Don't make this mistake if you want to game Strippers, Bartenders, and Waitresses
While most of the dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago
during the Cretaceous Period, some lived on a little longer...and
they've taken up residence in the Seduction Community.
No, I'm not talking about Ross Jeffries. I met RJ and he actually
impressed me FAR more then the vast majority of new pua gurus (and
that's not a diss on new pua gurus). RJ adapts.
Nope, who I'm talking about are people running value-based game on
hired guns and strippers.
Now if you're reading this you've probably heard me rail against
value-based game at some point in the past, but the fact of the
matter works. It's slow and inefficient, but it works.
However, take that value-based game to strip club and you can
multiply that inefficiency by 10. It just plain sucks in that
environment (where the girls are trying to get your cash).
In fact, I have seen very solid pua's come to the strip club with
me and get blown out REPEATEDLY because they're stubbornly trying
to run nearly the exact same game on strippers that they run on
regular girls at a bar.
(While they may think they're a T-Rex, and that is actually true in
a normal night environment, the results they get in the strip club
paint them as a lumbering Brontosaurus.)
If you're ready to step into a world where you can QUICKLY
(legitimately within 30 minutes on a consistent basis) and EASILY
seduce strippers, bartenders, and waitresses on a core personal
level without trying to be "cooler" than them, click on the link
Do these 3 things and strippers will come home with you
There really are just 3 basic things you have to do to pull a
stripper back to your place for some wild and crazy sex.
But first, let me tell you the one thing you should NOT do...
Don't try to impress her!
(This the huge mistake that I have seen bona fide pua's making over
and over again when they try to run value-based game in the strip
"Value-based" game is totally unnecessary and even
counter-productive in this environment. Why?
Because you've already got higher value since you've got the money!
She wants something from YOU. That's why she approached you.
Trying to be "cooler" than her at that point is just a waste of
your valuable time (because you've already got her full, undivided
attention to run your game).
Instead, try these three things...
1. Break the "customer" frame IMMEDIATELY within the first minute
of interaction after she approaches.
2. Right after that, rather than trying to impress her, start
building sexually non-judgemental comfort.
3. Finally, demonstrate an understanding of her world by tailoring
your close to fit the logistics of her job and environment.
If you want to pull strippers, do these three things consistently.
But if you want go even further and find out how you can get in one
week the kind of stripper game mastery that it takes other years to
achieve (if ever)...
Click on the link below and watch my video with a real exotic
dancer as I reveal my new "Keys to the Club: The Same Night
Stripper Seduction System"
Friday, December 12, 2008
A little insight on Stripper Game
This is kind of a spur of the moment post but I was out with my buddy Bart the other night and pulled off some crazy shit.
Right now Shaft, Soco, Jtime and myself think Stripper game is easier than any other game.
I know that some people may think it is harder, but I couldn't disagree more.
I have mixed things that Shaft has come up with (his system is by far the most thorough and I don't want to make it sound like I know it inside and out, but i do have an understanding of it)
and I have mixed stuff that Soco has done. Soco's is more pimp style from what I understand. Both Soco and Shaft have spent a lot of time in clubs, and know their dynamic very well.
I also have a good friend of mine that has done over a decades worth of Business in relation to strip clubs and they know the business very well.
On Jtime's workshop with me he SNLd a stripper, and I was pretty surprised. At the time I hadn't really done much stripper game. Sinn and Shaft had given me some pointers and I had heard Sinn's Stripper and Hired Guns stuff.
First off, what Sinn is saying is right 100%.
I am just coming at it from a different angle.
Just like learning from Captain Jack is way different than learning from Mystery, Stripper Game and Hired Gun game has many different angles. That still means what Mystery came up with was right, there is just a completely different way.
I will say this, of all the girls in my life right now that I have met in the past 2 months are all either waitresses, strippers, or porn actresses (which I don't know if that is a good thing...but we will work on that later)
So the other night I pulled a 2 set that became an 8 set from a strip club that I had only been to once before a long time ago in a town very far far away. I met all these girl that night.
I also visited another club that night too and got what could be interpreted as a booty call from one of the strippers at the other club.
That Text Message one constant text so I will send it out to my list Next Week and post the breakdown on my blog.
Sign up on the Mailing list (the link is fixed)
and Later this week after the Cold Reading stuff it will go out.
I am not going to post an LR on the blog of it all just yet, but it has been a while since I have had such a crazy experience. I mean even in the community I have not had such a crazy experience with women in comparison to the past few nights.
And you guys know me I am a pretty fucked up dude, that is open towards some pretty crazy experimentation. But these girls impressed me.
So for now I will leave you with this...
And I write this for the learn purposes, many of my friends are Strippers and this isn't to go out and abuse their asses, but let's look at some facts as to how Stripper Game is hands down easier than any other game-
-They are Approaching you
They are approaching you, isn't that everyone's fear. Approach anxiety is everyone's excuse. You go there you sit. No you don't buy dances or spend money, I spend no money on them. That doesn't mean you can't, but at first it is a good idea not to. The only way I would spend money on them is for proofing out an entire club. This in completely unnecessary, but that is the only reason. In fact if you do befriend them or fuck them, they probably wouldn't ever want to take money from you.
-They are the ones trying sell you
So this is one of the more important things. You are not subservient to them, they are the ones asking permission to sit and talk you into buying them. That means you have ample time to talk to the real them and not the stripper version of them. If they are playing hard sell to you then qualify their ass. They are in your space you are their boss essentially. You don't need to run game, you need to say, 'look if you want me to buy a dance from you then you gotta do more than that, if you can't then run along, if not sit here and keep me company'.
-Society frowns upon their profession (join the club)
No who knows what is right and wrong... being a PUA is not really the most ingratiated job there is out there. But society looks down at what they do. This brings up a few things that are actually listed below, and adds a whole lot leverage for comfort. They don't want to be seen as bad, they want to be seen as normal. Now also they are seeking attention and are doing a fairly risky thing to seek attention, weather money is the motive of not, that action of seeking attention all the time effects you. That is also why so many PUA instructors are so fucked up cause they are constantly seeking attention and validation, but that is another story....hahahaha
-They are the ones seeking Attention from you using Sex
So this is influenced by what is listed above. They want attention more that actual sex, they want to be seen as sexually normal. The bullshit of sex is their job. All the commercialized slutty, assholish things associated with sex that women hate are what a stripper is trying to sell to you. Or that is at least what the club is trying to sell to you. Those are all things women hate as their identity sexually. So this being said you can talk about sex in a normal way, and when they so calculatingly bring up that they love slutty sex, you can easily say, 'actually I hate that sort of thing, I actually really like people being real during sex. In fact I see sex as something very personal. If you're only gonna act all stripper sexy then, go make your money with someone else, but if you're gonna talk to me be real'.
-Sex is something that is already a topic
I touch on this above, but yeah you can talk about all sorts of lewd sexual shit. They always try and top me, but that is pretty hard. There are only 2 women that I know who can keep up with me on the perv level, and believe me I am very attracted to them because of this. But most strippers are very open to all sorts of crazy sexual talk, where in a club this is harder. Just make sure your are dong so with fun and humor in mind. Don't be a fucking creep.
-They are competitive and their egos are easy to leverage
So they are always competitive. This is how they have to be. Look they have to deal with a bunch of perverts all day, and hustle their bodies. If they are competitive then they will qualify themselves very easily. You just need to challenge them a little. You need to tell them things like, 'wait a minute, is that one of your tricks, that doesn't work on me' they will come back and say, 'oh yeah will this work on you'. You can structure a ladder based on this.
-They want to feel normal
As I mentioned this above, they don't want to be seen as pieces on meat. They get paid really good money to be seen as pieces on meat, and treated that way (sometimes). So don't treat them like that, but DO break their frame. Don't let them be dominant over you, but make their work enjoyable and be the customer that isn't there to freak them out.
-They generally have a pretty interesting sense of humor about sex
Ok so they almost always have a fucked up sense of humor about sex.
This is good cause you can ask things like, 'what is the most fucked up sexual experience you have had' or 'have you ever messed up during sex and embarrassed yourself', or 'have you ever had sex with a guy that his dick was so big it made you totally regret the experience'....
The main thing here is that the idea that Stripper Game is harder than club game is the wrong way to look at things.
Go to a strip club, don't buy dances, go there and watch sports and hangout.
If you are remotely normal and dominant and confident they will be real in front of you.
There are a few things that you can do that implement dominance and hold your frame, but just remember they are there to sell you, you're their boss not them. Once that is established work your frames in, that fall into place all too easily in a strip club.
Posted by El Topo at 9:17 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
A Brief but Triumphant Announcement...and some music
So for those interested in some of the Lessons I have been putting out there
I would recommend signing up to the podcast list in the corner...
Now yes I know the podcasts are in hibernation, however the new site is almost ready and they will all be available there.
Since the next Lesson I am putting out is on Cold Reading there are a few extra things I want to include to people on my list. The folks on my list will get the sexual cold reads, as well as a few more useful cold reads.
As for the title of this I only expect Cowboy to get it... but if you do then email me and I will give you a free phone consult... eltopoPUA@gmail
For now some music for my friends in Atlanta who had another Mystery Matador sighting...
They were at a strip club there last night and they were tying their tactics and tricks on some of our friends there. Needless to say, at this point the new 'advancements' in stripper game destroy whatever bullshit they are doing.
I have actually been doing quite a bit lately and Shaft has been showing me the ropes.
But in Atlanta Jtime and Soco are also revolutionizing stripper game as well.
So stay tuned cause we got something coming that will fuck up the game of the past.
Stripper game as I knew it before was laid out completely wrong and this new stuff is quicker and way more efficient and effective. It works in multiple styles...
If you want to social proof a club and be involved in those crazy after hours parties or if you just want to be a lone wolf in the club and pick the girls off.
So this song is for you guys
Posted by El Topo at 3:52 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Seduction Overrides All
So in the past few days, people have been searching for the ancient KFP post.
I have always said I would rewrite it, but my ideas on seduction have evolved since I posted that over a year ago. So I will leave you with this post which will at least get you talking about sex, and seeing an escalation to it.
In fact it couldn’t come at a better time. I have been hanging out with a bunch of PUAs all over from Atlanta to Dallas, to Austin, to San Diego, to Orange County, to LA, and now in Las Vegas, and the main difference in them all is whether or not they are comfortable with sex or not. The ones who are comfortable get 20min to 2 hour closes and the ones that aren’t don’t close nearly as much and quickly.
Aside for the amount and time that it takes for someone to close, what I feel the real issue is, that lack of sexual confidence men come in with. As one of the first things that is brought up in the community is, men don’t know how to be men. Men are not comfortable talking about sex or how to go all out with it.
In fact I know a lot of the biggest names in the community and I have been out there with many of them, and from what I have seen on this last trip is the guys that know how to express sexuality and are comfortable with it out lay any PUA. The PUA can be a Guru or not, but if you know some skill and how to be sexual, that build more attraction than talking to someone about getting into a fight with 10 of your friends over your ex girlfriend who is a stripper.
What is even more weird, is when you see your students who you taught a year ago or even a month ago be able to pull off a 20min lays in a club, like I saw Algasim do 2 nights ago in Vegas.
In San Diego there is Kamouflage, one of Mehow’s Instructors who I taught, but has also surpassed many of my teaching with his own, pull every night and bring a harem of undeniably 10s to the club with him. Kamouflage does what I teach in super high stimulus clubs and it is very much how I teach, but he does it on a whole new level.
It is also weird when my buddy Brando who I taught last year is doing the same thing.
Then there is Jtime and Soco in Atlanta who were able to pull 4 strippers from a club to their house in the same night. This does not happen even with the best PUAs focused on Stripper Game.
On my 1-on-1 with Jtime back a few months ago he SNLed a stripper on his first fucking night out. And Soco has only been in the game for the past 2 months.
But what is totally alien to me, is to see how nonsexual the community can be. That is the first style of game I learned. CJ showed me a different style. On ewhere you skip a lot of attraction, and one where you skip a lot of comfort. What CJ always told me was, that he never wanted to get attention, he wanted to get the women he wanted in his life.
I mean there are so many people in the community who are great at opening up large and difficult sets, but they don’t know how to be sexual. And the overriding theme that I notice in the guys I have run into on the road that are as good or better than Gurus is they are comfortable with being sexual.
One thing Algasim told me the other night was that one of the big changes in his game was when I told him that it was alright to tell a girl, ‘I am going to have to split you in two if you keep talking to me like that’. He told me, he always had pretty perverted mind, but he just didn’t know how to bring it up.
So one of the things about game is that you need to be sexually comfortable. Today in our society the image that the US puts off is that we are a sexually open society, but in reality we are sexually repressed. People would rather not talk about it, but sell it. It is something we all recognize but can’t address with ourselves personally. For the most part Sex s motivated by shame in the norm of our society.
This is actually the fundamental theme of Captain Jack’s SNL model, you’re not making sex a shameful act, you are making it something that is normal and liberating.
So when it comes to the working those quick lays, the idea of ‘Seduction’ has got to come early. This is why I told Algasim to tease with sexuality.
So if step one is building a belief that sex is not something that is alien and perverse and something that is comfortable and normal that is the first step.
So the beginnings of Seduction need to start n your Attraction Game.
How do we do that?
Well what makes attraction?
Being Dismissive, Teasing, Dominance, Multi-threading, Takeaways, Value, etc.
So how do we make them sexualized? Well, what I teach in theREDstack is to do this, take all the elements of Attraction and use them to ground and frame. Now to be fair, all you can really write about is dialog rather than all the other characteristics like Body Language, Tonality and Touching. So in this we will mainly talk about what you say, dialog.
Here is an Example:
You are the middle child in your family. You have an older brother and a younger sister.
Here is what I would give them as a neg or tease to help ground them.
“Look, that shit doesn’t work on me, I mean my little sister used to do the same thing when she would get nervous…maybe if we were related I might fall for it, but come on”
So that actually has a little bit of room to ground from and you could do much more.
But let’s figure out how to also add some sexuality to it.
“Look, that shit doesn’t work on me, I mean my little sister used to do the same thing when she would get nervous…but you’re only nervous cause you know I might have to spank you for that, but you’re probably one of those girls who would actually like that, so forget it.”
Now I realize some of you might be thinking, ‘How the fuck do I say that?’ and anybody who has hung out with me knows I say much worse than that. But here is a bit of a ladder you are can use to have sexuality go from polite to totally over the top, so you can safely feel that you can dip your feet in the water a bit.
The thing to know about this is that although this is a ladder it does not go one after the other. You will have to fill in the blanks yourself. So get some basic attraction stuff, and some grounding/framing stuff and go to town!
Or you can just get theREDstack and get it all done for you…
-OMG, I can’t believe you said that, but you know what… I can tell, especially with that hairstyle, that you were always one of those girls that had a really cute look to you, but I bet that kept you out of trouble.
-Now I know you like you hand in the cookie jar, but sometimes getting caught is what you were always looking for.
-Like I can tell with you that you always liked to get into trouble, it was always fun, but once you got caught that is when you would feel bad about it.
-That is the shitty thing about society, is people think about and perceive women in different ways. Like my friend Denise always say that men like sex more than women, and I couldn’t disagree with him more. I think that women like sex as much as men if not more.
-You know if you keep looking at me like that, (I am going to have to make a woman out of you- I am going to have to start hitting on you- I am going to have to take you over in that corner and press you up against the wall and take you right there)
-Here give me your hand (slap it). See with a girl like you that sort of thing feels good. You’re totally one of those girls that like to have her hair pulled and ass slapped, I bet your favorite position is from behind.
(a side note, notice that most of these are cold reads, one day I hope that people actually take advantage of how you can sexually cold read a person. Again a post I need to thoroughly write.)
-I bet you would be a lesbian, especially with your luck with men, if you didn’t like dick so much.
-I mean what was you first impression of me? Right off the top of your head…what was something that you actually noticed right away?
That is the funny thing, cause you are totally one of those visual girls that likes to watch how someone moves and interacts rather than what they are saying…at least when you first meet them. Like I bet when you talk to a guy you can actually figure out if he is good in bed before he even opens his mouth.
-I mean I know guys are really visual and they might be looking a girl up and down or something, but girls are just as visual but they just don’t show it how they look at someone like a guys does. Like I bet with your dirty mind you probably have thought about how big my dick is while we have been sitting here talking.
-I bet that you have really high sex drive…like you have friends that might be more promiscuous but the main thing is that is you are allowed/open to feel comfortable with someone you totally let loose. I bet sometimes you get so turned on that it is embarrassing how wet you get.
-I bet you can’t make me cum…I will totally turn you inside and out. You are one of those girls that doesn’t cum too easily, but I bet I will make you squirt.
Hope this helps
Posted by El Topo at 12:16 PM 2 comments
Hey guys,
So there is this guy that Sinn, CJ and I always talk about on our blogs.
Way back when he took a Boot Camp with Asian Playboy and Prophet.
Then about a year and a half ago, perhaps more, he did a workshop with Brad P.
His name is Shaft, Double D, or Juice depending upon who you talk to.
But one thing is for certain the guy is good.
If you ever get the chance to see the guy work it is amazing. But Shaft sightings seem to rival CJ sightings.
The thing about him is, that he kind of is one part of the definition of Dallas' style of game. Basically my Routine Stacks I sell are based on the never ending dinners and lunches with this guy.
All of my initial Routine Stacks I went over with him before I mailed them out.
It was weird to have two guys like Captain Jack and Shaft in the Same City!
The two are master framers and come at different angles of Game.
Both guys come from a very non-traditional stlye that is all their own.
And interesting thing about Shaft is that he has one of the better Stripper records than anyone I know.
Both he and Sinn compare notes, and both guys work it completely different. As Sinn has always said Strippers are harder to game (and I believe him). But Shaft says it is almost easier for him. And seeing how he works has made me see how he does it.
He uses frames that root to shape the emotions and roles women communicate to him on. I would always call these Comfort Frames, but Shaft takes it a step further and calls them Subpersonalities. He is much better than I at explaining them.
So I asked him to give me a write up...
Here it is! And let me know if you find this sort of thing helpful, and I will try and have other guys who don't post too much featured on my blog!
Hello! I go by Shaft.
El Topo has asked me to write something on “frames,” since we have had countless interesting discussions on the topic.
Writing is a lot harder than yapping, I’ve discovered.
My first attempt was a blurb on what is a frame, but that was probably too simple for you guys, and no matter how I rearranged it, it seemed kind of lame.
So I’ll write about something else that I think is a really helpful phenomenon that ties in really nicely with frames.
Let’s say you’re in a bar with a big crowd and dozens of hot girls.
You start talking to one, run your best game, and she’s not buying, for whatever reason.
What are you going to do?
Find another girl who will buy your game.
There’s one out there.
But suppose there aren’t really dozens of girls. Suppose for whatever reason, you like this one, or your buddy likes her friend.
Perhaps there’s a side of her that will buy your game.
Perhaps that side is buried for the moment because she has certain patterns of thought and behaviors whenever she hangs out with her work friends, and different patterns when she hangs out with her school friends, and you found her with her work crowd.
She has at least a couple of distinct subpersonalities, and if you can discover and reach the one that is susceptible to your game, your odds automatically skyrocket any time you walk into a room.
The idea has been around a long time. I really started thinking about subpersonalities when I started trying to break down what I do in my version of stripper game, trying to understand why it works and when it is or is not effective.
I realized that, for practical purposes, it was as if I were interacting with two totally different personalities within the same person.
First the stripper, who is basically not seducible.
Second, the real girl, who may or may not exist, who is seducible.
If you can manage the relationship between the two, you can seduce strippers very consistently.
What do I think is really going on psychologically?
I have no idea, and it probably doesn’t matter.
What does matter is that if you assume there are more than one personality in there, you can sometimes “flip” between them, and actually change the way a person responds in the real world.
There are tons of examples in real life. I can certainly think of guys who get pretty bold around women once they discover the community—as long as they’re with community guys. But they revert to shyness when they’re back with their old friends, because that’s who they are around those friends. Sure, it’s the same guy, and we can guess all day about what causes this—whether he’s consciously moderating his behavior or whether he has two “subpersonalities” that manifest.
But the fact is, he will reflexively feel and act differently. And you can use that to get him to behave differently by moving him between different groups of friends. Or by other means.
More examples: The sixth grade misfit who goes to camp and comes out of his shell to moderate popularity, only to return to obscurity in seventh grade. . . Then to move to a different city and become popular in eighth grade. The tough guy at the bar who is henpecked at home. The quiet guy who becomes a belligerent drunk.
To explain why the concept of subpersonalities so neatly dovetails with the idea of frames, I’ll use the analogy of a play. Think of a frame as the stage and set: A simplified model of the part of the world that’s relevant to the play.
When you set a frame, it’s like you’re building the set, placing props, even dressing and positioning the actors. Still, the actor has to have a script and a motivation. The frame is what’s happening. People and personalities are who it’s happening to.
There’s an awesome improv show called “Who’s line is it anyway.” One type of exercise involves setting up a certain inherently unremarkable situation, then giving the actors various identities and place them in that situation. For example, a dinner party. One guy is a Kung-Fu fighter. Another guy only talks in questions, etc. The comedy comes from the unpredictability, and that comes from the fact that the actors are out of context. That’s an extreme version of what is happening when you set up a frame without figuring out who you’re dealing with. She’s out with her brothers and cousins and you are asking her about her wildest sexual position, or asking if she’d like to kiss you. May work, may not—it’s a gamble. But get her on the other side of the room, find out about her wilder side, talk to that side, then ask the same thing—much more likely. (By the way, remember being told at boot camp to move and isolate?)
Captain Jack does this all the time. He doesn’t use the same terms—he calls what he does framing.
But what he does, and what many people don’t get, is that eliciting sexual and adventurous personas is part and parcel of his own handcrafted framing routines. One way of accessing a subpersonality is by giving permission for that subpersonality to come out. CJ does that with his body language and his routines. Another way is to talk to the subpersonality. That’s a whole topic in itself. But CJ’s own rings-on-fingers routines and strawberry fields routines do both.
Everybody is different, and everybody has different aspects that emerge under various circumstances. Some people really suppress their impulsive side, but have a very accessible sensual side, or a submissive side.
That is why if you just run the same routines, it will work eventually when you find the right girl who is ready to buy your game. But you’re playing a numbers game. If you figure out whom you’re dealing with, bring out one of the more complicit subpersonalities, then run the right kind of game, you have dramatically increased your odds of getting the girl you want. Off the top of my head, a few personas that could be helpful for pickup include:
hypersexual, sensual, adventurous, hedonistic, independent, submissive, dominant, rebellious, anonymous.
You can talk to more than one subpersonality at the same time. This is where it gets interesting. For example, “It’s 2 o’clock” may mean “time to sleep” to the “Den Mother” personality, but nothing at all—or “time for the afterparty”—to the “party girl” personality. What result you get depends on the relative strength of each subpersonality at the moment.
What if you say something that has meaning to both personalities, like “I’m going to take you home and fuck you” for example. You will get a response from each subpersonality relative to how strongly that subpersonality is present. Hopefully you’ll have reduced the “Den Mother” persona into the background, and increased the “party girl” persona in the foreground. What if that’s not possible, if she’s getting all kinds of stimuli from her friends that keep “Den mother” in the foreground as you cultivate “party girl?”
She’ll have two reactions:
1) I want to fuck him, and
2) that would make me a slut.
The ultimate mental computation reduces to “I am a bad person”, which conflicts (I hope) with her basic core beliefs. The term for that is “cognitive dissonance” and comes along with an awful psychic feeling akin to being kicked in the gut. Therefore, the state is usually quickly resolved quickly suppressing one of the responding subpersonalities. That’s basically what is going on when you get an anti-slut defense.
However, there are some effective techniques that you can use. You can anchor your tone and pacing to different personalities. For example, one thing I do all the time is to anchor “social girl”—the girl I first met out with her friends—to a normal tone and pacing.
Then, I’ll anchor (for example) submissive girl to a slower pacing and lower tone.
Now, I can talk to each subpersonality just by changing my tonality and pacing. I can say, “You little whore” in a slow, low voice and sensual girl hears it, and social girl does not freak out. I can say,
“Nothing is gonna happen. I have to get up early tomorrow.”
In a normal tone, and social girl is happy, and submissive girl ignores. Try accidentally saying that in a low tone, and guess what? Submissive girl starts to give up and fade into the background. What machinery is at work here? Who knows? Again, all I can say is that by pretending there really are two people in there, you really can observe that behavior.
This is starting to get lengthy, but that’s basically the overview. One more thing: This all happens as you build comfort. The process of discovering and accessing subpersonalities should be very normal and conversational. There are no weird rigid routines, no creepy embedded suggestions or crotch pointing. This is not about convincing or coercion. It is about liberating, about finding thrilling aspect of a girl, and letting her feel free to express it, giving her permission to do what she wants. Somewhere inside, like little seed, every girl has a way of giving herself permission to let go. You need to find that seed, and water it until it grows into a plant. . .
Posted by El Topo at 4:09 PM 13 comments
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