dude this woman was online as per the prvious post ..negged me.
and when I stood up for myself
she called me... while in miami.
I have to give credit to my new roomie cause his overall frame of being nonneedy yet persistent CANT BE TAUGHT AT A BOOTCAMP
you would need to live with a PUA or natural
So I owe him my streak...
its weiord cause I have several women emailing me and I might be booked for the week..
one the other hand Its a streak Im in
not to pay gurus but to keep a rotation...
Ice cream pull is awesome CREDIT ADAM LYONS*
I have to also appraoch more
My game is semi direct with subcomunications basically comfort and tease then push pull and tease always frame as female male interaction.
when it stales to avoid awkward moments or friends zone is to escalate and pull away...I stole the "WOMAN" thing at the end to show dominance and leading.
sexual is just escalating but pulling back..avoid sexual needy and eveytime you always talk how you can fuck other people shows that you are at another level and not supplicating...
I never imagine I get women so emotionally invested in hours and love me for it.
actually chemistry...
YOU NEXT In the beginning...even at that I kept gaming showing non neediness thats how I got this woman to a point to call me...
women are supposed to do that all aginst community belief...
Gorgeous and bitchy * as per MR M and braddok;s 9 and 10 game.
I basically had Doc strangelove call me and MMPUA A
major players from miami and experienced online gamers...
I have entropy's style of game and the guy MM instructor SAW and even PSYCH say that :
I have to be the loveable teddy bear
saffrom say dont be the nice guy ...be the awesome GUY!
FUCK MAN SAFFRON is just ahead of all this game.
as per Doc strangelove "act like the prize and high maintance women"
which fuckin worked.
Its weird cause ADAM preaches this nbeign the guy gay best friend but that fucks them....
On that note cant wait to see ADAM next week.
So all shit aside I have to write this up.
GROUNDHOG DAY DATE credit Doc Holliday and my "roomie dr"
she called me to meet up then called her to reassure the date and she called me up to meet later...
my phone game with her is not good so I had natural roomie game her for like 2 weeks spoke to her like 3 times until she called me...WEIRD!
she was abit demanding and I got scared...
she wanted to meet at the starbucks
I said ok... ( I stopped overthinking in game, thanks to dr roomie and entropy)
I text doc roomie and he said she was ready to go (he text me from california)
I show up LATE actually 30 minutes late ( against community belief)
and she was cold and I assume rapport and ran basic chit chat...
she talked and tried to lead.. I noticed I would lose her I would break rapport and tease or say something absord funny..push pull
she was engagged and I used social pressure to timebridge as per last LR
took a cab...go ther and didnt kiss or hug or nothing just winging it... she was just "venting"
I threw in Im sore and DHV kickboxing story this is also why she gave me a backrub later.threw in dhv story of funny knock me out story
AGAINST COMUNITY BELIEF as per roomie let her open up as per Sinn use sexual frames and understanding ..topo get her emotional invested.
she did all that work I just nodded as per adam lyons...
AT HIS POINT IT WAS CHAMELEON GAME... I related to her and building commonalites
light kino..almost minimal...
she is european very sexy and to me a fucking 10 and she knew it...she told me
the problem is she just broke up with a wealthy man older 20 years than her...
told me how her mother destroyed her previous marriage.
I used topo mini stack of insecure men and hi five after that
she has father issues but didnt tease her on insecurites..thats wehere community guiys arent calibrated.
thats why comfort is important before attraction and investement AFC adam
entropy as well but at a deeper connection
connection game is very strong very powerful...Im just trying to figure out how to turn it into obsession bu thats too much...women seem to open up and then nbehave like little girls..its weird.
they also dont like to be seen as objects of desire
they get creeped out or LMR ASD goes off and buyers remorse goes off and you are done...
IM trying to run SOLID GAME as per Sinn
you have solid game and pace her then you SNL or close
as per entropy SNL's depends on the girl in that monet not emotional but what she is looking for.
most SNL's is found in bars or clubs comfirmed by my date tonight
rare woman well traveled and very high class IMO
topic were as per doc holliday taught me
we arrived in wine bar and I acted like I knew the guys and she thought I was a regular.. ( social proof fake LOL)
lead her to where we sat..
at a point she was venting to much and I shared my stories and she lose attention amnd I interupt her pattern..
I would mirror her alot and I would show too much interest would touch a little and take away..I would accuse her of makign me like her and to stop trying to copy me or say things ...she tease back and I would act like a high maintance woman...
I dhv my patient story made by saffron
I also would try to get her to feed me but it seem too soon.
she was a wine expert adn drank 3 wine or 4 wine plus ate calimari appetizer
and seed the ice cream TB.had her agree within the venue..
and I kissed her and she said i was a good kisser ( YEAH I HAD PRACTICE LOL)
I pull back but she would like everytime I escalate and she would be subtle we cant kiss in public or someshit like that...(social intelligence shit test)
I blame her for it and ran the MM classic line I feel foolish blah blah
ran push pull
and did dhv stripper ex credit mystery
showed understanding what it is being with a 10...modified sinns snl course
beauty is common and Im looking for more than a pretty face
qualification what you go to going more than your looks :)
coma story she would ofcourse compliment and invest into it.
saffron's giver taker frame
she is musician so I talked about gifts and talents
how we are both driven
she asked for my BDAY IOI
she reward my compliance
I kissed her like 2 times in venue
ran SNL frames within conversation
no consequence
sex is normal
did topos stack of I have sisters female insider views are different sitautaion in society
she asked about books favorite books amnd I ran cosmo routine..laughed her ass off
did this to reinforced that she was falling in love and not BFF
IT was hard cause its DONT FUCK UP GAME
european arent used to too mushy or too much touching and she was dismissive...
so I definatley played different than other men.
I ran "I usually dont like like this but its rare I feel I can trust you and pinky swear..." reinforce that se wont judge me REINFORCING THE FRAMES BEFORE THE CLOSE!
( create a bubble natural bubble)
I would tease her as we left
amd she started spanking me cause I tease her asnd i do takeaways
she help to TB cause she noticed they were throwing us out so outside I was like she say " we are crazy and I spike her BT and said we are in a big city but its a small world" whtever she said she understood LOL bubble
she tongued me down
I told her right before the cab that I wanted her to be my sexy bunny
she called me her "jelly bean"
in the car she would say she was drunk I say I WANT ice cream
she didnt want to pay for ice cream and I used social pressure and asked her if she was a liar.
kept saying "Jelly Bean" and made her say bunny in russian and said it back to her
I did a show in front of the mexicans at the store
display of game
she paid for it INVESTEMENT she choose the ice cream and I reward her for having good taste and kissed her .. (NLP anchor)
she was wher Im I and I said i have to get ogin so I walk you out ... (ozzie rsd as per last LR)
she went up to the apt and i gave her the tour
and she took her shoes off LOVEDROP
did view TB and thus made it congryuent and fed her ice cream and got her on the BED and we made out...
I escalate but it was thin line...
she had a g string and I almost lost control
she had started spanking me and
she wanted to give me a backrub and I would kiss her after it escalating and did saffrons hairpull rouitine
she loved it and felt arrousal and I would stop and push pull and go into ice cream..
funny and joking
then she stood up and I ran natural woman pattern added "the sluts and whores"
made out with her and she was like I have to go ...
I knew where my limit was so I do a freeze out in the bathroom and texted my boys northern nights and doc strangelove.
she was sitting watching TV and I escalated again and she took it away...
mistake:she beat me at takeaways and I should have ran non needy frame of we should take it slow and I didnt take off my pants...the momentum wasnt ther for it though..
i didnt say "we are not having sex tonight Im tired"
strawberry fields
she was battling her emotions with ASD,
I didnt manage it that well
good girl face bad girl manerisms
interupt her objjections verbally while physically escalting
like CJ's LR goodgirlface
we walked out and she hold my hand and I showed non needy sex frame...
she kissed me alot and I lead
we got a cab
in the cab she had her head in my lap and kissed my hand and kept scratching me like a cat and i would go half way on a kiss and she go for it..
she would caress me
she felt emotional investement
we got off and I picked her up to splike her BT ..she said I was strong.
I had a driver AMOG me I hold my frame and acted cool until he left.
she hold my hadn and walked her to the station
and we stayed there talking ( same as previous LR and same stop LOL)
I also threw in about sex and how easy it is here in nyc..and asked her if she is jealous cause I get appraoched by women
she dhv that SNL is for bars and that she doesnt like to be pressured and that in europe women ask men to sleep with them...and over there appraoching or touching a woman is against the law..and she get appraoched by lesbian butch women.
and how europe the german man doesnt force women to asex so he cheats.
they fly out to other countries to fuck whores.
I DHV I guess they dont have a strong connection game and they have to do that.. I rather not waste my time and be honest.
she also said that she doesnt like to be pressured
and she said she liked saffron's hair pull routine.
and I showed vunerability which was to show I was cool and threw in that I dont know if we are going to see each other again and she said yes wehen we are both free we go dancing...she use her nails again and she pulled back on kissing.
I told her to call me when she is home....
she said yes and that she cant text me ( she spoke about her brother)
i looked up my phone and saw cuddle bunny textd me so i got home and called her and ran Im busy and tired
then as i hang up my date calls me up and calls me honey
I act cool and do the i will talk to you later...
---next day she calls at 11am and I call her back we talk a liittle but she doesnt understand my jokes by the phone.
she asked me what im doing later and I said work ( i wasnt sure what she meant)
I said I was going to subway to talk to her later
I spoke to my friend
sometimes it doesnt happen on the first night
and his advice was that you need to take her to another one
and sometimes it takes a couple of dates doesnt matter...
SHOOT Suggestions on the FR
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