original deal was:
I recently went from 5 girl rotation in nyc to meeting a new girl in FL and her wanting it to be BF/GF...
at first she was more invested until her attitude became unpleasant cause she bacame bossy wanting me to be there for her , then one night she was very disrespectful and I walked out on her, we broke up...days later we talked and I decided to make things work, started to prioritze our time to meet up and doing what she said I was not doing, buying her flowers,etc ....her interest decreased and I noticed she was changing and wanted me to invest more than her...she change plans saying she had pms and when we met up she was cold and noticed she flirted with guy in her building that was calling her to hang out and she whispered to him "Im with my BF" I got upset and didnt know how to handle it..He isisted her to hang with him at the pool, I told her lets go to apt. I remained unaffected and when we were alone told she insisted to hang out by the pool I said No. She said he is a friend she hangs out once a month and they dont have anything and that if she wanted to she could "hook up"
I then told her that wasnt unacceptable for her to have that type of "frenidship" thats over my boundaries.
she kissed me and cuddled until time for her to leave...
I realized that things were not the same....
came up needy and insecure which was triggered by her on purpose.
After the breakup and going back she changed the polarity of relationship.
I lost my prizing and I couldnt help myself from being the AFC insecure guy.
she was staring to see other guys and I noticed her change in behaviour and loss of interest. She is a low self esteem manipulator and I put an end to it by steping away...I became too available at the wrong moment and tried hard to make it work...
read entropys post on how women should put effort in relationships and frankly she is just isnt into it.....its not the same and Im afraid she is using to get back at me by cheating and make me feel bad.
If it wasnt for game , I would be depressed and have oneitis..yes we spent great moments together but she had me cause she knew my vunerability.
Im not going to contact her to move on and be congruent to what I told her....
more important my self respect.....
I wasnt looking at the big picture but after all this.. I now understand
Arock helped me and I hope to have him as my friend for a long time and cherish that freindship...
AS for attorney woman.. I felt like my marriage trying to recovery out of desperation replaying all over again..just to lose attraction and show how unworthy I am to her..
Im listening matt huston , to not to be around her forcing her to heal on her own. Im not going to be around forcing her to feel lonely.
I cut her off cutting off on time before she leached as an emotional vampire,
to no easy out of a relationship.
she is monley bar type and she told me how she was seeing someone before I went to FL.
I saw the signs but didnt play it well enough, but learned alot out of what to do and what not to do in a realtionship.
savoy's DVD do give general idea of relationships but doesnt talk what to do in infedelity and shittests within relationship...Its advanced stuff but I thought its was important to deal with. his AMOG tactics is good and used it.
I read the train your girlfriend ebook, an actual skim of it...but I highly recomend it.
Im just glad to move forward to what I have to do.
always have a backup plan.
and never mix your personal issues with love and relationships.
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