Saturday, October 16, 2010

teachings of hot seat RSD relative to emotional intelligence

I think I learnd this from BadBoy and from being intuitive plus BT spiking.

this is about practicing provoking or elicitng actions to have women react to you aka invest emotionally.

I remember also Badboy mentioning this in his comfort game.
brad in his RSD mastermind explains it well.

I thin knowing this and as topo mentioned it to me at one time that is what aware of then you can know where you are with the girl.

then I saw jeffyt and tyler talk about something similar going sexual..which was AHA I do that All the time!

I figured i had learned to model people. the first was the natural whom I learned to imitate. but the book by tom vennutto body fat solutioon has a chapter on modeling.

I had listend to a rapport audio which isnt available anymore for download from Dantalion jones. how i learend how to build storng coldreading rapprt by going inside their heads.

from there i realize alot of things, then learend ,modeling.

where Im going is that RSD hotseat in a way tries to incorporate that teaching.

only thing is i learned it by myslf.

I thank badboy, brad rsd,tom venutto's book, my personal trainer whom i tried to model his thought process to dieting, Mark's email and coaching.

Mark is really good with this but not sure if he is conscious of teachign it properly cause its kindah weird yet complicated. you have to be intuitive and emotionally aware. and be familiar to BT Spiking.

heres an email which gave me opporunity to impore a modeling process as Sinn calls it backwards enginneering as he did with future and CJ :

Here’s a heads up that I’ll be speaking at the 2010 Dating
Conference in NYC from June 4-6th. This is looking to be the
biggest conference of the year with a great line up of speakers.

And I want to turn this into a chance to hang out with YOU,
one of my loyal readers.
My talk will be called, “Pick Up as an Emotional Process.” And
it's BRAND NEW material I've never revealed before.
Basically the idea is that everything we do in pick up is designed
to elicit the proper emotional responses from the woman and
ourselves. All tactics, and techniques are designed for this purpose.

So i have an idea that elicitng BT spiking is same in how you put yourself in state. basically if you know how to handle you emotions you can control and dictate other peoples emotions. Entropy told me the beginning in a questioned i asked him about state and BT Spliking.

that is why tyler is good with emotional reading cause he wrote on BT Spiking.
Asian playboy is also great with this, he as a list and saffron who explains a Lay report audio explains how he manged her emotions to get the girl chasing.

so this concept isnt new at all but it can get complicated some guys know about it and some guys dont know.

but modeling, rapport, emotions and self control are all related by the emotions.
think about.

energy and emotions are addicting as Tyler says

RSD stuff in hotseat will explain this and does a good job.

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