Saturday, May 9, 2009

looking back at a journal post w mehow and fuji

Boston and self improvement

Boston trip was very tired and long and last minute.

I saw my friends they havent changed a bit, from their game should me sexual texting... done right. I ve gottent texts from girls dont ever text me again cause Ive pushed limits which is good, I wasnt gonna fvck so why not go for the long pass touchdown? Who cares?

I met cool guy from jacksonville and a young cool dude from nyc smart business interenet guy who runs sites and makes money for other guys..I dont know how that works but anyways.

When I was in the bus I saw a cute red hair nosering I couldnt help myself not to approach and open her my opener my lead then later on on the bus I sat next to her but had her ASD shield on, my rapport building was dead on and I reverse phone text close -sick! she liked the way I did it. My eye contact was dominating and sexy, strong solid then smile.

Im definately looking her up.

this week is of desciscion since Im going to nashville and will be working on my school trainning. My friend was telling me how cool the years I spent being a dentist and specializing to be a cosmetic expert, I mean it comes to me naturally like no big deal but my friend sees it as a big deal and gave me ideas to build a social circle game based on identity.He half assed it since I didnt finish school yet..what a punk! LoL.

Im my game im not into technical terms as much cause Im not that geeky... seeing them again since January was cool. They know I have potential to be awesome if I keep working at it...and so they told me soo and said "WTF man I saw you in JAn and you changed you were this I dont give a **** I own this place cool guy can be good at this dude?"

Thanks Fuji

Journal of my sets: a review:
-Act out of your head ,act like you dont care , like without an agenda.
-correct bodylanguage positioning she IOD on body language you IOD back.
-Dont lean in
-speak louder and paused in club venues.
-flow the stack no pauses.
-smile and walk in the venue like you are the **** own the place.
-dont vibe in attraction run straight stack.
-go into kino fast and take it away.
-in comfort run attraction bits keep her hooked then isolate her.
-seed the pull before asking her out.
-within 10 minutes mark you will calibrate the set whether you eject or not
-prep in set -"I see you are going to be trouble Im going to have to start hitting on you all night.

-qualify before you run a routine -
-qualify before a compliment-it is the why I like you not because Im needy guy that whats to fvck anything that walks.
-use an excuse to pull them back to your home-

I will start a journal of my sets, this way I will objectively evaluate myself
This is a start of my game taking to the next level...

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