Monday, August 25, 2014

Theres always pain in change, but NEVER look back the only way we are going is UP

I had a negative interaction today with someone and they told me something that was very sad news,
At that moment I took it like a MAN and detached myself,

thats why detaching emotionally is important while same time actively proactive physically..

its like the body..
it doesnt stop from working,

I love robert duran quote about punches one hit me and I give three back.
This post is about changes.

so regardless of very sad dissapointing news.

I became detached and yet proactive in my goals in Life.

Im deeply inspired by great doctors and great artists with talent and hard work dedication.

I really feel I cant sell myself short and like it or not its made me stronger

my self esteem is fearless
Thank you 50 cent.

I will meditate and reflect that this sad news will bring drastic changes that I have to take action now.

rejection or a little kick in the ass really can make you or break you.

Im here to show myself what I am made of,

fuck bitches and game,

this shite is celebration of me to myself,

quielty effective thanks dr wayne dyer

now I must leave to meditate and reflect for the following hours..
and yes RSD rocks.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Steve McQueen The REAL guy's guy of cool -Calibration KEY on overexplaining or mansplaining or qualifying yourself

“When I believe in something, I fight like hell for it." -Steve Mcqueen
I suggest looking into Biography of Steve McQueen..He is great example of being your own man and believing in yourself regardless of circumstances.

This Bio graphy is definately best to watch,

Check on 45min when Chuck Norris talks about Steve.

He gives Chuck advice on overexplaining in less than one minute.

It is excellent and memorable.

look into it.

McQueen had a tough home life. His childhood was far from ideal. He moved a lot as a kid and periodically ran with a pretty rough crowd. He spent some time as a ward of the state. As he got older, McQueen worked as a janitor, a carnie and a lumberjack before ultimately becoming an actor and the star we know and love.

McQueen’s life story, then, is a study in perseverance. He reminds the rest of us how important it is to not get discouraged and to keep your eyes on your goal. It’s as true with women as it is with the rest of life. The key to consistent success in dating is to never let rejection get you down. Whether it’s a bad breakup or the brush-off at a bar, you can’t let it get to you. Keep approaching women and keep working on your game. When in doubt, remember what McQueen says, “When I believe in something, I fight like hell for it.”


As a kid, Steve McQueen joined the circus. Later in life, he joined the marines. He spent much of his life racing motorcycles, sometimes supporting himself with his winnings. In short, McQueen had a diversity of life experience. It’s part of what made him such an interesting guy.

Another of our top five dating tips from Steve McQueen has to do with developing some life experience of your own. Having many and varied experiences to draw on in conversation or when seeking common ground with a woman will increase your chances of success. What you need to recognize is that a huge amount of your game is based on what you do long before ever introducing yourself. So, the next time a buddy suggests an ill-conceived, spur-of-the-moment trip to Miami, consider all the stories and experiences you’re likely to acquire if you go. It might not be seem like such an impractical idea after all.

Undeniably, McQueen was a daredevil. As we all know, he had a passion for motorcycle racing, and he was great at it. McQueen’s extensive racing experience also allowed him to perform many of his own stunts in films.

We regular guys also need to be daring if we’re going to have any success with women. Fortune favors the bold, and so do females. You don’t necessarily need to swim with sharks or go skydiving, but you do need to approach women on the street or at the bar in order to have any hope of getting a date with them. Women respond to men who are willing to take a risk. So, approach the hottest girl in the bar. Ask her for her number. Channel your inner McQueen. Be fearless.

Reputedly, in The Magnificent Seven, Yul Brynner accused McQueen of trying to steal his scenes. Brynner may have been onto something. McQueen was magnetic on camera. It’s part of his magic, and another one of his qualities that we want to imitate in order to improve our chances with women.

Whenever you’re out in public, you should try to steal the scene. But being the center of attention is a tricky thing. You don’t want to come off as an attention whore. Don’t be ostentatious or flashy. Do, however, try to be the best-dressed man in the room. Supplement your style with a great sense of humor and engaging conversation, and before you know it, no one will be able to take their eyes off of you.

Perhaps, above all else, we love Steve McQueen because he’s so quintessentially male. He was tough, uncompromising and cool. He was a little rough around the edges. There wasn’t an effeminate bone in the man’s body. He was a professional motorcycle driver who played a bounty hunter on TV -- how much more masculine can you get?
McQueen’s charisma should remind us all how attractive traditional masculinity can be. Women respond to guy’s guys. They like their men to be capable, resourceful and confident; even, when necessary, tough. So be like McQueen, and be a man


Saturday, August 16, 2014

When yes and no to fuck fatties..and why I don't 10 PUA RULES NOT TO FUCK FATTIES

NOTE: theres chubby and theres FATTY..fatty is almost OBESE.Look at that movie NEbraska with bruce dern and watch the son be soo into Oneitis Mode with a FATTY.

I decided to post this cause I literally dont like overconfident fatties.
I read a Brad P dating coach article about his friend who fucked any and every girl he met. I see this as no no for my personal taste cause I do respect BradP and his teachings very much yet I can't do it cause its close to impossible.

1- Fatties are mostly 80% time overconfident...some are very feminine and quiet and yet LSE these I do hook up if nothing better and is always good to use as practice cause thethrill is in the hunt.
On overconfident ones, the use the aggressive approach with severe extremes of emotions and yet complain negatively that they cant get dates.

2- Fatties due to LSE create a defensive mechanisms not like 9s and 10s or even strippers  yet on the other extreme of hating men. Be aware how she reacts if she is willing to follow your LEAD if not you are in DANGER and run away fast as you can.THey are more flakey and change their mind faster than any girl even if you have already fucked her.

3-Its physically challenging for them to move around to fuck. doggie style is OK and maybe watching black guys fuck fatties  can help you with lifting a leg up or other positions..but some of the ones I fucked have always been furstration like Double Dare physical challenge to severe extreme.I do accept blow jobs and such but if she is only nice and not utterly negative.

4-FAtties who have a JOB feel they are entitled to being "picky" they dont have a real sense of reality in relationships cause their interactions are somewhat sour and scarrred so THey claim to be overconfident and picky and yet they bring ABSOLUTELY NO VALUE as a human being.

5- Fatties get self conscious VERY FAST.

6.-FAtties will give you a difficult more obstacles than with a hotter or cooler girls you are compatible with. They REALLY buy into courtship eventhough she is  a FREAK. Her LMR and ASD goes to extreme NEGATIVES.THIS IS PROVEN TRUTH. I had a girl walk out after sex cause she was embarased. they other one as soon as she felt alot of pleasure she used ANGER towards me to control her horniness evnthough we were in middle of sexual act.

7- Fatties have sever delusion and NO IDEA ABOUT DATING yet offer NEGATIVE experience based ADVICE to friends..SHE is NATURAL COCK BLOCK.. If you encounter one then act SUPER GAY like cuban guy Ozzie from RSD says.

8-Most are inherently dont have much sexual experience so regardless her AGE.

9- I dont find them attractive unless I see she is fuckable physically able to and Im drunk.

10- Cause I dont want to lower my standards or low self esteem with her NEgative energy. In Game its REALLY getting to the point of seducing the girls you really want to be with in every way with  Efficiently and  Consistency.

This DOES NOT happen overnight so seek dating advice along with your personal experience with women.
Thank you for reading

August 2014 !! New beginings..came back from travels, replace girl in MLTR and efficiently approach to Online dating game

After my visit these past 2 weeks to Miami and Boise Idaho  its really a matter of cultural appeal on how you seduce women to then get at there core.
I had sex with only 2 girls during my trip to Miami.
argentinian and other cuban.
Efficiently to Peacocking is more of being comfortable with yourself first and find ways to look good yet slight difference in personality masculinity in abit stronger to have biology trigger alpha male trigger in her body and then color and appeal in your clothes without explaining yourself. ofcourse you have to seem approachable.

I had a girl I had no interest of being with her anymore cause of various factors but I kept her cause I needed her to do some pending stuff for me and thats pretty much it. I really glad that I started using my self dependent thinking in terms of nexting and I happend to stumble on reverse next with me being cool and pretending to be victim or dumpee to avoid any sour or drama as this relationship was going to end due to her wanting more way fast too soon and her agenda came out and I was in no shape of form ever going to provide for that.
The secret is not give a shit , yes its kindah a loss but replacing her with pending girls you are talking to or seeing is great advantage than to emotionally affect yourself into someone who isnt even worth it.

anyways I did what Franco Seduction calls and he hasnt published on it is Soft Next.

I had replaced her even before the next with another girl more willing to give me more and nurture me and appreciate me and at same time even better for me.

This one I nexted was so LSE that she texted me trying to one up me like a bitch and send me a text that she was with her new friend and she is happy and that tey are into same things and shit and I wasnt even caring about that shit.. which I think her LSE tried to start drama and as a PLAYER had no effect on me.

Thanks to Franco Seduction coaching.


I read few simple ebooks and one of them struck enticing subject on specific site I am in and read how clever the stats and all this stuff involved and how this guy met his fiance.

I thought it was great infromtation but few things were missing which I agree its more personal thing to be your honest self.  so I happend to look into other clever ways and from this great recommended ebook I think is short yet super super  clever that I noticed 2 sticking points

1- I tend to mansplain so he says to replace that with desriptions which I use NLP

2- I get impatient sometimes and he states that its pretty more send message and forget it. it really puts things on her court and challenges her to work early 50/50 VS you trying too much seems too desperate. which I agree but as HUNTING mode we guys tend to be uncoincious on our approach.

Things he left out is attraction material which I think is necesary rapport isnt enough. I think Mark Manson's previously taught privately is his active and passive attraction is definately KEY in calibration.
and advice samples of photos.

but overall his stuff seems really GOOD.

I ofcourse tend to really play neutral PIMP way of being the emoty white room to create what she wants and play it to I decided on some sites to not use questionaire.

I realize that with my good awesome online dating experience that  online is worth more experience than reading a book on anything.

I  get from this is :

1- Be neutral and have some slightly higher and different to bring something new experience to the woman that is reading.
2-Be selective once you have engaged into a conversation.
3- use rapport and silly combined both. Mark Manson Emtropy credit*
4- girls under 25 are party chicks very low rapport and more casual and attraction and fun DHVs  on freaks use more dual frames I call it HULK frame.
I had 2 strippers engaged into me and oe of them is driving 3 hours yet she is slightly being cautious cause I gamed her really GOOD shes 22 yrs old blonde cute stripper and is slight bisexual I

5- Girls above 25 is rapport soulmate game *badboy pua credit
or Mark's comfort connection chemistry GAME which I am thankful for he taught me 2009 to get first real experience into this very very fast after years of struggle and mediocre results.i had my notes but due to robbery I couldnt find them :( its a matter of practice and calibration though.

6- read the profile and throw it back at her -Golden Mirror credit Sinn Future.
ofcourse with under 25 is slight less and more casual hey and more fun .. and over 25 is more rapport questions of qualification off the bat.

I was busy in my trips.
*Miami- beautiful women cultural influence is flash game and HULK game works.
*Boise Idaho pua-beautiful white women with cultural difference more reserved and introverted  proceed with caution and only open thouse who AI or IOI cold approach isnt really that acceptable.

Strippers and HULK game
first time using this for fun and it really opened my eyes to POWER of imagination and NLP once you hook one and then they invest into you its more them now chasing you but as profesional seducers is to keep playing HULK of both frames which make it brilliant.Almost pimp like stuff but it is not.

It has its limitiations and learn from best of both and do both infield approaches and online. learn from the best of both worlds and limit your time investmemt on game to keep healthy balance of inner frame and neediness management. Thank you Franco.