DHV seduction with different type of women. Know what you sell to girls! by FRANCO
DHV is in the art of seducing women = Demonstrating Higher Value.
When it is done properly it is done in an indirect way.
If you show to a woman directly that you have value and you get caught boasting about yourself that becomes a huge DLV = Demonstrating Lower Value.
Men of value ARE their own value. They do not boast about it.
Anyway, as I have described in the Manual of Seduction women are programmed to get sexually and emotionally aroused in the presence of men of higher value.
Nowadays life is hectic: there is no time for everything.
So you need to know how to use DHV to seduce women fast. It spares you time.
The wrong way to use DHV is this:
Her: “What´s your job?”
You: “Oh.. I think that only losers work a lot. Much better to live on passive income!”
The right way to DHV is this:
Her: “What´s your job?”
You: “Oh.. lately I have been not working much. We are doing this family business and see my Dad is a fanatic of automatism in business. He teases me all the time when I work too much. Nice Dad isn´t it? He is all the time worried about my health and well being. I just love my Dad ”
The first one is not good: you are boasting to her.
The second one is good: “someone else” is there and responsible for your success. Especially if you say it as you would be “bored” she will not understand that you are showing your value in order to seduce her.
When you put it like something your Dad said and did about you she gets the message that not working much and having a lot of money is “natural” to you.
Anyway: seduction is little bit like marketing and you really need to know what your targets – ”your customers” – are willing to buy.
An even better game is to structure your DHV so to “sell her” what you know she is likely to buy.
As we know from the eBook Getting The Good Girls we have 3 kind of women: the Good Girl, the Adventuress and the Materialista.
The Good Girl is interested in reaching the heart of a man and tests men to detect is she safe with them. Good girls test for safety and deeper emotional communication with men.
The Adventuress is interested in getting validation, attention, excitement and sex.
The Materialista is interested in getting mental and sexual power over you in order to gain material advantages, money and social status.
So before you structure your DHV try to evaluate quickly her type and sell her what she is willing to buy: in that way you will seduce her faster.
The above example for example “might” be a good one for a Good Girl in the case she is screening for safety. On the other hand she could be also a Materialista and be interested in your Dad´s commercial activity and how it might be transferred to you one day.
If she is an Adventuress and you detect she is you might go on with your DHV like this..
You: “Oh.. on the other hand my Dad is sooo boring.. see it´s wonderful in life to have fun. Fun and excitement. You know there are people who really don´t know how to break the rules.. actually my Dad believes I do not know it. I actually know that when he was young he really was doing some wild stuff..”
Se a DHV is a powerful “marketing tool” for your seduction when you are able to detect in advance her type… and: sell her what she wants.
She will begin to chase you, then.
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