Saturday, April 18, 2009

Be a strong dominant friendly GUY !

Whats up guys !

Ive been seriously tired and working on certain other stuff going on...

But most importantly My BODY! had a chance to do some daygame and hang out with my homie...

I reviewed my game and after my mistakes and escalation as always I think experience is THE BEST!

THE BEST thing to do is to have a plan and take action, any idea or suggestion isn't valid until you put it into effect or ACTION- Eltopo

Taking risks or being bold is more about leading and closing

In the real world.....

she knows if she is going to fuck or not, she either likes you or not...

You either gain her admiration and respect or you lose her attraction.

attraction is interest.

its what you do after you got her invested.

I had to review and debrief this week on my game and my Life

debreifing comes from the business world to keep working on improving what needs work.

when this happens this turns into something awesomely cool that really helps me to work.

seeeing the time frame vs. the years into this without being a matter of days you can improve fast.

I just cant see myself like I was jus reading and not going out rarely...its not worth it....

you either do it or drop it...

you can have muscle memory but once this gets all into experience it will never leave and you will know what to do next level.

game is personalized , if we are incongruent then she will leave and think something is wrong with you which creates social inept on your behalf.

I self evaluated myself once again very harshly and realistically.

But its the only way to learn to be good is to fail and get advice or help on how to improve...

I remmebr afte getting upset after getting rejected or having a bad night, I want to give up..

At this point Im beyond all that and being realisitc about what I need to work on....

Ross Jeffries said once: " Guys want to be super pick up guy, but when in reality they should be focus being better than the other lame guy"

My biggest drawback aside of my verbal game improving.


I understand that why I got AMOGD and how it isnt sexy or social accepted being overweight.

I think once I get that and work on persuassion skills I m set!

tightest game is to have a woman so aroused that she would want to have sex with you rather than you
"trying to sleep with her" = LMR

Guys are supposed to lead to seduction location in a non sexual way then escalate....

My game is much better than it was back in febrary I got to say that in March going out straight changed me.


My new assignment in game is :

Making her chase me and working the

Persuassion :on a working ladder verbal escalation to get compliance

Comfort which includes:

Qualification whithin sexual frames

Convo skills excersize

Improv topics

being funny

some storys

memorize 3 NLP/Hypnosis patterns

blaming her that she is dirty minded to get her to comply to meet at seduction location

Ice cream!

Hmmm... got to go guys : )

Props to Rod!

Im gaming tonight chill

Sunday is going to be smashin' meeting up with Northern Nights and Adam ....

btw Props to Jsmooth....!


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