able to change my flow at the drop of a dime.

19) Don’t be Afraid to Trust a Ho If it is Warranted

A lot of pimps will disagree with me on this one, for sure. But, I never had a ho take my money, or jewelry when she left. I know a b*tch is capable of, and will do anything. So, don’t think I’m saying be stupid. But, don’t you leave your jewelry and paper around those hos when you sleep?

18) Try not to Let Any B*tch Come Between You and Your Pimp Friends

This is an important rule for the younger players to learn and stick to. I’ve still got most of my pimp friends I met in my first three years in the Game, unless they are dead, and in that case, may they Rest In Peace. I can’t say that about my hos. Can any pimp say that?

17) You Can’t Bleed Blood From a Turnip

If it’s not there, accept it and move on. Remember, the only thing you are going to bleed from a turnip, is a turnip juice.

16) When You Catch a New Ho, Check Her Out. Don’t Just Accept a B*tch

You don’t know what kind of hang-ups a new ho has. She could be a junkie, among other things. It’s always good to check and see what you can see early on.

15) Always Approach a Situation with Game. Keep the Game in Its Proper Perspective, and If it Don’t Work, Then…

Never go at a situation looking for the violent solution. It isn’t necessarily the way to handle it. I never carried a pistol in my entire 22 years in the streets. I never got shot at, either. I employed enough Game that I handled all of my problems with my conversation. I’m proud of that.

14) Be Diplomatic. Diplomacy is the Best Policy and Always the Best Choice

There isn’t any sense in one pimp killing another pimp over some ho sh*t. And we damn sure are not boxers. We are pimps – with plenty of conversation for occasions like that. But, if necessary, a pimp will get busy.

13) Learn How to Have More Than One Ho

It is a learned art to having hos, especially more than three. Most pimps don’t know how to do it without choosing a main one. I never designated a main ho, because I always pimped. The hos chose me and there is no way I am going to be forced to choose one of them. (Hos will not like that one.)

12) When You Checking Your Ho, You Better Keep Coming Up with Sh*t

Otherwise, be able to distract her mind from the sh*t you are checking her about. Keep bring up sh*t to keep her thoughts on what you are talking about, instead of tripping about what she’s thinking about a pimp kicking the sh*t out of her ass.

11) Be sure Not to Pimp Past One Ho, Trying to Get at Another One

This mainly applies when you are down on a fresh ho. A lot of playas take the pimping as a game. This sh*t is real. I saw a lot of pimps have a new broad in the car, the ho is paying attention to his every word and the fool starts f*cking with some hos on the track. Catch the ho in the car, pimp. Then when her ass is on the track, you can f*ck with all of the hos.

10) Don’t Be a Cream Puff, When You See Tears

B*tches are the best actresses in the world, especially hos. If they can play you with their tears, next they’ll choose another pimp on our weak ass.

9) Don’t be Afraid of Decisions You Have to Make

When you have a group of hoes, or are confronted with a decision, always have a point of view. If it’s with hos and your point of view might blow the b*tch, f*ck her. Go get another ho. That’s why one b*tch is too close to none. Always try to stay deep with hos and make decisions early in Game and often. And never make them according to how many hos you have. Be committed to Game.

8) A Pimp Has to Remember to Pace His Conversation

Sometimes a pimp’s mind is going so fast thinking of his conversation he doesn’t realize he has left the broad behind. If you are down on a b*tch, especially a turn out ho, you want her right up with you when you drop the bomb on her ass about the pimping.

7) A Pimp Must be Able to See Through Muddy Water in Order to Spot Dry Land

Sometimes, sh*t is extremely thick from problems your hos have. A Master Pimp has to see past all of the b.s. coming at him and spot the avenue out of the problem. And still get paid.

6) A Pimp Has to Remember What He Says to a Ho, Because the Ho Will Try to Use it Against You in the End

A Master Pimp must remember every promise he makes to his crew of hos. He must remember what his position on a subject is, and don’t change it for any ho. You shouldn’t ever say anything now that will trap you in the future. It takes a lot of work to be a Master.

5) Don’t be Overly Excited About Getting Your Paper From Your Ho

A Master Pimp has got to maintain his composure at all times. The sooner you realize your hos are supposed to pay you, the sooner they will accept it as their destiny. Don’t act grateful to your ho for paying you.

4) When You Don’t See Those Hos, Don’t Panic

I know, it feels damn good to ride by and see your crew of hos. But the b*tches must get busy at some point, so they won’t be there just because you rode by. If they are, the hos are half-stepping about your paper. When you show up and the hos aren’t there, go shoot some pool or something and wait for those b*tches to get back. But they better have some paper when they do show up.

3) A Pimp Has to Be Able to Make Sense Out of Nonsense

If a pimp can’t make sense out of something that has jumped off wrong, and make that sh*t right, he’s going to lose a lot of hos – because sh*t in the Game don’t always happen by the book. A Master Pimp has to be able to ad-lib at any time.

2) A Pimp Has Got to Be Able to Take in The Information at Hand
If a pimp doesn’t start learning from the beginning, he is in for a long, hard haul to the bottom of the heap. A real Master Pimp, or a potential Master, loves the challenge that "new thoughts" a new Game brings.

1) Be Cold

A Master Pimp must have the ability to be as cold as necessary. He must be able to go from being ice, to being an iceberg. – Expose yourself to external environment where you have to practice being unaffected by others and exterior events. Don’t give a f*ck about the outcome.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

big sean stick to the plan - law of attraction by easther hicks introduced by big sean "i create my future"

I know a lot of guys in seduction or in search of a girlfriend are mostly all game.

I actually fell off a lot in many levels .

I had my mentor franco and best friend in game Adrian.  be my support system

my friend  Sam who is a hardcore pimp  and found  a friend micheal who believes in the law of attraction.

I am a big fan of  Big Sean .

and love his music ... he has some songs with strong power of thought.  theres a track where he talks about the inner talk ...

I thank big sean for sharing since he shared how this book changed him to be with Kanye and jayz and get signed on a major record label..

and who knows ... he is now with jhene aiko.

who I think they sync up pretty good musically that album twenty88
really is good stuff
songs like deja vu and on the way...

but its the motivational message of big sean that still makes me relatable to him.

he is vunerable to himself and not to anyone else.
that is something I learnt from my previous relationship with this LSE hardcore freak.

lots of lessons ......

what I like about big sean is that he literally creates his future..

like the pimp states  "be  ICY COLD "  " you create your movie and you are the star  don't let wnyone take over the main star of the movie".

this is definitely a turning point to my life.

since I am changing and shifting the direction.

it took me a fucking month to come up with this shit.

so now as I am writing this , I am listening to big sean and on a montage of insightfulness.
and will listen to the advice Michael gave me regarding how my life is at a hault and
my job and my love life has just disappeared.

so I am applying to start from scratch is the law of attraction from big seans motivation video

imagine and give thanks to the universe for what we have.

if I want it and ti can have it and that's my reality.

fuck living life past you by enjoy the journey.

trust in the process

trust that end result will be the best result

I creat my own world
any situation my reality


focus is difference on and off...

self fulfilling comes accomplishment.

true purpose and magnify it to extraordinary.

focus on the wrong you get the wrong...

how you focus is giving your attention to it....

if you focus on wanting a new car, focusing on the car being yours.

time is valueable  focus ... every second.

I can focus on something isn't giving me happy..

if its not part of my viubration...if not its wha ti am not supposed to be doing..

you can measure success unless happiness.

rewire any thoughts
you are what you focus on

I am can make any situation reality I creat my own world.

micheal told me to calm the inner child of doubt by calm control and acknoeldge but not ignoring.
make sure you control the inner child its designed to protect us. listen but don't let him run the show.

big sean song voices in my head... stick to the plan...


Voices In My Head/Stick To The Plan

Voices in my head sayin' I could do better, damn
Voices in my head sayin' that I knew better, yeah
I done seen this shit happen a hundred times on the regular
But I still crossed the line like I'm blind, damn
Voices in my head saying I could do better
(You always do the same shit)
This was supposed to be the last time
Last hit, last call, last feel, last trip, last run
That's what I always tell myself, huh
This was supposed to be the last one
Last two, last flip, last you, last me, last night
Doing every single thing my parents warned me 'bout
'Til I wore 'em out (shit)
Voices in my head saying I could do better, damn
(Voices in my head saying that I could do better)
Voices in my head saying that I knew better, yeah
I done seen this shit happen a hundred times on the regular
But I still (fuck)
Voices in my head, conscience talking to me like
Stick to the plan
Stick to the plan
Stick to the plan, bitch quit playing
Stick to the, plan to the plan
Stick to the plan, bitch quit playing
Stick to the plan
Stay focused, don't let these niggas see your emotions
Stick to the notion, stay in motion
Remember soon as you stand still
So will everything else, you know this
Make sure all your inner actions end with actions
If you stacking frontin and back in
Subtract if it isn't adding
Plus who hurt you don't let back in
Plan it out, yeah tit for tat it
Extra pussy get distracting
Put that into what's worth having (boy)
Stick to the plan, stick to the plan
Stick to the plan, bitch quit playing
Stick to the plan, to the plan, stick to the plan, bitch quit playing
Stick to the plan, stay focused
Pay attention who you getting close with
Distance yourself from negative energy
Voices in my head, they say it's meant for me
I, I, I, you in my way, bitch it's no sympathy
I, I, I, been plotting this since elementary
I, I, I, no you need to buckle down
Have people asking where you at
And wondering why you never wanna come around
You know the effort gon' come around
Big face like Zordon
You bought the watch but can't afford the time
Even if you running out of breath
Weight of the world doing lots of reps
Time to get this generation
Last one and then the next two outta debt
And they gon' pay you back with respect
Just stick to the plan
Still we can chill
Back when I rocked the white and blue Grant Hills
I realized there's no dream that I can't fill
I manifested all while I'm the man still
(Bitch I'm the man)
Voices in my head attacking what I'm thinking
Bullet to the head might be the way to free it
If I leave my body I can free the spirits
Swear to God my death of fear just keep on shrinking
Wishing I could go back to the nineties back when I was dreaming
Me and my dog was on a mission like we Kel and Kenan
Early 2000s Detroit might as well been the hell with demons
Wondering when I started losing it, the losing grip
Feeling like I'm in the middle of the ocean
You either drown or canoe through it
Voices in my head said I'm used to it
Some help me to lose and some help me maneuv through it
When I talk to myself I'm confused on who's who it
I know in life you either blow it or blew it
And at the end of life it's gonna feel like you flew through it
I just hope by then I cut the voices in my head

Monday, October 23, 2017

back to basics PIMP by iceberg slim and 33 strategies of war

back to basics of my game.

when my game was at its height
it was a combination of pimp game with breakthorgough comfort.

I felt my downfall was to follow my transference.

chapter 5 in 33 strategy of war talks about leadership in adversity

pimp book is audiobook is really good, my best parts is be cold and emotionless and iron clad in your feelings... and few nuggets of gold.. when you are firm the bitch comes more loving.

the mindset of how to turn out the girl.

but the main thing is to own her soul.

my thing is to own the soul of the girl.

a girl who is my genetic match.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

LSE FREAKS GAME be alpha and cold

so game is about making demands , once she is hooked you start making demands.

you cant be like any other guy where sex is okay and good enough

the pimp wants to own the soul.

I rather own the soul than not own it.

it gives you power.

the game is about power.

if you don't have power then you aren't a MAN

submissiveness and niceness and even being sweet equals attraction death.

girls who are freaks want a Genghis khan masculine man and not a pussy.

tattoo that shit on your dick

also as a pimp says , be okay to move on from a bitch., they always come back.

be abrupt don't go beg back , it makes it worse look weak lose respect.

Work on yourself is the best way to withdraw from any hesitation

only thing you have control over is you.
what you do and what your life is all about
its not about a woman or women.
women rely on a provider sooner or later.
you are a MAN and you rely more on what you do TODAY
don't leave for tomorrow .
do move forward for today
don't ever second guesss yourself

my good friend  SAM tells me lot of good advice.
Adrian also gives me pimp mindset advice

this GAME is about frames. more challenging and more alpha you are. better you are in making any girl horny.

challenging = horniness

as franco book sleep easily with any women . his motto is " women aim for control than sex"

he specifies in LSE and HSE

I havetn met a HSE women yet,

hottest chicks have been LSE FREAKS

but the book is good I haven't finished but I have started viewing it.

as recommended reading :

pimp iceberg slim
33 strategies of war Robert greene
franco sleep with any women book
mode one

also listening to hypnosis  STOP NEGATIVE THOUGHTS

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Screening:treat them for who they are,not what you want them to be

so guys Franco has helped me understand a lot of things.

I learned something in game and also something in the realm of  MLTR and screening.

process of screening is my new LOVE.

you see, I would get drunk in love at first and follow my transference and lose myself in the process without any sort of logic

that is why I always got hurt at the end.

With this pain, came great lesssons.


LSE FREAK you cant turn into a GF , NEVER !!!!
they are to be treated as strict FUCK BUDDY, NOT GF

screen for psychologically disturbed women cause in my case, I almost went in psychopath mode throughout the seduction.
I literally abandoned ship , to save myself.

I made mistake of thinking seduction was just to sex. its not

its about what you do afterwards, and manage who is part of  MLTR and who is fuck buddy,
only thouse chicks that make you feel good and you screened them properly can be part of your MLTR

fuck buddy LSE FREAKS of the extreme type or other sorts, Do not even think about it.

just re read Franco's chapter on psychologically distrurbed women and I ignored it and got hurt by it.

Also take time from the girls to analyze who they really are.... don't assume or follow transference.

DONT DROP FROM GAMING when you meet a think you like her but you haven't screened her.

FRANCO WARNED ME and So now I listen and my acuity is more spot on due to the negative experience that happened.

it was to learn how important screening is , who you give your time to and who you should avoid and run away.

Pretty face is good but when you seduce, you seduce the person , their views, their beliefs, their HSE/LSE and types.

as long as you know that, then you can manage accordingly and strictly to the LETTER.

ALSO don't change them, or try to reward them as your GF

the connection game is only part of it' but afterwards you have to manage and see them for who they are and what they value , than what generalized opinion and advice tells you.

don't send flowers to a pig
don't complement someone who doesn't see themselves truly as that.
don't invest the right emotions of your energy into wrong person.

Friday, September 29, 2017

recreate yourself

I love 48 laws of power.
its so awesome and masculine.
it never gets old.
seduction and war there are no rules.
its about lies and fantasy.

creating mental strength and becoming cold and strong

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I plan to meet girls more in person and put in a lot of my effort to look for new prospects while making it look effortless.

I plan to buy bradp program and implement it

I have mass messangers on match and  CM

I will have to figure out tinder and coffee bagels and bumble stuff on my phone as I need new pics.

My goal is find cute girls who are cool and I click

the time is now all resources .

HSE / LSE quest to find the chicks ONLINE

my focus to work on is to find HSE and  LSE girls. and combine seeing the girls.

online is mostly  FREAKS

so harsh qualification can work ala swinggcatt.

cause hot girls have many guys hit on them its your job to break the frame from thin slice you.

you assume attraction high value traits.

I am going to use mass messaging to screen freaks.

Todd was right '
apply it '

daygame eye contact submissive girl Gabe

I opened her I was in my car and eye contact with cold stare and she noticed me and lowered her eyes as submission. I then got near and she did it again.
I went and park my car near her and opened her ...
I nuber closed and I didn't react to her shit tests.

I text her she didn't respond.
waited next day
texted her again
she responded at 10pm when she was lonely.

word!  I have a lead .

lets review supernatural from Julian foxx and also todd's daygame

my structure is similar to franco seduction.

this is really good that I can open girls

glenn p has these excersizes that makes you open girls and such in your head and view positive reaction. and rehearse in your head. over and over..and over,, everyday.

oneitis cycle :projection and transferance 2.0

hi there I am dealing with withdrawl of oneitis or whats called distortion of the only option.

when you  NEXT

NEVER text her anymore...and forget about her.

seduction is a game of power and MORE YOU INVEST AFTER YOU NEXT
your value goes down. and the woman will despise you.

I high recommend franco seduction the manual.

so my game is  PNP  based off drug mechanism on brain. in my comfort I add vin di carlo's principle

also you have to calibrate and screen for HSE /LSE  and what type

once you know you talk their language and you will seduce her..and same time know how to NEXT properly. the type of girl freak or such LSE /HSE.... you next in their view of the world.

I realize the ONEITIS , it is the effect of my own effort and my game in my projection
........... and not the girl.

repetition and habit... on the brain getting checmicals based on my game

this you cut it off cold turkey with  the girl you NEXT
yes be abrupt!

cause if you don't, you will be depressed.

channel that energy to game other girls. its a fight or flight to help you get back into seduction mode.

its a good pain to get you out and about.
don't stress or worry and don t let yourself down.

MAIN excersize is :
glenn p has these excersizes that makes you open girls and such in your head and view positive reaction. and rehearse in your head. over and over..and over,, everyday.

I will use this everyday and open and open and open ...get habit of positive reinforcement to open girls

for your body:
combine with serotonin supplements .
you use affirmations of what you want in life and also combine with hypnosis on addiction
and also a game plan  to meet other women.

meaning online
and meetups.

social events and any type of night game of the casual type

what you do is apply that same  P-NP that you are getting fucked up on and you use that to project to the girls, so they chase you back

listen to saffron pua DLR audio to understand

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

direct and inderect

direct game  about their vibe and the way they hold themselves. then qualification

indirect -  not her looks but on other thing. like supernatural Julian foxxs

2 appraoches ..and screenign for submissive girls. and opening freaks

I opened tow sets and apoke on phone game...tonight

so I'm doing good game wise.

I'm awesome

glenn p stuff is awesome and I have to review todds daygame.

I plan to do meetup game I have to buy bradp stuff on it.

and apply it.

I plan to push myself into gym mode too.

let get it '

my experience in bdsm switch LSE FREAK HD

I love franco seduction cause he helped me with dealing with a tiger who switched on me

I got sucked into her metaframe.

this person is not normal nor logical.

actual person with sickness that I did not realize until franco helped me with skype and consultations.

he predicted exactly what would happen in my relationship with her

and it did happen

almost like better than a psychic

more accurate than that  cause my friend female is psychic and she sees shit and I get overwhelmed and I try to avoid too much "projection" from her...

so I take it with a grain of salt.

specially with crazies ' which this as to be my 3rd in my life. and this one threw NLP patterns and mirrored them back.

she chases and chases hard...then throws metaframes... and then sucks the guys reality...
then she attempts to manipulate emotionally a submissive..

then she castrates the guy in passive way by withdrawing and shit testing for alpha in a sublte way of supplication to the guy.

the guys she had restraining orders her ex and ex husband.
she was raped beaten at 17

and has no real idea about managing money.. and lives in fantasy. takes depression meds.

passive aggressive in some ways.

a lot of things she does in unconsciously

the addicting part was using the  PNP in a way the manual of franco seduction but in a more complex way like a drug.

and her way is also PNP which elicits supplication from the male after she has him from the initial P-NP

her shit tests are harsh and at times... elicits violence and or anger.

this is something I am dealing with at the moment of withdrawl

I had listen to franco all the way, I wouldn't have been in situation

good thing is its hard to next this girl..... yet based on a fight I had, she nexted me.

which was part of the initial plan with franco as I learned how to screen and he predicted
her behavior

I lasted one month with her , thanks to sticking to the PNP
but at some point she beta me unconsciously and I didn exhibit that alpha trait that was mean to her and threaten to leave her.... and she lost attraction to that.

she likes to be treated like an asshole treats beats up a dog. makes her supplicate and beg and cry..which she enjoys part of her sickness...


the switch comes out ...and she goes violent and crazy.

to castrate the male.

she at the end threw a frame shes the prize...which made her lose even more interst.

follow attraction signs and not your gut instinct with these girls.

so treat LSE with  LSE

not good ehaviour positive with LSE , it doesn't work cause it looks boring and weak

that is why I projected to her...and it turned her off badly.

I learned from this to screen and had franco start to finish on my relationship with her and what happened and what I need to work on my inner game awareness that I reacted to certain things

this was good harsh experience cause as he says "dealing with a tiget in a cage"
not for long term nor girlfriend.

I learned about bdsm and talked with domanatrix....but she was more about HSE freaks and not dysfunctional LSE amateur BDSM person
so her advice sucked.

Monday, August 28, 2017

why mass messages work for online game and the type of girl


most girls online are FREAKS

single moms are LSE FREAKS

you can personalize the message if you can. but average time its 12 half hour messaging ...
I messaged 30 yesterday got 3 messages back and only 1 stayed in contact.

girls get overwhelemed with a lot of guys messaging..

best thing is to be in a large city where theres abundance.

also its a numbers game. girl has to look at your profile anyways?

that same girl who didn't respond may have certainly gone for you inperson.

so never take online game personal.

online is more for like a bar front and also feeding the girls validation and neediness management.

what I am looking for is a girl who wants a LTR that way I feed her my game connection to what she wants and looking for.

my thing is  MLTR

I dont do the whole polyamory or weird shit of lies and deceit.

you have to be mentally strong if you decide that route.

brain can only process emotions and help you with empathy part of your game. empathy is relating to her and also reading her mind that way you can calibrate PNP.

my game is based on comfort that's why... I cant run too much attraction game cause its too much work and at same time..its non congruent to me.

so compatibility is also a factor with this online game thing.

mass messaging works cause its like a marketing net... and theres so many yet you want to reach as many as you can ,.... I think that it related to business where you take a week off from mass marketing and then come back at it againwith another type of message.

gives you consistency and also congruency and gives off positive vibe of
" I dont care if you dont respond but I will try again unless you answer"
its not apushy thing its a persistence thing. masculine act.

I rather do that than to procrastinate incongruently.
making each and every girl personable message I think can work unless your pool is closed. but in big city and large population , your reach needs to be to cast a wide net.

once she responds first then you know that you can then game accordingly ..its no longer a numbers game at this point.
take everything as a shit test until phone game

DAYGAME SUCCESS number closed and attraction -all indirect went direct prior number close to give reason why

Thursday    in day game I dress using contrast theory.. (bad boy) I wear white or black polo shirt with cool black with white skulls shorts I bought in its contrast theory nice shirt with edgy shorts ..sometimes I wear jeans and nice dress shirt with part of my chest opening up. my walk is like a strut and chest out. (pimp mindset look your best ;also  badboy )

I went to  store , to reload money for something and go to store. in the store I look at women and initiate eye contact as practice (franco). some in past noticed they smile and I got surprised .
this time I went in good state , .

I saw this gorgeous blue eyes brunette as I was walking , she was with a lady who works at the store.. and I was walking with strong confident strut and presence. she took notice and as she noticed me I locked eye contact and she smiled. it felt like with my eye contact I elicited the IOI. that is how I felt .
I let her walk to counter I grabed what I needed and searched where she was and placed myself behind her in the line...I saw her with a small toy gun riffle...and was with store lady by law...
I then open to tease  indirect to store lady..."are you heare to protect me from this girl?"  the store lady felt attraction ioi blush as the gorgeous girl blue eyes and shortest running shorts nice legs you could ever seen,
then started abit initiated talking and pull back. ask her what she is gonna shoot with that...and also that I wanted to live for few years and should watch out for her and her gun.
 the girl was responding with flirt and  nervoise as she paid.and noticed she felt some tension not sure sexual tension or attraction tension from strong confident male.
 told her that theres no rush.her mind became flustered then .. she left ... and it was my turn and after I was done paying for mine,

I conviced myself to not do what is familiar in not approaching...and to change and do approach and go talk to her. (inner game talk thank you franco)

so I went to parking lot. and searched for her , then found her going to her truck ... I then placed myself walking towards that and with my phone..then saw her noticing me that I was walking towards her and on purpose she got infront of me with her car and called her  as she was near me past me "hey shooter ! with big smile and loud voice, stop I need to ask you something... " she stopped in middle of street and said sure with gorgeous smile.

" you are not going to shoot me ,right?" she laughs as I tell her this. "actually I really like your energy your vibe back at the store  I think you are cute and wanted to meet you... I don't know maybe something cool and friends first.. (I said like f"riends" to calibrate her reaction and false disqualifier)  yeah go grab an ice cream or something fun " then she looks at me as the car behind her hoonking the horn ,,and I wave at them to wait...and she laughs (reacting to my alpha)
she tells me " I love ice cream, sure " with a big smile .

I number close her and call her with my phone. and then tells me  "I have something to tell you though, I. "   I reacted abit and then said "hey as friends, and grab ice cream talk and chat in this energy" 
she says "oh okay cool "
whats your name I ask , she says "pch" okay peach I will text you later...

after I did that I felt so empowered

I told myself , I am changing and can have any woman I want , this girl is hot and young... I can certainly do this more and find me hot girls . why not one more girl? wow I did this with success and I know that I can do it again. why not one more girl , if I can do this and get more girls into my life... wow what an abundance feeling.  (brad P)

I have not contacted her cause she is abit too young for me. and I did not know, yet her phione number is legit I verified online and saw her pic in her facebook.

direct game doesnt work cause it comes off NEEDY to alot of women in USA

so direct game does not work in America

its comes off as needy and desperate...ameerican girls want social savy and also they have secret society womaneese  where they don't want to be seen easy or slutty.

so they protect their ego and self image.

this is also why we must always use plausible deniability.


if you don't use plausible deniability , then its better not to verbalize the matrx at all and assume the metaframe as man to woman.

game itself is non verbal direct  using verbal neutrality or bt spiking or even disqualifier or time false constraint.

I think its called microloop theory  mehow mentioned ... but  its also needy to push more and over invest in the girl too much too soon...

like jeffy said once... you do  work so that she responds and you go with her but not too much, you create space and she comes to you....

so direct game is too much too needy and sets a lot of frame of needy clingy guy who wants her.

girls want intrigue....girls want to chase unconsciously in these usa type society...
they chase when you reached comfort and you pull back and fractionate....

they chase hard.  so I know saffron does indirect game for daygame and all...  passive active.
plays on strength and strengthens his weekness with his game and assertiveness.

like mark says make her want it more.

this is the mentality  of a guy you want to have..if you get desperate or clingy... you just pull back on yourself and make yourself logical that you have to control your own urges , save these urges when you are about to have sex with her.

makes sense now.

no direct game... just a direct statement of intent when you reached comfort phase...and have qualified her good enough and have already set your sexual framing.

like mehow says qualification comes from the mindset of abundance.

when you feeling low and not getting results you want.

don't wish this was easier, wish you were better! -jim rohn

hardness your inner fear....and you will succeed - felix dennis

when you have these feelings its your brain wanting to fufill something in you.... ths is the time where you become even more dependable in yourself first before others.
this is the serotonin levels that are low.... neediness kicks in your brain and wants you to chase.

makes you act desperate and aggressive overgaming...this is not a good state of mind to game or send messages to any girls.   you always need to come from an abundance frame and qualification frame when you text message girls.

you have to be mentally strong. its easy to give up and doubts and fears in your head may cloud yoou...

you must ignore and overcome. and have faith in yourself and in the process.

here is where you have that self doubt about your own potential and causes you set back..youve done this a lot and listened to this voice..its time to change that familiarity and  do the opposite and ignore that voice.

you adapt and change that and focus on what can be yours.

if you attract women you can always do it again.

at first its a numbers game...not everyone will like you  and you don't want everyone either.

there will be woman that wants you...

theres that power 

you hook and pursue as a man and initiative to contact ....

but you don't insist nor chase , cause if they want you to chase it means she wants validation..

you give this validation when you want it and in your terms..
this will increase the value , irresistible attractive.

then you give that validation along with qualification.

this time where you want to reinforce your affirmations

Sunday, August 27, 2017

new gaming style Screenign for LSE FREAKS style VS Good girl style

hello I totally recommend coaching with Franco seduction.

I  in the past got really good in the game. reality is that your own game can be as the best it can be.
I learned that the other day at daygame where my game was so good the girl couldn't stop but to give me what I directed her for. 

very sttraction style game.

but theres a borderline .

LSE FREAKS   and Good girls

for this you need to definitely read franco seduction book or his website with artciles . I recommend all of them as they apply directly to game and what you do in the game..
screening is a big deal to me and also metaframe.

so all the years my style was MM / body temperature spiking style. then in comfort pull back once you hooked her so she chases...and then apply PNP with qualification ,where this helps move seduction forward with her complainace at same time  creates a need for her to  make her want it more ... this is my style  copied from mark entropy and saffron pua. my comfort came from practical pickup from boston doc holliday in 2008. almost 9 years ago.

why I say this?

cause most of the girls ive slept with , wanted a relationship with me.

but that's what I wanted. I wanted them into me . that is what makes me happy.

so this month of august in the midst of so much chaotic drama. I only had 3 lays with new girls.

2nd was LSE FREAK / player 
3rd was my current MLTR where I had same night first date slam and on phone game connected well with all the necessary game I needed. I used a lot of advanced comfort from old lovesystems audio , as well as NLP and eliciting values. so far she is loving and caring girl I have ever met.

reason I am not putting all my eggs in this basket is  she is recovering LSE FREAK.

thanks to knowing franco seduction material which  really has precdictable results when it comes to women and dealings with them,

realize that game is about what you want.

I noticed that since my style is a lot of attraction routine... that sometimes its a turnoff

meaning if you are handsome then you do less. mark called this active and passive attraction.

with a lot fo girls I have passive attraction so I need to slow down....
with other girls where my transference is too up ...neediness energy vibe. I game or overgame too much attraction.

what I am learning in  field is that .... you don't need too much verbal attraction game,

its only to spike up abit..that's it.

what my goal is to meet good girls....  I saw a video on screening on youtube and how it says good girls have no game..they are AFC..

well this can be true cause they get scared from a guy who whos too much attraction game. that's what happened with a girl I recently contacted with .

also I had on my second lay this month, the girl was a player and gaming me...she knew what she was doing and did it to a point of I felt I was being overgamed.

so my goal is to slow my attraction game abit....not too eager not too much but just right...and let my non verbals do more of the in 9 or 10 game audio girls assume high value traits.

another thing is that knowing  PNP  and how to calibrate it so that brain registers pleasure and wihdrawl ..

this is some powerful stuff cause at suffered from this recently and it can mess with your judgement cause its your brain.

it will take more practice and exposure for me to get thick skin to this,

like mark told me once...the great thing about connection chemistry game is that its reproducible and you can fall in love with many girls.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Phone game fixes any flakiness, uncertainty and solidifies attraction

when a set goes bad, meaning if you talked with a girl or seen her and want to move forward things and she still is shy and akward...

phone game fixes that .

text is very informal, you are competing with other guys in terms of  text.... you ask her that you want to hear her voice. (it gives them vvalidation that she has an effect on you and benefits you)

my challenge was with shyJay, shy J she is shy and she hasn't really had much experience dating or kissing or anyting.

girl is indeed gorgeous to me.

this where breakthrough comfort comes in and also mark's chemistry game works magic.
meaning he comes off honest and same time direct....
its almost like a father figure male lead assertiveness when you do this.

sets the metaframe like franco calls it

my challenge is that this set isn't going anywhere....

my choices is that she does nothing....and that's not what we do here in seduction.

so you evaluate the situation..

am I trying too hard ?

which is the correct assessment from the start ..... you can never give more...remember social capital from Todd.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

attraction w pnp drug effect ,ground hog day revisted a success with a lay in august, franco seduction on skype therapy session enhances my soul

it is important to always work out logistics, I used mystery method to determine logistics..meaning the locations for each phase.

like it is solid game is solid game...once you have that , then you can be creative and play music by ear.

you have to follow logistics for solid game.

without that , you are just lost and end up frustrated... also learn accept to be alone and rehearse in your head and in person... over and over and over...

also learning comfort game. ala Mark's tenure when he was dating Erika awakening's

that cheamistry game  like 2008-2009 LRs which felt like I was on cloud nine.

I'm re visiting thouse feelings and my game is reached to that level but now more on  depth

thanks to skype with franco seduction  where he as a psycologist we worked out a deep past issue which arised during my date after sex with a girl, who is LSE FREAK HD yet of the player type and very captivating ...........

she triggered something....which was something from 2004 when I started this journey.

nobody talks about this shit cause everybody has an ego

I am all about being awesome at this. aside of being a genuine person and know what I want and want to seduce.  I also know what and who I am receptive to and I can camouflage my game and change like chameleon...but my solid game is solid game in terms of comfort game and end game .

younger girls wont really experiement that cause millennial mindset changed things are more superficial...that's okay cause I realize when they are alone they become vunerable, my game is just that draws them in like a drug.

I run 1-0-1 meaning PNP  based on franco seductions manual of seduction. not only for attraction phase, but in a way that creates  dopamines in the brain to raise addiction.

make her miss you make her want it more....that's what they want.

I must say that having oneitis makes you aware you want to give every girl a oneitis too.

that oneitis is that what I'm talking about. its a drug. in the brain.... braddoskc post on addcition , vin di carlo's 7 ways to make her addicted to you. in di carlo's femal psycology audio...

also part of the pimp game stuff. being the white room..... literally emotionally dependent on you.

that's what I want. in my MLTR

Sunday, August 13, 2017

online game help and transitioning to live in person seduction

I got help from 2 girls one with dating advice dizzy and other a girl who reviews dating profiles.

so far its helping so now plan to attack with setting up and mass message

based on todds and jeffy stuff . its best to mass message ...well I got the lays based of


observe statement and ask

its indirect game.
but takes a lot of as jeffy says in his experience to message ...its my attempt to fosuc on inlive person game than online

I have free time and in the best position to do so.

I am following vi di carlos recommendeation on helonig me reprogram my mind with affirmations with use of supplemetns and also exletric.

so I need to afformations and visiualize and do eye contact excersizes.

I'm excited..i got my pad and finally organized it nicely.

BACK IN THE GAME 2017 2 new lays in august thank you saffron and mark entropy

so i have tie off and I started game .........
I started online  on match

I so far in august  have 2 lays one with actual girl I like and recovered the set when it went well. I recovered the set with comfort game.

I did have fbs so far  MLTRs

1 - p 3 yrs so far
2- -sonay 1 yr
3- fb febrary  is krist

the 2 new lays  comes from 2 freaks
one is a crazy needy girl...showing active disqualifier and no escalation on first date...on second date ..went like lmr...

second lay was from a girl I actually physically like .... we closed on 3rd meetup.. recovered ...after her flake. I really really like her a lot... I caught oneitis from her .
I had consultation from franco seduction to realistic handle this emotional turmoil

I learned that you need to be aware of wha tshe  a freak lse hd, materialista , shit test handle freames that meant to test and betaise.

so far 2 lays

I did go to several dates and one girl just thought I was too much and she droped off.
other is not used to compliments and she needs to be lead.

I ve used saffron 2 lr report audio , listend to glen interview david shade .... where the space gives her to vacuum into you.... and ofcourse adam lyons stuff , issues in qualification, mr m . 9 and 10 game.
and youtube video on prolong foreplay on lmr .

I listened to sin s  daygame seminar in full on youtube and also his advanced confort which talks abit about breakthrough comfort.

I listedn to vin di carlos 7 wasy to get her addicted and her female psycology program.

I learned to calibrate this game part ....

iused SNL's stuff frames along with natural woman patterm , and nlp routine also I don't remember
I used CJ's stuff on NLP as well.

heavy stuff also MMqualification what you got going morethan your looks.

I also speak on the phone and let them vent.

I also let them wait  I hold off what I usually wait to  text ...I make them wait

also gary braokdsky stuff  pimp mindset , conquering women , how to be a player

what really helped me was saffron's LR audio along with remembering ..... mark advice on make her want it more.... just like dealing with  LMR

I got advice from a girl who told me I am too forward and for me to  false time constraint .... and then started using false disqualifier...this also was used in califronia pimp stuff ...and also vin di carlo dating diablo.

this is attributed to my new lays.

is to play on their emotions....frustrate them...and you hold back more  than them..the pleasure.