5 Reasons Why You Want to Learn How to Pick up a Stripper to Improve Your Game
Posted at November 8, 2009 Picking up exotic dancers (“strippers”) at strip clubs are the hardest girls you will ever pick up. These gorgeous girls are there to work and make money. They are not there to meet a guy. These hired guns are aware that every guy in the strip club wants them.
It is one skill set to take a beautiful woman home from a bar or club, but totally another skill set to pick up a stripper while she is working. You need tighter game and your margin for error with strippers is almost zero. It’s required to have really good cold approach game before you even want to try to pick up an exotic dancer at a strip club. Stripper game takes cold approach skills times ten.
If you can pick up an exotic dancer at a strip club, you can pick up girls anywhere. Learning how to pick up a stripper is a valuable skill set and will complement your game in many areas. Here are 5 reasons why you want to learn stripper game in order to improve your cold approach game.
1. Get comfortable around beautiful women.
A lot of guys have no problem approaching average or good looking girls, but when that 9 or 10 comes along they freeze. It’s because they aren’t comfortable being around exceptionally beautiful women. If you are around beautiful women all the time you will desensitize yourself from their beauty. You will learn that hot girls are no different from normal girls. You will stop putting them on a pedestal and you will never think again that “she is out of your league.” Sometimes it takes dating a couple really hot girls to discover this. If you haven’t yet, your best option is to surround yourself with really beautiful women all the time and through osmosis pick up the subtle cues.
The thing is, exceptionally beautiful women are hard to find. Getting access to these turbo girls is the hardest part. You need to be around a lot of beautiful women to learn how they think and act. Fortunately, strip clubs are open 7 days/week and filled with the hottest girls with a wide variety of girls your city has to offer.
When you’re in a strip club, it looks like you have the power. You sit down and wait for a hot girl to approach you. You get what you see. That smoking hot girl that is half naked will sit on your lap, touch you and have a conversation with you. When she leaves, the next hot half naked girl will approach you. If you go plenty of times to strip clubs then eventually you will get used having hot girls around you. Plus, once you have good game and start dating a couple of them you will learn that these girls are just like any other girl.
Just because they are exotic dancers doesn’t mean anything to you anymore. She is just another pretty girl. Subsequently, every hot girl now you approach will sense through your subcommunications that you have been around hot girls like her. That automatically makes you look confident and she will automatically assume positive traits about you (preselection).
2. Test of your conversational and frame control skills.
Stripper game focuses a lot on verbal communication. Your body language and subcommunications are still very important, but your conversation becomes more important in stripper game than normal cold approach game. You are seated with her on your lap or she is seated next to you. As soon you start talking the clock starts ticking. You need to be able to steer the conversation to your advantage and escalate verbally along the way. You need to disengage her mind that she is in the strip club to make money by having a good and interesting conversation. Time and money are your biggest enemies in a strip club.
Exotic dancers have no tolerance for bullshit. If they can sense you’re not going to fork over the money, they’re gone. So they will test your frame and break it as soon as they can. They don’t want to waste time so they will test you a lot. If you flinch or fail the test (you get no chance to recover from failure with strippers) you lose and she is off to the next guy. That’s why your margin for error with exotic dancers is so small because their tolerance level is so low. It’s your job to maintain control of the conversation and don’t let her hijack your frame and conversation. Remember, these girls are gamers. They game you for money and you are gaming a gamer. It’s the clash of titans and the one with the stronger frame wins. You better be the one with the stronger frame. Practicing frame control techniques is great in strip clubs because these girls will constantly test you for it. The Don, a god when it comes to picking up strippers, summarizes it in one sentence: “You might be $60 an hour interesting, but are you $200 an hour interesting?”
3. Makes your attraction game diverse and fluid.
Getting girls attracted to you is not very hard. Anyone who has done over a couple hundred approaches can even tell you this. Attraction can be generated in seconds, but with strippers this is a lot harder and you need all three types of attraction effectively used. Mr M dissected the different types of attraction in his post The Comprehensive Guide to Attraction. For the sake of this article, we will focus on three types of attraction: state based, intrigue based, and warm and fuzzy attraction. Most guys can get away with either being really good at just one of these types of attraction. Some guys are naturally good at being funny and silly (state based), others can be very interesting and mysterious (intrigue based), while some guys can also show, besides their masculine traits, their softer side (warm and fuzzy).
In order to successfully pick up a stripper, you need to be able to do all of them multiple times throughout the pickup. In cold approach you might get away with just being with building one type of attraction, but that doesn’t work with strippers. You need to be able to pump up her emotions (state based), get her logical mind engaged (intrigue based), and make her feel connected to you on a deeper level (warm and fuzzy) all mixed with each other and fluidly transition between them. When you can make an exotic dancer attracted to you, that’s a good barometer of how strong your attraction game is. You are able to use all three types of attraction to make any girl feel attracted to you. Before you might have gotten away by just utilizing one type of attraction, but after you learn stripper game you can use all three types of attraction building techniques to make virtually any girl attracted to you.
4. Really good qualification.
You came to the strip club to see some tits and ass. These girls are aware of that as soon you step in the strip club. They know already that you like them for their beauty. Every guy does. To successfully pick up a stripper you need to show her that you don’t like her just for her beauty, but also for personality and other non-physical characteristics. This is very difficult because you’re going into their territory where men generally are going after the women for just their beauty and body. At the same time that’s their power but you have to flip the script where you are the sexual selector. You do this by running VERY GOOD qualification and giving her compliments that make her feel validated. Remember, qualification is key for building good rapport and comfort with her. Without qualification, she won’t feel validated by you nor invested in you. Qualification for exotic dancers is not much different, but it needs to be tighter.
Strippers get compliments on their beauty all the time but never for non-physical characteristics, like their personality, sense of humor, ambitions, beliefs, and so on. It’s not good enough to show her that you like her for non-physical things. It’s necessary, but not sufficient. You really need to hit her hard on different personality characteristics in order for an exotic dancer feel validated by you and to make her invest in you. By getting her invested in you she will backwards rationalize that she’s attracted to you (cognitive dissonance) and you open the door for building comfort with her. If you can do this with strippers, you can do it to any girl and it will be even more powerful.
5. Solid comfort game.
Building an emotional connection is essential for exotic dancers and the majority part of stripper game is going to be comfort game. This is different from night game where you don’t always have to have a strong emotional connection and the majority is attraction game. For picking up strippers you need regular comfort game but it has be tight, flow, and make her feel so connected that she almost is crying because of the rollercoaster of emotions she is feeling. It’s regular comfort game on steroids.
Even though these girls are among the hottest girls in your city, you have to remember they are just like any girl. They have insecurities, are sick of being judged, misunderstood, and guys just wanting them for their body. Plus other annoyances every hot girl has. If you can show her that you understand her by running wide and deep rapport then she will feel strongly connected to you and validated. That emotional connection has to be really strong because strippers are among the flakiest people you will ever meet. You thought that hot club girl was flaky? Multiply that times ten with strippers.
One thing you need to keep in mind with stripper game is this: SILENCE IS DEATH. That goes back to having good conversational skills. If you let the conversation die for just a little bit, she will get back to her routine trying to get money from you. You’ll need to be able to talk, talk, talk, and talk. If you can’t run your mouth for long periods of time, you will not be able to pick up a stripper. That doesn’t mean you can just rant. You have to talk to her that is emotionally appealing and that makes her feel connected to you unlike any guy she has ever met.
In a cold approach setting you can wander off, reopen later, do hard takeaways and all that. With strippers, not so much. As soon you two are talking, you’ll have to get to work by continually running your mouth. That doesn’t mean that she can’t say anything back or that it’s a monologue, but the main idea is that the conversation can NEVER die. You need to build this particular skill set. This immensely helps your game for on dates. In a stripper pick up you constantly need to be talking but on a date you can slow it down while running the same comfort game to make her feel connected and validated by you. Ever since I acquired this comfort game, I’ve been able to sleep with a majority of girls on the first date.
Are you discouraged learning stripper game? Don’t be intimidated by stripper game because it’s actually easy to learn. I learned it in a short span of time, but I definitely credit this by taking the Strippers and Hired Guns seminar by Braddock and The Don. They teach you a model for picking up strippers so you can learn it step-by-step and you will know that to do. They will also give you material you can use so you know what to say and when to say it. Now I regularly date strippers which are perfect for friends with benefits relationships (that’s what I want right now in my life). I credit my stripper game 100% on that seminar. If you want to learn how to pick up strippers, definitely check it out.
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