Guys My head hurts and Im sore as fuck
so Im write this up cause there are alot of stuff I implemented here that I read heard and been suggested in the past
Pardon my grammar skills.
I closed on thursday night on my date... :)
I talked with Entropy on the phone and as per my game kind of improving through the phases and moving forward and all the good stuff.
the revelation was seeing my roomie bring a girl over have her sit there and make her giggling and laughing and then pull her in his room to fuck and me beng part of the act I help in saying i want to watch tv and He pulled.
this guy is a natural doesnt over think things but we realte alot but he doesnt take women thing seriosuly as to a point of doing PUA community stuff.
but he pulls and has a strong frame
I noticed his interaction skills are awesome cause he works wiht kids he plays with them and he calls it the "art of distraction"
to say things funny or whatever and throw things in between while moving forward.
I guess plausible denialbilty and not talking about things explicitly.
he has patience with the women he interacts...
after the next day I had the LR I was up and we worked together in poperating room and I felt awesome and yet he still had some hot russian woman kiss his arms and he show subtle yet slick suaveness then later had another not so cute girl text him dirty things when he just told her in fornt of me that he was seeing a couple of girls and I saw him fuck her and he was intorducing me to her
but i noticed the act of handing over a woman makes her validate herself more work for you..she was crazy texting her..asdide of the other girls he is seeing.
how he closed infront of me
and me slow the process and as per my last post making her want it more
Is like dont overgame
or dont fuck it up by saying somethign stupid or relying on a line when its not the right timing to use it
I guess the word is "understanding"
if you act like you understand them and non needy and dont try to get with them or meet up before getting them invested then he will take the initiative when she is laughing or he spikes her BT.
he builds more comfort until he gets what he wants
he doesnt punish them he freezes out and texts them a day later and acts non needy
he usually gets texted from them and he responds to them ASAP
If you dont he says you are cuttign yourself off
you make intiaive and forget all that other shit
if she says something then you tell yourslef I will work on that no worry maybe she is having a hard time and shit and if I insist it will piss her off
LR HB cuddle bunny
met up with her she gave me LMR right before the the date freakin out
and i complied to her not being an asshole but being compassionate.
this is something the community is missing when you connect with someone
I used compassion to make her feel better and I used is as fear of loss when she triggered personal; questions about me asking me for last name where i work etc etc
I felt my self esteem and felt used when I gave that to isnt a big deal but I felt she took something from me, therefore I felt that feels to a woman when they get buyers remorse...its calibrating the ionteraction being nice and compassionate and yet funny and edgy
I also noticed when he goes emotional he stops there and doesnt physically escalate which causes her or even me cause Im modeling him.. to escalate physically..
he holds back and smiles.
BAck to the date
instantly was confusing me where she was and I called her and she didnt pick up i used as a verbal distraction to say somnething to tease her
I didnt follow community advice just went with what I was modeling my friend and advice in the past from saffron, entropy and
MPUA A from miami into effect.
ozzie fromn rsd has some good stuff but if you havent close it will comnfuse you but some lines worked and I wasnt thinking about sex but I knew it was going to happen
I didnt need it but it was going to happen
the zen like thinking in closing is that.
assume rapport and showed I had balls to do that right off
not alot of kino.
She kissed me kind of right off and I stopped and said too soon.
I take it way and stop. her BT actual BT she was like its hot
I would talk and make her laugh and confuse her (I was kind of nervous)
we took a cab to the wine bar
i kissed her there and did takeaway sinn* thats all you get
she kept doing sedxual advances to test me i guess and I said i need more comfort and trust sinn*
took her to wine bar lead and I thought that zen thinking.
I didnt kiss her there.
(different from what I was doing ) the intereaction was subtle sexually but it was like she initate it and I would just look at her and smile.( another thing we talked about Id overescalate or run the train)
the interaction at the wine bar was just like improv and the excersize i learned from Entropy at the bootcamp and his connection game and being intersting without boring her.
I ran RSD verbal attraction: shifting sands and No! in the middle of convo to break her state and get her to work more for my appraoval and my favorite and risky "you are my new bunny ..yeah my new cuddle bunny...Wait Its too fast .. or
I take that back" this calibrates her feeling good and when you compliment and its too much then you pull back by doing this instead of just releasing with dorkk or brat cause its too repetitive...breathrough comfort what i read kind of but it was more sexual frames and Entropys deep comfort with tease.
Emotional investment!
I paid for the drink and one mini burger slicers we shared or whatever
(against community belief not to eat but running entropys model of game a bite wasnt going to hurt and itwas a snack and transition to dessert and I showed sharing food is awesome important , creating a bubble)
I made her cut the 3rd in half to share it ..(male to female dynamic)
I told her she had to pay for dessert
she said OK
we were walking but I didnt want to kill momentum so I had initally timebridged in the beginning about apt and the view of other buildings its nice to watch.
and my late night eating habit of ice cream.
we took a cab to the corner store and she was were we are going
i said "get ice cream you promised wait dont tell me you are a liar cause if you are then Its OVER!" semi serious way but putting social pressure
she paid for the ice cream
also its her job not to feel slutty and play hard to get when you escalate just dont aggressively do it its push pull and attraction again to build sexual tension.
"I lets eat this here show you wher I live and I will walk you to you train station cause I have to get up early tomorrow."
and she said "NO I dont do that" and I said
"Im asking you to share icecream and you are out the door"
used semi social pressure to get her ASD from kicking in and laugh at what she said..
"dont get any ideas ok " cocky funny to reduce the ASD In revesing the roles
we got up there no huggin no kissing
act cool like friends
and the "roomie" was watching laker game so ...he used that excuse the other day so he could pull his girl in his room...
so I said my friend is watching the game and I dont want you to bother him
(LEADERSHIP in a jokingly way)
want to show you the view I was talking to you about when we spoke on the phone ..she got in my room and I sat on the bed and I told her to take of her shoes and she gave me objections of she os sweaty and I said tmy bed is sacred take them off ( this objection like cultures or whatever, i made it up)asper lovedrops theory of women tkes her shoes off she can fuck you
had her on the bed turned off the lights to see the view (doublebind intention)kissed her and she stopped.
lights came on Freeze out battle
whatever then no sexual touching just taking turns feeding each other on pint of ice cream with the spoons
(male female dynamic- latin thing i dont know)
she kept saying
"I cant believe Im doing this" and I would kiss her everytime she said that and she want it more I stop and act like the typical hard to get girl would freeze out with eating ice cream and telling her ozzie RSD line
"there is no sex tonight Im tired "
she would say I never said anything about sex, I dont do that ..
then at one point it way hot I had her on top of me kissing
Locking in on the bed
I got that from saffron LR in las vegas Saffrom got her on top of him for the photo.
Saffron fucking sex god pua
I couldnt touch her then I go for the neck and did saffromns hair pull routine and I went for the tits and she stop I stop too and agree
back and forth
went as far as licking tits a pierced one and she wouldnt let me touch her down there and she had her clothes on but
she was sweaty BT sexual tension
I took off my pants tried EL Topo Kung fu penis from what
I was taught by doc holiday waay back
(I had an idea but never tried it since I had read the hype and im just playing SOLID and experimented with it )
and she tottally disarmed KFP
and said "You do that to yourself, jerk yourself off "
she did a fucking takeaway
and If I insisted I knew it was needy and it was going to be over.
I stopped and said you are right,
I went AFC on purpose to fuck with her head
first I got a yes ladder
we connected deep and fast
Its rare that I get to enjoy feeling comnfortable like ive known them
while I did badboy's kiss close but without the kiss
which made it solid that we were having a moment.
pulled a bomb out which shows that I dont want sex
"lets take thing slow and if we like each other later on then maybe we will get together some other time"
this instilled fear of loss
I got up and pulled my pants. she said "what are you doing"
but right before I had my hands grabbing her ass and i knew she was arroused. and she said
"no dont stop!"
Ohh shit!
I knew I had something here I never ever imagine would happen
since I did deep confort established and assumed rapport
we kissed again and kept escalating on the tits and I stopped
she opened up and said she's been hurt and could fuck other people etc etc .I went into nonjudgmental frame but not sexual explicit. I did kind of on the phone with her but ran it again realting to what she said.
and we were talking about tats and showed me her tat of S&M and that she like to be submissive slaped and tied up...
I kissed her after that and told her that I think thats was cool and Im not going to judge her for it,,,and that it turned me on to pleasure her .
after that we fucked HARDCORE
( half viagra and a red bull)she says she came 3 times
and left her at train station to brokylnn at 3am...
the problem is I didnt define the relationship cause I was in soo deep and she told me she wanted a BF. I said that lets see where this goes...
she was on top of me during the convo I was locked in the bed .lol.
I met her 2 days ago breifly and talked on the phone ran deep comfort but very funny and I ended the convo I saw her up 8:45 and 10 were havng this convo.
i used "are you just saying that to make me feel good or are you being yourself"
"stop being cool"
thouse work nice when you compliment for her qualifying is better than me too
closed her and the ice cream melted....
I told her I wanted to come on her ass
I did do some freeaky stuff and pulled her hair and slaped her ass
It was good letting myself go like that cause I remeber last time i slapped a girls ass like that she got upset and Im a big guy...
i used less routines and more coonection and leading frame..
next day I sent her:
I hope you are having a good morning, Im sore thanks to you ;)
her any regrets
none at all loved it
was i good
yes you were amazing I wasnt that good
on the debrief she said she knew we were going to have sex when we were in the cab to buy ice cream and she knew she liked me after we met in the cab and kiss.
next time I will use the door pattern
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