Thursday, April 22, 2010

entropy-solid game , CLOSING!, flake how to react,sticking point of LSE

I credit entropy for my success,

i love his LR's and I leanred from him.

I made a mistake of not writting down what rotuines I used , I have to review SNL and his LRs.

trusdt and comfort frame I have to perfect it.

I have other logistical sticking points with car and me driving thing and sexual secaltion.

how I close is pump BT and disqualify and get her invested in buying me ice cream....
once that I used to enjoy the view and other shit but her its harder.

Its kindah lik emission imporssible.

But "this isnt mission difficult, its mission impossible"

so , I have to ask someone. to review and reanalyze infield.

I know i can do it and If i push myself I can.

I noticed in the past I didnt pay attention on too much whether or not she did or didnt do or even flaking, in the past I was reactive adn when I got good , it shown non needy....and that really intreged girls.

so even flakes, I shouldnt putt to much empahsis on her flaking or not responding, definate sticking point I cathc my LSE trying to do , and there is a connection.

never react to her and be like a cool friend yet sexual.

Adam remebered how I had rapport with girls, I was calibrated due to rapport with girls, thought and ran comfort like a girl but ran SNL frames and cosmo routine and qualifyed hard after ...after cosmo routoine it was like a walk in the park and basically pacing and leading, social pressure and disqualification of plausible denialbiloity with escaltion...and INVESTING her into it later to time bridge and creating a smoke or art of distraction to distract and you act non needy not intersted and either tired or fun, to spike her BT.

for closing its entropy : spiking BT, ozzie transformation , swingcatt LR's.
essential of investing for a close is ADAM! :)

BE A MAN TAKE THE FIRST MOVE, dont care of outcome but TAKE INITIATIVE in smart way.

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