Tuesday, August 25, 2009

reverse frame to get her to help me

Listen, I know I wasnt there for you as a BF in the relationship cause I never had time for it but
cause this was an important legal matter.

I wanted to ask you if you are going to separte helping me legally with your advice and guidance as an attorney in my situation
versus of being bitter towards me ,as far as the relationship is concerned...

I understand that you needed to take a break and you need space to work on your own obligations.

But because this is my entire future and livelyhood ...and we may not have been eye to eye in the relationship,and its my future,
I was counting on you for your advice and guidance.

Ethically, if you can think you can separate the 2 and whatever leftover emotional feelings
you have towards me ...and help me with it.

If not ...I understand , but I need to know now cause my entire career rests on this and I dont want emotions to get
in the way with that.

All I ask is to be truthful to me,
Its not fair and not right to keep me guessing, you have to be truthful to me.
If I was a doctor and I wanted to get the BEST medical care for you,
I couldnt allow my emotions to get in the way of getting you the BEST medical treatment available that you needed.

...If you can let your personal feelings aside and our relationship didnt work for a reason that we didnt see ,then thats ok and we can move past that

I'd love for you to help me.

Thank you for everything,

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