This is part one of my audaciously titled series: “The Seven Laws of PUA”. These seven “laws” are what I’ve come to see as inescapable truths of picking up women. They are as inevitable as they are necessary to mastering our chosen art.
I. The Law of Rejection: He Who Gets Rejected Gets Laid
II. The Law of Lifestyle: You’re Only As Attractive As Your Lifestyle
III. The Law of Aggression: Push Every Interaction to the Limits
IV. The Law of Sub-Communication: It’s Not What You Say But WHY You Say It
V. The Law of Connection: You Can Only Share What You Know
VI. The Law of Relationships: Setting and Managing Expectations
VII. The Law of Inertia: Every Habit Requires Repetition
There’s an elephant in the room of the PUA community. Very few guys talk about it, yet everybody experiences it… A LOT. It’s rejection. And for a subject so largely ignored, your success hinges on few things more than how well you deal with it.
I’m about to say something you don’t want to hear. It’s anathema to everything we stand for and hold dear. But pick up really boils down to a numbers game.
Yeah, I said it. And it’s true.
The only sure-fire way to succeed and get laid often is by approaching an ASSLOAD of sets.
Those awesome routines you memorized? They might take you from 1% success to 3%.
That cool new haircut? From 3% to 4%.
New wardrobe? Makeover? look like a goddamn rock star? From 4% to 5%.
Even the most weathered veterans and gurus bat a meager 10-20%. And if you account for pre-selection (more on that below), and difficulty of venues, you’re looking at more like 7-8% against the most high value women. (Note: these are all just estimates based on what some guys have posted in the past. No, I don’t have references. This isn’t a goddamn thesis.)
Think about it for a second. What else in this world can you be considered not just good, but GREAT at for failing nine times out of ten? If you missed 90% of your shots in basketball, no one would let you near a court. If you failed 90% of your exams in school, you wouldn’t make it a semester.
Those rejections add up fast. They take a hefty toll on everyone’s self-esteem. This is a brutal sport we’re engaging in — only the strongest can weather the storm of consistent rejection and keep on trying. It’s sexual selection, which literally translates to survival of the fittest.
Can you handle that night when three straight sets blow you out HARD? Are you able to not take it personally? What about going home four nights in a row without a single number? These are the things newbies have to look forward to but nobody tells them about. This shit is HARD. It will take your ego and beat it into the fucking ground night after night with no apologies.
It’s the guys — no, men — who can stand up to that abuse and keep trying that end up succeeding. Why? Because they’re sexually selected. They have the tenacity, flexibility and pure drive to break through, and these are the men that women are inevitably attracted to.
A lair leader in a large city told me once that over 90% of the guys who joined were gone within six months. Of that minority who stay, only a small handful ever truly get good. Nobody tells you this when you find the community.
In the end, your success will come down to how well you weather rejection. If you can’t handle it, you’ll find a reason to quit, you’ll create limiting beliefs that will bar you from any real progress, and you’ll become a keyboard jockey. (Note: If you have more posts on any single PUA forum than you have opened sets in your entire life, you are a keyboard jockey. Just had to get that out.)
But the most common way guys slink away from rejection lies in something called pre-selection. I do it. You do it. Everyone who I’ve ever met in the community does it to some extent. It’s where you pick your targets from afar. This is where retarded claims like “I can go five for five” come from (lame marketing ploys, by the way). Guys wait and see which girls give them eye contact first. Or they’ll dress like Marilyn Manson and stand in a goth club until they’re opened. Or they’ll wait around for a lone wolf or an easy two-set. They’ll go for the drunk HB6’s instead of the HB10 with three guys standing around her. Why? Because it’s easier. We’re ALL guilty of this. And it stems from the same cause: fear of rejection.
How are we to improve without thrusting ourselves in front of the screeching headlights of rejection? Subjecting ourselves to these painful possibilities is what ultimately forces us to grow. This is what us more experienced guys are naive to. We get comfortable in our old habits. HB8 SNL’s are like clockwork to us, so we do little more than show up and collect our reward (once again, I’m guilty party numero uno here).
So why not try that HB10 with three guys around her? Or try that posh club with deafening house music and a $40 cover instead of the same hometown bar you’ve been wrecking for months? Push yourself. Throw yourself to rejection and learn to love the pain.
Studies have shown that being rejected by another human being activates the exact same neurons in our brains as physical pain does. You go to the gym because it’s good for you. No pain, no gain, right? Condition yourself to love psychological pain. Tear your own ego to shreds. It’s the only path to progress.
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