Monday, January 2, 2012

acheivement vs Sucess helen hayes

Helen Hayes is best known as a legendary actress. Today’s quotation shows her to be more than a talented pretty face, but someone who was wise, at least in part, because she listened to her mother (which I’ve generally found to be pretty good advice, in itself).

“My mother drew a distinction between 
achievement and success. She said that 
achievement is the knowledge that you have  studied and worked hard and done the best that is in you. 

Success is being praised by others. That is nice but not as important or satisfying. Always aim for achievement and forget about success.”

          – Helen Hayes
Questions to Ponder
  • Do you agree with this distinction?
  • Which do you strive for?
  • Which is more valuable?
Action Steps
  1. Pick one activity or task today and then do the following steps.
  2. Study hard.
  3. Be prepared.
  4. Do your best.
  5. Repeat tomorrow
My Thoughts
My predominant thought every time I read this quotation is that Ms. Hayes, by her distinction, is helping people think about what is in their control vs. what isn’t.  Achievement is in your control.
You can study hard.
You can prepare.
You can focus.
You can do your best.
Whether people appreciate that effort, by applause or with any other behaviors, isn’t in your control.
Regardless of whether you agree with this distinction between the words, don’t lose the important distinction about what is in your control and what you can only influence.  Operating more of the time from your sphere of control will make you more productive, create more achievement, and will likely create more success as well.

escorts and game self esteem and abundance

I have to say that some of the girls who were strippers or even model escorts Ive gone out and ofcourse fucked without braging is that since our economy is fucked up that they will lance themselves to any guy that can provide.

the economy is creating more gold diggers/logical survival type of single women.

I do believe that escorts are ok in some regards if you havent fucked any girl for the longest time like Roger RSD.

actually I dont know why but I tend to have had 2 firm relationships with them,

one really hot one is now single mom by super hot but she is abit wacky crazy cause she is soo used to guys paying her and paying her shite.

so this creates some problem on her logical level but I think in the longrun Its never going to work out cause I dont spend money and she is investing in me to hopefully give her money or provide in some way.

so these girls and hookers.

as long as she treats you right and is super cool DO IT.
as soon as she treats you like shite and despises you eventhough you have paid her for sex. I say screen the vibe from the start and if she is rude and disgusting RUN THE FUCK OUT

rion williams and other puas pay hookers all the time.......

any type of bad behaviour even from a waitress Im fucking walking out.

its true though really hot women or 9s and 10s physically not socially are available upon request $$$$$$$$.

better than paying these fake puas.

i rather have a fattie suck my dick for free than pay for a bootcamp asking stupid questions like a fucking retard.

get laid or go pay, say no to paying PUAs