Mindset is important, its to get you motivated and concentrated on your work.
social interactions is important as well.
whatever is in your head can make it or break it, in life and with girls.
My friend said "turn shit into fertilizer"
"turn negativity OFF it doesnt take you anywhere"
Plus the concept of the power of engaement and time management and being proactive , closer mentality which is MOVING THINGS FORWARD!!!!!!
GEtting your goals, being active and hungry for success to live comfortably and enjoy life.
its like excersize to get in shape, takes sacrifice dedication to get there.
right tools right knowledge you can,
My trainer said "its all about consistency and persistant" "sticking to what works"
"nutrition is key" Tom vennuto is the BIBLE of INNERGAME
If you use it for pickup its effective, reading ti wont make you skinny but doing excersizes and nutrition how the concept is and applying it to a habit,
right now Im doing AIKIDO DIET.
Almost like atkins
all protein, actually alot of protein intake with suplements
and on days I train I eat carbs example:
one wheat bread, half a cup of oatmeal and half a tuna can size of yam.
so game IS like a muscle like entropy says...
freakin ENTROPY :)
Guys get too wrapped up in learning game and get weird, gain knowledge and cant approach for shit.
So Im going to relax with the reading.
I remember I look into coaching and reading once I knew and looked up the topic what I was failing..
I went to strip club and stoof there got IOIs seem real but did takeaway,not too easy or eager cute girl.... as soon as I got JK Ellis and Lew Payne's book on Stripper Secrets read first page saw diagram and I actually sat right places!!!:)
So my intuition is correct!!! Im a natural :)
SO I have to stop overeactign and overanalyzing myself, thats keep me back.
the fuck up and learn method as a I go since I know women and have experience rather than read on it and stay stuck.
so like Franco says, limit you mind BOX not put too much information....do more than read.
So BADBOY IS right about weird guys in coomunity and I was one hell of weird guy,
Allycat helped me become normal and contrl myself, I actually modelled myself afer him.
So being normal is better than being weird or scripted
from normal its easy to be cool, not try hard cool.
Topo demonstrates its about subcommunications of how you potray your attractive qualities.
lets not go into too much detail on that.LOL. he over does it.
I follow SAFFRON's walk , thought and competitveness. his bodylanguage has helped me.
"I SAFFRON ,THE SEX GOD" "you can call me MASTER" :)
that being said....
anyways here is what I sent CJ,
Thanks for introducing me to sedona method,
I read the book and did excersizes but now is when Im starting to be more aware of the whole concept and
Im trying to use it as a leverage to get me away from emotional cloud and being focus on my goal or even in PU , on just being proactive moving things forward.
In the begining ,I'd get relaxed and control my emotions. and positive thoughts stayed, but I realized later that i was indeed feeling happy but I wasnt proactive.or taking action after it.
I noticed NOW since Ive been under alot of stress trying to apply to finish school.. etc aka problem solving or sticking points
the power Im getting is when I breath like deep breaths and clear my head ,
then I tell myself or talk myself about the feelings or emotions aka RUN sedona method
and feel honest about myself without being low self esteem about it,( you know bro? )
then after that I ask myself "what do I need to do to solve this problem?" or "How do I solve it to make it work for me "
I then drink water or sit down an relax and i start getting ideas on how to improve of angles of problem solving.
in my case , papaerwork or ways to get back into school and finish.
anyways, whated to share if you kindah understand what I mean :)
but now thinking this might help in the area of mindset (innergame) when doing sticking point analysis for pu.
just a thought,
Cool :)
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