"Dont wish it was easier, wish you were BETTER"..-Jim Rohn
Saturday, February 28, 2009
FR:FUCK another sticking point noticed
" HEy whats wrong with you, you get the west side highway and we are right there..less then 7 minutes...
What are you talking about ? (look at her like she is a retard) " Honey Stop that shit OK, Get your ass over here, you re gonna have an awesome time...trust me " and slowly smile ...
another one was when I got opened I should exploit her by smiling and kino and start talking whatever.. lightly tease since she shes you as high value no need to over neg MICROCALIBRATION and LEAD
then ask her what you doing after this ? or th agenda for later?
NO Deep Comfort in bar or high energy club BE COOL and yet challenge...
The rule of no more than 2
no more than 2 teases-Sinn
no more than 2 sexual glances -CJ
qualify with 2 small med large hoops -Sinn
and calibrate the steps if you can skip... - AFC ADAM
OVERESCALATE is better than not doing it.... JeffyRSD
All Girls SEEK VALIDATION and ATTENTION...even tipsy drunk ones.... My own assumption
Im re-working a stack and responses based on when Im being qualified by the girl
less you care he easier you pull and more effort you make her get invested the better....
No DHV stories assume you are high value and just use statements -noticed by modeling my wing the VA instructor guy how he games he makes her work to figure out who he really is raher than giving her straight answers....
strippers areaster gamers and they are easily BT spiked if she investing -my wing VA instructor
Always oversell the After Party like a college game study partner = SEX
rewrite stack with Sinn's Sample
Shyness = weak and unconfident= unatractive VS wreck the room who gives a FUCK!
went over then lost sets and dead numbers...ok next ?
FR:Level change in game and sticking points.looking to do a 30 day challenge
but alot of this I noticed from him and need to model him.
GIRLS LIKE GUYS WITH " A D D" don' t be logical
Play the badboy by dominance and leading and breaking rapport
and compassionate nice guy by hugging her and smiling at her..compiments on her personality
Hey I had to write this up eventhough I have challenges aside from this skillset
-issues at school
-friendships lost
-Financial and Future matters
DAYGAME subway
STRIPPER GAME at 2 places
I did day game in subway ... situational opener obsevation then Comfort+coldread +Qualification
(rinse and repeat and throw in a tease and light kino)
If she is nice and creaive person qualifier I run the Love Poem pattern then elicit value by qualifying afterwards reward...
Direct on NYC Subway is too creepy dont do it.... only if she AI and you want to
My bday is coming up .. and My confidence level went up...but I have somewhere a bit of sticking points:
-Dance Floor GAME is a PLUS in NYC - a mistake in it you get blown out
-Lack of Leading the intraction -they get bored and I have to put more fun or be more funny and playful
-I had 2 girls hardcore qualifiying and interested but didnt get anywhere
-I had to run it and LEAD
-Too dependent at waiting for signs
-Not escalating
-Cant come up with a creative complement instead of "cool and awesome" sounds too vague
-Dont look up and stop talking or act distracted you are shooting yourself either you talk and lead or Qualify
MICROCALIBRATION ( must read review fom Sinn's notes)
In convo when to tease when to neg
when to go kino and energy of opener I either tooo high
different ways to reward to her instead of just a "nice"
Different of Giving Value and being easy: Give value is lightly use, calibrate with takeways then end it with a smile.
Practice giving her Male Stripper role play.
then ask : "Im going to this after party afterwards, what are you doing later?"
CALIBRATE in TEXT GAME :If she doesn't repond you TEXT: FLAKE
Dont over pursue her and take 20 minutes to repond dont over respond too quickly and too eager.
that kills attraction and she knows that you are into her...GAME OVER
Notice your bodylanguage ticks when you are under social pressure or see a beautiful woman....
Use Mystery's I had past GF....Go make money and come back.
Practice you being a tease....
Ask her when on a week day where she goes on a day off to get a drink
PURSUE or CHASE : DO NOTHING just have FUN and Qualify
anyone can number close but number close has strength when you do it SOLID
if not dont worry or ovrthink women give ou their number to anyone
What you do for a living? --NOthing
have her ask you and get her o ask you and response more playful and interact
WRITE IT UP ?!!!!!! BITCH!!!!!!
KNOW HOW TO TIP the difference of being cheap and being taken advantage
Tip and invest:
if waitress complains of the tip ask her to give it back...
Strippers dont date customers unless you run jealousy and dont so her too much interst and treat her like a bud and not like cusomer yet you tip the dancers on the stage but not the girls wanting to give you a dance...
OBSERVATION : HE gets her invested by being friendly then funny then serious for a second then smile and tease....
Dont run sexual stuff on convo..hat will get her into worker mode.
social anxiety excersizes , tone th convesation, facial expression correction on mirror, conversation excersizes, BHRR compliment and back it woth Confidence!
KNOW HOW TO GET NUMBER CLOSE have a card and know how o ninja number close
Too much comfort too early
remove the "what makes you unique ,different or special" in qualification
travel questions or where in the world
dont talk about money
STOP going very personal withtout small hoops qualification its
ELIMINATE Response likeevery other boring guy
AVOID connection patterns they avoid feeling and seem aware of NLPor hypnosis
COMPLEMENT on herPERSONALITY and challenge her ala Sinn Hired Gun game
B-H-R-R is very Effective
Buy the manager a Drink
know how to respond to her stack and microcalibration:
I f she is direct you say : " Not right now but YES! maybe Later" : )
BE Happy and playful :
Add a funny calibrator into COSMO routine so her BT is up before eliciting and its more compliant
USE sinn 's Cold reads
Review ELTOPO POST ON Stripper game
Write up a Stack
Showed me he was talking and texting w a major PUA well known guy....
we went to a fancy place all in suits and ties except us.... be social guy with the people that work there talk about their night ...
know another bar nearby if you isolate...
When she had an olive I oped my mouth and she didnt comply and I should have said " Greedy Bitch"
Don't over do the goofball and or dork use lightly ............once and dont repeat it comes too insulting...
calibrate her emotions in the interaction.
The persuassion book and audiobook on the TOP RIGHT OF THE BLOG is soo money in seduction and easily related to everyday things we observe in our everyday life yet we are unaware of it... AKA elusive obvious ?
PRACTICAL STUFF WITHOUT THEORY THAT WORKS..... Im starting to apply itonmy personality and mindframe in desciscions in set. SALESMAN theory to get people to like you without being dancing monkey.
being appraochable and confident.
I will consider recording my sets and doing a 30 day daygame night game stripper game rotation challenge
is based on Brad's RSD way of how her got good super fast...
NEW YORK is definte playground for this....
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Having a Personality behind PU is your BASE
There isnt a better way to get good without busting your ASS out there...
but you spit the routines ,the patterns , trance word and you will get her in state but what or who are you?
are you the cheesy makeout guy at the club?
If you focus on who you are and how descive you are as a person thn this will be a nice addition to the routines and stuff you learn.
It like being congruent with yourself before you spit FIRE....
example you want o convey yourself as HV but your bodylanguage or your voice tone isnt like of a STRONG MAN...it isnt gonna work... they will not pay attention to you.
If you know whats acceptable for you and you go out and you get shit tested you dont have to think what to say next?
you act congruent that hey she is being insecure and silly no big deal and you respond whatever comes up...you force your mind to spit the lines or create your own..on the spot.
This isnt inner game nor Lifestyle but its self respect and how you want to be treated...
If you dont love yourself why you expect to other people like you?
When a set goes bad .....I dont over analyze anymore I just open the next and warm up ..no excuses trying to convince myself that Im high value and she isnt..that too much BS !
Especially for someone who doesnt know you and is judging you breifly based on your looks and what else is in her head.....?
So be focus on the inteaction and talk LOUD and FIRM with congruent if you have to hold on to your balls when you first approaching do it....
Dude its a numbers game and the harder you try to make her like you the more you will fuck up...
Dont invest too much in the interaction , give value but dont be too easy...have a firm personality to back the game up.......
Without this Personality defined
I was for a LONG TIME !!!!!
The routines arent what define who you are.....your identity and where you work isnt who you are.........
Be A unique SELF among the average guy and you will be fine to start off and build from there.
If you dont then hang out with someone cool..or hire a PU instructor and model their behaviour around women and around people ....You hav to pick someon you can relate to dont pick someon who is totally different fom who you are ..ty to relate to him first then pick up on their positive traits
, good one not the negative one : P ...
nobody is perfect dude. But you get the IDEA!
Build your charismatic personality then GO FOR WHAT YOU WANT !
Monday, February 23, 2009
Improv class day 1
It had alot of stuff and also role playing as if you were on a blind date....
the instructor based all his knowledge on :
making statements instead of questions responding with a positive response.
obsevational comments and changing topics
few cool exercizes to get conversational and eye contact....few funny clap and Yes with a smile thingy
your name associated with something funny my was the " sexy candy " ; )
I had to answer questions abou tmyself and think on spot and say the truth..no girls ask me but I guess thy were intimidated by me being a doctor and having a cool vibe ..I saw one that was giving of I O I 's and she is blown long hair blue eyes a bit chubby and seem positive and cool , and she's a lifestyle coach.... : s
I asked her wha she wantd o be when she was 7 and she said GO GO dancer.....
cutie w a bootie ... no puas in the room I think the instructor is definately one ..funny guy and charasmatic .... he is the leader of the social circle yet he is cool and seems honest... I smell something .....cause he knows intractions with people well and talks about m-f dynamics.... poooAhhh?!
othr guys could be newbies exept for the good looking one...he is natural in the middle gamey .. he went a bit sexual with the excercise.. I got a bit disturbed dont ask why...she was role playing into it as well but I would have been more sexual and kiss closed and gone for the pull LOL! bitch I dont play! thats my sticking point!!
I have to learn to take it easy when its not ready to pull and go into comfort....and go into patterns or something...elicit somthing..this is a good idea to work on my stack....
He didnt do any kino...and his bodylanguage was tight...plus he was stereotyping himself as a sexual worthy guy by saying Im glad we met up even though your married... and you know I understand ..remember that time at the hotel in paris? .... and went into some nancy friday shit about animals and shit...dis fucking disgusting....he must be well read.... cause he was running attraction game.....
I didnt notice it dude until now....luckily Im recording as refernce of what Im learning....
I didnt finish reading the game or listend to it but now would be a good chance since lot of guys Ive met startd with this..... Im not afan of Strauss but the best guys I know and th one I admire started with reading that book....
nuff said!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
boyfriend objection on stripper-other stuff on life
MY strip club PUA friend told me on BF destroyer without coming on insecure:
I have a BF?
response:Not with ME YOU DONT...pause and eye contact shows dominance
if they laugh go for the kiss close.
if you insist,you become the annoying BF ...needy
you can say "OK, do you have friends?" and smile :)
OK I undrstand...
All the bad attributes should be given to the BF :
"sounds like he really needs you "
"sounds like he nice guy"
"sounds you really need him"
always use the 3 ways of making fun : I know how to make fun of yourself if you ar running too hard core game
YOU make fun of her
make fun of them
elements of teasing know how perfeciming when to use it...use lighty..
another thing is that alot of girs arent happy with their BF's... you persist your game dont cut off you contact keep gaming persist you will be different then just NEXTING...
she will look for you and it will pay off...
awesome bro thanks SAW! THE BEST STRIPPER GAME PUA!
I remmber talking to Doc Holiday...about what other people do ..
I know guys like bathroom pull. orgys pigroasts etc...alot of guys brag like guys who brag about having money...Im not hatin' just seeing beyond the bullshit that is out there that will stagnent your mind to being a fanboy an addict to info without action....
My friend was alking about some a nonsense a NEW SYSTEM .. I was like dude !
ALOT of guys and coaches are full of shit offer expensive magic pills to enlarge you penis game , but ehrn you are done you are back to square one
..the ones who get better just fucking do it..then look for the next step to improving ...knowing what you want...
coaches brag on theories and its all fucking nonsense..keep it simple.
best guys go out and watch the naturals or better guys game..then those guys say
"I dont get paid to get laid ?"...
its like playing cards you read and dont know when you are suppsed to shuffle...yet they ask you how you did?
HeY northern! tell him I say to go fuck himself in a brookylnite accent!
That being said....
thats not my main aim...btw.
I have other stuff in my life other than game...
My goals to survive the daily life, the struggle....its never ending..
One of my BEST friends from back in the day called me and he go married...
this guy dated a stripper, fuck chicks in his car, party hard...and wasnt goodlooking but he was classy...
we related in alot of levels he had game...a true natural puled stripper and yet kindah cheap cause he sudied business and finance..being poor nothing came easy for either one of us yet we are making something...
he admires me cause Ive been through alot in my life and career
I admire him on how he dealt with issues ...he was from nyc and lived a harem in miami...
hottest girls without spending money.
I found out he got married and we talked alot of stuff and even about drugs and how nyc is so dynamic it can take you of your focus if you let th city overwhelm you...
simple stuff I took notes :
Life is a piece of shit..its what you make of it you either look at it and take the easy way and bitch or put it in the sun tuen it into fertilizer and watch it grow....
dont care what other peolple judge you,you stay positive with yourself and deal with it...anyone can take the easy way of getting high and give up but you have to do is wake up wash it off and deal with it,work wih what you have....
Keep the same energy of enthusiasm when you started..ont let anyone take you down.
if you are negative and dont smile...no one is going to hire you with a negative attitude..SMILE!
Outlets are be funny ,though comedy!
if you feel down look at someone thats worse and be thankful you have a chance to do better or look at the paopl who struggled yet got there...nothing is impossible in america!
If you get someone who rejected you or someone negative use the magic eraser and erase them out of your mind!
Dont be ashamed of start at a low point, you always have to start somewhere...
THE GAME NEVER STOPS , The players change.....
BE TRUE TO YOURSELF, we not kids, we are ADULTS!
mistakes will happen either on purpose or inevitable but they will happen ...take a shower and move on from them.
its being prepared for the right moment
You got to go and try!
Timing is essential for any action .... be persistant...
these were the ones that stood out..this coming from someone that understands the depression of nyc life...
its awesome in the beginning but later it can eat you if you let it....
thank you "Brands"
you are an awesome friend!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Planing on a weekend tour
I live here in nyc but Im not that happy with the locals...I love white blonde blue eyes big ass with accent...
I will start a weekends tour for SNL game ala Brad P...
this is contrary to what I was planning to do but its a chance for me to live my life and enjoy traveling where the hoochies are.
In the meantime I will run teial by fire game here in nyc..its not vegas but its not that eazy game....
I was thinking
panama city,
AZ ....
I dont think texas is my deal right now ...I migh run into one of Sinn SNL girls LOL! or TOPO's strippers LMAO
This is planned afte I finish school. I cant live like by but I can afford to travel and run game....
If I go to vegas it has to be with a good fucking wing and a good amount of money to build social proof..
I might consider rolling with guys like JSmooth,Doc ,Entropy,Psych, Presi and or Alex or even hairpull master Saffron...
someother guys who I know that are getting good and share same frame on game... serious game players Ive met personally.
I wish johnny wolf came out cause he one motherfuckr I like to roll but then again we would fight over the same girls LOL
Miami seems closer and closer.. I my have to get a place there soon...Its awesome city
and I hope to make it work for me..I dont like latin women...I prefer white meat.
The P is free!
Friday, February 20, 2009
I Took my BOARDS!
So Im focused on working on my personal goals.... finish school
finding a balance between game, relationships,health , my hobbies....
Im start go out more and work with the girls I have... learn as I go.
Ive gotten this far starting off at low point of being social awkward guy to being social dominant...
dont unestimate the power of being social and using social pressure... its a huge leverage.
Im thinking of taking psycology courses in school...
Break it and make it is my new motto
Sunday, February 15, 2009
met Alex and Pres...and PSych
....some girls are just fuckin dumb !
got a girl invested in me like Ive never seen before but l lost her after I bought her a drink...
I had an awesome time!
almost at the end I saw a natural with 2 girls and blew off a guy I went in fluuf talked and ran NLP..the other girl felt the effects of it that she took her friend to the bathroom ....my girl was in the midst of thinking .
Its not that easy o isolate but I had the BEST time of my life!
Friday, February 13, 2009
FR:Friday 13th 2009
today just openning without using routines
they mostly got bored and left convo...other spent a long time talking did kino and ran comfort
number close and she didnt want to.
group set didnt hook the whole group seated
then after couldnt open on dance floor alot of girls dancing in a group or by 2 girls
some girl open guys with compliment then walked away
got cut of with bodylanguage in convo from a group
got screamed at cause she couldnt listen to me and misintrepret my opener :
"from moves to boobs"
Sticking points noticed:
Need to Smile more
Get outside your head, and get out of spectator mode
Tendency when ignored to look up and be distracted rather than plow and be dominant
Be Social and Friendly
Dont show your intentions
BE more dominant in conversation take the LEAD
Talk Louder
Fluff talk more and ask her opinion
make her talk more and listen
Dont talk about yourself too soon
Do more Takeaways and Tease
Be more interesting in conversation be part of her night to make her have FUN and be memorable.
Open sets for social proof
Dance game
be more dominant
Be more social intuitve and know how to deal with women's rejection and her reaction
Work on attractive qualities to make someone want to be with you
Work on passive value
leave DHV's for later on
Qualify her more
The best way to have a woman want a LTR is to have her see you have Social proof and you have othr women in your life before you go into LTR.
make her chase you
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Funny shit to read on ONS :The Power of prop and sex talk
Im sharing something cool that I use when Im traveling,
I take this book with me. and use it as a prop.
Usually most girls will end up busting my chops on it and say crazy shit and if they felt offended I'd say crazy Sexual shit as if they were quotes from the book just for shits and giggles LMAO.

Most importantly it shows Im open minded , non judgemental and I dont take sex as a big deal.
These are important elements to game..Im not a guru or master PUA .
Im a normal guy who is really pushing myself to practice and use my own ideas creating whaatever is in my surrounding.
One of my biggest influence is Captain Jack,
not only for Game but what he went through similar sitaution and his charisma of being honest and in peace with himself as a person.
When I was going out in the beginning I ended up meeting alot of girls from out of town and I would set the stupid number and she would be leaving the next day..I total DUMBASS
I then tried to search online...that is where I found out about him.
When my BEST friend a natural we went out for the first time as friends after I got divorced and he got a one night stand it blew me away how she pulled him..... but I was like Im not goodlooking, and was stuck in my head.... eversince we became good friends and has been there in my good and bad times...
I kindah of fucked up on friendship cause he kept telling me to game his ex and within 15 minutes of meeeting her I was making out and we were talking dirty to me...but that post is for someother time...
So I found this book at LGA and was like ok this is fun experiement, I read the whole bookwhen I was going home for the holidays and women would notice me more and talk to me and It was like they appraoch me or sit next to me and I practice my verbal game....
overall I recommend reading this book..it may or may not be true but it will give you an insider view on how some women view this and how they view guys for a ONS ....
Its alot of fluff and FUN this actually did help me to be more understanding of some topics...
plus there are tips inside... but dont expect alot until you read it 2nd time.

Check it! Im not getting paid for it but its worth a good read and good laugh while being opened and getting into sex talk fast..
I find Chealsea Handler a sexy and Funny babe!
"Oooh.... I like her "-steve buschemi drunk in the wedding singer.
at 0:47
over n out
NOTE: The purpose of this was to keep track on my progress.I will start posting FR and LR
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Day Game review infield in nyc - Direct vs Indirect
First when I started I go out and kick myself for not appraoching and take it hard..
Im very analytical but when infield I just go for it,then it comes to me...
I learned from Doc Holliday early in this before he retired to go direct ....
I had the chance of meeting this guy who goes by AWAKEN ,
he is here in nyc....
His style is more different and somethings I havent had the guts to do he does and gets away with it ...kind of wygant- janka style but more touching. He is SICK that he does subway PU's that I almost piss in my pants when he had a british woman kept moving the convo therefore it was like she was gaming him....shit like that is what makes nyc fabulous.
I started with indirect in daygame got alot of numbers alot of flakes and I use it when they are moving targets or they are near me and I just aks them based on situational...
It depends street,supermarket,etc... you have to think on your feet and sometimes it doesnt go anywhere...
that's the down side
Direct is like Doc describes better but not alot of women react to it.....
Im not sure if its low sexual self esteem when you hit direct on a 6 or 7 HB....
I hit one that from the back was blonde big boobs I went direct and did eyecontact with a light smile
(Ala Saffron, that fucker lol)
She didnt know what the fuck to do I carried the convo and was sweedish but said she was in a hurry and walked away...no number close .
anyways I dont overthink infield so I opened a another one when I saw pizza for a buck frozen section and she was near .
I asked her if they were good she said she didnt know
I told her they look like there good and that accent from jesrsey she said upstate , I said cool :)
Im in residency here so Im not to familiar with the area she asked me where and if I was a nurse
I said "you silly I should hit you with this pizza upside your head goofball"
(playfuly delivered she laughed)
Her: "aha Im taking my lawyer test ,,,"
we kept talking and she walked away....
I re entered and was comfortable and friendly and did the mehow reverse number close since it was ninjaesque....
She said I was funny and I shoould have said that she liked it but I said that you you are fun too...
then she said she had a BF I said "thats cool we are just socializing gettin to know each other :)"
she was very attractive..
OK you read this and you will see the pros and cons based on infield you decide what to use.
I use indirect for warmups after my 3rd set I go Direct cause Im in talkative state and it flows easier after the energy power of delivery of DIRECT it becomes a regular convo but we both know its cause Im attracted to her.....
The problem with daygame is TIME CONSTRAINT! I couldnt pull out the nlp "poem of glory"
ala valentines day...LOL!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
AHA! Missed 2 SNL's chances but work on sticking points
When I looked over CJ's stuff I found sticking point analysis, I didnt get it but now going for the close seeing a consistent mistake of trying too hard to close...
My state was pumped and was up to go to phillly for a conference, I was talkative and warmed up....
when we got to philly I opene a woman there standing,
I hardy think of openers anymore cause
I have an intuition now what to say based on going out and being talkative state....
plus if you overthink you will get stuck and not appraoch...same thing with opener.
So thats solved whether daygame or nightgame it just needs to hook and start something going ... SIMPLE!
In that morning, I got number closed by her and maybe I wont see her again who knows she was going out of town and I was going into town...ok.
So I was starting my day and usually it takes me 3 approaches to get in state, I go indirect genuinely then transition with usual game no interest whatsover....
after that Its easy to go direct but thats for another post.....
(check my dennis rodman warm up game when theres period of not going out and to get started in right mindframe, its cheating.)
So I couldnt close and lost 2 chances :
1- Didnt re-open on time and her BT was up another guy wihtout game and who didnt close her challenged her for a shot in the bar and he isolated her but didnt escalate just by her complying to isolate with him and using the excuse of the shot fter her BT was up was an easy and slick close....
when this happens and I see this, I get upset at myself cause I had this happen to me in Boston and the girl was all over me and some chode made out with her...entropy was telling me HEY GO RE OPEN and I didnt, I paid a price....
Next day she showed up and they were talking a bit but she of showed disinterest in him.
HAHA... I could have closed but here's my next lesson.
I was time constraint andI should have re opened with a question where to go out and build comfort and attraction with future projections then take her... spike her BT and escalate.
DUDE she was ready to go boy she just need more comfort and escalation...
2-there was another one I saw gaming a chode, she was qualifying herself and was doing over the top IOI's her game is super tight..he still didnt make a move nor was aware of wat she was doing...NEVER HELP A CHODE! It was pianfiul to watch andits my falu to be in specttor mode but I learn how behavior works when woman act like hunters and some are shy.....
I laughed and she noticed I knew what she was doing...she tried to number close him and he didnt make a move.CHODE!!!!
anyways... She was horny as hell since she was attracted to the guy, and her BT was up and she kept talking about hooking up and shit so I saw her in the hotel and she was with friends..so I taked to her exchanged numbers and she went up to watch "the bachelor"
ok, I text her 30 minutes later with "hey what are you up to now? " which is against community advice....
She responded: "Im in my room watching the bachelor"
I said:" Lets watch a movie after : ) "
she said: "Im, in my pj s already"
I said: " haha...(her name) in pjs...that I have to see " little ambiguity
she said : "well sometother time"
I said:"when is it gonna happen?.....u know what I mean"
she said: "Oh I m going to go to sleep, sorry"
I said:"OK, anyways? we will be discrete"
I threw this out there cause I didnt have time to build comfort with frames and threw this out as damage control and break the sexual tension since she wasnt complying.... its common sense to step back cause if I dont it will seen too pushy...
I broke it like its not a big deal and that its mixed understanding w ambuguity...
She was tipsy and I was tipsy.....haha!
its the Jack Nicholson hotel game Paul Janka mentioned it to me LOL!!!!
then AWAKEN my day game wing reminded me that ....
JACK is famous and that Im not....... LMAO
then he said :
"You should have run comfort stupid, why are you soo fucking horny motherfucker !"
I should have taken more time to build comfort and attraction.
comfort for compliance w frames qualification and then build attraction in this case...
but hey it was a trip and I learned to be more subtle...
BE MORE SUBTLE that you intend to have sex with her....plausible deniability
conceal your intentions..... but I learned that I caould have done different and given anohter situation i can do better and review game plan....
peac out--------------->
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Structure of my Game plan in terms of SNL sticking points
I kind of suck on dates but thats in the works...
I have prepared my structured for my date or D2's :
which includes sharing a "chick crack pinkberry" near my apt.
I role the idea of male female polarity roles, I feel that solidifys thats it isnt LJBF type of thing.
I want to push myself to limits out of comfort zone in terms of:
-Logistics-ask questions
-Frame Control while in set or prevent losing the set
-Damage control and plowing
Closing was a huge problem...
Im sexual person and known infield as aggresive Im not shy about my sexuality and like to be dominant...its just who I am. I get dirty talked by the girl in the venue...I try to go for the PULL!
but by reviewing notes and talking to my instructors that know me and seen me infield...
I was missing an important piece...
1) frame ladder for a makeout make a male female dynamic to create the moment-
2)I go for a makeout , get it and try to pull after wards ASAP,
3)I would escalate aggressive and physically arouse her IN THE VENUE...
4)I didnt isolate properly, seeded the bounce and couldnt handle damage control or contingencies within 20 minute mark.
5)I would tell her let's get out of here or go xyz place ... she say yes but wouldnt comply to actually go.
6) I would see her surrounde by chodes trying to pull her, and I would get into spectator mode seeing her get pull by a chode, actually I ve seen girls pull drunk guys...
I dont know how you guys have experienced seeing that or it isnt a big deal
but after SNL course I started seeing this happend everytime I go to my SNL venues....
I dont have a wing so I solo sarge...I feel like early version of CJ like how he described how he couldnt get a wing but ...He got Better learning by himself.
Im following that concept....
7)I wouldnt open properly in that scenario where the girl is hittin on guys..I would be scared to come off too eager or needy...
8) I cant talk or keep convo for more than 30 minutes, I get her aroused or I get blown out.
9)Im abit too rough when its pull time, I have to finnese it....like CJ ,Sinn and others do,
to make her feel like she is in control eventhough Im escalating...
Being sexual dominant is something I let my inner man come out, or my sexual aggresor.
Always Be Closing !
I would get LMR up the ass!
Wouldnt want to bounce she knew we were going to have sex she was afriad look like a SLUT...
I freeze out for a while then re initate to bounce...I lose her ..
"buyers remorse" next day ..no date, no response
my next step is teasing the girl, give mixed signals whether she has me or not ...sexually tease her.
-Tease for a kiss then do takeaways.... give her a little and take it away...
I got physical shit test by a girlwhen I went out with Saffron I opened group set and she lost interest because I didnt make out with her she then was gaming bartender...
she was a swedish girl in town for a couple of days.
-once I got her turned on I have to s l o w d o w n..... make her want it.
-know how to manage AMOGs and orbiters....I get AMOG alot due to my weight issues some drunk guy always come in and try to make fun of me in front of the girl...I ignore
-plausible deniability: Review this and read LR's
-qualify more and frame her
-Girl being gamed by chodes- I tried this once when the girl was geting ready to leave with a goodlooking chode and I went direct on her, did kino routine qualified her and she kept askign me who I was where did I come from and if I came regularly... I FUCKIN froze, the guy got jealous and she was by herself I gamed other women to create more attraction jealously plotline and the chode kept chasing throughtout the venue as "the guy hitin on all the girls"...
Other stuff to improve overall:
BE more funny ...
Correct deeper voice and talk slower...
Im going to Philly for 2 days and will go to SNL places there.. : )
Wednesday will work whole day in brooklyn then go to SNL venue afterwards
Thursday school ,gym, dance class, martial arts--maybe set a date from online game or Day game w a personal trainer lady I met : ) ...I need more pics for online game!
or College bar night game..hmmm I havent done that in awhile.
Friday -weekend : PRACTICE !
things do tend to change but we will see....
any suggestions?
note: I will try to post my 1 st SDL at the same day almost had a SNL , my "mojo" was on point...
SDL I had 2 weeks ago 15 minutes meeting her , texting her calling her right after 2 minutes of talking about meet up for a drink, then takeaway of being busy...eliciting for phone sex and meeting now.
I'm terrible at explaining and did alot of bodylanguage since I knew she was horny on the phone. I dont talk alot...Its a bit explicit..haha..Doc holliday read it and called me a sick fuck..the things I can do with a dildo.....she contacted me later that she liked it and wanted to see me soon...
This without being needy....
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Doc Holliday!
doc holiday!
I'm glad to have him as a friend and guys like him coaching...check his BLOG out !
We were talking and shooting the shit...cool guy,knowledgable and great coach.
check out their bootcamps...I took one awhile back!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Just a Recap on whats coming ahead for myself
Sometimes I have to pinch myself for living here in nyc...so much to do.
Ok so Drum lessons are on in Saturday -AWESOME! found cheap one on craigslist
Vocal coaching with a professional singer (that looks interesting) same found on craigslist-
GYM workout --at the hospital gym
Ive been watching this Rock video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixo72p7U-Jo&feature=related
This character combines charisma with cocky and funny, magnetic!
I'm like that myself but got to work more on the funny and charisma.
setting up dance classes on thursday
jiu jitsu class monday and wednesday http://www.columbia.edu/cu/jiujitsu/index.htmland
boxing saturday
Studying my boards!!!!
Boards will determine my next BIGGEST step...where I will aply for liscense.
New Jersey,
New York,
Texas .......are my picks for now...I will have to pick one.
I will try to experiement Law of attraction..since I will be busy with my Life from PU.
Let's see what this is really about.
I'm looking into deep comfort game, I want to deepen the connection within my interactions..
I'm aware when I get attraction , then get qualification....
El Topo helped me with my sticking point on venues and style of game to apply to nightgame in general...believe me it make more sense when you use common sense with fundamental strategy how you will game in the venue.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Why you eject when you think she isnt interested? how to work through it
I would never go farther than after she IOD me or not paying attention after the opener yet I was unaware...
I saw Speer infield and was amazed how he plows or persists.
I got from girls that I was pushy but what he did was made sense..
Its about knowing how to take it further in the interaction know how to control a social sitaution in a conversation aka convo skills...
I looked into that and found damage control cd with Speer....Very good!
I found this old post on chasing and pursuing, this is taking things to a another level than ejecting and giving up:
Chasing vs. Pursuing
It’s Sunday afternoon. You met a great woman on Friday or Saturday night, and followed the system perfectly. You opened, you created attraction, you qualified, and then you started to build comfort. The situation wasn’t right for you to take it further, so you casually invited her to join you for some exciting event on Monday. She gave you her number.
You phone. It rings a few times and goes to her voicemail. You leave a message. She doesn’t call you back. It’s now Tuesday. What do you do?
1. Maybe call her again next week, but that’s it. You need to have the frame that you have lots of women interested in you and are busy, or else she won’t stay attracted to you anyway.
2. Call or text every day or two with a variety of different approaches, to see if any of them make an impact. Delete the number after a few weeks if you don’t get anywhere.
3. Call every day until she answers. Once in a while call three times in a row to see if that works. After a week or so, drop back to once a week or so. Don’t give up until YOU are no longer interested.
What’s the right answer? Don’t look ahead…
Actually, any of them could be the right answer. In the right context, all of these are okay. Too many beginners in the are too inflexible with the frame that “I have value…she has to come to me” and default to (A).
Yes, this is a good frame, and it’s important. However, sometimes you need to do a little bit of pursuing as well.
Why is this?
If you obviously have value, why should you have to pursue a woman?
Why does she want you to?
In short, it’s because this shows that you are genuinely interested in her.
In fact, the more value you have, or appear to have, the more a woman will want to see you put in a bit of genuine effort to pursue her. She recognizes that you can have easy conquests, and she doesn’t want to be easy.
Why else? Some women are simply flaky and scatterbrained (so are some men).
She may adore you, but you called when she was having dinner, and then she met up with a friend, and now it’s the next day, and she could call you, but now she’s distracted and, anyway, if you’re really interested in her you’ll call again, right?
Why else? She wants to play the traditional female role of being chased. It’s exciting for her, and built into millennia of social programming.
It’s not a great frame for men to be in, which is why we short-circuit it when we first meet a woman by disqualifying ourselves during the attraction phase. That’s easy in public, where you can plausibly start a random conversation with an attractive woman without being interested in her (until she wins you over, of course…).
It’s not easy on the phone. By calling, you are confirming your interest. That’s why it’s so important to qualify her when you first met, so she feels comfortable with your interest in her, but it does mean that you might feel a little bit of “back to square one” on the telephone. So, yes, she may make you work for it by not returning your phone call. Don’t take it personally.
Why else? Some women are taught “not to call guys”. Yes, it’s pretty silly, but there is just as much silly dating advice for women as there is for men .
There’s nothing you can do about this. Call them. You can fix their silly ideas later.
Now, we covered ages ago some of the crucial tactics to making you she does answer the phone when you call (programming your number into her phone, telling her when you’re going to call, planning a specific event, making her verbalize some anti-flake routines, texting/calling that night, etc.) as well as how to leave a message (leave hooks, cut yourself off, etc.) so we’ll assume that you’ve done all of this, and are still not getting her on the phone. You can give up, of course, and focus your energies on new women. This is totally fine. But you can also set aside a few minutes a day with your “cold” phone numbers and do some of this:
* Vary the time of day when you call. Morning, afternoon, evening, night. If you’re getting nowhere, try calling at 1am. You’ll wake her up, so make sure you can be immediately entertaining from the second she answers. (Start with a high-energy, funny, short routine. Don’t even introduce yourself).
* Call from different numbers
* Try sending text messages – some people simply prefer these to phone calls* Don’t ever acknowledge that you are calling and she isn’t returning your calls.
Adopt the frame – to yourself – that she is just a flaky woman and it’s kind of cute.
Don’t let it cross your mind that she might not actually be interested in you.
* Don’t ever say “this is the last time I’m calling” or “I’m calling to leave you another message”. And if you do get her on the phone, don’t even bring up the subject of your previous calls or texts.
* If you phone, and it goes directly to voicemail (and doesn’t ring at all), hang up.You got a free pass. If it doesn’t ring, it won’t show up as a missed call on her phone. She won’t see that you called. If it does ring, leave a message.
On the other hand, don’t turn “pursuing” into “chasing”. If she tells you not to call, stop calling. Don’t be creepy.
IOD -neg -DHV and try again when she doesn't comply- thanks Speer!