Friday, November 27, 2009

Cherishing by TiM

this is a reason why running deep comfort or too much comfort can get in the way of getting laid in a one night stand, or when you are leaving a city...

Its a post that has helpoed me understand why i didnt get laid with last 3 girls when I left NYC...easy lays..lost POOF!

this is for strangelove PUA

CHERISHING in the night
by TiM from RSD

Hello there, how are you today? I am fine.

I have my boy Ryan here staying with me in LA for a week of scalliwagging.

Its great to be back here in Los Angeles hitting it up… we were talking about our travels and happenings from the field
which I wanted to share. Also throwing in some random shots of the travels.

Ryan and I ran our first bootcamp together in Vancouver, Canada which is a really cool city. It was my birthday that night and they had
a freak snowstorm.

We are doing our thing with our glorious clients and I see some stuff that is FULLY interesting: CHERISHING IN THE NIGHT

BACKGROUND: We have a new name for girlfriends now, they are called “Cherishes“. I have a cherish in Australia, Tyler has his cherish and so does Jeffy.

Now cherishing is all well and good. I enjoy it a lot. But cherishing AS SOON AS YOU MEET THE GIRL IS BAD NEWS.

RULE: Do not think/talk/ponder/worry or do anything regarding a girl unless you have first established the masculine role.
In pretty much all cases this means before you can cherish or go into a cherish frame you must have had sex first.

Have you ever picked up a girl, got her number or whatever and then thought about her constantly? or not even constantly.
Maybe you played movies in your mind of you two in different situations, going on dates, her meeting your mother, etc.

Then when you go to call her up its all WEIRD. You fumble around the phone, stutter when you talk - HORRIBLE.

Your mind places the girl in a girlfriend frame

And so this is what I call ‘CHERISHING IN THE NIGHT’.

Now I cover this fully in the ‘Flawless Natural Superconference’ however I wanted to illustrate with this recent example:

So back to Ryan and I out on bootcamp…

Im right up in a girls face kissing her while winging a client when out of the corner of my eye I notice Ryan walking around with another
cute girl hand in hand. I remember thinking to myself “awww that looks cute”.
Anyway the night progresses and again I see Ryan and this girl - they look cuter than ever. In fact they kinda look ‘in love’.
They are making out and gazing into each others eyes and all that.


She looks fully melting in his arms and so happy - like they have been together forever. Awwwwwww.

SO anyway im doing my thing demolishing this place… im walking up to random girls with my new opener “Im sad I need a kiss” and making out with them
then going to the next girls and doing the same.

(PS this new opener is killer: “Im sad. I need a kiss” then you get them to kiss each cheek. Then lips. They will fight the lips and you simply say
“But im sad!” and boom go right in for it. Your clearly not sad and just being a crazy guy. Beautiful.)

So at some point Ryan intros me to the girl and she stands beside me, he goes off to help out a client and she is left there with me.

Im talking for a bit then notice another cutey walking past… BOOOOOOOM I grab her, sad need a kiss, makeout then throw her back into the crowd all happy.

RIGHT AFTER THIS Ryans girl grabs my arm and looks me right in the eye and says “Whoa, you’re agressive, I like agressive”. Oh shit now she is all over my arm.

POOOOOOF I eject on her and go back to clients waiting till the end of the night to tell Ryan what happened.

Turns out that later she gives Ryan the excuse of “But you are leaving tomorrow, I cant go home with you, we will never work out!”.


Because he put her into a cherish (girlfriend) frame she is fully playing that frame and so cannot sleep with him. Now if I had a shot, who knows?

Different frame = Different Results.

See with me im just coming across as a fun, dominant man who is following his core sexual intent. I have no outcome with the girl other than fun THAT night.
They feel that way and act accordingly.

I remember how this used to destroy me back in the early days when I would tell the girl “wow I really like you a lot” within 5 minutes of meeting her.
This meant she had expectations to live up to and so it would rarely work.

No expectations on the girl = full trust from the girl.

Since then there has been no Cherishing in the Night from mr. Ryan deluxe and there should be none for you too.

The LORD of the club does not cherish. No no no.

As a general rule its not until after the first sex can you start to go the cherish route.
Why though? the girl needs to know you are truley a champ and can get girls - not some chode trying to find his cherish lover in the nightclub.

So ultimately its up to you guys on how you want to be percieved but here are some simple guidelines:

DO’s and DO NOT’s

DO kiss her for fun in the club

DO NOT make out tenderly for four hours

DO show her that you are fully interested in her NOW

DO NOT start talking about future plans and dates and how much of a match you are

DO lead her around dominant style

DO NOT prance around the club like you have finally found that special girl…

You get the drift…

What are your guys thoughts and experiences with this ?


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