This is one of the LRs I leaned from the most. Here it is. CJ has deleted his LRs to promote his coaching instead.Its a business decision so I wish we were back in 2008. Alot of guys have gone comercial but CJ has been the guy I learned to see how his game works by his LR.
I learned through Sinn and ElTopo has his stack which is a basic conversation typed up which has CJ's stuff in it.
CJ LR's are great to learn, he goes sexual and knows how to close/pull girls.
you wont find this LR anywhere cause its been deleted.
LR: Good Girl Face
Posted: 10 Aug 2008 12:23 AM CDT
I've been SUPER Busy but still out there having lots o' fun.
Printer and I went down to Austin last weekend to see about a software project for his Dad's Co. but at the last minute his Dad caught a cold or something so it was postponed and we were on standby throughout the weekend in case he felt better...
Austin, TX on a weekend... hmmm... what to do...
We go out and I use one of my favorite openers. Never really thought about why it works but I've probably used it 30-40 times now in the past year. The only requirement is you can stack forward.
CJ: "How do you know my friend, Printer?" *** pointing towards the bar where he's ordering me more liver-destroying liquids. ***
This can be said if they've never even seen the guy... or if he just casually said something as he walked by... or if he's already in set.
HB: "Oh, we don't."
That seems like a dead-end opener, doesn't it?
CJ: "Wow! I'm surprised... He seems to know everyone!"
Can you FEEL the sexual tension?
"No," you say?
Neither can I. We're not there yet, dude. But, watch this.
CJ: "Hmmm.... You pick interesting fingers to wear your rings on..."
And, we're off!
But, that's not how this one went down.
Instead of "Rings on Fingers" it went like this...
CJ: "Wow! I'm surprised... He seems to know everyone!"
HB: "Well, we're from Dallas."
CJ: "Really? So are we! Figures all the cool Dallas people would find each other."
(Anyone want to comment about WHY the above statement is Ninja-esque?)
We do some more fluff talk for about 2-3 minutes. I tease her a little bit and get some kino in...
CJ: "You know, you're kinda throwing me a little bit..."
HB: "What? What do you mean?"
CJ: "Well, you have a good girl face... but... (dramatic pause)... bad girl mannerisms." *** I stress the BAD GIRL and look her up and down with lust. ***
She went from mildly curious and attracted to downright Porn Starlet in 1.3 seconds.
HB: "How do you know?"
Notice she's NOT arguing. In fact, she's asking me how I know it's TRUE!
CJ: "You had better stop."
I kept eye-fucking her, looking her up and down while having the most innocent conversation. I made it a point to stare at her lips, back to her eyes and to her tits several times while biting my lower lip.
And then, I said something close to this (can't remember exact wording).
CJ: "It must be rough for you. All the guys think you're all innocent and it keeps you from getting what you really, really want..." as I leaned in closer... and then lightly pushed her away.
After I pushed her away there was a good 10-12 inches between us. She closed the gap and pushed her whole body against me and gave me those "Kiss me now, pleeeeeaaaaaase!" eyes.
Naturally, I obliged.
From then on we were like Siamese Twins joined at the tongue.
Printer told me the next day when talking about the night at lunch that he stayed away because he was embarrassed. People were pointing.
I heard people talking and one girl said, "Oh-my-god!" as she walked by...
Whatever. A good girl needed to get some bad girl lovin'...
CJ: "Man, this sucks... the bar is closing."
HB: "What do you want to do?"
CJ: "Um, we could go watch a movie at my hotel... It's not far. But I have to be up early for a meeting."
HB: "We hardly know each other."
CJ: "I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to do..." - Tongue down again.
She handled the obstacles for me, one girl and one guy, when they tried to pull us apart by the cabs.
Got to the hotel and wrecked it.
~ Captain Jack ~
P.S. Not even Strawberry Fields! This is an example of "Less is More." If I would've gone into my routine stack or done all my Heart Melters and shit she could've developed different feelings for me and tried to put off the SNL. You develop a sense of knowing when you're done and all you need to do is chill out. I've gotten pretty good at that.
P.P.S. She has a boyfriend.
P.S #3: She texted that she wants to see me this week.
Short-Circuit LMR Tactic
Hi PUAs,
LMR was the main sticking point I worked on for this year. I purposefully picked "high probability" situations just for a shot at working on LMR.
I developed a "Pre" LMR strategy based on the idea that once something is verbalized it is MORE difficult to overcome.
If she verbalizes her resistance, it will be much more difficult to handle. So, instead of allowing it to get to the verbalization point I decided to NOTICE (and replay past LMR experiences) to see if there were any signs leading up to the verbalization of LMR.
There is one: It's muscle tension.
At the very earliest sign of muscle tension I stop. If she starts to resist or clam up in ANY WAY I pull back.
She'll often look at me like "what's happening?" For this reason, I've been leaving the TV or radio on. I just stop and look at the TV for awhile or fiddle with the music. If she doesn't re-initiate in 1 or 2 minutes I will.
Since using this I've experienced no LMR.
If you want to see this in the context of a LR then find "LR: It's FREEZING Cold in Here!" - that's the first LR that I consciously used it in.
~ Captain Jack ~
LMR LR Freezing COLD
Hey PUAs,
Ok, this is going to be short and sweet, mainly because there's not a lot of gaming that I had to do...just a few minor things to overcome (that would've killed me 6 months ago)...
I was with PlayerT a couple of weeks ago. (PlayerT is a guy that I met out one night...found out the hottest HB i've seen in years was his ex...had to add him to my social circle...a good move all around! He is not in the community but has a bad boy style and natural appeal with certain types of hotties)
There were 2 HOT Black HBs with 4 guys (they were all from Zimbabwe).
We'll call the hotter one HBSparkly and her Sister HBTits (because they have to be AT LEAST DD)...
PlayerT thought this HBSparkly was SUPER HOT! I agreed with him and then recounted to him everything I knew about her. A few months ago I sarged her when she ventured away from her group.
She was taken aback but loved it...I got locked in with her and had her eating out of my hand.
She's from Zimbabwe, has a KICK-ASS accent (french sounding?), is in school for something (accounting maybe) and has been here about 9 months (at the time I talked to her)...
BUT, the problem with not opening the group is you are ALMOST 100% guaranteed to get cock-blocked...and I did get cockblocked by her lovely (and jealous) sister. At was at that point, that I wrote off direct almost entirely. If you are in a group setting, use group dynamics.
She opened me up but acted like she didn't know me. So I spilled the beans and told her the whole story about how we met and how I know she was waiting by the phone for me and apologizing (C&F way)...
Then, I had an IDEA! Why not get PlayerT to hook up with this girl (she was falling ALL OVER HIMSELF FOR HER) to get his mind off of the HB10 (who I want) (they were talking about getting back together...she wasn't with us this night).
(Guys, I know I'm a schemer for trying to prevent PlayerT and his girl getting back together but this is a strange experiment in social circle shit...I don't know for how long or how far I'll take this but it is interesting and intriguing nonetheless).
So, I introduced them. PlayerT did great. Before I could blink she was smiling, laughing and they were dancing togehter. At one point, for some reason he had her stand up on the bar stool. She was in a mini-skirt and EVERY guy in the place was looking at those thighs...
With PlayerT occupied, I considered taking the sister, HBTits. But, they were with 4 Zimbabwe guys (who were nice and cool) so I thought that logistically we had a POOR shot at pulling the 2 black hotties that night.
I started up my new low-key game and started vibing with guys...You can always talk to guys about 1 of these things: the hot girls in the club, getting smashed, sports, other places with hot girls...
One dude that I talked to pointed to a 2-set seated and said, "What's your name? Cool, I'll introduce you..."
He rolled in and started hitting on a hottie...I rolled in about 5 seconds after and opened her friend. It was funny because he made sure EVERYBODY knew he just graduated from Law School. The girls didn't seem that impressed, ha ha.
I could tell immediately she was interested so I did some qualification and then moved right into comfort.
Her friend wasn't feeling my insta-wing, however. So I pulled PlayerT over and told him to sit with us on the OTHER side of the HB. I believed that this would blow the Insta-Wing out and PlayerT and I would've had a DAMN good shot at pulling the 2set back to my place (where the Tequila, hookah, beer, DVDs, Hot Tub is - ha ha)
Damn. These non-community guys can be uncooperative sometimes. In his silly little Natural Brain he believed he could extract HBSparkly from 5 of her compatriots.
No go.
I told him to get HBSparkly's phone # but something went wrong and he didn't get it. So he wanted to keep trying.
So, I'm doing my normal thing of "Well, I really like you but my friend over there (pointing to PlayerT) thinks your friend likes this guy sooooo...."
HBMassageTits: "What? Oh god no! She doesn't like this guy at all!"
CJ: "Really? Oh, I was going to invite you and her to hang out at my place but..."
HBMassageTits: "Really? Where do you live?"
CJ: "Blah, blah"
HB: "Well, it seems your friend likes that girl!"
CJ: "Her? Oh hell, he's just having fun while I'm chatting with you...I should probably get back to him."
HB: "Wait! Stay here."
She grabs her friend and they haul ass to the bathroom.
Insta-Wing: "So what do you think man? We got a shot here?"
CJ: * sighs * "I don't know man...I just don't know."
PlayerT laughs at me. He's seen me pull twice and get about 5 numbers. All within a couple of weeks of knowing him. He is amazed.
They come back and she says, "Just sit with us. When this guy leaves we'll go."
Shit. We are so close. Should I blow Insta-Wing out? Damn. What to do? PlayerT is now getting dragged by HBSparkly to the dance floor - again. Shit.
I don't want to blow him out unless PlayerT can pick up the slack.
Insta-Wing starts buying shots for everybody.
Another round.
Then, another round.
Now, its about the end of the night. My girl is all over me. PlayerT is a bit confused about why/how he's getting CB'ed by HBTits. I'm laughing because I feel like I have magic friggin' social perception glasses on. I see it all - in every group I can tell you the dynamic. I can lay out a high-probably strategy for pulling with a few minutes of observation.
Insta-Wing gets the picture at the end of the night and leaves. It's us 4 now. They run off to the bathroom again. For 10 MINUTES!
We all walk out and it looks like its on.
But, the bouncers stop my HB's friend. "She can't drive!" they say - standing in her way. Shit. On top of that she's starting to feel sick.
Plans are destroyed. I make out and # close my HB.
I get a text later. "Good thing we didn't come over. Missy puked right after I pulled out of the parking lot."
Day2: Get booty call at 1:00 am while out with KinoMaster. Decide to go and close the deal. Heavy petting but no go. She is "on her period."
Lots of texting. I invite her over monday night. She says she isn't comfortable coming over when my kids are there.
Freeze out. She sends me 3 messages which I don't answer. She calls once, I don't answer. The 4th one I answer, "Do you still want me to come over?" Ha ha...freeze outs work.
She comes over.
I decide I'm not even going to let her OBJECT the very slightest tense of any of her muscles during escalation» -- I'm going straight into a freeze out.
I am COLD for the first 30 minutes. No touching. Nothing. Sitting on the couch like a good boy.
Finally she can't take it and she snuggles to my shoulder, puts a hand on my leg and looks up at me. I give her a little kiss.
In keeping with my NO OBJECTIONS RULE, I STOPPED the petting 7 TIMES!
She did manage to get one tiny objection in. But, then she got frozen out for a full 10 minutes. She had to re-initiate 3 times. ha ha.
Just f-closed her, but she's not a keeper. Not hot enough for a top 3 slot so will only have sex» with her again if I'm bored or something.
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