I think Brad P's 30/30 is Awesome. I finished most of the program. Got into an LTR around month 10 so didn't do much with the last two months.
But I wish I'd gotten into when I first started gaming in May 08. Instead of wasting time with other systems. If you follow the 30/30 as laid out you will get great results. It can seem a little "slow" at first but, stick with it, you'll find in the end you've developed a great foundation of inner/outer game and by years in will have pretty solid game.
This is a repost from Brad's 30/30 Club board. It was posted up by Jake P. one of his head coaches. I thought it was pretty inspiring so I'm reposting it her with Jake's permission. The bolded parts are Jake's emphasis from the original report.
This past weekend was the culmination of my existance... The Playboy Mansion Kandyland Party, a mystical evening set in lovely Beverly hills and filled with more joy that any young lad can dream of when he dreams of joyousness like this. Here's the story.
Brad, myself, and four Chicago friends meet in the penthouse of a popular Hollywood hotel to discuss the events of the evening. The plan is to take the limo to the Playboy Mansion where we will explore the glory that so many have talked about before.... the glory that fills men's hearts with glee across the globe... the glory that the playboy mansion promises to all who enter. That glory is boobs and vaginas... naked.
Our limo glides through the gates and slows to a hault in front of a mansion uplit in purple. The limo door opens and we're happily greeted by four 8's dressed in classy lingerie. After the necessary arrangements have been made, we're lead to the massive party tent through a forest filled with bright colors, M&M's, and Oompa Loompas around every corner.
When we arrive at the extravagant party tent, we're lead to our private cabana where we're greeted by our server Andrea. Andrea's a solid 10 brunette with the most fabulous ass this side of the mississippi. She's wearing black lingerie and greets us with a happy smile before showing us what's in-store for us. The girls have bought us gifts to start out the night (how thoughtful!) that we never opened because right next to them sat a delicious-looking menu with tonights beverage choices. Grey Goose, Patron, and Cristal were brought to the table, and up until this point in the evening I was 40% sure I wouldn't be drinking. However, since Cristal was coming to the table, I decided pretty much immediately that drinking was a great option for the night.
After the beverages have been arranged, our Chicago friends split apart from Brad and I and we decided to get to the task at hand. We take a couple pregame pictures, then walk about 4 steps and open our first group of girls. The girls are wearing next to nothing. One girl has bottoms on and only two cupcakes fastened through some form of black magic to her large breasts, another has only bottoms on and on her nipples are two sticky 3" stars. THe other two women are both wearing some nice lingerie. We talk for a few minutes and three of the women go somewhere and we're left with only one of the girls wearing lingerie. Brad attracts the girl then brings her back to the cabana to hang out with us, knowing that at some point in time her friends would be back.
I decide to stroll around a bit but first stop back at the cabana where i'm greeted by our cabana attendant's "friend," a 5'8" brunette wearing a very cute white see through loose dress. She's about a 7.5 in the body but definitely a 10 in the face, i'd give her an 8 overall (most would say she's a 9 I think). She asks me my name and I run Brad Pitt and smart/hot/rich. She's instantly attracted and we immediately go into some comfort stuff about where i'm from and what i'm doing there. Dirty old man routine when she asks my age. More kino. Logistics are great and this girl's not only hot, she's SUPER cool. I'm excited to continue gaming her.
I look over to my right and Brad's girl's girls have come into our cabana and Brad's now in the middle of the two large-breasted girls, one with the cupcake nipples and the other with the star nipples. They're both fighting for his attention, and the one with the stars on her nipples is winning. Brad stands up, and off they go.
I run a little more game on my girl until I realize that i'm at the Playboy Mansion and I still haven't even left the tent! My girl's helping out her friend (our cabana attendant) and so got to go get something, but she's not going anywhere. I might as well head out. I decide to hit the grotto and see what's what. I exit the cabana and walk about 5 steps where i'm greeted by a 5'8"ish cute brunette wearing a pink bikini and a yellow pearlish necklace and yellow eyeshadow. She's super hot, a definite 10.
We chat a bit and she's somehow convinced that i'm in a movie that she's seen. "I know you're in a movie, why don't you just tell me which one!" she says. "I don't know what you're talking about" I tell her. Obviously this amps up her curiosity and she's hooked so we head back to the cabana to chat. When we get there, I run some minimal game on her that basically consists of me witholding information from her and then working on some kino. In the middle of all of this, my girl (the friend of the cabana attendant) comes back to the cabana and is immediately jealous of the girl next to me. This is where it gets interesting. At this point in time, i've already established some comfort with my girl and I like her. She's extremely hot, smart, and witty and we're bantering back and forth doing things like licking each other's faces to play around. It's SUPER fun to me and i'm very attracted to her.
Brad shows back up with his star-nippled girl and immediately whispers in my ear that he just got a handjob in the bushy area by the zoo animals and came all over Hef's lawn. NIIICE!!! I'm like "Wtf!? WHERE?!!!" He immediately points diagonally across the party tent and tells me that I can walk through the exit there and follow the path through the zoo animals to a trail through some tall bushes where there's a bench to sit on. I introduce Brad to the girl who thinks i'm in a movie and then tell my girl "Hey, I want to explore, let's go for a walk" as I grab her arm and drag her off. We head to the exact place where Brad directed me to go, stopping at the Macaw's to take a couple pictures, then at the Monkeys to makeout. At this point in time we had only kissed a bit in the cabana, but not madeout yet so this was a necessary part of the escalation. When we get to the bushes with the bench the bench is occupied by another couple. FUCKER! I decide to keep walking and we stop just short of the end of the trail (and the back sloping lawn of the mansion) where we start to makeout again. I feel her breasts on the outside of her dress, then just a tad bit between her legs before grabbing her hand and directing it to touch me. She continues and I loosed my pants up and she goes in with her hand. We continue making out for another 10 seconds maybe, then are "caught" when another couple walks by us, then another. Damn it! We decide to abort mission, I zip up, and we head back to the cabana.
Back at the cabana Brad's been getting some "work" in. At this point in time, the star girl is gone (he ignored her until she went away) and now he's heavy into kino and teasing with the girl who thinks i'm a movie star. I'm hanging out with my girl some more and the 4 students are working on some girls.
Snoop comes on. The place ERUPTS and people scramble to the dance floor screaming. My girl wants to go watch and i'm down, but getting a little bit bored of her for the minute. Conveniently we "happen to get split up" in the crowd and I find my way back to a Brad who's now about 10 feet tall with his girl on his shoulders. We watch snoop for a bit and Brad informs me that his girl's friend wants to find somebody's shoulders to sit on. She shows up and she's stacked. Natural DD's begging to get some air. She instantly begs me to get on my shoulders, I look at Brad, and he tells me that maybe she should do something for us before she can get on my shoulders. She gets the idea and quickly flashes us. Oh yes, they're nice... really really nice... and really really big. But "That's not good enough" so she has to flash us again, this time giving us a good eyefull. I'm happy and Brad's happy so I'm about to let her get on my shoulders but not before I run a modified Blender routine on her.
I slowly whisper in her ear "Okay, I might be able to let you up on my shoulders here, but you have to promise not to think dirty thoughts about me and not to try to makeout with me when you get off. AND... you have to promise not to get so horny that you get wet. I don't want a big wet spot on the back of my neck. If I check and you're wet when you get off, then you're in big big trouble. " She gets up on my shoulders and we watch SNOOP give a great performance.
With Snoop still playing we head back to the cabana and continue to game the girls. Again my original brunette girl (attendant's friend) is right on top of me and we're on. At this point in the night, Brad and I have pretty much anchored the girls that we're most likely to sleep with for the night so we work with our Chicago friends a bit on the women they're gaming. The cabana is a madhouse filled up with all the pussy that can possibly fit, and the guys are a bit detached from the girls. When I recommend to one of the guys that he go and lay down across 5 hotties to tease them he's a little shaky, so I just go to the middle of them, turn around, shake my ass, and plant myself right down on top of them, laying across them right after.
When I lay down across the group, they go apeshit (not in a good way). They're pissed and pissy and want me off, so I get off of them. When I talk to the Chicago guys about this they tell me that the girls have been pissy to them too. WTF? I talk to Brad and we decide that we need room for more girls anyway, so Brad has the guys point out the ones they don't like and Brad and I herd them out of the cabana like the boring cattle they are. We literally just say "Hey, do we know you guys? No? Okay you gotta go." We open our arms out wide and just push them out.
Here's where i've got to make a point to anyone reading this. Here's the deal. Brad and I and anyone we're out with are fun motherfuckers when we go out. Girls LOVE us! We tease them, kino them, and fill them with positive emotions all night wherever we go. That means that when girls are in pissy moods are aren't up to hang with our energy level then it's time for them to go. Yes, that means hot playboy mansion chicks too. I see guys making this mistake all of the time. They have some girls with them or around them who have super bad energy and are just basically shitheadish all night long, but the girls are hot so the guys put up with it and even sometimes make extra accomodations for it. Why put up with this? Because they're hot? Who gives a shit? A confident guy or group of guys with true abundance mentality who are giving fun, positive emotions and kino to women all night long (and thereby raising everyone's states around) can reasonably assume that girls who try to throw a negative wrench in things are not cool enough to be hanging out with and should leave.
So guys listen up! If you're in the middle of learning pickup then this might be a tough thing to understand (so don't go bitterly tossing girls to the side all night long because your sarge doesn't work out the best), but if you're nearing the the clearing in pickup and you're a starting believe or you do believe that you're a confident, positive, fun guy who knows how to tease girls and have fun with being single and meeting people, then it's time to pull the blanket off of your head and look at your life accordingly. It sometimes won't matter how awesome you are, some girls are just going to be rude and pour out negative energy almost no matter what. Does that make sense? Believe and accept that you're a high value man, make decisions accordingly, and you'll find a sense of self-assuredness you've never felt. It happened to me this night at the Playboy Mansion. I felt like my all of my goals from when I originally got into the game had been not only accomplished, but blown completely out of the water. What a great feeling!
Now back to the story. The Chicago guys continue to game and are doing well and getting lots of attraction and makeouts. The night at this point is a blur of bottle after bottle of Cristal and girl after lingerie-clad girl running in and out of the cabana. Brad and I have our choices set in stone and the party is coming to a close. When it's time to head back to the hotel for the after party Brad and I get the dissappointing news that we've missed and limo with the guys and will now have to take one of the busses back to the hotel. Fuck!
We wait.... then wait.... then wait more, before I started to get into damage control mode. About an hour and 15 minutes into waiting for our bus, Brad and his girl are doing great but my girl has already gotten pissy and is now getting angry and wants to leave. She would tell me later that I never got upset and that I kept my cool, but at this point in the night I was drunk and ready to go so waiting around while my girl got progressively angrier and angrier wasn't making me happy. In addition, Brad's girl is now talking about "getting her friend to meet up with us" (importing a cockblocker) which makes my girl even more upset. We finally make it on the bus after over an hour and a half of waiting around and we make it to the hotel. Brad's girl is super smart, so smart in fact that she's in the process of outgaming my girl so that she can get her friend (the potential imported cockblocker) laid. We all decide to get a cab and when it comes, I try and drag my girl into the back of the cab. She won't go, so I sloppily try and muscle her in. Bad idea. She's still mad and jumps in the front seat. Things are getting nasty.
With my angry girl in the front seat and Brad on easy street, I start shutting down. I'm half-drunk, exhausted, and tired of dealing with my girl's bullshit and to add to it i've got no food in me and it's 4am. This is now a bad situation because i'm falling asleep/passing out. In fact, that's just what I do... I fall asleep.
But wait, this is a double LR isn't it? Oh yeah.... this is the point in the story where i'm saved gloriously by the number one pickup artist in the world, Brad P., who hasn't drank a drop throughout the night and is still awake and gaming. He somehow gets rid of my girl and we head to get his girl's friend at the hotel. When we get there and she goes into the hotel he wakes me up and gives me a pep-talk.
Brad: "Wake the fuck up dude! What are you doing?"
Me: "I'm tired and having trouble staying with it."
Brad: "Are you drunk?"
Me: "Yeah probably."
Brad: "My girl's getting her friend upstairs, yours left, and you need to wake the fuck up so we can take care of this. Do you need something? Can we stop at a gas station and get you a water or something?"
Me: "Red Bull, gimme a Red Bull and it'll wake me up. I'll be fine. I'm just so tired."
Brad: "Cool man, we'll stop at a gas station and get you one, but don't fuck this up."
Me: "Okay man, i'm cool. We'll get it done."
The girls come down and luckily my new girl is hotter than the one i've been gaming all night! SCORE! She's also been drinking also and Brad's girl woke her up to bring her with us, so we're both about in the same boat. We stop at the gas station and get me a Red Bull, then we're off to Brad's place.
On the ride home, I begin escalation of my girl. I basically start by putting my arm around her right when she gets in the car and we both just lay in the back seat until we hit the house. When we get to the house, we all roll in to Brad's room because i've got bad logistics (new place, no sheets on the bed yet cause it was my first night there, no furniture, etc.). After a quick "Hey, so this is the place" Brad and his girl hit the bathroom and I pretty much just turn to my girl and start making out with her. Afterall, it's late and it's pretty obvious what's going on here.
In the end, this was a great night that culminated in everyone having a great night! Brad and I both got SNL's and handjobs and we winged each other very well.
I'm going to lay off of the game discussion for this LR so that I can talk about what makes a Brad a guru and what makes him number 1. You with me here? Okay. So i've been a professional PUA for over a year now and my game's very solid. I get results time after time right in front of students eyes. For those who haven't read yet, checkout the attraction forums reviews at:
That said, I've spent more time with Brad than probably any other person (females not included) in the past 6 months. What continues to amaze me about Brad is the level on which he's gaming, and exactly how far above everyone else on the planet he is. I'll give you guys this night's results from the Playboy Mansion as an example. My results were: I got a handjob and number from one girl (an 8), and got laid by a solid 9 who most would say is a 10. I also warmed up Brad's girl while he was getting his handjob. I'd call that an assist on my part. In addition to this i'm gaming my regular girl and am active with 3 others right now. I'm writing this on Friday of the week after all of this happened and since then i've been sleeping with my girl from that night quite a bit. The other girl (the one who got angry) has been sick this week or i'd already have closed her as well. I suspect I will very soon. These results are no slouch at all I think. I'm proud of them, even though they're arguably sloppy for a pro.
Now let's look at Brad's results from the night. Brad got a handjob from a hot girl with huge tits, got her number, then ignored her until she went away because he knew the scumbag factor would allow him to game her later. He then warm-opened the girl who thought I was in a movie and got a lay from her as a result. He also got an assist by getting me laid by his girl's friend. While watching Snoop with his SNL girl on his shoulders, I had her friend on my shoulders after she showed me her gigantic tits. Brad's already been to lunch with the girl that was on my shoulders even though her and his SNL have been talking on the phone and both know that he's seeing both. In addition to all of this, he's gaming his current women on the side and has added another girl from the Thursday before. That's a total of 4 new girls between two nights of going out. That means he has the ability to establish a rotation of hot girls in a matter of two nights of gaming while still winging with me and having an amazingly fun weekend. This was relaxing for us! Enough said.
All in all this night was without a doubt the most enjoyable night of my entire life. Above it may sound different, but it really was a great night of partying that culminated in some prolonged good times for both Brad and I. You guys in 30/30 are learning from the best! Brad's truly #1. Thanks Brad for a great night out. I hope I can repay the favor by throwing you some hotties from time to time
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