I have a situation where my gf, who has been in love with me over the past several months has now become a little colder. She is going to her home country during college break. I obviously can't argue or prevent her from going though I have a feeling that she might be reenacting something with her ex who lives there.
Is there any way you'd advise me to behave to assure that my PRIZABILITY stays on top when she returns?
Swinggcat's Comments:
For those new to my letters, Prizability is having enough value in a woman's eyes that if you walked away, jetted out her life, or didn't validate her worth, she'd take it as a loss. If she feels her life is more interesting, fun, and exciting with you in it, you've got Prizability.
I think just about all men on some level know this. That's why most guys strive with the imperative of a salmon swimming up river to catapult their Prizability through bragging to women about the size of their bank accounts, and wooing them with fancy jewelry and expensive dinners.
Paradoxically, doing these things usually plummets a man's worth in the eyes of the woman he's trying to win over. It's the fast track to Prizability suicide.
A few astute guys I know decided to boost their Prizability with women in other ways, such as, telling entertaining stories, developing their sense of humor, and becoming exceptional lovers.
Though more effective and a heck of a lot cheaper than buying women fancy gifts, their Prizability was barely buoying above survival.
Similar to the guys spending gobs of hard earned greenbacks on women, they were coming from the mindset of needing to win a woman over.
But here's the problem… women perceive men thinking they need to win them over as having the worth of a door mat. Or a spineless yes man they can bitch around. Or a human ashtray for extinguishing their cancer sticks.
When you possess the belief, mindset, and assumption that you're a Prize women are emotionally driven to do whatever it takes to get their little and horny paws all over, your Prizability mushrooms in their eyes.
When you couple the mindset that you're the Prize with possessing a great sense of humor, having interesting things to talk about, and being a great lover, women flock to you like bees to honey.
How can you attempt to gain more Prizability with a woman without negating the belief that she sees you as a Prize? If you believed she saw you as a Prize you wouldn't be toiling away to increase your Prizability in her eyes, right?
Good questions. Here's an easy way to handle that problem…
Always assume you're ballooning with Prizability in a woman's eyes… but make it a goal to see if you can boost that Prizability to an even higher level.
That way, as you're doing things to increase your Prizability you'll be unconsciously communicating to her that you're the Prize she's gotta earn, baby.
So here's my advice to you…
Don't focus on tactics for preserving and gaining Prizability with your girlfriend.
My guess is…
Almost any tactic you use will lower your Prizability because…
You're coming from the place of thinking you need to get back the Prizability you've lost. You're worried that her ex boyfriend will woe her back, dooming your Prizability to its demise.
If I were you I'd work on the internal side to attracting women. Spend your time developing the beliefs and frames that you're a Prize she wants to win over.
If you don't have my audio course you need to get yourself a copy right now. Listen to the sections on beliefs and frames at least four times and do the exercises in those sections religiously. This will make a world of difference.
I've been where you are and it sucks man. I feel for you bro.
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