Wednesday, June 24, 2009

FR music teach nj

I went out with hbmusic teach 6 weeks agao before the awakening of my new self...I ran comfort game i did coldreads and use light the end made her feel super comfrotable and made her invest emotionally...but I felt ididnt have enough atttraction or spike her BT.. at the end we walked and she wasnt compliant to the ice cream pull...she was very reluctant cause I treid that beofre without the ice cream at the earlier stage and she knew what was up...she went direct and in our conversation we spoke about sex and she said she didnt want to get involved with me cause I was leaving nyc...and she wasnt going to hook up with someon thats leaving..she was very genuine and kept kissing me.. I didnt react or overgame but escalate and stopped.. I didnt spike her BT cause i felt she was genuine about it...
I forgot how the interaction was supposed to be flirty and light as I treid deep comfort and qualified her by her specific traits and her sexyness...

I truly believe I deserve much more attractive girl and the set was blown before she came...

at the end I was flirty and non needy and kissed her lightly and acted so confident and uneedy like never before...

I felt very proud of myself, I got mad and upset and I remmeber what s&M chick taught me, never react what a woman says and be confident man, even in the face of rejection.

I doubt I will ever see her again...

It was like borderline freindship but with reality it isnt niceguy game ...its comfort connection...but i lacked the sexual vibe cause I run SOLID game..if I owuld have gotten her up would have been game over..

I will post on this cause I feel that reverse psycology works and my inner game suffered a bit cause afterwardsI ran a random bootycall game which went nowhere.. :(

but its all far Im 3 out of 4 which is not bad....

I did hit a soft spot but I ran high attraction game and intrigue and then logistics wasnt there plus she didnt know whon I was and I was getting into sexual needy mode and I had to back off...

that being said...

comfor tconnection isnt for everychick.. I bet that if I stayeed it would have work but i was in damge control with her by text and she flaked on my 3 times... I came off incongruent and I was on damage control but now Its like Im a normal guy that created the wrong moment in her life.

I have to review previous LR posts and get my mojo back...
they helped and the non neeedyness frame and not trying too hard...

I have a date tonight w another chick and I have the same issues that they want no sex cause they are emotional so It like they get emotional and I should get them to spike BT and non sexual and be firm on my desciveness for the apt ice cream close...

If you let them dictate your interaction then you will never close!

woman expect the guy to lead, like a doctor treating a kid./..take control and lead with a velvet glove...

I like rsd verbal attraction
and swingcatts prizing the beliefs are awesome

UPDATE : hs etext me she wished me the BEST and blah blah...

I respionded: sure.sounds good


I didnt spike emotions and late in calling fo rthe pull and timing the timebridge and logistics wasnt on..I flinched.

entropys note :
When you tell a girl you're leaving, it makes her want to sleep with you less.
For a lot of girls, they'll only sleep with a guy if they know the OPTION of a relationship is open to them, even if they don't want it. Think of it as part of their slut defense. So whereas guys think, "Oh, she's leaving in a week, FREE SEX!" Girls think, "Oh, well, we'd never work out so what's the point?"

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