Wednesday, November 4, 2009

relapse and the autopsy of destruction

this is a personal post..I learned why i did it and how powerful emotions are to a point of blinding you.

I want to post this wonderful email from a good friend:

You know brother I'm no relationship expert but to me your main focus and energy should be on getting your future layed out.

Its always easy and nice to take comfort in the arms of a woman but at times they can make you more vulnerable than before.

She's all set. Has a life and career, nothing to lose. What she wants is a guy for whatever her needs are and what suits her.

You need to get to that point and you will soon enough.

Don't fall victim to foolishness.

If she was a great gal and a rock to support you then its different.Only you know what she's worth.

I've been searching long and hard for that "one" but I'm realizing that I still need to get myself in place first before I concentrate on that.

These are my thoughts only. In these matters when emotion is involved, it is hard to stay pragmatic but only you can decide what's best.

No advice is right or wrong. Just an opinion.

I trust you'll make the right decission.

I'm always here for anything you need.

Believe me when I say I wish I could help more but I'm in a situation I am trying to sort out as well.

All my love and support

I read this and I teared...i had loss my self worth within looking for love and support comfort in a woman's arms...

it was the worng woman and if I was in a stable position, I wouldnt have contacted her at all.

Im cutting contact with her.

this motivates me to further work on my situation.

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