Wednesday, April 14, 2010

quick post--probelm solving paperwork school

I just got terible news about my papaerwork and was in a state of shock for a couple of minmutes.

YEs Im human and I did feel sad but no hopeless.

I actually got up to get a glass of water and said to myself:

What do I do next???

I cant get depressed, that isnt helpful...OK I accepted the fact that its a sad situation to be in...and a major setback..MAYOR.

I then pictured myself as i was asking God for help,

I said God what do you want from me? You know my needs, know ,my dreams and goals...

Why are you making me go through so much???

I realized to myself and started talking:

God wants the BEst of us , we are determined to Win...
we are faced with challenges in our lives, thouse challenges are a teast of stregnth of ourFAith, ewverytime we see it like this, we will get rewarded with wisdom from God.

So I started talking as If I was explaining it to people about how God lived and how Christ lived and example he is and how real he was and how lucky we are.

How blessed we are.... How we cant walk away from hard times, its a part of life and how we cant just walk away

Noah didnt walk away

David didnt walk away

They faced the challenged and asked God for Help and wisdom, they didnt depend on theri own strenght but the took the courage to come forth.

So instead of feeling sorry for myself, after I cried , i went to take a shower and said to myself I have to be responsible with myself, When I see an oppourtunity I wont let it pass, I acknowledge the mistake of being negligent and started self correcting (unconscious sticking point analysis) then as I took a shower I asked myself

Without all this BS

what would be the most simple yet effective solution without investing so much energy yet get what I want?

Im running around like chasing a needle in a haystack and trying to solve a problem but not in an effective manner or in the right way.....maybe after investing alot of money and many hours but that wont cover for the Longterm?

Then it came to me all that I had said, being truthful with yourself and God.

an option opened wihtin minutes of thinking.

I did release my emotions by crying before I started analyzing, so I wouldnt let my emotions keep me down.

people are wrong when they say "take your time" "go take time off and rest"


tha t doesnt solve nor does it make it go away.

I actually realized that I wouldnt have never thought of it as a solution to such a big prooblem.

I did go to school and I did graduate and Soo who cares???

Does it affect me???

Do people really look at your score once you are accepted?

Absolutley NOT!

They Dont to be honest, they look to see if you are qualified and if you know what you are tlaking about and know peoploe and have experience and mature for the job.

So being consistent and persisitent paid off :)

I came up with a solution I wont re think it but will right it down to rush the process....

Like JM told me you can still make it if you hustle!

Im definately focused and going for it

I drink champagne in the hood I drink champagne with tiger woods I sdrink champagne when I hustle I drink champagne with Nipsy Russell! LOL

Tuenrin g shit tinto fertilizer mentality works for propblem, solving and letting go of emotions.

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