Hey guys I wasnt going to share this since this is a private blog.
I spent alot of time to come up with solutions to my game.
I want to credit some people:
Sinn= the guy is a better coach than a person.very specific and realisitc.suggest to work with him if you are actually going out.SNL's stuff are GOLD exept where he goes direct sexual in set without proper logistics set up he also didnt talk on plausible deniability which I think is STANDARD PUA, CJ uses it on every time. franco talks about this mistake ion which Jon suggests using this infield which can backfire, I rather go with more solid game appraoch, not fool hardedely risking it soo much.
Entropy= he is a great coach but at times vague, like a natural.
Saffron= He tried to explain things to me which at that time I wasnt ready to listen or understand. thats how advanced he was.LRs and audio breakdown changed me.
vin di carlo= dating diablo plus first pages of his sexual tension are thigns I would have written about the subject.
CJ : His LR's are GOLD nuggets hidden, the subcomms and breakdown of them are the formula. his sexual framing in vibing does work.
ADAM Lyons; Adam is really good his ebook or dvd or anything written doesnt have sexual escation game he uses, he gets girl into them and he leads them in a non sexual way once he gets to seduction location he denies anything sexual as he escaltes arousal physical.he does kiss them at PU venue then he pulls back. he brings em home and denies sex just to get them to escalate on him.SNEAKY but it works.GREAT tEACHER but too abstract when he talks or explains.
Swingcatt: his LR are BEST, his book is best seduction book ever next to franco's.
MYSTERY isnt shit compared to him, 2.0 is really awesome.as I noticed how he qualifies em and gets her to chase him ....like saffron learn to do the same.
FRANCO: very analytical at times but the guy dominates all areas of seduction.his MINDSET superseeds within process of seduction.found him after I got good. his books are helpful. I could delete all ebooks and keep his and swinggcats material, entropys, eltopo, sinn, CJ and I would be better off.
he uses screening and controls asd. has a emotional intellligence of the pickup goes in detail to explain SUPER EASY to learn. He is my next go to guy to get awesonely good.
BRAD P aka casey 'rocker" = this guy is a tall thin white guy , nerdish. he dresses like a rockstar and found success teacing and learning more about seduction.
I learned more from his getting physcal and same night seductions CD sets.
I agree with his forbidden truth on reading too much pu is bad for you.
Ozzie (RSD) Transformations:
how his pu lines work to disarm ASD, when you are timebridgeing, he talks about next location as non sexual , "im going here and you cant stay im kicking you out.lol"
"i have to get early tomorrow, dont get any ideas"
Doc holiday: his groundhog day pdf w his LRs in LR book from Sinn , uses deep comfort.I mixed in after wine place, adams line "I get the check and you get dessert"
be congruent like swinggcatt stop at grocery store beofre place and get her to buy it!!!! make her invest ala ADAM LYONS, then shes invested she cant back off....its social pressure and awkward so she has to COMPLY :)
JEFFY: Jeffy when he talks in his vids about his adventures with that girl and how he fights a guy , he pumps her buuying temperature to get her to comply, he gets her emoitonally up before asking her to comply, in a high state as franco mentions women change their mind all the time, so when you pump her buying temperature when its tim e to close you can get her compliance easier, it distracts her from sexual asd or
being logical..... when you are talking try to be funny more you make her laugh and mixed in emoitons, the more she will like being with you, lively.
He talks about push pull too.
Im trying to remmember what I did:
push- pull subtle qualifier ,
magicians choice to calibrate any answer from her,
reverse frames get her to want it more to chase me
RJ's object before she does,
false disqualify with a social pressure ala adam lyons,
underlying frame was to not talk about the obvious or matrix that we were going to have sex.
I talked the opposite while I move forward by arousing her verbally w push pull and physical touching and pulling back by saying "its too much for me " "what are you doing to me, do you have this effect on guys" "stop being cool you are making me like you" "why are you turning me hot" .
mehow's pdf microllop theroy does come in effect in after Comfort phase to get her hooked
Lee Jenkins female orgasm book:
I recently read his book and its really good, he recommends talk ing or cuddling with the girl after sex for 15 minutes, I dont debreif eventhough at frst I did but debreif is more to acceralate what you did right and learn.
I think his advice prevents buyers remorse which I got from Tara after we had hardcore sex.
Nina hartley's how to make love to a woman: first minutes of the dvd she talks about how women are judge sexually, perfect for sexual framing ala CJ. you internalize this as you say it to people and it becomes your belief.
topos structure of kung fupenis is push pull compliance push pull compliance.
just to move forward to your goal.
his redstack stuff has great stories of rapport w sexual framing it undetactable and very ninjaesque.
his qualifiers and negs are really good ive implemented them into my game.
also his voice is deep as he uses levels of it to create emphasis like a hynpitoc likeness.
marie interview is good for an idea how girls want to feel."it just happend" "meant ot be" to withdrawl any responsibility for escalation or slutiness.
so far this is what i can write about and can recall at this point.
LA Tripp helped me with getting back my mojo to seduction.
he explains it diferently and counts on calibration and disqualifies.
I kindah figured out saffrons game.lol
i still ahve to figure out the "giver taker frame" "let make it memeorable special frame" his own SNL frames that work perfect for non local girls.
I did a phone consult for nothern nights on sexual escalation in detail, since at that time the lovesystems guys didnt talk about it.I gave him a masterclass on it, I will to to look for the audio of it.
I forgot KINO is important, i just became more subbtle at kino so dont talk about it ,eurpoean women not need too much kino...ALWAYS CALIBRATE KINO. I follow adams ladder upfornt with bradp sexual arrousal upfornt to creat attraction.
Like Tim said you want to spike emotions all the time, especially in closing mixed in with comedy.
always refram as posistive and no big deal, move forward and ignore anything negative thinking wihtin the pickup, you contrl her and she is there for you to take over the responsibility of escalation to not look as a slut. you keep moving forward subtle NOT PUSHY.EVER!!!!!!
calibrate shit test in comfort from in attraction. reframe always , no cocky funny in comfort.
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