Saturday, December 24, 2016

NLP Dave Riker Ross Jeffries stuff

TLDR- The sidebar will get you unplugged and show you the truth. Game will help you achieve all your goals.
So I have been lurking, lifting, reading & posting for over a year now. In that time I have turned around a bad marriage and "explored" my anger stage with several other women. Kicking ass at work and am in better shape than most 25 years olds (I'm 40).
Recently I started watching videos on youtube about Game. Even the beta version of me did ok with women so Game was something I didn't really focus on. I just did not see the value in putting the time in to this.
Big fucking mistake! I spent hours watching NLP expert Ross Jeffries and saw my interactions with EVERYONE materially improve. I'll do a quick summary of some of the important lessons I took from him:
Frame is key. We know this from TRP. But Ross takes it a bit further. When speaking to women your attitude must illustrate that being with you is the best possible choice a woman can make. You need to imagine yourself 40 feet tall and smooth, sexy, and powerful. This is an image you need to play in your brain like a movie.
Rehearsal is essential-- You should vividly rehearse how you want to feel, look, speak, act,move, stand... then the new way will be second nature. Ten mins a day is plenty.
Once you have that powerful,confident self image mastered then you ready to approach. The interaction has no real significance because its all about learning.
Still afraid to hit on that Hardbody 9 on the subway?
"lets go see what happens" is the right outcome independent attitude. Make it about the below facts
1 You want to meet the woman
2 You dont know what will happen
3 You dont like that you dont know what will happen
You will get what you want or enjoy learning what you need to get what you want.
The worst that will happen is that nothing will happen. That's it.
Summary- Game is more valuable than I thought. I started with RJ and it works very well. Knowing you can introduce self to any woman anytime you want will keep that abundance mentality going strong.

Friday, December 23, 2016

BRENT SMITH ...his presentation on not to chase ....WOW again!

I watched out of accident a presentation on NOT TO CHASE by Brent Smith.
and it makes alot of sense.cause alot of my rejections come from chasing women or pursuing her...
or really pushing to make something happen which puts her on the pedestal up front.
and loses attraction. arash dibasar youtube on pedestal dont put her.

Brent Smoth made some really insightful things that I am doing unconcioulsy.

I also am logically controling my urges to chase, so I know I shouldnt chase.
My friedn Monique says "let her come to you" more you chase more her wall goes up"
and when you withdraw , she then escalates. cause she will go nuts."
"you dont have to try hard"

I found this insight on BRENT's game on another post:

Some things you should know about Brent Smith
I think generally when we hear rules, techniques, or some kind of theory, we tend to extrapolate it and generalize it across the board without knowing any further context (which is why some people are asking how to do brent smith game in day time).

I think knowing context is very important, because it is the context which brings meaning from content. After watching over 50 videos of Brent Smith here's what I think you should know:

If you take out all the law of attraction, positive thinking, and inner game work, his game is still very much limited contextually and the only reason he is able to get easy results is because of his very very tight form of screening. Essentially Brent Smith is screening all the way from the venue he's choosing, to the girls he sleeps with.

- He doesn't go to night clubs
- He doesn't do day game
- He doesn't initiate anything other than the opener and suggesting the girl to take his info or pull him
- He doesn't care about the quality of the girl, only if he can hook up with her
- He doesn't escalate
- He doesn't have dates

So think about it like this:

- His first form of screening is inner game: he only cares about girls he can hook up with.

- His second form of screening is venue selection: He only goes to venues where he can talk, and be social. Mainly lounges, bars, pubs, and social events. This alone will already reduce his "rejection rate" because people are coming to these venues to be social, they're not going there to dance, he's not going to sex clubs, and it's not day game where people are doing their own thing, or at a coffee shop where people are studying. He's going to venues where it's okay to be social, therefore this reduces his chance of rejection on the approach drastically.

- He doesn't initiate anything: He doesn't take numbers, probably his biggest form of screening, so the girls that are messaging him are essentially green girls. He's missing out on all the girls who aren't assertive enough to initiate, which is fine, and he admits this in one of his videos.

- He doesn't escalate: Why does escalation work? It arouses the girl to the point where it overrides her logical mind. By him not escalating he's getting girls that don't have Type 2 thinking, if they agree to go home with him without being aroused, then they're more likely to be Type 3. Also, escalation is more important in venues where you can't hear each other, like night clubs, which he doesn't go to. He only escalates when the girl is already at his place, in other words, she's agreed to sex logically. He also doesn't use plausible deniability, his text to the girl is "Drinks. 8pm. My place", again no plausible deniability = no confusion for the girl, if she agrees to that she's essentially agreeing to sex.

- He doesn't go on dates: He invites girls straight to his place. Again, another huge form of screening, out of all the girls that message him, there's probably a percentage that won't go straight to his place. By doing this he's screening out all the girls who are looking for providers. The only girls who would initiate him AND go to his place have to be Type 3s, or at least close to it.

So there you have it boys, when you only care about girls who are DTF + going to venues where people are social + don't initiate + invite girls straight to your place, your chance of rejection is very very low.

This is what I tell people what game is, it's screening + logistics + escalation. His screening portion is very very tight, that it handles everything else.

Will this work in a night club? day game? coffee shop? well, people are less likely to be social in these environments, so expect higher rejection rate.
Will this work if you initiate girls who are not DTF? again higher rejection rate
Will this work if you initiate girls logistically (text, phone numbers)? you're opening yourself to more variables, aka rejection.
Will this work if you escalate? Well emotions vs. logic = resistance. No escalation, no resistance. If a girl agrees to sex logically (Type 3), then the battle is over.
Will this work if you go on dates? You're opening yourself up to girls who are Type 2 and Type 1, again, more variables now, less chance of getting easy sex.

Is this less work and time than having more open screening? Depends on what you're looking for, if you just want sex, then yes because you're spending 1 hour talking to 20 girls (3 minutes each), rather than 1 hour per 1 girl (who may be higher quality and more than just sex for you).

He keeps conversation superficial and funny for this reason, he doesn't have time to get into deep rapport, nor would it help his style of game, which is to turn over as many rocks as possible in a short period of time. Otherwise he wouldn't get the girls that initiate him, which I'm guessing is a small percentage and therefore require more volume to find. Also you're not wasting time if you're talking to 1 girl for 1 hour and you don't want just sex, because if you can talk to a girl for more than 5-10 minutes (she didn't blow you off on the approach), then she's at least a yellow, and if she's at least a yellow and you have good game, then you could probably convert her.

To sum it all up, his game is lazy game to the core, his girls are the greenest of greens (Type 3).

Remember when you read theory or advice, always keep in mind the context
I preface this by saying that I am not really a "Brent Smith" guy, in that I advocate him like some others do on this board.

Dude, you are the king of taking a youtube video or internet article and portraying it as gospel without any personal experience or additional research, and as an economist that just ticks me off because a decent regression model isn't a project that takes more than an hour once you gather data...okay, rude part is out of the way, too.

If someone listens to what he does and incorporates ASPECTS into their game, it doesn't make them lazy. I don't think anyone here advocates modeling their life, to the minute detail, after any individual, because nobody's life is perfect. I respect the basic premise to this guy's ideas in that we should not waste time chasing women, because I think you actually can figure out within fifteen minutes if she has any desire to see you, let alone fuck you. Any longer is just your ego saying "nah, you're awesome, keep trying, you can do it, otherwise you have FAAAAAAIIIIIILED."

If you disagree, that's fine. I don't agree with everything he says, either, for some of the reasons you listed. That's not why I took issue with this post and decided to respond. I did so because I believe, with a dozen different general concepts of picking up women, each with another dozen sub-categories, it is foolish to take one concept as truth. If you can take older stuff like MM, gunwitch, Speed Seduction, mix in RSD, 60YOC, Brent Smith, hell those college kids that make the youtube vids approaching girls, WHOEVER...if you can take ideas from some philosophies or all of them and create your own game, that is how I think the best success comes. Adapt game to you, not the other way around.

I agree with most of what you said, but I disagree the moment you say "his idea isn't the best, mine is."

Good executive summary. I would like to see more posts like this: tons of approaches out there can be summarized in a post of this length or less, and it's so much more time efficient than picking up bits and pieces out of long-winded videos with tons of filler and repetition.

Regarding this particular instance: some things here I really like. Notably, how Brent's evaluation of a girl depends heavily on how into him she is, and that he doesn't give a single fuck about girls who won't hook up. This is the right frame in my opinion, and in fact I have an entire post in my head just about that.

Other things... I like less.

Caring about rejection at all is a red flag. You can and should reach a point in your game where rejection has very little effect on you. Surprisingly, this matters more in much later stages of a connection, when you are already in some sort of semi-stable FB/MLTR relationship.

Not caring about the quality of the girls - if that's actually true - is another red flag, perhaps even larger than the previous one. I haven't gotten laid THAT much, and I'm already inclined to pass on any girl who isn't sexually attractive to me. Something seems off with a guy who really doesn't care at all.

The other stuff makes sense. I went through a period where I mostly gave out my number and didn't even take theirs. It's very true that the girls that will call you under those circumstances are composed of a much higher percentage of DTFs. Combine that with his other methods of intense screening, and I'm sure he can get laid.

Only problem is, the quality of his girls is probably pretty low. I also get a strong sense he doesn't have many lasting relationships, or at least not satisfying ones.

Originally Posted by DJ_Z
but I disagree the moment you say "his idea isn't the best, mine is."
Which I never said.. All I did was break down his game and show why it works. I never said it was bad, and I never put forth an idea of my own... By me breaking it down you can pick and choose which form of screening you want to apply in your game, for example, you can still do day game, but give girls your number as a form of screening, so that they initiate.

His game IS lazy game (which he says so himself), because of his extremely tight screening.

 Originally Posted by Tarzan
Caring about rejection at all is a red flag. You can and should reach a point in your game where rejection has very little effect on you. Surprisingly, this matters more in much later stages of a connection, when you are already in some sort of semi-stable FB/MLTR relationship.
Thanks Tarzan.. I personally don't care about rejection, it's a time saver for me. However, it still doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Rejection can be useful so that you can learn to become more efficient. In this case, by caring about rejection Brent Smith has become extremely efficient, especially with venue selection and giving numbers.


I disagree with this approach for a beginner. In my opinion here is how a beginner should learn game (credit bradp): take ONE method that gives actionable advice and follow it until you get consitent good results. If you are at 50 lays you can create your own game and take mixed ideas. Before you tried one method out for a long time, don't switch and don't read conflicting advise. For example this whole chasing vs non-chasing topic. There are guys i know from RSD who get laid every weekend they go out and one even got laid 6 times recently in vegas in 4 days, he even posted pictures of the girls. They do hardcore chasing game and it obviously works for them. Others who do passive (non-chasing) game get laid too. So both is possible..Its usually the guys that read the least theory and go out the most that eventually get laid the most.


Originally Posted by JWS
those two statements are categorically incorrect. Where did you get that idea?

thats half true, except that he opens pretty much everyone and in a very powerful way.

again these two statements are 100% incorrect. My apologies but I quit reading here - 4.5 out of 5 statements are the exact opposite of what I know about Mr. Smith.

Good luck and have fun
- In his product Bulletproof Banter students ask him questions about night clubs, and other environments, and he says he only goes to venues that he can socialize in like lounges, bars and pubs.
- He says he doesn't care about how attractive a girl is, only if he might be hooking up with her, in a the "How to avoid being a creepy pursuer" video series. He also reiterates this in some of his other videos.
- The only initiating he does is opening (regardless if powerful or not), giving a number, or suggesting the girl pull him.
- Escalation subject is iffy, because he avoids it, but I remember him saying that he doesn't escalate because it's pursuing. He was giving an example of guys running around the venue escalating and how it's creepy and pursuing.

 Originally Posted by animal
I disagree with this approach for a beginner. In my opinion here is how a beginner should learn game (credit bradp): take ONE method that gives actionable advice and follow it until you get consitent good results. If you are at 50 lays you can create your own game and take mixed ideas. Before you tried one method out for a long time, don't switch and don't read conflicting advise. For example this whole chasing vs non-chasing topic. There are guys i know from RSD who get laid every weekend they go out and one even got laid 6 times recently in vegas in 4 days, he even posted pictures of the girls. They do hardcore chasing game and it obviously works for them. Others who do passive (non-chasing) game get laid too. So both is possible..Its usually the guys that read the least theory and go out the most that eventually get laid the most.

At the end of the day, if you want results, you gotta invest energy and do the work. Doesn't matter if it's conflicting advice or not. You're going to get results if you step out of the house and talks to girls and move things forward. All advice out there on the internet that's about seduction says to move things forward. Yeah, if you do chase game, you're doing huge volume too, and that will get you results. Brent Smith is doing volume too, except at the beginning. Everyone is doing volume, there isn't anyone I know who is NOT doing volume to get results (maybe other than newman and his crazy stories ). Whether it's cold, warm, social context, whatever, it's all the same.


Too many assumptions here. It's very easy to misunderstand the attitude he's trying to convey when you're thinking all in 'mechanical' mode.

You're still too 'technique' focused to get what Brent is talking about. Too focused on the 'mechanics' of what he does and not enough focused on the attitude, the emotion, the social/psychological/sexual power in it.

You're also missing huge pieces of the puzzle here. I can see this being a problem for guys who are all surface focused where it's do this = get this instant result. Female psychology doesn't work that way.

What he teaches applies to ANY guy regardless of what buttons he is trying to push, what levers he's trying to pull and what 'technique' he puts into it.

He teaches guys to be TRUE Alphas, not fake ones who are putting up a show in order to push some buttons and get a result.

Yes, it is lazy guys game, because lazy is powerful. The one putting in the most effort is the least powerful one. The part that you are missing there is that it is attractive. I don't quite get all this 'green', 'yellow', 'red' thinking because I think that's bullshit. I think attraction is dynamic.... women aren't walking around with giant green or red signs on their head that NEVER change. Women are constantly in emotional flux, their sexual state changes, etc. You can see both the positive side of that (attraction where none was before), and the negative (she suddenly stops paying attention to you for seemingly no reason whatsoever) So I think whoever came up with that theory is bunk.

Instead, to Brent, everything is GREEN! Why is that? Because he knows that it's a total waste of energy to focus on that, precisely because it's not a static thing. Women will feel the energy and be drawn into it, attracted to it. When you're not pursuing you won't even notice that change in a womans attraction level because in his world all women on his radar are attracted to him, which, in effect, causes even more women to become attracted.

It's the snowball effect. I don't understand at all this 'static' thinking about women either being attracted to you or not. As if it's written in stone. On top of that, no need to worry about changing that, women change on their own, in the presence of a true Alpha male archetype, like what Brent describes.

That's why his word 'inspire' is so powerful. He knows women aren't static (a weird concept only brought up on this forum) You are not trying to 'technique' the women into becoming 'greens', they are inspired to become attracted to you, without you trying to push it on them.

About Brent not caring about attractiveness level, no he doesn't, but what you miss is the side effect of that is that hotter women become attracted, because they rarely meet a guy who isn't impressed by beauty. The ability to 'walk away' from a hot woman is not the same as 'only accepting not so hot ones'.

So many bad assumptions here, it's giving me a migraine..... part of the reason why I think this forum is both a blessing and a curse. Addictive and lots of good info, but also lots of bad assumptions, limiting beliefs, horrible mindsets can be annoying.


No, conflicting advice is bad. If one guru tells you to take the number of the girl and another tells you that taking the number is pursuing then this conflict will hinder your progress. What do you do next time you have a cute girl in front of you and you have to leave her? One guru will tell you to be indirect and another will tell you to be super direct. Don't start with MM and do it for 2 month and if you don't get success stop it and switch to direct game. Instead keep doing it for another lets say 3 or 4 month, try to find out every step and everything you do wrong within the method and then you can change your approach if you still don't get any results from it after half a year or more (going out 3 times a week). Same with chasing/non-chasing..Choose one path and follow it without looking back, don't do it half-assed.

Unless you have enough reference experience of your own you cannot know what advice works better for you
At the end of the day, if you want results, you gotta invest energy and do the work. Doesn't matter if it's conflicting advice or not. You're going to get results if you step out of the house and talks to girls and move things forward. All advice out there on the internet that's about seduction says to move things forward. Yeah, if you do chase game, you're doing huge volume too, and that will get you results. Brent Smith is doing volume too, except at the beginning. Everyone is doing volume, there isn't anyone I know who is NOT doing volume to get results (maybe other than newman and his crazy stories ). Whether it's cold, warm, social context, whatever, it's all the same.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

FR: 2 dates one shitty and next one was Amazing! breakdown.

Hello this is FR about 2 dates I went on today.
this is all uncensored.

FR: 2 dates one shitty and next one was Amazing.

So I went on a date with Christie shes a acountant on photos and her voice on the phone was somewhat sexy, but in person was dressed like a slob and her face was just shit.

I liked her at first cause she took initiative in heloing in the seduction. there are 2 things about this:
she enables the meetup and puts investment.
Franco also calls this "masculine women" as her action is considered masculine way.
So I in my past have dealt with this and she is the first to date here in south.
phone game: our phone game was 50-50. I liked that she followed up. it almost smelled like business follow-up. So she was seeing this as potential.
We met up she wasnt used to my humour. meaning cocky funny. she was distant and really started by saying "Ive been dating on and off with a guy, but overall been dating". That was a deal breaker for me in someways in which I would have to find out why I overeacted to that language.
so in some ways I was a dick but I have to say that it is almost what Todd mentioned in his opening mastery. "the reason some sets failed when you arent genuinely interested in the girl and the girl feels it that you arent really into her and are just to talk and not take her seriously".

my friend vibrant said to me "shes emotionally immature".
Anyways, we talked and problem was , kino , and location of table...and eventhough I did throw SOIs. She wasnt connecting at emotional level. As is on text.
There is a possibility that she also felt that she wasnt instantly physically attracted to me aswell.

So it was mutual. the date lasted 45 -50 mins.
after we finished , I hinted to go for a walk....and she said she cant stay long cause she has to go blah blah ...So I ended it.
cause I knew that it wasnt going anywhere plus I wasnt attracted to her if we werent going to fuck or kiss.
So essentially she was also playing a game.

so after the takeaway.... I did feel somewhat dissapointed. meaning in game you have to analyze realistaically by writting on this blog credit Saffronpua.

as tired as I am now. I m writting this so I wont forget and evaluate my game.that is how you get good fast is diagnosing your game tight. and observing your behaviour and fine tune to what you want it to be and how it should be done.

so we texted after as a takeawa to her takeaway as she rejected my kiss on the cheek.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

2017 year of Aesthetics and modeling sucessful patterns of guys and being inventive

So this year is about starting a long jourbey on Aesthetics, aside of working out, I will study Aesthetics and gold porportion and such related arts. I will pay attention to detail and will help with self love and social interactions.
Derek RSD explained to me about ti but not to the extent of aesthetics. he did crack a joke which was distasteful but makes sense why he said it and his logic.
So my goal is that, its going to be #1 thing taking over everything. It will help me also in helping clients as well.

I explained indepth about modeling in another post, yet also takes inventive side of pushing limits.
Madison took in Jeffy's course of online excute the program and somehow managed to tailor it to Tinder and Bumble. and took from Luke Snapchat social proof idea made it all into his own use.
That is what I am talking tabout when you model someone, you have to integrate to yourself mainly your strengths,working smart is more about working specifically and aware , and purposely working at that HARD. I think that would define predictable success.

Thanks to Steve Santagati's book, I feel at ease cause it makes all the sense in the workd the attitudes of women.... I dont second guess anymore. I strike when iron is hot and silent when the time is right to be. Knowing this has let go of my logical neediness.

Focused on my goals (hobbies) also helped with neediness management.

Seeing Todd, at bethany show.was very interesting cause its like seeing a friend on TV.
Todd is great guy and honestly if he would ve had more time to talk he wouldve expressed double standards of dating. at the show it was women hating players....when there are alot of guys out here with no girlfriend and frustrated with their dating life.
So these shows for someone who doesnt have a girlfriend, is like watching double standards. when guys how I was years ago would have voiced "well I am nice guy and caring why wouldnt any girl take me seriously"  "players here have dates and I dont even have one?"
"So clearely  women like bad boys and players."

Audience would shut up.

So yes its all coming together and I am excited.  I am still upset at DJ Fuji cause he always preached how" working out was a waste of time and looks didnt matter" along with other people.
But, I know what I know now , its full steam throttle.
Theres no better time to start tan now.
no ifs or butts. its time to bring out the Zyzz in ME.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

GAME has taught me , years and experiences BEYOND comercial seduction industry

Seeing Mark and guys like Tyler rsd , these are guys tha have been at this for years.

Mark's last phone consult to me  2012 december, he sounded like he was on his way  out of the whole coaching to get better with women.

Tyler is still at this cause its a business aside of his fun hobby.

well reading an old ebook from Doc Holliday Mickey from practical pickup in boston.
he left all this aswell.,

but he really simplified alot of things.

meaning game has a structue and so the whole thing is about "enjoying the process"

its almost as saying that you will never reach 100% or perfection.

consistency and perfection are different.

consistency comes with a structure that works or a "process".

and when you are at this for a long time you forget structure and play and wingit.
so re evaluating the process structure fundamental basics

whther in playing basketball or what not ..... theres always things to work on.

so how MarK said this is like riding a bike or playing guitar.

habit and so its that,

talking with BradP , he said  "you have to be ok with not getting all the girls"

basically now knowing what I know from experience and from great advice is that
you have to come up with your own experience.

meaning the advice doesnt mean shit unless you go out to gym and put work on it to grow muscles.

like a habit or hobby.

Tyler came to live in Miami for a month to learn the harshest enviroment. at the same time its the most sexually charged and challenging in my opinion.
he did it for him and gain experience in his own life...not for teaching anyone since his advice can be vague.

so Heres the scope:

1- Looks matter. women work themselves up to look great plastic surgery and all , if you work on yourself its a win -win for you....  Mark calls it Passive -active value.
this should be number one. cause regardless you will get laid of Aesthetics plus building your self esteem. My new hereo is Zyzz.

2-  Social intelligence, fuck up with strangers and learn from mistakes. do it intentionally so you feel that pain and grow some intuition. its like fire burns you keep away, your experience registers for you and hopefully reference. Know when and when to hold back. doing same mistake over sucks, try to do things intentionally, and if not write it down and compare notes to your own LRs FRs or look for LRs , find a pattern and accomodate to make it smooth for the woman.

3- trust yourself and be open to learn from others.
this is always improve. and kick your own butt. even if you pay a dating coach , he will guide only to a certain point. cause its a buisness. Aside of Mickey, Ben , Mark or  even Franco. or  expert Todd I havent met any other dating coach who could correct properly. one thing is to sugarcoat and raise boost self esteem to get good review and other is to care and display how or what they know , and if they do they should do it all the way.
but other guys I ve worked only talk or comment half way cause for them its too much investment.
Go at it like nobody is ther to help you and force yourself to figure it out by experience of doing it.

4..Aesthetics, again ,  you have to be an expert of yourself, take a class on speaking toast master, look in mirror , look your best, talk positively to yourself at same time be honest what you need to work on, be proactive. Also make yourself Number 1. good photos for online, dress smell great. dont be shy to introduce yourself. dont always make it about you , people are insecure any negative reaction could be their own LSE.  more you work on yourself in mind and body the better your results in life. and women. be an expert , do a personal trainer course if you have to , Master everything !!! and relax and know when to be goofy.
when you go out , go out and enjoy yourself. to fullest, not clique but learn to be alone so you can be comfrotable once you are with other people around you. you dont have to be overly talkative but be memorable.Like steve mcqueen say few words and let your expression do the talking .

Also this lets girl assume high value traits. less is more and silence is golden.

6. Learn the insight of women think.
I suggest read Steve Santagati The manual. he is my hero, cause he really describes things that make sense to me and knowing this puts me at ease.
and dating should be taken proactively yet at ease. Women play games , that makes me at ease more cause I know what they are doing. Also shit tests bcome a little barrier that increases her sexual desire.anything logical from her respond emotionally the other way to distract. framco says pace and lead. I will review my NLP skills from speed seduction which I found to be still gold standard in terms of creating illusion in her mind with you. You attack when the fish is ready to be caught.
Also Tao of Steve plus Steve Sangati's book along with Speed Seduction with some basic map of logistics based on Mystery Method equals success =sex.  Franco has his version of this combination in his Manual of Seduction. LMR is controlled by prolonging the foreplay.  once you made out with her you withdraw first like Ross Jeffries says and you physically tease her by giving and taking away...Mark calls it making her want it more.

7, Improve class . is a MUST !

8. Inner game :Brain Tracy and Wayne Dyer and anything earl nightgale .Meditate and affimations and law of attraction and all . even Gucci mane reads these , john maxwell sucess thinking.
surround yourself with positive desires and dreams and you will become new person. Pimp game has this down pretty solid along with Aesthetics. You become who you want to be and you eventually attract what you want by being that or better. thats a sure shot VS atempting to do it mediocrly and depression leading to failure. Dantalion Jones

9.Finances - read rich dad poor dad and sex money and kiss. Be yor own MBA Admire Trump for what he has done rather than who he is.

10..Social Circle game: This is a project I am working on , it will combine networking with learning and socializing. this will give me a chance to form an identity along with other people. we are tribal animals and believe it or not. most relationships is done through friend's friend. This is almost a adult version of reliving high school.  This should be fun.
you play a role the role you want to be and display it to society and to close this one you never reveal your real self but your best personality.this automatically makes you different.
Cult game by Dantalion Jones or Jack Ellis has some good references as well as Gary Broadsky
 or harem management online posts . applies as pimp game cause you display to everyone individually the white room. Liberace did this with everyone and was liked. Pimp game use this to acomodate the girl and then make her work for it....harshly to feel that gap of derserving of it.... he provides to her yet based off her work yet he provides security and home and refuge wit neediness management by psycology. That is what Adam is doing with his two girls he is providing prleasure and validation at the sexual desire part and the natural biology woman part of being in a relationship.
yet from the outside it is obviously a head game of promises with brain washing and management like having chain store businesses.

saying things to say them to be heard equals weakness....  you demonstrate by being smart about how you want to reach that or show that. same thing with women.

If the devil wanted to entice someone , he would do it calmly and suave and offer pre selction and value without telling you consequences.

this GAME is not human, its more of  "Devil selling you the world" than anything.
just protect yourself FIRST.

If this wasnt the case , then the need for Persuasion wouldnt exist.

check out Micheal Lee's program on expert persuader  and  David Barron's Power Persuasion 2003 CDs training  , he had CDs which were helpful start on understanding logic talk and sales.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

REEVALUATING YOUR GAME -always improve and execute.

TO be honest there was a point of my game where I thought that was it.
got frustrated with results and talked with alot of women.......
then reviewing i realized I was WAY emotional and reactive.

this is reflected whethr or not you move forward int he seduction and you to adapt.

meaning leading is about not only initiative but subtle hints that lead her there to horniness...

so when girls whines...that means she wants to be heard .
you reframe into sexual frame.

your goal is to fuck.

compatibility comes after the sex.

yes theres is EFA and shit tests.......... and its about dealing with it in a non logical way,

gar braosky said it best when he says dont take it personal and this is true

womens emotions are so maleable is ridiculouy crazy.....

so next time dont take it as rejection, just take it as she isnt ready , yet.

this is a process of prolonging the foreplay and attraction and letting her open up and trust you or
opening the door for her to release her horniness.

either way you become like pimps say the white room..

this is what is all about.

atleast to start then you can be pickier once your game gets better and quality goes better.

but in Miami there are such hot girls who are broke that this isnt funny.
they rather have a suar daddy or do porn than spend time over dinner with some guy "trying to connect"which sound boring.

life here in miami is hard, and money is big deal here.
so these girls aside of doing waht it takes to improve their looks, they are all about the bank too.

intelligence failure comes into play with game and reevaluating your game.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Social Circle Expansion Game will start soon

I will once pass this phase next few days,

will attempt to start a social circle expansion .meaning socialize and introduce myself.
and from there screen and analyze within seconds.

I have plans of reviewing and studyign social circle game.
greenway has some product stuff and  rich laruina has a product on it too with ebook,

I have practiced slow burn game this from braddock. so this teaches you to be patient. and subtle.

its like to entice a pet to come near you..... and calmly pet and then you can escalate quickly to putting a collar on if need be instead of violent force or screaming for you to chase the pet.

Plus it makes you comfortable around and you have to apply the rules of Tao of Steve.

I am also learning that "introducing people " can help you become somewhat easier to connect and meet people , instead of online.

Todd spoke well on his opening mastery regarding how powerful in person game is.
and dont get me wrong....Todd knows his stuff online game. I am subscriber for 3 girls a day.
yet I see tat this advantage for cold approach turned warm appraoch is waaay best for quick NLP mirroring and leading to something.

as someone mentioned it to me , NLP is still quite powerful tool.

ofcourse some girls wont get it or feel weird by it. that is ok though
its a matter of changng dynamics while conversating.
what franco calls rich descriptions
this works and sometimes girls think you are weird.
so its our attempt to getthem to emotional level rather than thinking logically.
cause logically sex doesnt happen
its emotional and becomes an urge of pleasrueable feeling.

so that Social Circle not only will expand my social skills but also make me known within circle of people, as someone like myself wouldnt or isnt doing so'.

But I will and I am going to .

its like a politician going to events to introduce to people. that is what I plan to do
a claendar of touring meetups and events and such to connect to people and become known.

Every second counts .............

You should always have in mind that every second counts.

you age and that doesnt come back.

You should always push yourself harder cause you know that you can always do better.

whether its business and learnign about business or planning your future or diversifying.

that shit is important

once you reach there you have to think about saving when you are old or sick.
what will you do ? how will you live?

as someone like me who has been homeless 2 - 3 times

I value that every second. and dont take things for granted.

I can be cheap at times, but when I am not I enjoy it and then go back to being frugal.

girls will respect that.
the more firm you are in what works in business and life.

the better you become at this game.

This game of women is almost a game of hunting.

you either go to the forrest or go where there is gathering or prey.

the approach isnt the same.
 you modify

as Franco says " make her come out of the cave and then grab her."

its more subtle than that.
treat every women like she is MLTR  (no deep conversation about your problems)

dont go in too deep unless she is good girl type who enjoys comminucation or comfort.

Every second counts...all experiences count.
if you are rusty now, and feel you are strating from over
its temporary

cause once you taste the rhythm of game and calculated seduction?
then it comes back.

then you adjust based on the women's reponse.


make your selection count.
push to see more attractive and more quality types.

always rise above at every circumstance.

an ambitious guy like me make girls worry I wont have time for them.
this is true and that is what helps control my neediness management,

also I cant have just one.

I need to have more than one.

less you give the better you are ..- gary broasdksy
make every second count.

Friday, December 2, 2016

MIAMI : A review of what the seduction community does not tell you

Hello and this has to be an excellent post on anyone who might go to Miami South beach.
I am here to visit and know this city very well.

South beach is hot , women and all the flash is amazing and impressive in terms of artistically.

maybe it was sodom and gomorrah of the carribean a long long time ago.

Miami image has and is still improving with investors and the weather offers in terms of lifestyle,
it is fabulous.

So there is a component for guys who move and live here  VS guys who visit.

for guys who visit they can seduce other turists...which is hot , I saw a guy who came for a weekend and had a threesome with another turist girls.

so that has its perks.

you cant act lonely or let yourself down.
Miami is a fantasy land.  everything is leased and not owned.

the confidence is fake the boobs are fake...the rented car is rented...the image is an illusion.

its hanging on  till the fake mask wears down and attack the sweet weak spot. whether on the girls you are talking to.

always adjust your game whereever you go

vegas is like guy fly in girls fly in and many many examples of that online..
the best for me is Saffron PUA Double lay report , I have the audio of it aswell and read the lay report.

So Vegas can be easier for that and it applies to Miami if you are a tourist.

if you plan to live temporarily to Miami  then its a different story if you want to be consistent in meeting and having sex with the transplant and locals here aside of your outings to meet girls.

in Miami as a temporarily to live here is NECESARY

social circle game and non stop appraoching off of cold appraoch.
the you can apply Franco's Screening in terms of how to adjust your way of seduction and such

in this case there is no comfort connection....ABSOLUTELY NOT !

comffort connection is for girls who want boyfriends and these girls wont be in south beach or at clubs

and MOST GIRLS in Miami  , live off fantasizing that possibility to live that south beach life

and its like trying to connect about rabbits to a girl who wants to drink and party.
for Miami chicks being nice =rapport connection= boredom.

you play your cards right then you will need  to apply "attraction routines" brad p or any online breaking rapport in funny high value sexy masculine way and not flinch.
then you lead and you have to assume she will come home with you and you keep stimulating her mind with talk and fun and lead under the radar for the close.
Tyler RSD spent I think a month living here cause its hard game but once you know and aquire as my previous post
FAILURE and you adjust your game logically and logistally....then the goal changes.

you arent the physical -cat calling guy are the guy who knows is goign to fuck and is in the right place and the right time...and appears like a movie start having a night out to relax.
that is the vibe.


Guys who are broke if they perceive to be part of the social life fantasy of miami photographers or PR events ,Club access guys , they attract girls who want to be model or find a high status guy to find comfort from frustrations of real life hustle of miami. its like julia roberts in that movie pretty woman...only that its witha broke guy who creates a fake pimplike facade and sells the dream and yet is broke. so the girl women stick around and dont  really see as boyfriend yet have him around for use of opportinuties...that is perceived social value in south beach or miami.

yes this is south beach and looks matter. you cant flinch and cant be fat. and guys that are good looking are broke  can get easily  laid in clubs and on tinder ..yet its a stigma, its not SOLID GAME OR GIRLFRIEND GAME nor MLTR game. This guy is not consistent.

local broke guys meet girlfriends by social circle from friend to another friend. local girls can get 2 ways: sticky fast or just sex = (just friendship in womanese).

To be consitent and having high sex life here in Miami is to be part of your mind away from Miami itself. meaning dont let social programming of locals or let the fantasy suck you in cause it can cause depression. it makes you needy and desperate and then you are done!

mental toughness is necesary for surviving living here.

I will say this to finish. my friend wanted to come here and I was like ok?
he came to visit and didnt disclose on staying here.
he ended up looking at places when I picked him up from airport and I drove him around.
he used his social skills -survival mode
to talk and talk to people.

people in miam and in new york and even worse in south beach become snobby.
but dont let that in or determine that to hinder you from talking to people or openning.
cause openining and talkign to strangers opens opportunity

so anyways he did that and found a place.on south beach
no car no bed no nothing with few bucks in his pocket from new york.
he went out everyday
he met alot of people.he went through what I explained here in this thousand dollar post I am writting to you.
he got depressed in 3 weeks and said "I HAVE ISLAND FEVER"
meaning he felt stuck in repetitive cycle and felt depressed.

Miami or South beach is not for the faint of heart if you want to seduce alot of girls consistently.
 I think that is why owen RSD came to Miami cause he tried to figure it out and then decided to stay and learn from first hand.
I doubt he will share or not.
but Life is about learning experiences and you painting the canvas for yourself.

This is the drawing map portion of my canvas and the color oil painting is about to begin
so that this Art comes to Life.