it is an important article by in10nse, its ol school yet effective...
I will point out Franco's question and comments and in10nse responds.
This is awesome game..fuck Im evil fucker.LOL
The 10 steps to becoming her Drug!
by IN10SE
Here's my disclaimer - I don't advocate any of these to be used by anyone who
wants a healthy and happy relationship - but these are the tactics that "jerks"
use so it's always good to be familiar with these.
And it's also good to take these to heart if you recognize dependence on a
chick in yourself and you find HER pulling these tactics.
I'll just let you guys know right off that this is a twisted post, although as
I have been able to model guys that get women obsessed with them, there are
common tactics that they pull. And there may be some learning in it, as evil as
some of the tactics may be.
Now, of course some of this can be taken to extreme by those who are less
benevolent and irresponsible than most of us, so proceed with caution...
because you can create a stalker and an obsessed chick this way. Use with
First lets make an analogy to Drug Dependence.
Part 1: Drug Dependence - Here is the criteria:
1) Tolerance
This is where someone gets used to a certain drug and it takes more and more to
get the same high.
2) Withdrawal
This is where someone goes into physical and/or psychological distress from not
having the drug.
3) The substance is often taken in larger amounts over a longer period than
This is where the person cant control how much they take and how long they take
it. The drug controls THEM.
4) Any unsuccessful effort or a persistent desire to cut down or control
substance use
This is where they want to cut down, but they find that they cant.
5) A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain the
substance or recover from its effects
They invest a huge portion of their energy in obtaining the drug as well as
getting over the initial highs.
6) Important social, occupational or recreational activities given up or
reduced because of substance use
This is where they forego other parts of their lives for the drug.
7) Continued substance use despite knowledge of having had persistent or
recurrent psychological or physical problems
This is where they can see that the drug controls them and gives them problems
and causes them to have to sacrifice other parts of their lives, but they DO IT
Part 2: The 10 steps to becoming her Drug!
1) Initially, Give, Give and Give
Like a drug dealer, to start with, give her the time of her life. Give it
generously to start with. I'm not saying to not make her earn it... just make
it easy for her.
2) Fulfill a NEED
It could be an emotional need, it could be a physical need, it could be a need
for security, it could be a need for FUN - give her the time of her life...
Make her feel good. To find the need, just do a value elicitation for it. "What
would you NEED to have in your life to be happy?" and "So how would you know
that you had this?" and then "And what would it be like for you to be able to
have this, where you can have it in this way? (then repeat her description)"
Give her DRAMA! With this comes the extreme highs and lows. Don't introduce the
"lows" just yet... save that for later when you start to do the withdrawal
3) Make yourself a HABIT for her
Become a regular part of her daily routine. I've noticed that chicks that
weren't even into me initially succumed to the HABIT when I became a part of
their daily life. Paint a picture of you ALWAYS being there for her.
Remember, the strongest human instinct is not survival... its HABIT!
INSTILL yourself into her "Personal Narrative". This is the way that she see's
her present and her future expectations.
4) Be unpredictable
So that she never knows what to expect.
5) Transition to making her earn what you give her
If she asks anything of you, ALWAYS ask for something in return, no matter how
small... just as a TOKEN of value. This starts the process of her having to
earn what you give her. What you ask of her (as small as it may be) puts more
value on what you give her and lets her know that you ain't for free!
6) Use both positive and negative reinforcement
Take away the good stuff when she does things that you don't like (and if there
aren't any, just make some up!) and reward her when she does stuff you DO like.
You NEED to do both. You can also use a "propulsion mechanism" where you have
her "move toward" reward, and "move away from" punishment.
Also get MAD... and show it! When she deserves it especially. The make up can
be well worth it! With guys that get chicks obsessed with them, there is often
a "cycle" that starts with tension to explosion to make up to honeymoon to
tension to explosion to make up to honeymoon... and on and on it goes. They
often don't even recognize this cycle.
7) Start to crowd out other parts of her life
I know this is evil, but this is the way alot of guys do it that get women
obsessed with them. They compete with her friends, guy friends, family... they
ISOLATE her from the rest of the world. The use of this evil tactic is up to
your own discretion and conscience! This is where you become her WORLD!
Let her get the impression that you are in demand
This increases your perceived value in her eyes.
Start to make yourself more scarce. But give 110% when she does have you. Let
her have withdrawal. Don't call for a few days, don't touch her when you are
with her for one evening. Resist her advances if she wants to have sex for the
10) Alternate Now
between Hot and Cold, giving and taking it away, Push and Pull. - Make it about
her doing things for YOU now. About her trying to keep YOU. Ask her to do
things for you. LET her do things for you. The more she gives, the more you ask
for. - Of course you have to give some as well, but just not as much.
Comments, Questions?
the earth turned to bring us closer
it turned on itself and in us
until it finally brought us together in this dream
Another subject of discussion. It seems clear to me that this method will be
like a deadly trap for LSE chicks.
My question is connected with HSE chicks. I have noticed that doing this like
you write here and also social proofing myself is extremely difficult to
calibrate. HSE women seem to have on one hand a need - like all the other women
- for INVALIDATION (as you wrote in other posts of yours) - at the same time
for them is extremely important to save their WORTH and SELF-RESPECT in the
relationship which I find to be a very good thing.
Now I have been dealing last weeks with my HSE woman with two feelings I was
not expecting: ENVY and COMPETITIVE FEELINGS WITH ME. She started her 101 on me
already times ago which I counteracted by social proofing myself and putting in
practice a SMALL PART of what you suggest here.
Now I succeeded in keeping my 101 on her and with attraction we never had
problems until now but I got these two unwanted "side effects" like ENVY and
I precise that I do not social proof myself necessarily by using other women
interest but I may do it by simply telling her that "I got a great time at the
gym" or showing her something good I bought for myself like I did last week.
This could be miscalibration from me but could you tell a few words on how you
would apply these techniques with HSE without causing side effects like ENVY,
Those are things I definitely DO NOT WANT with an HSE woman. On the other hand
my last experience with HSE women tells me that they WILL TRY this stuff on me,
maybe in a sweeter and more high level way but they will.
How to calibrate this? To have her hooked WITHOUT destroying her self-esteem,
without causing envy, jealousy or competitive feelings from her? In a way HSE
women seem to act on the lines of "let´s betaise the Alpha male" as much as LSE
do but using more fair ways - of which their favorite seems to be the
PASSIVATING "Why you do not open up to me, be sweet to me" while still longing
for the TOUGH GUY but counteracting their attempts to betaise seems to have a
bad effect on their SELF-ESTEEM. Strange paradox.
between the best posts I ever read. Thank you!
I have a question connected with a "healthy and happy relationship". Personally
I did not meet a woman until now who would not try - maybe not all but part of
them, maybe no consciously but unconsciously - several of the tricks you list
I mean I would find completely justified to use what you write here to reframe
woman´s behavior ALSO in what you call an healthy and happy relationship.
ALL the women I know - including my actual wife - tried this as soon as they
knew that they are in a long term relationship with me.
I mean I feel that chicks try exactly all of this in relationships and that if
the guy does not reframe/keep his frame on these issues he is exactly the kind
of guy who will be the beta guy of a "successful marriage" in a relatively
short time.
What you think?
In10se responds to Franco:
Here are some CRUCIAL points that I left out initially because they are so
Here's what these guys do -
1) It must be all about YOU
Yes... selfish I know... but that is how these guys are.
Your needs, what YOU want... YOUR life. She is along for the ride. She is the
"WIND beneath YOUR wings".
2) Chip away at and lower her self-esteem
Subtlety at first, then in your presuppositions and then overtly. A frog will
stay in a pot that is slowly boiled until it is boiled to death.
Like a drug breaks down someone's self esteem, in the same way a chicks self
esteem can be broken down.
These guys operate from the presupposition that the chick is NOTHING without
them. And the CHICKS buy into it! Maybe it's because its what they were USED TO
growing up... who knows why.
3) You can TARGET these gals
Look at their past relationships. Were they Co-dependent? How about their
childhood... did they have an alcoholic parent? (Sad, but this is how it is)
4) Suck her into trying to "help you"
This is an evil tactic that brings out the natural instinct of most women, and
evil manipulators know how to use it to their advantage! Bring out her
Co-dependency. Give her momentary "flashes" that you couldn't "live" without
her... that you don't know what you would do... that you "NEED HER". Then ACT
completely like you don't need her at all!
5) Take her to the point of no return
This is where she finds herself doing things that she would NEVER have done
before. Like doing crazy things to please you, maybe even doing things that
could be construed as "naughty" so that you could hold that over her.
6) Become her IDENTITY
This is where she loses her sense of self, and is so enmeshed with YOU that she
has lost sight of who she is. She is cut off from her past and her future is in
YOU. This is twisted I know, but this is what these guys do.
7) Make her feel GUILT and again, ISOLATE her
From others, from her friends, from her family - from WORK, from SCHOOL... so
that YOU dictate what happens in her world. These guys create rifts between her
and her friends, they manipulate situations, use GUILT to motivate and are
critical of everything she does.
Now again, I'm not advocating use of these tactics... I'm just bringing these
to the light so that you know what to look for and so that you KNOW what chicks
have been used to in the past.
Beware of a chick that has been in past relationships like this... she may
unconsciously try to DRIVE YOU to act this way, because it is what she KNOWS
and what she is comfortable with... as perverse as it is. If she doesn't DRIVE
YOU to be this way, she'll assume the role and try to be this way to YOU!
Beware of damaged goods.
Is there hope... yes, I think... with conscious recognition of patterns and
with conscious CHOICES.
Questions, Comments?
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