Monday, April 19, 2010

Breaking rapport in the beginning , spark attraction and change emotions

attraction emotional spark Breaking rapport natural did to gain attraction.
hey guys im wirtting this as Im keeping it through,

my attraction is based of entropys style.

obviously ELTOPO uses bodylanguage and kino to make her react attraction, actually sexual attraction feeling in her body by subtle touches and takeaways to push pull her bodily emotions to get her to react out of gut feeling of being sure she is attracted.instead of doing it verbally.
very advanced

I remeber how adam BR,

but nautral broke rapport like hitting on a girl and changing it to subtle and away like a bdsm thing, but it made her feel sexual submissive.

I did once to a girl as I went in lab and she was there trying to do something and as she asked me I looked at her like upset or she was scred of me and as I went up to her before it got weird, I touched her hair that was in her eyes and It felt like that turned into attraction.

i didnt know where to take it after ward in terms of leading.

regular pickup is open, confort br - tease - qualify - comfort deep convo- isolate tm- close

with this its altering the process plus opening is attraction in that moment!

BEING A CHALLENGE TO A GIRL IS SEXY AND MAKE ME AND HER HORNY like to hear the thumping of our bodies as we are fucking sound.

you have to be uneedy and not really take her seriosu or not affect you emotionally, seriosuly as you give her a little but not all of you, she will chase.

mental thing for me the way to seduce a girl, the hunt of it than just going to fuck.

that is similar to the girl.... calibrating that is important.

FEAR (high value) reactiveness + tension + sensual touch = intense sexual attraction and high value.

thing is whether to go for makeout there since change of emotions is fast if you hesitate the emotions fades...

you are going to have to lead.

BDSM theory on that,cause it raises your value and control her emotions and makes her submissive, maybe I might have to look into it.

liek if she bumps into you , you get upset up to her ,cause her fear and then change emotions fast....JT talked about changes emotions fast and like ELTopo's emotional storm.Adam's BR or BDSM submissiveness....attraction triggers..but how you escalte from that do you RUN COMFORT or do you pump her BT, as you run comfor t run frames or vibe her energy.

Calibrated version would be measure her energy, mirror her, then slow abit and raise it , slow and raise it qualify, test waters......and timebridge.


like dancing you lead dancing but you dance to the beat....

pace and lead.

steve does too aggressive and pulls back to release with funny vibe like kidding around, then he moves his body language.

so this might work in the begiing but in the middle it wouldnt I think.

I would habdle it as direct game ala comfort with subtle sexual escalation.

adam's formula (C-R)+Q+S = A :)

opener then qualifyand sexual escalate at same time.

dominant alpha male game and make girls submissive.

Im evil genius, stop that you are making me like you.

Stop that, stop being cool...are you being enuine or are you saying that to make me like you.


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