Download MP3] : Vegas Bathroom Pull + Stripper Pull w/ Pics!
Saffron, ABCs of Attraction Intern Coach in Training breaks down what is possible in Las Vegas using the ABCs of Attraction.
He is one of the guys that blew me away when I met him...
he was working with Practical Pickup with Doc Holliday and Entropy
he retired but I communicate with him once in awhile
the advice he would give me after I met with him was just awesome
even till this day..I think he is top 3 PUA's
this is one of the LR that made me want to go to Boston and meet these guys...
Saffron, Doc Holliday and Entropy
I met game girl which I tottally fell for ... anyways
back to this LR which is a classic....
Or read the detailed field report originally written on Saffron's blog below:
Two girls in one night is always a good night. I was in Vegas last week Approach Coaching for ABCs of Attraction. I spent the majority of the night winging for students and pulling girls back to our VIP section. The picture below is a 2-set of the hottest girls in the venue that I had to hand over to the students. Ah, the joys of being an instructor. One of the students ended up making out with one of the girls while the other #closed. I'm proud of my young padawans.
After 1 AM, the Asian Playboy comes over to me and says, "You have 1 hour to pull." I'm always a challenge whore so I ran out of the VIP section and started running my standard dance floor game. At this point of the night, my social proof was through the roof because I led about 10 different groups of HBs back to our table.
I run lazy game, so I opened the closest attractive set near our booth. I use my Dance Floor Direct Opener and its an instant hook. The girl pulls me in. She grinds on me. I start my dance floor escalation routine. I execute a Fatality and a Lower Back Pain. She's going nuts. At this point there is no verbal game, its just physical escalation fractionated with BL takeaways and then my patented head rush kino pull. I enter my Sexual Eye Contact routine, which puts her through the roof.
This girl is ready to go. I pull her back into the VIP section so I can lower her BT. APB taught me that if you raise a girl's BT too much too soon, her entire state collapses during any kind of lull and she enters into buyers' remorse. I refused to let that happen that night. I enter into mini-comfort loops, run my cold read sex routine and stack into my adventurous sex DHVs. I pull my whisper move and enter into a heavy non-needy frame.
She straddles me.
HBBathroom: "Come closer. I'm going to do something crazy to you."
Me: [enters non-verbal Abundance Routine – something I've learned from sarging HB10s]
HBBathroom: [goes crazy] What are you doing? Look AT ME. You can't handle this.
Me: Who said I was going to handle anything?
HBBathroom: You're going to LOVE it. [tries to start kissing me. Licks my neck. Grabs my crotch]
Me: Shut up. Let's go.
I pull her out of the VIP. She pulls me into the bar and buys me a beer (I didn't even ask for one). We down it. I remain reticent. I let her chase. She starts grinding on me hard again. I don't mind it since she has this nice big ass and knows how to work it. I realize that I only have 30 minutes left to complete the 1 hour challenge. I command her to stop and pull her out of the club.
We're in the cab making out. I tell the cab driver my hotel. She sees her hotel in the distance and realizes that she left the club without her friend. She starts freaking out since they're leaving in less than 6 hours to fly back home and tells the driver to reroute to her hotel. FUCK.
We get to her hotel and she pulls me out of the cab. We're making out in the lobby now. She tells me that her phone is dead and she just needs to check if her friend is OK. We find her friend, they do the annoying "I haven't seen you in forever" routine and then her friend decides to try and cockblock me. HAH. I pull out the anti-cockblock shields and run the befriender routine. We're now all in a high energy state and grab a few shots.
CB tells me, "You're not getting laid tonight. Sorry, buddy, but my mom and dad are sleeping upstairs and I'm not going back to your hotel to have a threesome with you, because we're leaving in a couple of hours." (she's pretty drunk at this point).
I whisper into HBBathroom's ear, "This is your last night here. You can either sit here and talk to your friend like you do every night at home, or you can choose to have an amazing experience with me. Ditch your friend." HBbathroom turns to me and checks me for any signs of weakness. None. A couple of minutes later they run into the bathroom for some girl time. She comes out and freaks out. "OMG, I lost my cell phone." The CB starts freaking out and runs off to look for it at the bar.
HBBathroom turns to me and says "sike. I have it right here." Then she pulls me into the women's bathroom, strips my pants off and starts going down on me. At this point I have about 5 minutes left to my 1 hour challenge, so I pick her up, finger bang her, and then strip her naked. I bend her over the toilet and we go at it. Simultaneously, I whip out my iPhone and try to take a few money shots, but alas, there was piss poor lighting.
We wrap up and head back out. She buys me a couple more shots and then we exchange information.
--------- Part 2: Stripper Pull
I got into the cab feeling pretty satisfied. I plowed through some fucked up logistics and got my first ever bathroom pull. But, I wasn't going to rest on my laurels and the night was still young (3:00 AM) so I told the driver to drive me to the after hours club. All the strippers and hired guns go to this club once they get off shift, so I was looking forward to a good night.
I show up at the club solo in a post-sex glow. I could still smell the first girl on me. I look around to see if I could make any automatic wings. Most of the guys are rolling through in groups and they look like the bottle-buying type. I move on into the club and its this cavernous underground bar with four separate rooms. At this point, I'm in a pretty low state, since having sex kills my sarge drive for at least 24 hours.
I tell myself, fuck it, KOP: "keep on plowing." The club is packed with HB9s and HB10s. I can obviously tell that most of the girls are locals and most of them are strippers and hired guns. Girls are walking around in their work outfits, wearing bikinis and cut off shorts and ripped tank tops. Titties everywhere. I befriend a few sets and run indirect game for a while. I don't get blown out, but I'm also not deeply hooking any one set. I realize that I needed to run some HB10/ADD Party Girl game. I scan the bar and find my target – HBStripper.
I run my Balls to the Walls (BTW) Direct Opener and I see her instantly hook. I tease her a little then dominate the frame. I run my standard High Value Dancing routine and pull her on to the dance floor. At this point she breaks out her stripper moves. She pulls me onto a sofa and gives me a lap dance. She then pulls me back onto the dance floor and we become the center of attention. The entire room is looking at us grinding the shit out of each other. I pull out my head rush kino pull and my Sexual EC Routine. She's loving it.
I stop and control myself and reenter my Abundance Routine. She tries to pull me back into her and tries to qualify herself again through dancing. I don't bite. We pull away to the bar and she starts trying to kiss me. I dodge the kisses and pull away. We banter for a little bit and she starts grinding on me again. What an ADD stripper.
Now, what happens next I think, is key to the interaction. I know at this point she physically wants to sleep with me, but she isn't emotionally sure, so she starts testing me. She starts grinding on another guy who's sitting down in front of us. I sit back and watch and then open up a girl next to me. The stripper gets jealous and comes back to cockblock. I reshift my attention on her and then she tells me "I have to go for a second."
I stop and think to myself – if I let her leave, I may not see her again, since we're in the VIP section and its hard to get back in. But, if I don't let her go, I lose my frame and my dominance. So, I shrug and push her off. She leaves. I open up a few other sets and now due to my high social proof, girls are hooking much more easily. I get bored and realize none of the girls are as hot as HBStripper so after a half hour I eject. I find HBStripper near the exit talking to one of her guy friends. He's a rich chode, probably a customer, and has his hands all over her. I walk up to her, turn her around, and start making out with her. The chode just stands there with his dick in his hands.
I pull away first. HBStripper comes up for air and asks "What's that for?" I say, "that's for making me wait. Do it again and I'm going to spank you." (Spank) *credit to BradP.
I lean back against the bar and re-enter my non-needy frame. She starts grinding on me and she shares her drink with me. I'm getting bored and its now getting close to 6 am, so I run my ejection routine. HBStripper stares into my eyes for any incongruence and then gives me verbal LMR.
"Irrelevant." (Credit: Jeffy) "Let's Go."
We get her coat and exit the club. The sun is rising as we're making out in the back seat of the taxi. Déjà vu. We show up at our hotel and there's no LMR, since I already took care of it at the club. She really blew my mind. Well that, and some other parts of my body. Here are assorted pictures from my adventures:
Download the Audio Lay Report with Commentery's by Asian Playboy:
and visit Saffron's personal blog:
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