Monday, August 23, 2010

FR: J-Dog and Stripper Game

FR: J-Dog and Stripper Game
By Myth
So yesterday’s plan started as: Go to the mall to meet up with a new guy that Dusty, my usual Phoenix wing, met on some forum, run some day game, and see where things go from there. To begin with, we got stuck behind this accident on the way out to Tempe and got there an hour and a half after we had wanted to. This meant that we had missed the midday rush at the mall and were early for the evening rush, so the sets were slim pickings. Also, the new guy was really new, as in he’s read half of The Game and that’s it. The Game is not a manual and is not nearly enough to really learn to pick-up with any efficiency, so he also kind of dragged down our vibe. Three guys at a mall together is kind of awkward anyway, and every time I would try to isolate myself at a store to get in position to open something, I felt like they were following me around. So we spent a couple hours there, I got some new shirts, a book, and one beer at this cantina that was the only place with any life, and Dusty and I split to go to Mill Ave, which is Tempe’s main bar district.

On the way down the street, before we have even entered a bar we get handed these flyers for the anniversary party at some strip club a little west of there. We go into one bar, I have one beer, and chat with the cute hostess a little bit, and then we split to try out our stripper game.

This is where the night gets interesting and exciting. We’re walking down the street and I notice J-dog, Mystery disciple and star of VH1′s The Pick-Up Artist, standing on the street talking to another dude. Me and Dusty double-back up the street to introduce ourselves. I was really impressed with him. Very warm with us, not at all annoyed by our fanboy approach. I was kind of a dick and broke a rule I would never break in set with chicks because I didn’t introduce myself to the other guy right away. I think maybe I was able to proof myself a little by telling him I was at the first night of the Pick-up Artist filming, I dropped some names of the guys I knew in Austin, and we were able to talk about the town, which we both love. I didn’t get to the part of the story where I leave the bar on that fateful Tuesday night only to get arrested for DUI on one of the most sober drives home I have ever taken. Okay, back on track. We mentioned to J-dog and his wing that we were gonna try out our stripper game. J-dog says his attitude on strip clubs is that it’s perfectly okay to just go out and pay to have some tits in your face from time to time without worrying about running your game. Pretty funny dude. He also turned around to this cute girl sitting on the bench behind us and said “You’re not listening to this conversation are you? Good,” and he turned back around without waiting for a response. She leaned in toward us and said “No, but now I want to know.” In another situation, he had her hooked just with that and could have kept that attraction alive, but for the time being he turned back around and kept talking to us

There is one take-away that I want to share from the conversation that I think everyone can appreciate and use as motivation. J-dog told me that filming The Pick-up Artist was actually really nerve racking, even for the gurus. When the producers said on that first night of filming, “Alright, we’re gonna take the contestants out and you guys are gonna roll in and show them how it’s done,” this was a challenging task. Even these guys who are so good at seduction that they got their own tv show were on edge knowing that they had one shot to get it right. Think about that the next time you go out. I may not make it happen tonight. Even the pros don’t make it happen every night. Once I understand that, I can take rejection a lot more calmly, and move on to the next set. Every set is an opportunity, some pan out and some don’t, but it doesn’t mean anything if you go home alone on any given night. Hopefully, you opened some sets, you learned a thing or two, calibrated your game each time making it better, and the next time you can try again.

J-dog told me he’s holding a bootcamp soon in the Phoenix area, and now that is definitely on my to-do list. I’m sure the President would be proud to find out how I plan to spend my stimulus check, learning to seduce hot women. You can, hopefully, look forward to some field reports from that and a general review of the experience.

On to stripper game. I haven’t been to strip club in a while, and it was way more fun than I remembered. I have had some crazy times in strip clubs (New Orleans: Larry Flynt’s Barely Legal), but most of my experiences have been fairly tame because I don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars (I think I paid the rent at Barely Legal). Fortunately, since I went in with a game mindset, I knew the plan all along was not to spend a lot of money. First rule of stripper game, don’t buy lap dances. Make it clear that you’re not going to open your wallet and the dancer will decide on her own whether she wants to continue spending time with you or not. In this case, I made eye contact with a girl that I liked, she was standing nearby and not approaching anybody, which I think was likely intentional on her part, so I motioned her over to sit on my lap. She asked if I wanted a dance, I said I don’t do lap dances, she asked why, and I said something like, “I prefer for girls to get to know me as more than a wallet.” It was pretty good delivery, but it could have been better. She still sat with me for a while and I had my hand on her back caressing a little bit, and she didn’t go tell the bouncer to throw me out or anything. Rule number 2 of stripper game: you can touch strippers. If a stripper likes you, and she’s sitting and talking to you, you can escalate kino pretty much like normal, and you’ll be fine. Don’t touch the hot spots, which I should hope you’re not doing in a club setting anyway, and you’ll be fine.

Dusty did this great thing I have to relay. This off-duty stripper walks by him and kind of trips over his foot, he takes the opportunity to poke fun at her a little bit, and she puts her hand up for a high five. High-fiving is a complete compliance test, and most guys right here would give her the five. Dusty puts his hand up in front of hers, makes her move toward him to finish the five, and then slowly backs his hand away to make it more difficult. When they finally finish the five, they wrap fingers, they’re laughing, and she has moved closer to him because she had to in order to reach his hand. He took a situation where most men would have let the girl control the reality by complying with her high five, and he turned it where she was complying and laughing. Props, bro.

I left my number for the girl I spent some time with, but I got pretty drunk and I think I was kinda sloppy at the end of the night so I doubt she’ll call. Either way it was a positive experience I haven’t had in a while, and I’m sure will lead me to try it again soon. Between meeting J-dog and having a good time at the club, overall, one of the better nights out I have had in some time.

Tags: day game, Dusty, J-Dog, strippers

This entry was posted on May 11, 2008 at 3:57 pm and is filed under FR, PUA, Pick-up, sarge, sarging, seduction. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

2 Responses to “FR: J-Dog and Stripper Game”
JDOG Says:

July 20, 2008 at 9:00 pm
haha.. don’t ask how I stumbled across this.. thanks for the kind words! I’m in England right now, and upon returning to Arizona I will be working on setting up my teaching schedule, perhaps I’ll see you at an event.

In London I was teaching a workshop with Dr. Paul, quite an amazing man, whom I’m looking forward to working with again. Simply put, it was my best teaching experience to date.

Cheers.. J!

Myth Says:

August 16, 2008 at 8:55 pm
Come on man, we all know you found it because you Google yourself regularly, and this incredibly high-traffic blog is a top result. However you stumbled across it, great to hear from you. I will keep my eyes open for updates to your teaching schedule and hopefully you’ll keep checking out the blog. I just started up work again after vacation so my entries have been a little sparse, but I like to think I have something to offer when I do get around to writing.

I’m not familiar with Dr. Paul, but I will check him out. Thanks for the update.


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